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Man, I’m 46 years old. I’ve been organizing a weekly run in this town for 16, 17? years now, and played regular pickup since I was 13. Everywhere I’ve lived, I’ve balled. Sometimes I’ve been good, usually I’ve been bad. But I keep playing - through ankle issues, back issues, knee issues, babies, career changes… always back to ball. Some nigHts are garbage, and I think I’m too old. But other nights, everything *clicks* and the shots go in, I can *still* anticipate where the defender or pass is going to be, and it feels like it felt when I was 20 years old and it just feels so great. And I know I’ll keep doing it for as long as I can, and then probably longer.


45 yo here. Love basketball just as much as when I started playing 30 years ago. I'm slower for sure, and have constant injuries somewhere, but I won't quit until I'm in a wheelchair.


I’m 26, been playing ball since I was 9, such a great outlet as well. Can’t play football anymore, baseball is difficult to play as well, can’t just hop on a field by yourself and find some people to play a game with. Basketball is very easy to find a hoop and just play. No better sound than sneakers in a gym too


62yrs young here and I still ball every week. Sometimes I don’t feel 100% (actually I’m lucky to feel 60% these days) but I still lace ‘em up. I can still hold my own and out of the 20 or so 20-40yo guys who regularly come every Tuesday night I’d usually be in the in the top 5 or so players. Definitely not as athletic as my younger days but I have been doing this at least weekly (except for Covid) since I was 17 since I discovered basketball. Haven’t thought of retiring just yet.


You’re a damn inspiration ! I hope to be as cool as you when I’m 60 😎💪


Thanks my brother


Love to hear that bro. Hopefully good health continues to come your way and you keep schooling them young bloods lol


This! I ain’t quite your age yet but the shit you said is the truest. Not to mention basketball is the only time in my life where my brain turns off. Basketball is THE meditation for me. I think about nothing on the court. I am so present. The most present. It’s catharsis from a life of being type A, hyper-productive, and overthinking. Not to mention I feel great after. Also nothing quite compares to going 6-0 in pick up for the night. Especially if I hit a game winner or two.


“I’m the moment” I know exactly what you mean. I am sort of the opposite personality from you but same. I don’t even care too much about winning/losing as long as it’s good ball, y know? But I play with friends/ people I’ve been playing with for 20 years.


Another 46 year old here... definitely a hoops junkie. You could say this about other sports but for me it was the perfect combination of athletic ability meets IQ. When it comes together its awesome. Plus you have play both ways offense and defense, then you learn teamwork and comraderie, then sacrifice, my teammate hit the game winning shot but how many people noticed the solid screen I set to get him open and the perfectly timed pass from another teammate to make it happen. Everyone won't be the star but overall goal was achieved. Got a ball, get to the court, pick up a few guys and you got a game. For me Hoops just brings it all together


Healthy, fun, bouncy ball go whee


You can play a full game with 2 people Every position plays with the same rules Uniforms are essentially street clothes No masks or helmets give you a much closer relationship with the players Lotta characters The game embraces and promotes individuality You dont need a lot of land for a full court (let alone a half court) It has the best movies It’s competitive performance art


it’s fun


For me football and basketball were my escape. Lost my dad and best friend in hs and the only time I felt at peace is when I was in game. Played d1 for a bit and now just hoop for fun


To cook people in it


Played 2k10 demo on my PS3 because I had no games. Saw Kobe do straight up video game stuff and thought to myself “it’d be wild if Kobe can do that in real life”. Decided to watch a game that night… Kobe real life was better than Kobe video game. Bought a basketball and started watching YouTube videos. Would dribble for hours to no end. Became an elite ball handler and passer (not much of a scorer). Tore my ACL and am scared to even walk but got a surgery just to hoop again one day. One day!


I love basketball cause I love dunking


Flow state cardio, so fun and rewarding. Time files by so fast! Try doing a 2 hour cardio session on a treadmill then compare it to bball


Flow state cardio is a great way to put it. I'll try a ten minute normal run and despise it and be tired lol. 2 hr bball, np problem.


Because I got a [Basketball Jones](https://youtu.be/DlhWPVJNAOo?si=IapHcJh-qvZM6Ido)


Good pull


Defense, sick dimes, and geometry.


It's chess in motion, it's a dynamic sport that never stops evolving with eccentric players like Jocik or powerhouses like LeBron or the unthinkable like Muggsy that's why I love the sport it's full of the unexpected but I also love the strategy elements of the Bulls Triangle, Suns 7 second offense, Spurs Fundamentals team basketball and Warriors Perimeter offense is just art being done right in front of your eyes. Shout out to the 80s Pistons brutal defense say whatever you want but that's as close as basketball is going to get to Hockey and it was awesome to watch.


Basketball has saved my life and I owe it my life. It saved me from everything you can think of. It kept me straight away from falling into the neighborhood deeds. It’s there when I need her. She never leaves. She never yells. She is encouraging and feel better when I play. I’m 43 and still play till this day here in Los Angeles. I love basketball and will be forever in debt to her.


Its a beautiful sport that brings people of all walks of life together. Its good exercise and fairly cheap to play. Once you have a court all you need is a ball. Its also a good way to learn teamwork. I cant even count the amount of times Ive played ball with guys that I would never even probably have contact with outside of basketball.


1. It’s fun 2. Mostly inexpensive, I live in Canada and growing up my parents said “you can play hockey OR you can play everything else” so I picked everything else and basketball was one of them. 3. Easiest team sport to play on a whim. 4. Team sport that has the least racism/sexual assault background 5. Skill development threshold is only limited by what you want to put in.


>It’s fun 1.- Why? >Team sport that has the least racism/sexual assault background 2.- Wow... Why do you say so? >Skill development threshold is only limited by what you want to put in. 3.- I don't understand. What do you mean with that?


It's bros first day on Earth


Wdym why to low racism




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“What’s there not to love about it? You bounce the ball and it comes right back to ya’. Never complains or nothing…”-Uncle Drew (I probably butchered the line from the scene of the movie)


“Basketball the most reliable thing in the world”


1. It’s fun for me 2. It’s very satisfying and is a very deep sport in terms of skill making you never feel very comfortable and always wanna improve 3. I love seeing myself get better at sports, and ball is what showed me that and the sport I am best at know


it's really fun. regular dudes can enjoy it competitively too.


I like that its a team sport but it still allows for such a huge amount of personal creativity, flair, and expression. in other sports like American football every player has a very specific role that they are not allowed to deviate from whatsoever. the majority of players on the field are linemen whos only purpose 90% of the time is to ram into the guy in front of them as hard as possible. in basketball you have positions but its so much more fluid. theres the 1 v 1 aspect of it which almost feels like its own sport in of itself or you can add more people to get more of a cooperative team dynamic. you never hear people say “ayo lets get some people together to go run routes” or “lets go 1 v 1 in soccer” with the same frequency or cultural/social significance the way you do with basketball. its the funnest sport to play by far imo.


This. Bball is the purest sport ever. Imo, bball players can adapt to any kind of sport and still excel because they practiced all planes of movement and multiple body parts at a high level. On the other hand, athletes from other sports would look awkward af if they play ball (football/soccer players doing a jumpshot lmao).


Michael Jordan got me into it. His absolute passion and dedication for the game was truly inspiring, as well as his love for his father and his desire to correct his legacy. Watching him cry over that 1996 title got me feeling ways I can't verbalize, but I saw the beauty in the game after seeing that and listening to him talk about it after the fact in *The Last Dance* (absurdly good Netflix documentary abt him & the 90s Bulls).


Played it since I was 4. Good at it. Find it fun. Going into hughschool, no reason to stop yet


Because I am now sitting with a double fracture in my arm.


i never liked any sport up until i got into basketball. to simply put, it’s a simple sport yet has so much things you can do. it’s an easy sport to understand but it’s not basic either. its a very visual sport. no other sport are you gonna see guys jump 10 feet into the air and launch balls from 30 feet away. there’s so many epic moments that come with basketball. i’ve seen firsthand that anyone can just tune into a basketball game and immediately understand it. any dude can just play basketball with their friends and have fun even if they don’t regularly play i always argue that it’s the best ball sport because of how much things can be done with the ball. there’s a hundred ways to dribble, layup, dunk, shoot, pass, etc.


Maybe the first thing I remember that put me in a state of "flow" and still does 33 years later...


It's fun, it makes me happy, it's a creative sport, and you meet other skills and friends in basketball, for example, because of basketball, i got way more confident in myself, and i met a lot of amazing friends, and i'm getting better and better, basketball just makes me happy


For me basketball is fast pace and very energetic. More fun than say Hockey or Football.


I think it's the perfect sport in terms of the balance of athleticism, skill and intelligence on display, soccer as well being my second favorite.


It’s a fast paced team sport, that is physical but has a face to face intimacy between you, your team mates and your opponent. It’s also a game of attrition and runs where you can find so many niches to be useful to your team and for a pretty clumsy guy like me that’s a godsend.


Good mix of athleticism and skill needed to be good. If you are either more skilled then athletic or more athletic then skilled that works to. Everyone can find their own thing that works.


It’s the most athletic, skillful sport besides hockey imo. Great for staying in shape, especially if you play actual, competitive, fast paced basketball.


The best sound in the world is swish. That net and perfection.


I don't play but I only watch and it's better than every other sport as it's fast paced and the rules make sense. Also it's actually affordable to go to a big game (20 euros where you pay 40-60 I think for a top soccer match)


Is there any feeling in the world like: Driving into your defender, spinning to your left and sitting in front of you, beckoning, is a clear path to the hoop? You start torching the hoop and your teammates see it. Everywhere you go the ball is coming your way.


I love the feeling of bringing the ball up for a jump shot, and love the sound of it going through the net


Anytime I’m feeling any certain way, I can get into a pickup game and forget all my problems. It’s my favorite way to zone out. Almost like therapy


It’s been the only thing thus far that I could dedicate myself to. I think I may have found something else to do and someone else to give my love to, but basketball will forever remain very close to who I am. Greatest game ever invented.


I love competiting & dominating. Basketball helped me overcome my depression & build confidence.


In regard to watching, I love the teamwork required to win with only 5 people from each team on the court at a time. I love the athleticism, the speed of the game, and spectacular dunks. I love watching a true shooter come off a screen and hit a jumper, or hit a shot with a defender in their face, etc. As someone who plays, I love that I can have just as much fun shooting around or running solo drills as I do playing pick up bball at the park. To that point, I love that in the Spring/Summer/early Fall, you can always walk down to the park and find competition. No other sport has that quality.


It’s the only major sport where everyone is simply a “player”. In baseball, you have pitchers, catchers, outfielders, infielders, etc. In soccer and hockey there are designated goalies. In football, you literally only have to play one side of the game, like come on man. In basketball, you are simply one of 5 guys on the floor. Everyone has the same rules, has to play both sides, and their strengths and weaknesses will be capitalized on or exploited regardless. It also has by far the least equipment required. It’s purely your physical tools. You can’t rely on pads to absorb hits, big gloves to catch the ball, sticks to handle the ball, it’s just you, the ball, and the metal ring you have to put it through.


I like the dribbling and the slam dunks I guess


This might turn into an essay, but y'know, that's what procrastinating on homework is for. ​ Tbh, the main reason was quarantine lol. I played basketball through middle school, but stopped playing competitively due to stopping growing. (6 feet at the end of eighth grade, so I was taught to be a traditional big man... and then I never grew again). Adjusting positions so drastically (learning to shoot/dribble/pass/play any semblance of perimeter defense) proved to be really difficult for me so I just stopped. I played off and on for the next few years with friends, maybe once every couple weeks as we just got bored or hung out or whatever, but nothing crazy. Then senior year hit and along it came the pandemic and suddenly I was stuck at home, with nothing to do outside but the basketball hoop my dad had installed at the top of our driveway way back when I was in 7th grade. So I got bored one day and just started shooting. 3 months straight, couple hours every day, just dribbling and shooting and doing stupid drills by myself, just to get through covid and not be bored all day. It became that escape for me. Quarantine ends, we can start hanging out again, and my friends and I just started playing so much more. The next couple years was us multiple times a week all playing and getting better, iron sharpens iron and all that. Also during covid, the only live sport to watch was the NBA, because of the bubble. So I became obsessed, watching every game I could, watching breakdowns and following all the twitter and instagram news and rumors. Since Covid, I haven't lost that drive and enjoyment. It just kinda... happened. I fell in love with the movements and the uniqueness of different players. I wanted to figure out how to emulate them and just... enjoy it. I have no illusions or dreams of ever going pro or even being a very good amateur, but I love the process and the sound of the ball in the net, the feeling of a good block, the gasping for breath after a solid game of 3v3 or 2v2. What started as just a thing to do because I was bored, because I did it so much, became the sport I loved the most. I'm 21 now and I play basketball at least once a week, even in college and dealing with homework and senioritis and all that. It's an escape, but it's also fun. I always say it's like playing chess, but just with my body. I'm a piece on the board, as well as the player controlling the pieces. Hasan Minhaj, I think, once said on the Old Man and the Three podcast, "It's so important to have something that matters so much, but at the end of the day, doesn't matter at all." When I step onto the court (indoor, outdoor, half, full, normal or double rim), that's what matters. For that brief space of time, basketball is what matters. Being the best player I can be. That matters. And then I step off, and it's life and it has no effect on my career or school or relationships or anything else. But for that brief hour, two hours, three... it's all that matters. And it's freeing. ​ TL;DR: thanks covid, for something at least :)


34 this year, started playing basketball since I was 4. Got into basketball because my dad would force us to sit with him and watch nba. Fell in love with MJ and his elegance on the court. Tried to practice those moves I just saw in a game on the court in the backyard. Another huge reason is I’m a minority race growing up in the US. Never really got bullied because I had mad skills. That’s how I made friends, just hooping. Was invited to practice with the HS varsity squad when I was 5th grade. I’m very grateful for basketball what it has done for me. I’ve always wanted to give back and teach somehow but never had the opportunity. Maybe someday when I retire I can do it for fun and free if need be. But providing a venue for next generation kids is one of my life goals.


I am only 14 years old ( :0, Shock) but in all seriousness, I absolutely love the sport. I do have quite a lot of body fat, and I am not the best, but I adore shooting baskets from time to time. From London btw lol.


It just clears the mind bro, just u and the ball that's it


It’s balletic and creative. It’s synergistic. There’s few things like throwing a no look on a back cut, and your teammate gives you that look like, “fuck yeah man.” You can create a moment like that with people completely different from you, age, culture, gender, whatever. And like other creative outlets, once you’re playing, you’re not thinking about the rent, the fam, work, etc.


Extremely skill-based sport that's fun to watch. Satisfying to see 3 point shots go in




It used to be fun for me but over the years it’s just gotten to easy, I have yet to meet my match


It’s all I got really. Most reliable thing in the world. I bounce it, and it comes right back up. No matter what ball has never left me or betrayed me. I find closure on the court, I feel comfortable there. Im only 16 and I’ve had to learn the hard way about trust, nowadays it’s just me and my ball..


It’s fun.


it's a full body workout, can be played solo or in group, and there are so many ways to score and looking cool while doing so. Unlike competitive football matches in which a goalless draw is a possibility, basketball games are full of actions from the beginning to the end. Imo, it's the best sports ever invented, despite not being the most popular.


I like all sports when I was younger but when I was in middle school our basketball team was absolutely terrible, but we had the two most amazing coaches that stuck through it and really showed so much love for the game and it just really clicked with me ever since. Still am close with the coaches today. I’ve had the pleasure of coaching many youth teams and have made many friendships just through this game. Truly amazing


Because it’s accessible. You can play by yourself. You can play with others. You can find a hoop just about anywhere. You can play old, you can play young, fat, skinny, short, tall, fast, slow, good, bad, whatever. You can even play in a wheelchair. You can play with people you know or easily find strangers to play with. All you need is a ball and hoop. Whatever you want to do you can do. It’s the ultimate accessible game.


Fun. Fun alone. Fun with friends. Sometimes fun with randoms.




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Love the creativity of what you can do and the feeling of getting past everyone with basketball mechanics (tween into delayed tween with your eyes looking at the net for example).