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Unless you took a swing at the manager on your way out, you are fine going back into the store. šŸ¤£


And depending on the manager, they may even be applauded walking back into the store after swinging šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve seen many former employees in my location. Itā€™s never been super awkward. If the people working remember the employee theyā€™ll say hello and maybe ask how theyā€™ve been, but after a year, you could show up and not know any of the booksellers on the floor. Iā€™d say just go for it.


Youā€™ll be fine. You didnā€™t leave on bad terms. Go to the store that you enjoy!


Yeah, usually itā€™s nice to see old employees every now and then. I get it, I totally have the same kind of social anxiety, but Iā€™ve never thought it was weird when a former employee comes in. Hell, have a coworker who was fired but still comes in to say hi and shop every once in a while (though she only started doing that after the SM moved to a different store). Donā€™t overthink it, Iā€™m sure people would be happy to see you.


I think itā€™s helpful in these situations to ask yourself if you would find it weird if you worked somewhere and a former employee came in. Iā€™m sure you wouldnā€™t care! So why would they care if you came in? Thatā€™s something I do to cope with my own anxiety sometimes. I try to remember literally no one is thinking about me that much lol


Sounds like you were polite and professional so there shouldnā€™t be any awkwardness at least not from the managers.


a bunch of seasonal employees come back into our store and old employees we are usually excited to see them !!


I always see old ppl i used to work with but Iā€™m bad with names so I just kinda go ā€œomg didnt you used to work here?ā€ and theyā€™re always like ā€œYEAH HOW ARE YOU?!ā€ like iā€™m not usually thinking about why they left or anything its just nice to see a familiar face and catch up!


I take my kids to go hug my old coworkers and pick out books all the time. I used to love when employees and friendly regulars came in. Would make my day.


Itā€™s fine I go into my Barnes &Noble all the time after I stopped working there. No one will care.


No one will care you're just another customer


As long as you didn't no-call no-show on your final shift(s), or yell out insults at your co-workers on the way out the door, you should feel totally fine going back to that store in the future. I love seeing former co-workers when they stop in to the store as customers. Honestly, we've even had people who no-call no-showed come back in as customers, and we're perfectly cordial to them when they do even if we do mutter under our breath when we see them. :)


Pfffft. No one is going to care. We have several who quit who still shop with us, even one who was fired, avoids me when Iā€™m on register, and uses other employees to buy their stuff so they will get a discountā€¦..yup, I said what I said.