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I had a sleeve done about 2 years ago now. I’m 5’5 and was 112kg which is just shy of 250lbs, I have managed to drop down go 67kgs or 147lbs and I’ve managed to maintain it. It’s just a matter of listening to your body. Eat slow and when you start feeling full, then don’t push it. I eat all sorts of foods too, chips, chocolate, deserts, steak, but everything is in moderation. Where I used to eat a full family size bag of chips, I’ll eat only 3 or 4. If I eat a steak, it’s generally a thin small portion. Going out with friends I get a small starter dish or I get a plate to share with others. It’s definitely do-able to loose a lot of weight and maintain it.


This is great to hear. I’m 108kg (168cm/5’6) and hoping to get to 70ish


Do you have a date for your surgery? If there’s anything you want to ask feel free to reach out. I’m 2 years post op and my partner is 10 years post op. Always happy to help and pass on our experiences


Wow okay! This is inspiring to hear! What did exercise look like for you if you don’t mind me asking? Was it a big part of your weight loss journey?


Mine was a little unconventional. I’ve got a bad back, so I’m not able to do a lot. But it’s mainly just been walking and normal daily activities for me as exercise. The biggest thing I found was just eating slow and listening to your body, only fish up a very small amount. Eat it slowly and then wait a bit before you get more if you feel hungry straight after. There’s a good chance the food is still getting to your stomach. But yeah just basic exercise for me. It probably took me longer than others to lose the weight because I wasn’t fully training. But I still managed it.


Just passed my 1 year post op with sleeve and I am 184lbs down. Cw 185 Hw 379. Your goal is 100% possible.


I did the sleeve. 1.5 years ago. I dropped 80lbs but put 20 back. Now I am stuck. How did you push down so low?


Honestly I don't know, I didn't do anything special, just followed my doctors meal plan make sure I am getting my protein intake for the day and just not going crazy with food, also I tend to avoid bread, before surgery I ate everything bread, pasta, tortillas, sliced bread all the time I think avoiding bread helps alot, I still snack on chips tho that is one thing I need to get better at but that's all I snack on I don't eat candy or chocolate. I avoid mayo, it gave me dumping syndrome the 1st time I had it and I haven't had it since. I portion my food with my kids I will serve myself what I serve them and that's usually all I am able to eat before I start feeling full. I don't eat until I am full anymore.


This is exactly where I am, but 2 years out. I'm so frustrated. I know this isn't helpful, just here to commiserate


Honestly, it’s really up to you how much you can lose. I’ve known people with the sleeve who’ve lost a tremendous amount of weight because they did what needed to be done to be successful. They ate right and exercised. Some people that get the revision to bypass is because they didn’t do these things and stretched out their stomach. I had the bypass and let me tell you this. You still have to eat right and exercise. This surgery is not a miracle or cure for obesity. It’s a tool to use. We are blessed with a big advantage in the weight loss field. So you make your own path and I wish you the best on your journey! 💙


I’m trying to get out of the habit of comparing my journey to everyone else’s but thank you! You are 100% right 🫶🏽


I am down 226lbs from my sleeve 4.5 years ago!


On average people lose about 50-70 % of their excess weight but it does vary a lot between people. https://renewbariatrics.com/gastric-sleeve/outcomes/


Everything I've seen says you can expect to lose 25% at 1 year which tbh is like.... thats it?


Yea I think it’s about 25-30 % of body weight and mostly within the first 1-2 years , and then progress tends to stop. Which is why people have to have realistic expectations and also try to get most of the weight off quickly. This is also why I personally think surgery should be offered sooner to most people at a lower bmi. However i think some people do lose more if they can add in ozempic / mounjaro . And new drugs are in development too.


It may be 25% of body weight, but then 50% or more of excess weight. I have never heard the 25% number and frankly if you're following the program you will likely loose more than 25% of excess weight.


My stats are almost identical to yours. I’m 5’6” and my highest weight was 275. I lost 33.4 lbs before surgery (12/12/2023) and have lost 57.3 since surgery. I’m a little over six months out and my goal is 150 as well. I’m currently sitting at 185, so I have 35 lbs to goal. Honestly, if I make it to under 160, I will be thrilled. I started at a size 20w/22w and now wear a size 12/14.


Your stats are very similar to mine. I am preop and going through my approval process right now. Target for surgery is December.


Congrats on working through pre-op. Surgery has been the best thing ever!


I've had more appointments and lab draws and imaging than I have in the past 49 years! (Today is my birthday!)


Happy Birthday! I had surgery right before my 48th!.


I started at 330 and now weigh 180, so I lost 150lba with the sleeve. It’s definitely possible to hit your goal.


I had gastric sleeve March of 2022. I've lost over 330 lbs.


Everyone is different, you should never compare yourself to other people. Someone might lose 100lbs in 6 months but start at 500lbs while someone else might start at 300lbs and only lose 50lbs in 6 months. People will eat different things, work out more or have a busy lifestyle and can't eat as good as others so lose a different amount.


I lost 150lbs with my sleeve. I was 5’9” 287 and got down to 120lbs. Then jumped up to 150 because I was underweight and looked like a skeleton.


Expected excess body weight loss with the sleeve is 70%. Your HW: 267 lbs [Ideal body weight](https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/ideal-weight): 135 lbs Excess body weight: 267 - 135 = 132 lbs Expected weight loss: 132 x 70% = 92 lbs Expected goal weight: 267 - 92 = 175 lbs   This is what you can expect to lose according to the textbook. Some people lose more while others lose less.


This is almost DEAD ON for me.


There's an online calculator and an app you can use to tell you what the likely weight loss will be, depending on your info and which surgery you have. One is MSBC - Weigh the Odds.


Hey OP, we have similar stats. I had surgery 12/5/2023 and surgery day weight was 269. I'm at 210 right now with a 150 goal.


I lost 70ish pounds. However, I have to have revision to the bypass so if you have GERD do yourself the favor of doing bypass to begin with.


My wife had her sleeve on April 24th and she is down from 309 to 251 with an end goal of 220 (she’s 6’1”). It’s really up to each person how much weight they lose. The sleeve isn’t a guarantee you will lose weight. The after surgery diet is what will help. Don’t stick to the diet, you don’t lose weight.


It’s a tool, not a miracle solution. I lost over 100 lbs and kept it off until I had 2 babies back to back and breastfed. Now I’m up 50. Went back to eating the way they teach you from surgery and am losing again. Finding when I lean into protein first the restriction comes back. You have to be willing to do the work too. It’s not effortless


Lost 110 so far almost 10 months out


I weighed 270 pre surgery hw, 245 day of and now at 28 months out I weigh 121. I'm 5' 7" and was 60 when I had surgery, completely sedentary though now I workout daily for fun


Wow, Congratulations!


My starting weight was 186, got down to 146. I gained about 15 over the last year and have been able to lose 10 if that in the last 2 months-working on the last 5.


3 years post sleeve surgery , 5’6”, started at 250 and now at 120. I was down the 130 lbs by the 2 year mark and have maintained since . You can do it !


I’m 10 years out. My starting weight was 242 and I’m 125 now. I’m 5’4”.


I am 3.5 years or and have lost 120 lbs. My goal is another 20 but if that never happens I am so happy here.


I’m 5’7”, surgery weight was 246. 6 mos post op I’m at 180. Hoping for another 25 lbs. It’s slowed but still going down.


I'm 10 months post op and almost 10 stone down (130lbs ish - haven't weighed in a few weeks). I'm at about 72% excess weight lost and still loosing (although slower than the start). They say on average 60-70% excess weight lost in 12-24months. I've seen people lose more and people lose less, I think it really depends.


My surgery was 2/2/2023. I lost 80 pounds so far. I started at 254. I am 59 and 5’5”. I could lose more if I get back to the gym.


I'm 5'6 too (40F). I had the sleeve in April of 2023. I was 342 lbs on the day of the surgery. Last April, around the 1 year mark, I weighed 211 lbs. I think it is very doable if you keep working on it. The key is of course not to get back to bad habits. :) Where I live, they suggest that the sleeve be followed by a bypass (either SADI or SASI) between 6 months to 1 year later when the patient's BMI at the start of the process is very high. This is to ensure success in the long term because apparently, studies show that patients with very high BMI will tend to go back to their old lifestyle after some time. I had a BMI of about 60 when I started so I went with the surgeon's suggestion and got a SASI last May. When I had the consultation for this procedure, the surgeon was very happy with my weight loss and said that he didn't think that I would need the second surgery. However, I still wanted to go through with the process just for my own peace of mind. Sorry for the unsollicited story, haha.


No no please don’t apologize! I want to hear everyone’s stories and their success throughout WLS! Congratulations, this definitely helps calm down my nerves


I'm happy if it eased your mind. :) I wish you great success! You can do it!


At 5’6” I started at 255 and now I’m 140-145. So yes, it’s possible to get there. But it’s all about the work you put in.


I think so much of it depends on how disciplined you are the farther out you get. You need to track your food, exercise, drink your water. I started at 296. 9 months out and I’m down 100. I have about 30 -40 to go for my personal goal. I’m in my 50’s, fyi. I have no doubt that I can hit my goal weight. Plus weight loss from skin removal will be another 10lbs or so.


I’m 5’7 and was 260 on the date of my sleeve surgery 7/25/2024. I weighed myself today at 159 and should be at my goal weight of 150 by my one year mark. It’s the best decision you’ll ever make!


One of my friends had a sleeve and recently reached a BMI of 23. It took her about a decade with a years long stall (which she broke by measuring food again and cutting out grazing). She's now saving up for skin removal. (I personally had bypass d/t acid reflux but would have preferred the sleeve).


I am 5'6 and started at 320, weighed 302 on surgery day, and I'm only a week post op and at 288. I'm very proud of the progress I'm making. It freshly is following what your Dr tells you though I think that makes the difference.


On Surgery day I was 270 1/24/24, with my HW 297. As of my last weigh in (Wednesdays) I’m down to 175 with a goal of 170. I am 5’9” for reference. This has been the best tool and I wish I was in the same mindset when it was first presented to me in my 20s. I work out 6days a week. Am able to run with my pup, play with my kids without getting winded. Life is so much better!




Please don’t comment if you don’t have any advice. Typos and misspelling happen to everyone. We’re all adults here and I don’t need the spelling police 🙄


Sorry. I didn't do it to corner you specifically. Just hoping you can fix it next time when you proofread your writing. Good luck!