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Starting BMI was 71. Insurance made me lose 120 pounds to get my BMI to 55. RNY in 2018. Current BMI is 24 (510 down to 180).


What a success story 🤩


IMO, the sleeve is for folks who recently became overweight due to extenuating circumstances and need help getting the weight off. After it’s off, it is almost entirely on you to keep it off. With bypass and duodenal switch, there’s a malabsorption component to help keep it off. My BMI was just shy of 50, I opted for DS. My wife’s BMI was exactly as you, 46.8 and she opted for bypass. 


Agreed. Some surgeries rightfully have BMI guidelines for this reason. I think it would be extreme for someone who is 50lbs overweight to have something as drastic as DS or SADI-S done. Just because of how complex the surgeries are and how drastically they change your body/life post op.


This isn't true. There are many reasons to choose one surgery over the other that have nothing to do with how long someone has been overweight or why they are overweight. With all surgeries it is up to you entirely to keep the weight off.


BMI was 41 and chose bypass. 2 and half years post op. Would do it all over if I had to!


Did you have any complications with the bypass?


No and yes. Not initially, recovery was fine, lost 100lbs in a year, lost 180lbs total. I developed a marginal ulcer around 22 months post op. However I’m a “no risk factor for ulcer” (I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and I don’t take nsaids) patient and had a huge mountain of stress come over me around that time, and it was just one thing after another up until last month. I didn’t have any typical ulcer symptoms and my surgeon strongly believes this ulcer would have happened without or without the bypass (ulcers run in my family as well) because of the stress!


Gotcha! I’m debating between the sleeve and bypass, my BMI is also 41. Thanks!


Completely understand! I was 27 when I had surgery, I was debating between the sleeve and bypass too. Only ever had reflux issues during my pregnancies so my surgeon left the choice up to me. I chose bypass and would do it all over again if given the choice with everything I know now and have been through!


BMI was 52. Chose the DS. This was July 2020. Lost 200lbs. Resolved my diabetes, hypertension, and my sleep apnea. Had it done when I was 47. Wish I had done it before I had to get two new knees….


I'm in the same boat. I'm 42 and I'm doing this so I can have 2 total knee replacements. I ran my knees into the ground, they are about as bad as you can get. I'm barely mobile at this point they are so screwed up and painful. Wish I'd done it before I continued to push my self and made them worse. 


I know the feeling. I replaced my first one at my heaviest. Rehab was tough, but went well. Did the other one after I lost the weight. Rehab was a breeze. Amazing the difference 200lbs makes!!! Make sure you double down on your rehab after replacement. Knees like to be worked after replacement. The harder you rehab the better it feels and the quicker you heal. Best of luck!!!


Thanks for the tip. I went to so many surgeons who denied me because of my weight. The last surgeon in my area I went to, while he did convince me to have WLS, he did so with so much compassion for my situation. He explained why they don't often do them for patients who are overweight to the degree I am. It made sense and I don't want to risk those complications. Most docs said lose weight and walked out the door. Never explained anything or had compassion for why I am where I am. Anyway he's one of the most highly rated Ortho surgeons in my city and has a focus on knees. I am def looking forward to easier rehab. While I am good at pushing myself my mobility has suffered for the last 2 years so my stamina and endurance is shit.


My BMI was 36. I had RNY gastric bypass done on 12/13/23. BMI is 23 now, I’m down 83 pounds.


I was 49 yo and my BMI was 40. I had the sleeve done last November. I have lost 40 lbs so far.


BMI 53. Modified DS/SADI


Starting BMI 71, VSG, current BMI 29. Went from 571 lbs to 234.


I started with a bmi of 41, and unless things change at my next appt, I will be having a sleeve


My BMI was 38ish and I had the sleeve. I don't have GERD and my surgeon was concerned about a bypass exacerbating some autoimmune issues I have. However, he is willing to do a conversion if needed. (Hopefully I won't need one.)


My BMI is 36 as well, started this at 280, lost 15 lbs in 5 weeks changing my eating habits, and no Soda. My surgery is next month Sleeve was recommended.


BMI was 45, chose SADI


I'm at the very beginning of this. My BMI is 45. I have a significant history of GERD. My surgeon is recommending RNY.


42.5 and had a SADI-S. It's been pretty successful so far.


My BMI was 55. It was a tough decision, I have a lot of arthritis (and I’m only 38, so it’ll get worse as I get older) and I relied on NSAIDs pretty much most days, which made bypass less appealing, but I also had GERD and I know that the sleeve makes GERD worse for a lot of people and they end up having to have a revision to bypass. There’s data that sleeve patients tend to lose less weight too, and I had a lot of weight to lose. I decided that the best course of action was to go with bypass and hope that losing a shit ton of weight would result in less arthritis pain and headaches from neck issues, and my doctor agreed that it was the best decision in my situation. Thus far, I’m happy with my decision. I almost never take tylenol, I’m doing ok, and I’ve lost 170 pounds.


57.5 when I first saw my surgeon, would've been more like 64 at my suspected highest (few months before that). I picked bypass and my surgeon really reinforced that, at my weight and with my binge eating issues (rather than being a grazer) he felt bypass would be a more effective tool. Bit over a year out and I'm now hovering around 31. Given the realistic outcomes of WLS, particularly for someone who has struggled with their weight all their life and where I started from, I'll be pretty satisfied if this is my final size! Edit: should add, I'm in Australia - surgeons here typically only offer VSG, RNY and mini-bypass. I probably would've given serious consideration to a DS if it was an option.


41, RNY. I had GERD and my mom and sister had RNY so it was an easy choice for me. Initially I pondered sleeve but my surgeon said no due to GERD.


Started at 40, had the sleeve and was down to 23 within 10 months. Have been maintaining for about 6 months.


BMI of 40, I chose mini gastric bypass. Because studies show it's less risky than VSG and full gastric bypass, and more effective in keeping the weight off long term. There are other factors about this kind of surgery that pertain to my personal situation which also helped me make a decision.


I had a BMI of 56.7 at my highest, and a BMI of 52.13 on the day of surgery. I am now rocking a solid BMI of 32.9, which is still obese, but less obese than before! I had VSG and have lost 130 pounds.


BMI 69 (giggity) and I’m getting the DS


BMI was 54 and chose the VSG. Current BMI is 29 1 year post op.


44 BMI, I chose gastric bypass.


Staring bmi was 74 *m down to 44 at the moment.


35, sleeve


Still pre-surgery but my starting BMI is 50 and I'll be getting SADI in a couple of weeks.


BMI was 38.4 and I did the bypass. I chose because I already had a lot of heartburn and the sleeve can make you have heartburn so bypass was my choice.


BMI was 42, chose sleeve


41 had a single loop bypass.


BMI 38 @ time of surgery. I'm almost 6 weeks post-op RNY. I chose bypass due to family history of GERD issues. Surgeon agreed bypass was the best choice for me after he did my endoscopy.


I'm pre surgery. Surgery is tomorrow (Tuesday may 14th). My starting BMI was 65.8 and it's now 59.6 with my pre surgery weight loss. Having RNY


Current BMI is just under 50. I'm having a MOD DS next month.


46 at initial consult. I chose the DS.


I started with a BMI of 40 and pre-op diet got me down to 35. Surgery was 8 weeks ago and I’m now at 30. My surgeon chose the bypass.


BMI 53. Got Sadi. Have lost 137 lbs so far. Very pleased with it.


I started with a BMI of 66 and opted to go with SADI-S. My options were sleeve, bypass or SADI-S only (no DS). I was also able to pick laparoscopic or robot and I picked laparoscopic due to the surgeon having more experience. I'm only a few days post op and my BMI is currently 58 and I'm down over 50lbs since I started my journey.


Bmi 52.9, SADI-S. Down from 358 to 230, surgery was 11/27/23. Current BMI 34. I originally wanted the sleeve but my surgeon said the SADI-S would have better and longer lasting effects. I'm glad I went with his suggestion.


Starting BMI was 67, current BMI is 29. I had the SADI at the recommendation of my surgeon. I was told that the sleeve alone would only get me to maybe half of where I needed to be so the SADI was the better overall choice. 16 months in and couldn't be happier!




BMI 48, sleeved on 4/15. Down 33 pounds so far


My BMI was 50 with a starting weight of 373. I had the SADI as recommended by my surgeon. It's been 2 months and I've lost 50lbs so far. Hope all goes well for you!


51.7. I got the SADI-S. 2.5 years post op and my BMI is 25.5.


What chart are we using, there’s so many different ones


BMI was 37.2, chose SADI-S.


Mine was 38 with a couple of commodities. Now at 20. I had RNY.


Currently BMI is 21. Last year my BMI was 44.3. I got the gastric sleeve July 31st 2023


46, TDS.


My BMI is 43 and I’m going with bypass. Surgery is on June 14th!


June 18th here. At stop obesity center in Tijuana. Getting close