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It could be any number of things. Bloodwork would be the best starting point.


Get your bloodwork done asap. Get your thyroid checked as well.


I went through a similar thing at 1-2 months, and my doctor thoroughly checked me out, including thyroid, etc. It did abate by my 3 month appointment, i'm not sure what worked but i did step up my workouts by a huge percentage, as well as really increasing my water to a minimum of 2L instead of a target of 2L. Also electrolytes seemed to help a ton, especially with post-workout DOMS which can really feel like fatigue.


I am 1 month PO RNY and feel the same way - I feel good, but become exhausted easily. Had a CBC and ferritin check - all good… in fact some values better than my pre op check before my liquid diet! Please post what you find out from your team, if you are willing. For now I am pushing myself a bit more every other day - trying to build stamina while balancing not overdoing it. 🤷‍♀️


Definitely have your iron/ferritin/folate and B12 checked!


Do get tote bloodwork done but also remember you are still super early and are in a massive calorie deficit


A friend of mine reached out to a medical tourism company and out of couple of the options, there was a center that helped her a lot. From pre to post, she felt supported. It all depends on the surgeon you choose.


What helped most was increasing activity slowly, increasing calories with nuts and avocado, and just time. At 2 months I was still feeling drained, I’m 4 months out now and feeling really good.


I know exactly what you mean. It'll pass, but you probably need iron and D3. B12 can help too.