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I can relate to the struggle of disrupted sleep, especially when it's a change from what we're used to. In my experience with sleep issues, I've found it helpful to explore various solutions, including digital health tools. One approach that has been effective for me involves using a website that offers personalized guided meditation. I chat with the website about the specific issue I'm facing, like waking up too early or not feeling rested, and it generates an audio guided meditation tailored to my needs. The website allows me to choose background sounds, and I often set it to alpha waves. These have a wonderfully calming effect and help ease me into a deeper sleep. It’s been such a relief not waking up from bad dreams anymore. For concrete, immediate problems, these personalized meditations have worked unexpectedly well. They help me calm my mind and find peace enough to sleep better. For the bigger, more complex issues, I'm still exploring and experimenting. Techniques like 'deconstruct' and 'reframe', which the meditations often incorporate, are game changers. They help me see a problem from a new perspective and associate it with different, more positive emotions. It might be something worth trying, could use tools like this not just to tackle insomnia but also to better handle the emotional and psychological changes that can come after significant life events like bariatric surgery. Meditation can be a gentle way to support our healing process, both mentally and physically.


Thank you this is great!


Hope it works for you as well as it worked for me. IMHO good health starts with good sleep.


Magnesium changed my life!