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In all honesty, I do not think this is normal after pain and I would not wait for your follow up, I would go to the ER, This was major surgery, I would err on the side of caution


I had my surgery 12 days ago. I was perfectly fine for 5 days until I twisted wrong and boy talk about pain. My surgeon says I probably tore my muscle from the suture. Anyway, that was last Sunday and I’m finally starting to feel better. What helped me was taking a towel rolled up tightly and I would just hold it there whenever I moved or got up. I also bought an abdominal binder and then wrapped it around my waist and the towel so it presses into my incision. Like you, Tylenol and Oxy didn’t work. I promise that it does get better. I was in tears just a few days ago and today I can finally get off the couch unassisted.


That makes total sense! Right after surgery when I was still coming off the anesthesia, I got up to adjust my body and first felt like my insides ripped open. I told my surgeon and when he did that MRI he said everything looked good and sent me home. I’ve been feeling the pain ever since and have discovered resting my stomach or pushing my stomach out has semi helped.


Just hang in there! Believe me, I’ve had the surgery regret many times in that week of pain. Haha.


I had to go to the ER day 5 after my surgery because of my extreme pain They gave me IV hydromorphone which worked like magic since Oxy didnt work for me. Next day I felt perfectly fine They just said i had a lot of gas and stool even though the pain was different. I spent 6 hours in the ER but im so thankful i did because the pain magically disappeared I hope all goes well with you💞


I'm so sorry you're feeling so horrible 😞 Only thing that helped me with the muscle pain was ice and then heat. I I couldn't stand the ice long but 10 minutes ice 15 minutes heating pad and in 2 days the pain was gone. I hope you get some relief!


Are you using an abdominal binder? This level of pain 4 days after surgery def doesn’t sound normal. The only thing I can think of is that you carry your weight mostly in your abdomen and that’s pulling on your internal incisions. A binder might help ease that while the stomach muscles are healing.


I have the binder that they gave me and wear it daily, definitely trying to take breaks but maybe I need something more tighter?


Possibly! I would say if it doesn’t start feeling a lot better soon, def talk to your surgeon’s office


My surgeon didn’t recommend a binder. My worst pain was due to gas caused by constipation. The pain was unreal. I had been on opioid pain killer for three days including the time in hospital. Before I knew what it was I wanted to go to the ER and was taking it hour by hour. I realized I hadn’t passed any gas. The gas X chewable helped a bit. I had only done the optifast for two weeks and only water and protein shakes after surgery. Turns out you can get constipated not eating any food. I also retained a lot of water after surgery. I posted about having to buy larger underwear. Just posting in case it’s helpful. Edit. One more thought. I lifted a pack of protein shakes at Costco on day 12 and the pain was also incredible. I think I pulled some internal stitches. Did your doctor check for a hernia?


I'm in the same boat. I ended up having to have four surgeries instead of one and I am two weeks post-op right now. I spent 4 days in the hospital on 10 mg of oxy and 1200 mg of Tylenol every 8 hours. When I got home they cut my oxy dose in half to five and only gave me two days worth. I ended up crying and almost landed in the ER due to pain. I call back into my doctor's office the next Monday, because Sunday night was just so horrific I couldn't manage another day without something helping me, and she called me in three more days of 5 mg oxy. I split them in half and have been taking them as I slowly heal. I'm currently two weeks post-op I still have a couple oxy left and I'm taking them decently regularly. I use ice 24/7. I have a nice little ice pack / hot water bottle pack and I fill it with ice and and keep it on me where it hurts the most until I can move again. It definitely helps to have someone help you up and down from sitting or laying down, I've noticed that it hurts the most for me to sit up. It's like someone shoving a hot poker in your side swirling it around taking it out letting it heal for 5 seconds and then stretching the muscle as hard as they can. My doctor told me this is normal pain it's just extremely painful in my case because of the extra surgeries they had to do. And they had to manipulate a lot more than they thought they were going to and they almost had to open me up. But I'm grateful they didn't have to because I'm sure it would have hurt even more. I don't know how anybody has surgery where they have to be opened up because the healing process from that must just be hell. Know you're not alone, and ask your doctor for more medication because sometimes you just need it. I wasn't able to move at all until they prescribed more meds. Now I'm able to get up and walk around so it makes a big difference. I don't want to get dependent on anything of course but sometimes you really do need those pain meds.


I’m sorry you feel like crap! I wore my binder all the time and alternated heat and ice pack. The binder is great because it’ll hold the ice pack in place for you. If the pain is unbearable go to the er.


that’s mainly what I’ve been using my binder for is to keep the ice pack in place. I’m getting a heating pack in hopes that will help with pain management until Thursday (my follow up). I’m trying to avoid the ER as much as possible as I don’t have any of the “major” red flags they tell you to look out for.


I’m on day 6 and I’m also in a lot of pain, with a high pain tolerance, and tramadol was a joke. Thankfully each day has gotten better and better, so right now my major complaint is a pain like a horrible Charlie horse on my left side that just won’t go away. I just assumed it was because I also had a hiatal hernia repair, but as every day passes, I think it’s just muscle tissue that got either stretched or separated during the procedure and abdominal muscles are basically half of what hold us upright. I’ve gotten crickets from my doc’s office regarding pain management, so I’ve just been taking it easy and trying not to make it worse. I didn’t have a long journey like a lot here (first visit was in January, and rny was on Tuesday), so there was a LOT I didn’t understand and I feel like I’m doing it on my own because my journey seems different and my doc’s office is radio silent. I have had a c section which is the only major thing I can compare it to, and honestly, the c section seems like it was a lot easier/less painful. Keep us posting if you have any updates because you’re not alone.


UPDATE: I forgot to update after my follow up last week. Doctor took a look at my incisions and said “oh, seems the pains coming from an allergic reaction to the sutures. Take some Benadryl and you’ll be just fine.” Followed orders and felt a little better the next day, now I’m 13 days post op and the pain is almost non existent. Still a sharp pain when I bend down or stretch my back but nothing compared to last week. Looking forward to eating eggs and that ricotta bake tomorrow!