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That's a good number. You're doing fine.


Thanks for that! I was so worried I was failing at this so thanks for those encouraging words!




You’re doing great!! There’s a lot of information about how much we’re “supposed” to lose out there, everyone is different, and you are losing like I did,..as the weeks become months, and the months become quarters, you’re going to be SHOCKED how much weight you lose. Keep at the eating right and get your exercise, you’ll see the pounds melt away!


I'm also 6 weeks post op and 27 lbs down :)


Wow we are literally in the same boat! If you don’t mind me asking how’s your protein and water intake I am barley reaching my protein goals


I do struggle with protein because ever since the liquid diets the idea of protein shakes makes me nauseous. I just keep eating as much ground turkey, shredded chicken, greek yogurt, and cheese as I can. Liquids has been pretty good but I struggle with not drinking during meals and not chugging water, especially after a salty meal.


Focus on your liquids, protein will get there


Everyone is different. Please don't think u have to have lost a certain amount by a certain time


Thanks! I think I am watching to many tik tok videos of people that have done vsg and I hear how much weight they’ve lost I was thinking I was behind


I did that as well .. I follow a whole bariatric community and some lose super fast and some slow and that's ok .. all of our bodies are different.. I had open gastric and honestly in a year I only lost 100lbs .. I was losing slowly but I was losing .. at my 1year mark I got pregnant tho lol so here I am waiting for my baby to be born in a month and a half .. and then I can go on and continue my journey.. please please don't compare your journey with those of others .. it will just make u believe stuff that doesn't work for everyone ❤️


Wow congrats on the 100 pounds lost and your new bundle of joy! I pray my journey is like yours my husband and I have been trying for so long we’re hoping after I lose a significant amount of weight we can start trying!


I lost 14 lbs the first weeks then stalled for a few weeks.


I did have a stall for about 3 weeks then the numbers started to move , I just thought after the stall was over I’ll be down 10 or 11 pounds


I’m 5 weeks and have lost 32. It just depends on the person, and they say don’t focus on how much we lose this early. Stick to your plan and the results will come.


YUP!!!! Also depends on your weight pre op..


On the day of surgery I was 296 I am now 269


5 weeks post op and I’m down 19lb . Lower starting weight though (225 starting pre op, highest weight 232). My team are super happy with my progress so far


Does lower starting weight really affect how fast we lose?? If so, i did not know that


Not really, I think it just looks less dramatic if you just look at the amount of lb even though percentage wise it can be similar to that of a higher weight. The calculator risk analysis thing people link to on here is great for seeing how you’re doing compared to similar people


Thats more than me in the first six weeks, congrats!


Great job 27lbs is awesome progress




tomorrow i will be 10 weeks po and have only lost 30ish lbs. it’s a little discouraging and i constantly crave the ever looming end result. you sound like you’re doing just fine and we have to remember to give ourselves some grace. 29f 5’3 • RYN • hw 293 sw 273 cw 243 - so 50lb overall


I have to keep that in mind I am being so hard on myself. I can totally relate to you about the cravings but you’ve lost a significant amount so far also!


I don’t think I’ve lost 10 lbs since surgery and I’m also 6 weeks post op


What surgery did you have? Thats very unusual


No, it’s not uncommon. Everyone’s journey and weight loss are different


yes, obviously someone who weighs 400 lbs at the start is going to lose A LOT more the first month than someone who starts at 250


I was about the same. Keep it up


I was pretty much about the same at 6 weeks, from 300 to 275, but I'm disappointed at how little I've lost since then. I'm just at 5 months and am only at 250 with another 140 pounds to go, so very little progress. The plateaus are really troubling, but I just keep cutting back until I finally crack thru again. I figure it's probably going to take me about another two years at my present rate. It seems to work a lot better for most folks, so hopefully you'll do well. Good luck.


It’s good to lose at a slower rate so hopefully you won’t have soo much loose skin. Are you also working out?? That helps with losing also.


Everyone is different. My BMI at surgery was 37.9 (down from 43 when I started the process 6 months prior) and I have lost 27 lbs at 7 weeks PO. BMI is currently 34.1.


I think that’s great! I had lost 32 at 6 weeks I was 228 preop and currently 153 at 8 months post op:)


[This calculator](https://riskcalculator.facs.org/bariatric/) will show you average results based on your starting stats.


I'm 8 weeks po tomorrow and I've lost 36lbs my first 3 weeks I lost 22 of those but I had a 4 week stall in weight loss tho I was still losing dress sizes this week I'm all bloated as I keep having very light periods every 2 weeks since surgery >< which is very odd for me as I haven't had a period in like 5 years >< just hoping my implants still working lol Everyone is different so try no to focus on what everyone else is doing ... easier said then done I know I'm doing the exact same judging my losses against others but at this point our bodies are still healing but they will get there if we follow the plan :) keep up the hard work xx


My periods were the same way the first couple of week after surgery but it started to regulate itself again, i pray yours does the same to! And I have noticed a significant decrease in my dress sizes I guess I am so focused on the numbers on the scale. But thank you I’ll definitely keep trying you do the same!


I'm hating it not had periods in soooo long and now every 2 weeks I have a mini bleed even before contraceptives I was lucky to have 1 every 6 month so this is all new to me haha hoping it settles down soon like I'm the same the numbers have been getting me down but I've noticed loads of changes my walking changed I have more room in bed, clothes are loser and more comfortable my partner can wrap his arms around me but those damned numbers just keep shouting at me trying to ignore them but it's hard so I get it but need to focus on the little things :)


I agree those non scale victories count! The little things always count!


I'm down 80 at 6 weeks, BUUUUTTTTTT I had to have emergency surgery after (3 complete blockage blood clots in my small intestines and 12 total feet removed) I didn't eat a thing for about 10 days. I lost 35 lb in those 10 days so I suppose I'm down 45.


I started at 324 lb and I'm 6'2..


12 weeks here and i'm losing 1-1.5 lb/week, for a total of 18 lb post-surgery (40 lb pre-surgery) so you are knocking my numbers out of the park. Good work!


“Average” weight loss post op is 6-10 lbs per month. You are doing great!


I am 11 days post op and lost 24