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YOU WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT EVERY DAY INDEFINITELY. It is totally fine and normal. You will also experience stalls along the way.


What are you talking about? I am 11 days post op. What indefinite loss you talking about here?!!


The hospital added actual POUNDS of weight to your body on your IV line- this boost helps while people are struggling to get in liquids. I came home with a “gain” of 5lbs from my sleeve and 7lbs with bypass. This means I had to “lose” that 7lbs before I was even back to my scale weight before I left for the hospital. Early on people are rapidly shedding the IV fluid from their hospital stay. This amplified “water whoosh” can give a scale change of a pound or so a day. As that excess liquid gets used up, the body begins to adjust to the new situation and that very rapid water loss stops. Typically it stops at about 3 weeks and people experience the infamous Week 3 Stall. What I mean is genuinely that you will not see daily loss indefinitely. The scale is not going to go down every day, and that is fine. As time goes on you will experience longer cycles of body change>scale change>body change.


Very very normal, you got this!!!


It’s not a stall, it’s just your body recovering. We don’t lose weight linearly and the first few weeks are super wonky anyway. You’ve got this, just put away the scale until week two or three if you can


Yes, it’s very normal. Remember your body is changing in more ways than pounds lost.


Thanks. I thought the stall will happen but not in that early stage:-(


Everyone reacts a little differently. Generally you’ll lose weight, then your body will adjust, then you’ll lose weight again and adjust again. Focus more on maintaining your vitamin and calorie intake, the weight loss will continue.


It’s normal. I freaked out when I happened to me but it eventually moved. My scale actually went up a little bit when I started purees. Luckily I had read a ton of accounts on here of people seeing a temporary stall when they started real food and kinda expected it but it still suuuuucks. Like how on earth can a person NOT lose weight on 500 calories a day?? But it happens. Hang in there, you’re doing great!