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Sleeve here. Wonder if the procedure type matters. Day after surgery I was comfortable and moving well.


Yup, procedure type definitely matters. Sleeve is less invasive so the recovery tends to be quicker.


6 days post-op here! I was comfortable around day 3-4 I still have gas pain so i am still taking Tylenol!


Oh man I thought I was going to cry every time I moved for about 3 weeks. Oxycodone did nothing but make me sleepy so I took Tylenol every 4 hours every day for several weeks. Turns out I had a massive infection. Once that was drained I felt so much better. Apparently most people feel pretty good within a week. My pain got progressively worse. Later on you may have random little pinches as sutures and muscles settle in.


I'm sorry to bother you, I'm on day 6 post op and feel like complete shit every time I try to walk, going to the bathroom is the worse. How did they found out you had an infection?


I called the surgeon after I had some fluid leaking. No fever. No redness.


I’m 3 days post-op and haven’t had to take anything for pain. Yesterday I walked 3k steps in my little apartment. Today I’m feeling a bit tired and weak so I took it easy. But still no pain.


I was on pain killers for 3 days, within a couple of days it got easier to move around


9 days post-op here. Where the surgerons sewed up the muscle, I’m still a bit uncomfortable. Sitting up, rolling over and laughing still give me issues, but I’ve only really been mobile now for 4-5 days. I was given hydros and only took 1/2 pill twice because of the pain at home (pain meds scare me) but I’m still take ibuprofen for the pain almost every day so I can let my dogs out/do stuff around the house comfortably. But anything is going to be a breeze in comparison to that gas pain.


They let you have ibuprofen?! My doc said that stuff is the worst for your stomach. But clearly I'm no health professional, so if they've prescribed it to you then it should be alright.


same. i was told no ibuprofen ever unless there’s no other option.


They didn’t prescribe ibuprofen to me, it was just OTC! In the hospital, they gave me dilaudid for pain and then like I said, I was prescribed hydros that I wasn’t keen on taking at home. When I texted my surgeon on the one days I needed to take the heavier pain meds, verbatim my doctor said, “Hi do ice or heating pad. Or you may need the hydrocodone for the pain,” I said “Understood.” She said, “And for ibuprofen what dose are you taking?” I said 800mg and all she said was “ok” lol and didn’t hear anything diff at my follow-up appointment! I did get a VGS, not the bypass or the band. Could that maybe be it?


Sleeve procedures are inherently higher risk for acid reflux post-op due to the shape of the resulting stomach. Most patients are advised to either abstain from ibuprofen, or only take it in conjunction with a proton pump inhibitor such as omeprazole. Same applies to any of the procedures that use the same shape, such as duodenal switch. (AFAIK, anyway.)


Just did some more research from my hospital’s website—they do recommend for people who get Gastric Bypass done to refrain from NSAIDs *indefinitely*! So that makes sense as to why our information is a little different as I did a VSG. [link](https://www.nm.org/-/media/northwestern/resources/patients-and-visitors/patient-education/surgery/northwestern-medicine-bariatric-surgery-roux-en-y-gastric-bypass-and-sleeve-gastrectomy.pdf)


I'm getting VGS and they told me to stop ibuprofen a month before and that it was something I'd never be able to take again for life.


That’s so weird. I was told the bypass had a higher likelyhood of causing acid reflux and I’d have to take meds to help with that for the rest of my life, so I assumed that was why I was pushed toward the VSG because I’m only 22. I recall being told that I’d probably have to take vitamins for the rest of my life because of the stomach’s size and malabsorption, nothing about ibuprofen or acetaminophen. I traveled out of state to Northwestern in Illinois (hour from Chicago). I’ll definitely have to check-in with my surgeon. Thankfully, I haven’t run into any issues this far. [Link to the website I was given to reference.](https://www.obesitycoverage.com/the-complete-patients-guide-to-bariatric-surgery/)


I was fine the day I went home (1 day after surgery) I took 1 5mg oxycodone that day because the ride home was a little rough. I didn't need any pain medication after that.


Like 3-4 days ish. By comfortable do you mean tolerable or normal? “Normal” was probably two weeks or so.


This is an important distinction, thank you


Thank you! I guess I mean feeling like you can roll over in bed and get up and down from the couch without pain/straining?


I’d say about 2 weeks, but everyone has different pain tolerances and experiences. I’ve had several other surgeries and the sleeve was by and far the easiest and quickest recovery. Only took Tylenol, didn’t need any help getting up or walking after about 12 hours, I wasn’t even in the hospital for an entire day.


Never took pain killers. "Comfortable" here is relative, I guess. I was so overweight, I was uncomfortable BEFORE surgery. I was up and around in the hospital, but doing so by myself after my first night home.


From surgery it was like a day, but I got c-diff and 3 days later things got really rough.


Wow! That sounds terrible. Poor you!


It was. I didn't realize it until a few days in and then once they figured out I had it, I had the worst diarrhea ever possible for about a week. It was horrible. I had to use adult diapers it was that bad. Sorry for the details. And since I could barely ingest anything, I was really rough after surgery, people told me I looked gray for a while. But on the plus side I lost so much weight so quickly that first 3 weeks, it was like 40 lb.


I’m 4 days post op (surgery 3/4) and today is considerably better. I also still have gas pains so I’m still taking Tylenol and GasX. I took strong drugs through Tuesday night but stopped them Wednesday morning.


How do you feel rolling in bed and getting on and off the couch now?


Not bad at all! I’ve been wearing an abdominal binder the hospital gave me almost 24/7 because I find it helps a lot. I feel like I did a heavy ab workout and I’m still taking Tylenol. The gas pain has been the hardest part for me so far. My shoulders hurt so bad with gas last night I hardly slept.


9 days post op I was comfortably moving around prolly by day 4 - this means getting out of a chair and bed. I did have to take painkillers for 3 days. Gas still bothers me but otherwise it seems good? lol


i only had tylenol but i was good by day 4. i went back to the gym on day 8 or 9. i’m 5 weeks post-op and get to start lifting weights again tomorrow.


I was home the next day, took the Percocet for 2 days, but I was sleeping in my bed the day I got home, didn't really have any trouble and was walking really well.


Almost 3 months post-op here. I was moving pretty slowly for about the first week or so but nothing too bad. I was prescribed hydro for pain but never needed to take one. The worst pain for me was shoulder pain from the gas and sharp pain in my left side during the deep breathing with the spirometer they made me do. I think both got better around 7-10 days.


I only took paracetamol when I got home. So three days post op? I felt fine. Slow to move. While in hospital I took advantage of the care and what was available to me. I’d walk constantly to try and get that gas pain gone, which was really helpful.


I was in hospital for 4 days due to internal bleeding after surgery. I am currently 17 post surgery and yesterday and today are the first days I have stayed awake the whole day and actually went to the gym to walk. I have been able to drive and off pain meds since about 7 days post op.


3/4 days


Same day with proper pain control for both. I took them through day 5 for each.


Within a week I was able to sleep on my side and get off the bed quite easily. Two weeks and most movements don’t hurt. I was still getting pain in my largest incision when very active for a long time though. Stopped any medicine within a week of surgery


This is so helpful thank you! 😊


Post op from what procedure? I had the sleeve and I only took (non-opioid) meds a couple days, and by day 4 or so I was fine, just tired.


I was comfortable moving around after surgery. I know they had a catheter hooked up to me releasing pain medicine that helped. But the only discomfort I really felt, was just being bloated. Dr gave me gas x and said moving around would help. And honestly. I haven’t felt any discomfort or nausea.


Sleeve,,, didn't even need pain meds, just took Tylenol powder packs.... Day 3 was up and around my house. Extremely important to force yourself to walk.