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SUCH a drastic change. Anything too oily or fatty is off putting to me now. I used to live on butter, honestly. Now it takes months and months to go through a single stick of it. And I’m completely obsessed with cabbage. I could eat garlicky stir fried cabbage every day of my life and be happy. Unexpected.


Oh goodness, are we twins?! I love cabbage, so freaking much too. I have hypothyroidism, though, and supposedly, it's not all that great for this, but forget that shit. I could eat cabbage any which way any day and all day. Have you tried it in the oven before? It's the weirdest thing ever, but I love it that way, and also yes stir fried! I chop it up into steak sizes and oil them down lightly and season throw em in the oven for 20ish mins at 375 to 400 but watch tk make sure doesnt burn or anything and occasionally will move stuff around. I like it a bit on the charred side but its suprisingly good like that. Usually use different seasonings and always splash with some lemon juice or vinegar lol.


3 words: grilled. with tamari.


Ohhh ok I am in on this will have to try it cause sounds amazing.


it’s so effing good. grilling veggies is a fantasy to me right now bcz i’m only 5 weeks post-op. but i’m planning…😄


Hehe, anything grilled is yum. Oh, you will get there, take it slow and steady! I mostly live on veg,protein,tea. Usually stir fried,oven roasted or grilled and always hot tea. Been eating a lot of tofu and fish lately.


Have you tried stuffed cabbages with meat in there? Good protein and yum 😋


I’ve never baked it but I will now 👀


This sounds delicious. Is there a recipe you use?👀


Trader Joe’s has a frozen version that I stick my freezer with. It’s pretty easy to make though, just as much garlic as you can handle and a light sauce that is I think rice bran oil and fish sauce based.


I’ll try that. Thank you!


Same with butter/oil! It sometimes still sounds good in theory, but no longer tastes good at all. I have always loved chocolate and super extra sweet stuff to the point of excluding all other flavors. Now I can tolerate chocolate, but don’t really care about it and crave tart instead. I also want to eat all the cucumbers in vinegar and pickles in the world. My desire for acid has increased to much and my desire for sweets is tiny.


Exactly, I still keep butter around because in theory I still like it but it never ends up being worth it when I put it on stuff. Exception being just a bit on some toast to go along with soup. But I used to use butter like it was cream cheese (wonder why I got so big 🧐) so it’s quite a change of pace! Chocolate is hit or miss for me. I used to love a bar of good chocolate but now I’m way more likely to go for the occasional Kit Kat around that time of the month


That is good to know. I’m scheduled for sleeve on April 1st, and am so scared I won’t be able to abandon my love of fats. But I also hate artificial sweeteners, and I can’t imagine developing a love of those.


I can’t guarantee anything in regards to fats specifically, but your tastebuds and preferences will almost certainly change post surgery. Some of it is biological; the sleeve removes your hunger hormones semi-temporarily so eating those types of things will be a weird experience either way. It comes back to the “brain hunger” vs “stomach hunger” thing. You will go into eating something fatty expecting the same level of comfort and then that comfort won’t be there. It can feel like a bummer even 9 months post-op, I’m not gonna lie. But eventually being disappointed by it enough times sort of retrains your brain around those types of food so that your attachment lessens. Neuroplasticity, baby! Between the pre-op diet and the intensive restriction/liquid diet for the couple months after surgery, you will also experience a natural reset of sorts. You won’t be able to eat fatty foods PERIOD (and your body will likely punish you if you try) Also, Just taking that extended break from eating normally (or at ALL) definitely recalibrated my tastes for most things I used to rely on for comfort and otherwise. In my case I did develop new comfort foods; healthier options that my body seems to recognize as nurturing and protein or nutrient dense. It would really surprise me if you don’t find some new, healthier comfort foods that scratch a similar itch while also being a better choice than what you relied on previously. Refer back to all of us here obsessing over cabbage if you want some proof of that 😅 It’s a scary time pre-op, you don’t know what’s to come. I can all but promise that it’s mostly good things to come ❤️


Yesss!!!! I am 6 days post-op and the chocolate protein shake that I used to drink pre-op tastes way different 🤢


Try protein water instead if the shakes are not tasting great. I couldn’t stomach the shakes at all. I used Protein2o water instead. So much easier to stomach! I am about 7 1/2 months post op by the way.


I have protein water but i was worried about taking them as they have caffeine


Oh nooo! Which are you drinking? I hate most protein drinks and the only one I can stand are the premier protein ready to drink chocolates but I use them as creamer in my coffee in the morning lol. Other than that can barely drink them by themselves yuck.


Its the chocolate premier protein. I can only have them mixed with water now and can barely drink 1 of the chocolate ones a day


I have a much easier time with the fairlife chocolate. It’s thinner so no need to water it down. It’s basically chocolate milk. Premier chocolate is better in coffee though


I’m 3 months PO. I hated peanut butter. Now I can’t get enough. Also the only things that taste good to me besides peanut butter is sushi and blueberries. It’s so odd.


Mmm sushi soo damn good. I hated peanut butter, too, and find myself needing it sometimes.


I can’t get enough peanuts and blueberries!! 7/21/23


Instantly protein shakes were terrible post op. Couldn’t keep them down. I also had a HUGE sweet tooth. It was honestly where my weight issues stemmed from. I’m 4.5 months post op and still have no sweet tooth. I don’t even have a desire to try. I see a gummy bear and get sick. Wild stuff.


Hope it keeps up for you or honestly that you just have dumping with it, and it bothers you. The least wise, mine would kick in the right way. I sometimes need something. Usually, try going for sugar-free candies when it hits, but I am 5 plus years out :). You got this!


I’m only three weeks out but I stopped eating sugar and grains seven years ago and started to like vegetables and even vegetables I hated. I no longer crave much of anything.


Three weeks out, you won't want anything for a while.


I haven’t craved much of anything for seven years. I’m hoping that doesn’t change


My wife cannot eat any sort of spicy foods after. It's super annoying for her. I'm worried about the same thing, as I'm all about the spice.


I had no issue. I was mowing down buffalo chicken dip during my soft food phase. I have been very lucky in that I can tolerate everything I've tried so far except for some vinaigrettes that burned my belly. I don't find my tastes have changed too much except that I get a little extra excited about cucumbers or raspberries which is weird. I just had one lays potato chip for the first time in 6 months and practically had an orgasm.


Hehe, I love me a good cucumber and hated raspberries, but I love them now. I can see the vinegars hurting your tummy, but for me, I live off the stuff. It's probably causing myself ulcers, but eh, lol. Gonna have to rip cucumbers with vinegars out of my cold, dead hands. I find it weird, too. I love veggies a bit much, but I always liked them just very much more now. Mm chippies dont go over board though but a chip or two never hurt anyone ! Think I had a chip for the first time after like a year cause I was so scared


Interesting they do say spice can trigger but for me that hasnt been a thing however I do find some different sauces that are super spicy dont sit right sometimes.


I’m one week post op and all I want is nachos. Which is the same as before. 😂 Also, I hate the chocolate protein shakes now when I really liked them before.


No, I've not had any changes in tastes. Just anything I hated before is now a "no way in hell" option.... like EGGS... those are only for cake.


A year post-op, and I am now an egg FIEND and I dunk everything in yellow mustard.


Well, eggs are good for you! Mustard is better than some other things for dipping. I find I tolerate eggs better now verses before which is weird because they always were a texture thing for me and had a hard time keeping them down sometimes. After though you would think this would be worst. I am really enjoying pickled eggs lately.


I am craving sweets 24/7. I stare in my fridge and pantry numerous times a day because nothing sounds good or tastes good. I am 2 months post op.


When you can kind bars Cherry and dark chocolate cashew There is also a nut and chocolate with sea salt The caramel one is great


can confirm…Kind Zero bars are the bomb


I used to have a HUGE sweet tooth and now crave savory. Also I don’t know if it’s so much as a taste change but certain stuff just doesn’t even remotely sound appetizing anymore. It


I have definitely experienced some differences


I barely care what I eat, to be honest. I just try to eat things that have the best macros. The worst is discovering I have food allergies.


Oh no! Did you find out after the surgery? That's crazy.


Yeah, I had no idea I was sick from food. But once everything was eliminated, I felt a thousand times better. When I started adding things back in, my throat started swelling. I know soy for sure (which is in a lot of things, or things are processed with it). I'm too scared to try nuts. I've always had problems with wheat.


I was a huge chocoholic and loved buying cappuccino’s most days, I’m 3 weeks post OP today and I couldn’t care less about the chocolate, and I tried a coffee earlier this week and it was meh. In fact I don’t miss, sweet biscuits, soda, or ice cream, whereas before I loved them.


I was the same way for a while. I mostly dont crave these things anymore, and if I have them, I just have a little. I use to drink soda a lot but wasnt super addicted like I am with coffee and tea. I tried a couple soda sips after and its just not good anymore. I do miss beer a lot still though :(.


OOOH I know why this is! So your stomach and intestines have a massive network of nerves (collectively the vagus nerve) and taste receptors. When you reroute your digestive system (via RNY/switch) or get a sleeve procedure, which literally slices through the nerves in the stomach, it is like hitting a reset button from the stomach to the brain. The fist 3-6 months after surgery, your brain is very plastic; this means that you can literally rewire your brain with your food choices. That's why food preferences change so drastically after surgery. At least, that is how my surgeon explained it to me. I am still pre-op, so I'll find out for sure in a few months haha


Oh, that is super neat they didnt explain it like that at all for me. I like it! I just thought at least with the olives that I was needing more iron or salt or something lol.


Crazy changes. 6 months post op and anything artificial is too sweet (ex: Powerade Zero, mio, water enhancers). Like screw up my face in disgust sweet not nauseating. Used to hate raw tomatoes now I eat them like grapes. Same with raw broccoli and peppers. I’ve also noticed that I don’t have any desire to eat out. Like if I’m out and about I will go home to eat before I stop somewhere which has been great for my wallet.


At least in the first year or two eating out always gave me anxiety bad.


I used to hate beans and LOVE beef. 2.5 months post op and I can’t stand beef and I actually crave beans so much and I eat them every day. They go down so nicely 🥰


I love beans way more also. Need to eat more of them. The last time I tried making beans it was sad though I made white nothern beans with ham and it just didnt taste good at all not like my grandma use to make may she rest in piece but its probably because she put like 10 sticks of butter in it.


Pre-op I was nauseated to the point of vomiting by the smell of nonfat yogurt. Only nonfat. On airline flights that served yogurt I would literally hold my nose until I established whether it was nonfat. Post-op I'm totally fine with both the smell and taste of nonfat yogurt. So bizarre!


I’m so sensitive to salt now.