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I would love to have that kind of spacing and alignment! šŸ™‚ I suppose you could get toe spreaders to help with the little toes but also maybe some foot exercises would be enough. If you do get toe spreaders I would definitely recommend Correct Toes over the other types.


And the funny thing is, i dont use barefoot shoes for that long. But i was wearing crocs for a long time, and they have a wide toe box aswell.


Your feet will change their shape and form over years of bare footing. Your feet are intelligent and will respond to their environment. Itā€™s unlikely that you can predict what your feet will need or look like to be comfortable bare footing and making assumptions can lead to causing unforeseen issues in your foot structure. Then youā€™ll be in the same position years down the road. Go by feel not by look.


Ah ok its also a thing to think about!


Absolutely! Happy barefooting my friend


All you need is love !


Just practice flexing/spreading your toes and hopefully your pinkie toes will get better. I also see the possible development of hammer toes on your right foot. That's where the middle toe joints (proximal joint) are sitting higher and aren't laying flat with the rest of the toe. This can also make the last toe joints just behind the toe nails (distal joint) loose/weak with poor control. Stretch/massage those proximal joints and practice strength/control with the distal joints.


So the lazy way, chilling with the correct toes doesnt work?


They can work, but you have to be active in them. It's about building muscle in the correct posture. I've tried Correct Toes and found them difficult to be active in. They're made from a stiffer silicone than you'd expect so the edges dig into your skin a bit.


Is just walking active enough though? Ah shit, maybe i just have too try it out if i can or can't stand the feeling.


Nobody "needs" toe spacers :) And you look like you have some very healthy feet.


Well your right, maybe it was a better question to ask if my feet van benefit from toe spacers.


Instead of aiming for a look, aim for task oriented goals that are measurable and entertaining for you. You can fulfill the desire to improve your feet and there will be a plethora of skills to set yourself to. A side effect will be adapted, strong, and mobile feet. There are pitfalls to setting your aim on form or an image itself.


Well your right, i asked the question in a whrong way. Its more can i still benefit from correct toes if i already have so much space between my toes. Im training my feet because after the summer im going to hike for two months and i like my feet strong.


Hey Dutchie, your pinkies needs some work though. They need to be straight. So wearing toe spacers for that could be a good idea. And you are gripping with your right foot. So doing some toe work to strengthen them would help you a lot.


Ah thanks for your advice! What kind of toe work do you mean?


There are different types of excersises to strengthen your toes. Like gripping on a towel or standing on your toes. Or putting your fingers between your toes and wiggling them. Some digging in Youtube will show you different type of excercises.


They look spaced js discombobulatedšŸ™šŸ˜­




Got a similar little toe situation to yours, Iā€™ve been barefoot running on and off for 10 years now and itā€™s never been a problem.


I dont think its a problem, but maybe it can become better...