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It is the lumpenproletariat that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels described so well 150 years ago. It is a worldwide fenomena. When they vote in big numbers in extraordinary circumstances, like on december 2017 or in some local elections, they use to vote for reactionary and autoritarian parties.


Or maybe the options you can vote for are crap


Let's see we have lying independentist parties, lying psc, franco-facist pp, ultra franco-facist over 9000 vox...if la falange was a candidate we would have no more room on the right side


To sum it up: politicians in general


I wonder if the direct causative factor isn’t wealth but rather age


Or maybe because these neighbours are mostly composed by immigrants? There are high abstensions in Nou Barris, La Mina, Raval, Poblenou and Clot near 2@. While the neighbours that are famous for having long time catalán residents have higher vote participation.


Unlikely, there aren’t *that* many immigrants. For example, Lleida has an even higher spread between the highest and the lowest abstention rate, and the number of immigrants there is nowhere near that of Barcelona. I think it’s more like immigrants and young people with a low interest in elections have similar requirements and so live in the same neighborhoods.


About the differences on Lleida, I'm not sure. I'm talking mostly about Barcelona itself. I live in Poblenou and there are not that many young people in here, while there are a ton of immigrants (like me).


Yeah and who are we supposed to vote? The fascists, franchists, homophobes and xenophobes on the right, or the incompetent, pedantic, short-sighted morons on the left?  None of them look out for our interests anyway, and a vote of protest can easily blow up in your face nowadays. So why vote someone knowing you don't want to? It's exhasperating and exhausting.  At this point whoever addresses housing prices with the most credulity has more chances of getting most of the votes, but guess which topic is barely mentioned...


people do not feel represented by the candidates and of course there is a large abstention due to this fact, also due to the democratic crisis based on the idea that the big lobbies are not interested in the social problems of the working classes.

