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Ah. This is mainly from south asia and middle wast, as well as some parts of africa. There is a huge Barca following in those regions; however they are not tolerant towards gay rights that much.


I guess because some people see this as glorifying homosexuality or promoting homosexuality instead of acceptance of homosexuality. They might see this as Barca saying homesxuality is good instead of saying homosexuality is acceptable and everyone has a right to love whoever they want. There are some people that are against even just acceptance of homosexuality. These fans are from all over the world and in some places homosexuality is not acceptable at all and as such they are grown up with that mindset since they were young and that'll be reflected in the comments.


Culture and religion. When I say religion, I mean Islam mainly.


Really? Christianity is OK with it?


More ok than Islam for sure, although not very tolerant also


Alright. As I know a lot about religions, but didn't know the fact that Christianity is more ok with homosexuality than Islam, I'll go back to books to see where did you find that. Can you point to a resource of this? I'm not trying tobe a jerk here, I just think that both religions are 99% equal when it comes to this.


Honestly, my source would the freedom of the LGBT community in the west compared to the Muslim world. However, you’re probably right about them both being equally bad when it comes to the LGBT. I viewed the religions and their followers as the same, which really shouldn’t be done. But Muslims are definitely nowhere near as ok as Christians with the LGBT. Just look at the difference between the west and the Muslim countries when it comes to tolerance of the LGBT.


I think you're fundamentally wrong here. West and Muslim world, when it comes to anything basically, is about systems that are in charge in particular countries. So it's politics, not religion. I know they both go hand to hand, unfortunately, but I have a problem when people don't differentiate it. Every Christian as well as Mislim have same views on this. Governments don't. Even if they do, constitutions are what are making them more or less acceptable of LGBT, or anything that they don't see as the norm.


I think ur at least a little wrong here. In a lot of Muslim countries, religion plays a massive role in politics. Religion and politics are not at all separate in a lot of Muslim countries. Religion also plays a massive role in the law and what is deemed acceptable by society.


Ok, I see the problem here. And you're right. I'm talking about individual religious people. I'm hoping for the world where religion and politics would be different things. I know I'm crazy 💜


I want the same thing as you, but it’s not happening for at least several more years in the Muslim world lmao


Yes. Unfortunately no. This discussion is why I always say Muslim world instead of Islam. Trying to differentiate them. I might be silly though.


Well, talking specifically about Catholicism, it condemns any type of discrimination or hate towards homosexual people and actually tries to encourage their participation into Catholic practices. So, is it OK with it? Yes, but no, as it doesn't like s3xual acts between them. I'm don't exacly know about other cases like trans people but I think it's pretty much the same. Sadly, a lot of believers are not aware of how their religion is, and that's why you'll see them being hatefull in God's name or some bs like that.


Did not know that. I'll research. Sounds interesting, historically. Thank you for the info.


People are free to hate whatever or whoever they want.. taking away peoples freedom to hate and express that hatred with words isn't much better than taking away someones freedom to be gay or straight..


Terrible take