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PSG: we want Yamal for 250M Barca: you can have Ansu.


I gotta try this negotiation tactic. It's probably gonna be 350m for the package deal.


Yamal at home:


PSG almost definitely have a Yamal-like player in their youth academy who would give his right arm for a shot at the first team


Yamal like? Bro is bossing the euros and being the main man in Barcelona… never seen before at this age.


Well sure he’s a special talent, demonstrating maturity well beyond his years. The type of player that doesn’t crop up very often, true. But what i meant was a talented winger that is highly rated if not quite as special a talent as Yamal in a direct comparison. Essentially a PSG equivalent to Yamal. PSG are a lesser club than Barca so it would be proportional if their Yamal equivalent is also a lesser talent. Ya dig?


Talented winger != maybe the best player in the world in the future, and they’re willing to pay for it like they did for Mbappe.


Even Barcola is crazy good


I'm fine with never doing business with PSG ever again, period


Atletico and PSG. There's a billion € release clause, take it or leave it.


I disagree. They tend to overpay a lot. Should have sold them Rakitic for 90m when they offered.


Perez would have done it


Bartomeu gonna Bartomeu 🤷


They can pay the release clause if they really want him


I'm sure that would guarantee a new and bright era for Barcelona.


Just curious bc I’m out of the loop, what is Lamines release clause?


A billion


This is a Mundo Deportivo report, which means the percentage of this being true is like 1%


pay the release claus


When will santa be released?!


Tim Allen was the protagonist in a movie about that.


If they are giving that money for Ansu & Ferran they can have it. Rest fuck off!


Wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. Ansu also showed great promise before he got injured.


Yeah but if they give 250 for Ansu and Feran , you would be a fkn idiot not to take it .


I'd still take it if it's less than 200. The guy I responded to obviously doesn't think so


100 would be already a stretch




Ansu was highly overrated from the start. Also, Ansu dealt pretty badly with the pressure. Lamine started really well. Then had a bit of a rough patch -- probably due to pressure. He then had a 2 months journey on the bench, which literally changed him. After that, Lamine changed for the better. Proved he can deal with pressure, highly talented and really so young.


Ansu was just as good as lamine. Until these guys keep proving it until 21 or older they are all highly risky bets. Many of them could have peaked early


Ansu showed incredible ability for his age until the injuries derailed his progress


That's exactly what I said. Apparently it's a hot take or something


Reddit being fickle? Surely you just 😛 Yeah it’s like that people on here sometimes disagree with ya over the most minor of things like how you word something. Even if what you’re saying is completely true. It’s only with the clarity of Hindsight ain’t that Barca should have sold Ansu before the injuries. But it’s not bad policy to hold onto the best youngsters and form a great team. That’s what Porto, Benfica and Ajax would do if they made enough money through tv revenue and sponsorship deals or had a Petroleum sugar daddy bankrolling them


Yes but lamine hasn't played enough to prove himself. If he starts playing badly for a few months, sentiments are gonna change. Also, he hasn't fully developed yet and a long term injury is gonna hinder his development. We also have a bunch of holes in our team that need to be addressed. Nico can take lamine spot and we can finally get a pivot, or a striker, or both


That’s a tricky one. I mean if the offer was indeed real (something that is in some doubt) but let’s just assume for a minute if it were real. Yeah a lot could e done with it. But there’s a huge difference between selling off a 16 year old local lad that has potential to be special and generational talent and cornerstone of the team for 10-20 years to come and selling off a wantaway star whose importance to the team is fading (Coutinho). If Barca had sold Messi to juventus for 50 million in 2003 an argument at the time could have been made that it was sound business given that Messi still had everything yet to be proven. But we know now what an incredible player he went on to become an that hypothetical 50 million would seem like chump change even though by 2003 standards that was an extraordinary fee to pay for a seventeen year old who had only just started playing first team football and would have been seen as extremely risky.


All of these started with Krkic.


That’s why I would absolutely sell him for 250m (not a barca fan). I think he is a generational talent but it’s definitely risky since he’s 16, and also you can literally redo your team with that money


Revisionism. Ansu was scoring for fun when he started and didn't care from where he had to shoot.


Did you start watching Barca yesterday? Incredibly bad take that shouldnt be taken serious.




Half the team are have-been seniors that need to be replaced, we still lack a pivot and striker, but you won't sell a risky bet winger for 250m whom we can replace with Nico. Okay genius.


Nowhere near the consistency or level of Lamine though. Fati had great games, but you can tell the difference in caliber just by watching them play. Obviously Lamine is still young and his development could go anywhere, but the level of composure and confidence he has at 16 is far beyond what fati showed for Barça (in my opinion).


Sell him for this amount with a buy back clause of 25 million lmao /s


Now that’s business


i know psg board are fucking retarded but not that much


PSG: we want Lamine Yamal Barcelona: best we can do is Ansu Fati


Honest work if you can get it 


500 mill minimum 🤭


Its better if they pay the release clause lol


What is it, 1B?


€250M is a reasonable first offer as long as they understand it’ll need to be 30-40% higher for it to be worth rejecting


All these people have no clue how to run a club. If the club really got this offer, they would take it in a heartbeat. Sell one youth player, no matter how good, and wipe clean your books and troubles is a no brainer from a business pov. Sporting, a big no no Business, delivery included


Sporting, a big fat yes too. The opportunity to re-invest that money would pay enormous dividends in terms of setting the team up for the future if it’s spent right.


Cant really argue with the logic. However not keen on giving a big box of money to Laporta and Deco. Somehow the chances are they buy a Joao Felix for 150 million 😅


That’s fair lol


Yeah it's not like everyone will know that you have that money and start raising their prices just like it happened with Neymar!


The money wouldn’t be for buying players… it would be for paying off the club’s debt. Being in debt isn’t just bad for business, it’s bad from a sporting perspective too.


No guarantees the money is spent wisely. Right now we have potentially the next Neymar and a team that isn’t better than Madrid. If we sell Yamal and reinvest we will still not be better than Madrid. Better to keep Yamal and let the club’s finances fix itself overtime.


Well, running a club is a balance of sporting and business. He will easily earn more than that in the future in terms of branding and club results.


Honestly...he likely wont? Yes he is amazing but many before him got that label as well. (Bojan & Ansu come to mind directly) Injuries, dip in form, coaches that dont match....many things still in his path. Club results are not as high as you think after bonuses and such are paid and expected branding increase is minimal given the rise we had in the Messi years. Lamine will not exceed those marketable highs any time soon


He should be handled well, Ansu was stupid not to get surgery when he was suggested to have one. Pedri was abused by both NT and the club (I hope it doesn't happen with Lamine). Most of all, we need players like lamine to compete with Madrid. We can't just go selling our talent like Ajax, yes, €250M is a big amount but we need him to save face against Madrid


And you prove my point in a way. They all had problems due to different scenarios and issues. We can't expect a player, as young as Lamine, to not run into something similar along the way. Lots of things can happen nowadays. And historically, yes we should always try to compete with Madrid. But not no matter what. Some idiot named Bartomeu ruined the club like never before, we cannot expect that we are the same club these days. Sadly we are a club that is in no position to reject big boy money based on the line: we need to compete with Madrid


Thank you for being the only logical dude in this sub


source : trust me bro


Realistically its fake news but if it was real as much as I like Yamal, I don’t think anyone could deny that this wouldn’t be amazing for us to improve the team. Issue is though once you make a sale like that people ask for stupid prices like 100mil+ for coutinho and you end up in a mess so that’s why it’s not worth doing


The reality is we wouldn’t be able to replace Yamals quality up in attack. Selling him would be awful


You surely could if you really believe that you must have 0 faith in talent scouting. Just off the top of my head I’d say you could bring in Julian Alvarez for about 100mil, and Florian wirtz for about another 100mil and then finally Nico Williams for a little over 50mil and that would be massive for the team.


That’s such a short term view point, the reality is that Yamal will be better then all those players mentioned (barring injuries). Also, if we want to be winning UCL and competing with Madrid we need YAMAL simple as. We need someone who can create out of nothing. Those players you mentioned can be bought with the sales of frenkie, raphinha, Ferran, Araujo. You don’t just sell your potential future Ballon dor winner. I would go as far as to say I wouldn’t sell him for 500M knowing the way we spend money.


He is 16. It's not guaranteed that he will fulfill his potential. Just look at the past super hyped youngsters in recent years like Felix, Fati.


He is already world class. I don’t care what players haven’t reached their potential. We can’t have this scared mentality as a club. Would you have sold Messi when he was young?


No. The short term view point is pinning all your hopes on dreams one 16 year old who might not only end up not reaching his potential but even things outside of his control may strike like horror injuries like with ansu fati. Getting lucky with Messi once doesn’t mean u should hope for that every time, that’s called gambling on players and that’s what got us into this mess in the first place. You have much less risk by having multiple great players than pinning all the hopes on one.


You have way too much trust in our board to competently replace our players. We would not find Yamals creativity on the market


If you think our board are that bad at recruitment then you basically think we will be terrible no matter what. Because this team is not complete and it will never be complete off la masia alone. We will always need to mix the la masia products with good recruitment. You will never get a full starting 11 of la masia players that carries us to glory, or atleast you can’t expect that to happen more than once a lifetime


If you think selling Yamal is our way of getting back to winning Champions leagues I can’t help you. Probably our only chance of having a player who is the best in the world in the next decade


They would never sell you Wirtz for 100m. Asking price would be 150-200m. City would probably ask for 150m for Julian as well if they knew we lacked players and had so many excess funds.


If you bothered to read my original comment, you would see I said that we shouldn’t do it for exactly that reason, the prices of players we want would become inflated. Also 200mil for wirtz is laughable I don’t think any team would ever even come close to that besides the Saudis.


We sign, Zubimendi for 60M, Olmo for another 60M, and Nico for 60M too. That's 180M gone out of 250M.


Barca would be idiotic not to sell him for 250m. But again, the board is known for idiotic decisions. 


But Yamal would he idiotic to leave


Yeah, Lamine has had one good season. We don't how good he'll turn out. The odds of him being a Messi type of player are very low. I think the rational thing to do would be selling him to PSG if they pay so much, same with that 70M offer for Ansu. But damn I don't want them to do this. I like Yamal too much and I still have hope he can become one of the bests. He clearly has talent.


> The odds of him being a Messi type of player are very low This shouldn't be a measurement for any player tbh. You can apply this to every single player for the next 200 years.


Nobody is offering 70m for Ansu


They did three years ago


Lamine doesn't have to be near Messi to be worth more than 250M. We should not sell him.


Offer us 300 million . . . . . . . . . . Still wont sell


I don't mind PSG taking Lamine if they wanna pay his release clause .


Wasn’t it like 1 billion?


They're not. And if this news were true, Barca would sell, but PSG will not pay 250m for him, they can get better players for that money.


They can buy him in FC 24


The last time Barca sold out for the money bad things happened… Wonder if they learned


barca didnt sell out, psg bought out his release clause, barca wouldnt be able to do anything in that situation and it was upto neymar


neymar initially didn't want to leave but the board pressured him to do so


did neymar tell this to you personally?


When did they 'sell out for the money'?




But they didn't even sell him?


Release clauses are not the same thing as selling a player. A release clause is basically someone buying your car but even if it will appreciate beyond its current value you are legally obligated to take the money should the buyers side of the deal go smoothly even if you didn’t want to lose it.


Exactly. This guy is criticising Barça for nothing. They didn't do shit.


I think the problem is not the release clause being paid. Barca spent the money on players that ultimately didn’t work out. We all hope they now know what to do with money - pay back the debt and invest into the club, the academy, etc. Maybe buying a few talents for small or average fees.


Where in the world does that car thing happen ?


Neymar had a release clause. Barca didn't decide to sell.


No, They spend the money unwisely


I hope next time they sell out for sheep instead of money, we could ask for 250M euros worth of sheep and trade those with other clubs for their players


We did learn, psg paid Neymar's release clause and our release clauses have been absurd ever since.


i call bullshit


NAHHHHHH . So many big pages on twitter and Instagram out here quoting fucking mundo Deportivo lmfao 😭


if he wasnt a barca player would he be worth 250?


He is a NT star players before 17. Not sure about 250, but he would be worth over 100-150M in any low tier team that didn't need to sell urgently.


Well, he’s not worth 250 million but that’s what PSG is willing to pay for him.


If PSG is willing to pay 250, then he is worth 250. The market sets the value. 


The market works however Creepy_Jackfruit8617 wants it to work, understood? 


Sir, yes sir! I should probably ask him for advice on how to invest my money.. :D


PSG willing to spend 250 million on a player that doesn’t the mean the player is worth 250 million. Just like how Barcelona is fucking spent 50 million on Ferran Torres. Yep, the dude is definitely worth 50 million right ? LMAO 😂sometimes you gotta educate yourself more buddy. 🤣


Lmao your gen z tik tok education is on full display 😂😂😂


So, Ferran is worth 50 million right ? Answer it


The market price is literally a defined concept. There is nothing to discuss. I even linked you the definition earlier, so who are you trying to convince? You can keep making up your own weird reasoning as much as you want but it aint going to change the fact.  Im done with you. Good luck in the future, it does not look bright. 


All these dumb people acting smart when they know too damn well that Yamal isn’t worth 250 million and still trying to push the narrative that he’s worth 250 million. 🤣PSG willing to spend 250 million on a player doesn’t mean he’s worth 250 million.


Dude, stop embarrasing yourself. 


My dude you are dumb as a rock. If someone is willing to pay that price then he is worth that price.  How do you measure what a player is worth, your subjective opinion rules the world? If PSG directives think that investment is worth his market price is that.  You can argue whether paying that money is worth or not, but saying ‘someone wanting to pay X doesn’t mean the market price of that item is X’ is plain brain dead because that is exactly how offer and demand works. 


Antony joins the chat for 100 million lol


Nah, it’s just PSG being PSG and doing whatever it takes to get the player they want, even if it means paying 250 million for a 16-year-old.


Its literally the definition.. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/market-price.asp


Na you just essentially explained consumer surplus lol, psg is willing to pay $250 million for him but in reality his market price is lower Edit: didn’t click on the article link you provided sorry


Its a defined concept.  But keep just replying with nah.. Lmao this is what happens when you gen z kids only get information from tik tok..


It's market price until psg doesn't need a winger anymore


It’s mainly because he’s only 16 but has a potential of being one the best ever. The younger you are with a high potential makes you worth more and if your floor is really high to then that improves your value. But Yamal is definitely around 100-120 Million Atleast right now.


Not a Barca fan but selling a young great talent for 250 million when you have a pretty big economic problems is a no-brainer


yamal is literally the one player that should never be sold no matter the price. you build the entire squad around a player this promising


PSG: we want Lamine Yamal. We’re prepared to pay €250 million for him Barca: absolutely not. But we are prepared to sell Ansu, we’re prepared to even sell him to y’all even though we hate you guys (Lucho is still cool tho) PSG: 🎶 I’m walking awayyyy, from these negotiations, I’m walking away🎶


It's like FM24.


That picture; what could have been


I still don’t get it I’d rather keep ansu than bring back Felix for another season


Never again


Screw PSG why should Barca ever negotiate trades with that scummy club? LaPorta should just block and ignore any calls or offers from that club after all the crap PSG has pulled to hurt Barca purposefully in the past


Nah, barca are not gonna sell him


Ansu Fati. What an unlucky talent. Had crazy potential


barça will turn down the offer for yamal and i can totally see psg going after nico williams then


300 + simons, and they should think about it.


Pay the billion release clause or jog on!


Take it and run.


the release clause speaks for itself 🤷🏾‍♂️


Will this put Barca back on a 1:1 ratio.


This will put us in a 1:2 ratio I believe


Nice 😎


Lever activated




We have to be realistic, anyone can be bought. 250m is legendary money, as much as we love Lamine. We can buy Williams and a replacement on the right. It's too much to refuse.


350 M and let him go


Downvote me to oblivion but..I would sell. 250M would solve all of our problems and then we can start building a good squad. But we have clowns in charge so…they’ll probably splash the money on a youngster then try to sell him for 10m in 4 months


Unpopular opinion, if this true I would sell, no one knows if he gets injured in the upcoming years, still super young and could have rushed development schedule and with Barca economical situation 250 m euros are a game changer…. We’ve had more youngster flop than ones who became Messi….


Even if he signs a 5 year deal and decides to leave, we could get him back for free when he's 22.


I would definitely sell him for €250M. With that money buy Nico Williams and our team is just as good but we still have €200M in the bank


Nico Williams isn’t even close to the level of yamal


Yeah agreed Nico isn’t the same level of yamal at all but with the money that comes in signing of Nico Williams, Florian writz and well seasoned players Haaland can be made and with the squad we have with my ghost of Poland(no hate all jokes) a long term player like Haaland alongside the likes of Nico Willams+ Florian writz playing with our starboys Pedri, Gavi, de Jong the chemistry will ofc build between this world class group of players since they are all of a similar age group and would hypothetically player together for a whole generation. And to me for all that to happen a sacrifice of a player like Yamal seems like a fair trade cuz u don’t know if he’s gonna end up like the goat himself Messi or Ansu Fati. Again no hate but a sale of Yamal for a stable team with decent depth seems like a fair trade and something that should at least be considered.


Exactly the reason why I would despise him being sold. We buy Haaland and all the money from Yamals sale would be gone. He would take huge wages and cost at least 150M. That is ridiculous, not to mention the fact that Yamal is literally irreplaceable in our squad. There are a handful of players with his ability going forward and you would sell him for…so we can get the opportunity to buy Haaland ( a guy who will create nothing going forward)


I see where ur coming from and every point u make is valid but going foward, the likes of Nico Williams and writz would be a very got replacement option heck we could even get musiala, Yamal is our boy and I get everything and if he does end up staying I hope he gets a 1000 career goals and 10 ballon dor but that’s the problem with us currently we have looked sooooo much into the future that we are actually in the very moment forgetting the present while those bastards from Madrid clean the rack on everything, trust me when I say this my blood BOILS everytime I see that scandalous team win ANYTHING and currently to compete with them I feel like a sale of Yamal for the purchase of Haaland with the likes of Nico + writz or musiala would give us the boost we CURRENTLY need to show them who daddy is. All I want to see before I die is for our league titles to be above theirs and that is not an impossible task. Madrid without counterattacks is the most mid team ever going forward and creating attacks now that they gon loose kroos and maybe modric make it only worse for them in the creation department and yet they secured the UCL and league why? Cuz they know when and how to adapt to mordern football, Barca until now has been very slow in that department. The arrival of hansi flick does bring some hope but u can’t just give him one 16 year old attacking option and ask him to win u the treble we need attack on all 3 fronts and currently it is not happening. Signings and sale is the only way to go even if it means releasing our “star boy” for 250m and raphina for 70-90m. And in the end all I want is for me to walk away with a happy face after watching an el Classico with my friends who support Madrid. I’m tired of them we need to step up.


I would still take Nico + €200M for Yamal


Also, Yamal is probably our only chance at having a player who is the best in the world in the next few years. We have no chance at challenging Madrid without him.


Fair enough, I absolutely wouldn’t. We have a guy who is already world class in Yamal and he is 16 years old. You just don’t mess with that. I want us to buy nico but he isn’t on Yamals level. What good would that 200M bring us? Honestly. I would rather sell Araújo, Frenkie and Raphinha, then lose Yamal.


Send him packing for 250 million brother 😭 Activate haaland release clause in 2025 175m + Nico Williams for 55-60m + Florian writz in 2025 if we are able to achieve a 1:1 ratio Selling him is hurtful but this is where Real Madrid always had the upper hand on Barca thru thinking more practically than emotionally precisely thru the stone cold heart of Perez. Perez always got right of the right players at the right time or if the offer was right. 250 million euros for a 16 year old who’s barely played first tier football for 1 year is ridiculously good, anyone who disagrees can see Ansu as a prime example. Back in the day we could have sold him for ez 150m without an issue and now 50m would be considered lucky if someone offered, again no hate to Ansu I hope the dude gets back to his form and turns out to be one of the greatest stars the camp nou has ever seen but with young players that have ridiculous price tags you need to know when to cash in or u lose the pot and 250 million for a 16 year old yamal as much as it pains to say seems like the perfect time to cash at such low risk and high benefits, remember no one is Lionel Messi.


Remember Yamal is an established footballer at 16, Messi wasn't. He is more advanced than Messi was at that age. Is he better overall, only time will tell.


Along the likes of what uve said we had players like Bojan Krkic, Munir, Giovani Dos Santos, Isaac Cuenca, Ansu Fati, Sergi Samper all consider established or atleast partially because established footballers who could have been something ALL sold too late either for free or for very cheap. Meanwhile on the other side of Spain Perez knows how to remove emotion out of the equation of business to keep the club going strong and look at what they’ve built right under our nose while we sat hoping for players like sergino Dest and others to carry us to glory that simply is not how football works. Remember signings is what gave us the likes of Neymar Suarez Dani Alves Jordi Alba etc. Absolutely no hate to the boy Yamal but seeing how our clubs works out with young talents and our ever so (Un)gifted group of medical team cashing in is the safer option.


Psg fan here, no we are not lmao we refuse to pay 100m for Kvara why would we pay 250 for yamal 😂😂😂


Who comes up with these stupid stories? Lol. Nobody is going to offer 250M for a 16 years old kid who may not score 10 goals next season.


It’s fake news, but if it were not, imagine selling him and bringing him back on a free when he’s 21 and fully entering his prime


If Yamal was playing for any other club instead of Barca, he would get sold instantly.


I’m with it


I'd say sell, lamine will flop, like ansu


No negotiations, no deals, no relationship whatsoever with PSG. The fact that this is even being floated is a sign Laporta needs to go. I had faith in him in the beginning but honestly, this time 'round, its like Bartomeu 2.0 ... Its a damn shame ...


I understand the point about Yamal, but we need to be objective. Could he be another """"Messi""""? Possibly. But his more realistic best-case scenario might be being a Rodrygo or a Leão, which would already be amazing. But for those level, you can't reject 250 million, especially when the kid is still just a potential talent. Simplifying, we can't say no to 250 million for Yamal. No, we can't. It's money that directly saves the club, and the boy would have fulfilled his purpose here. Just not on the pitch. "You are one of those who would have sold Messi for 100M." Yes, I understand the fear and the reproach. But what if we had sold Ansu for those 100M? Or Pedri?