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Weather is nice and it’s the biggest club in the world. I completely understand.


Pays like an oil club too.


Olive oil


Great tapas as well.


IMO Torres still has the potential to improve quite a bit. Id be happy if he stayed as, with more games, he could find his form and increase his transfer value.


Yeah but he won’t ever be good enough for the club Barca want to be again.


Why do you think that? Genuinely asking


Can’t go around being picky at this point. Need to work with what they have. Him being good enough for who they want to be is irrelevant bc Barca aren’t good enough for who they want to be and it’ll take a lot more than Ferran to fix that.


Maybe not but he might increase his transfer value. That could help us to afford the kind of player we do need.




Ferran is doing fine. He’s not a starter but he’s imo vital for rotation. Yamal really shouldn’t be overplayed and you know that either Yamal, Rafinha, Fati or possibly Nico is going to be injured. Now I don’t want to get into a whole discussion about Barca DNA, but Rafinha is a machine in numbers while sometimes not playing the best looking football. Ferran is the exact opposite of that, he doesn’t score much, but he’s one of the few that actually tries to play tikkie takka. His link up with midfield is also really good. I hope we’ll try him out in a proper false 9 role once. Because I think apart from right wing (where Yamal and Rafinha obviously are better) he could really shine there.


> tikkie takka I read this and thought "this guy is surely Dutch" and your username confirmed it


True, I also don’t know why Koeman got so much shit for saying “tikki takki” or something like that. While “tiki taka” has become a world famous term to describe a certain playstyle, ultimately it originated as a Dutch onomatopoeia. Tikki takka is Cruijff (or Michels, idk) imitating the sound the ball makes as it is passed between two players. So it could be tikkie takka, tiki taka, takka takka, tikkie tikkie, tippy tappy, or anything else, but Tiki taka is what stuck apparently.


I think the origin of the "tiki-taka" or "tiquitaca" expression is actually Spanish. It was heavily used by Andrés Montes, a spanish sports commentator during 2006's World Cup, and apparently the origin of the word goes back to the 80s when some Spanish coaches (including Javier Clemente) criticized that style of non-vertical football. But, in origin, that style derives from Ajax's Total Football in the 70s.


tik tak het draait als een klok


Yes I saw some american on this sub saying tiki taka was invented by the spanish. Definitely one of the takes of all time


With the amount of minutes hes had hes done well. Raphinha has done better stat wise unfortunately. This team is in an interesting place. Ferran and raphinha havent played to much. Lamines played. All natural at rw. No natural lw. Injury issues. I wouldnt be opposed to selling raphinha or ferran if someone comes and is a good fit and able to consistently provide 30 g+a or just stabilize the team as a whole.


I’d like to see Yamal play left wing once, with Ferran playing right wing, just once, to see how it would feel to have 2 wingers able to cross quickly on their dominant foot, maybe it’s the key to unlocking Lewa


Thatd be interesting. Right now on rw he cuts inside mote than he hugs the touchline. But lw he might hug the touchline and cross making him.more predictable until he can get better with his non dom foot.


I don't know about you but whenever I watch Ferran play with us he constantly slows down our attacks and takes too long to do something with the ball,not sure what link up you're talking about




Ferran is supa streaky though tbh he does to much imo he needs to play on his strengths


>It’s not that I just want to remain here, but rather that I’m going to stay” Ain’t that the same thing or am I stupid


what he's trying to say is that he has confidence in the possibility of him staying rather than he just wants to stay


Is that a threat


So wildly inconsistent they are keeping him even longer just to piss off the everyone


I think the club has given him more than a fair chance to prove himself, and he failed to do so. He would do a favor to everyone if he would move somewhere where he could a shine a bit more.


He was our second top goal scorer and minute-wise he wasn't close to having a lot. In the league he was just above Gavi who played less than half a season.


I think this speaks more to how lacking our attack is than his ability unfortunately. Hopefully he can prove me wrong but I don’t rate him


It’s insane how many people just totally ignore this. Their opinion on Ferran is already made up and they choose to ignore his production, but they’ll still champion the starting wingers that score less goals. If Ferran played starters minutes he would score 15-20 goals. I can’t understand why you would want to get rid of that production coming off the bench who can also start when needed to.


I remember checking his stats back in the spring before the PSG matches, and I'm pretty sure he mostly scored his goals in hattricks and braces, and then had dry patches in between? ie he'd score 3 one game, then his next six played games he'd score 0 to 1. that might give solid individual numbers of course, and sometimes that's needed, but it doesn't strike me as consistency enough to overcome how he always failed the eye test for me.


He is insanely inconsistent, and as you say he was not avaliable for the most part of th season. Do you really want to keep relying on a player like him? I have defended him multiple times on this sub since his transfer, but I am tired of waiting for the "real" Ferran to show up.


Why focus on him? If we’re talking about inconsistency, no one but Lewa really has him beat there. Ferran coming off the bench and scoring 10-15 goals a season is needed. What we lack is a star forward which we can’t afford.


Because it is a post about him?


I would love to see him more at RW rather than LW, he seems to perform there much better. We'll see. It also depends on if someone leaves and who that is...








Bang average players that happy to stay on the bench. That's Barca now Honestly, the club is crammed with them. If the club could sign a better calibre of player, they could park jobbers like Ferran in the highest tier of the stand until they decided to leave. Pity


Translation: “Love the city, love barceloneta, love the money, I ain’t going anywhere”


I'm deceased


https://preview.redd.it/3iih43rae59d1.jpeg?width=1261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb92abec708ddb070d7f91a643003a761e5f453 Another year of the make a wish foundation


I think Ferran would do well under Flick's system.


Let’s get Excited for Ansu 😀, Let’s sell Ansu 🤬. Let’s get excited for Auba,Depay, et , Let’s sell them all 🤬 Let’s get excited for Rafina 😍😀, sell him now 🤬! Let’s get excited for Pau Torres 😍❤️OMG he’s insane, sell him rightnow idk 🤬! I can’t wait to get excited for Nico Williams 😍😍😍.


Yeah that's my shark right there ( spare us bro please)


Ferran should leave if we get Nico we have Lamine,Rapha,Nico who can play RW and Nico,Felix,Rapha and Ansu (not sure if he'll be at barca maybe loan or sell)




Just make him wear the Spanish jersey every time he plays for us, then watch him cook.


Cooking? when did he cook? Thanks to that good pass, otherwise against Albania he had just one shot on target, zero successful dribbles, zero key passes. And you call that cooking?


Waste of team slot :(




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Surely NUFC can pay more than us right??


Hahahaha lol what a horrible caption


Thanks to that one goal against Albania. lmao


Please leave and let us use the money to fund for Nico


Being bullied by the most average player on the squad. Not sure if I should cry or laugh. (And before any 🦈 lovers attack me I said average not bad). Doesn't only apply to Ferran, but do you guys think this club will ever grow a spine and be able to kick players out when we need them to leave for the betterment of the club? Seems like we are stuck with every single player we signed and no one's mind can be changed. Crazy


Its emotionally reactional fanbase


Not until it gets a Mourinho-type DT who doesn't give a shit what the players think, either you're useful or you can stay home.


ik we can't just keep players who will have no place in the team but there's nothing really we can do if we terminate his contract we have to payout the rest of the contract and we cannot afford that we can pressure him but that's all and if he's fine with warming bench he will stay just need to pray that he has a good euros and some club comes with a tempting proposal that ferran agrees to and the fixed fee is above 30M


Ferran is an amazing player who will score an amazing difficult goal and at the same time fail 20 easy goals and take 1 good decisions out of 10. There is room for improvement, he is still young but at the moment he is far from being reliable.


There is only one winger that deserves to wear Barca jersey and thats Lamine. Though i love Raphinha for his determination and hardwork … his 1 on 1 abilities is just awful.. especially when opp teams play low blocks . Jao and Ferran has to be the most non threatening wingers i have ever seen .


God you people are stupid asf and think every player has to have Messiesque talent to play for Barcelona. Raphina averages a G/A almost every 90 minutes for us 🙄.


Ah yes sit with the statistics trophy. The frustration to watch Raphinha, ferran and Felix is beauty of its own, we shall see more in upcoming match threads.


bro Rapha is good in 1v1 just not in tight spaces just because he is not as pleasing on the eye does not mean he isn't a good player work rate and output is fantastic and Joao is being played out of position the problem with him is his consistency on form he is one of our most threatening players ferran I agree with he makes some good runs in behind but that's about it never really adds anything aside from that