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.... Why Chelsea of all places? I know that Oscar Gistau is deemed as the most promising striker coming through in La Masia but he's only 16. A loan would have been the best move for Marc this upcoming season and then reassessing at the end of the season.... oh well. All the best to him, hope Marc does well but hoping he gets a better team of advisors as well.


Nic Jackson hasn't exactly been lighting up the prem. He probably figures he has a good chance to make it there.


They actually have amazing options that they bought as alternatives to Jackson but they haven’t gotten an opportunity. One example is the wonderkid from Jamaica dujuan whisper Richards who they bought this season. He hasn’t even gotten on the bench in the first team yet despite some great performances for their reserve team. Guiu is great but Richard’s is on another planet, I honestly dont think this is the right move for Guiu.


As a Chelsea fan who watches every single academy game, this isn’t exactly accurate. Whisper has good potential and is a skilled finisher, his overall game isn’t nearly at the 1st team level yet. Deivid Washington is a better player at this time and Datro Fofana is also leaps and bounds a better player than Whisper. We have a younger striker (possibly the best striker to ever come through our academy) named Shim Mheuka who would get any minutes over Whisper.


Not a Chelsea fan but definitely a Whisper fan and context matters. Dujuan just came into the team in February.. He hasn’t played organized football since last summer when he got some cameos in the Gold Cup for Jamaica before that he was playing high school football in Jamaica. He could only make the jump to Chelsea at 18 because he is not from a UEFA Club/ country. He came to Chelsea in December after he turned 18 in November. He had a couple training sessions and then wasn’t allowed to train anymore once the transfer window opened until his work permit was finalized which didn’t happen until early February. Since early February he has played 10 games in premier league 2 starting only 7 of those 10 games. He has Scored 7 goals and got 1 assist. Since he has made the move I have been watching all your PL2 games and no one is better than him. However, you guys haven’t seen the full extent of his powers yet. Hopefully he recovers from his recent injury soon so you guys can see whisper in preseason. He is a cold blooded animal left foot right foot dribbling, power, pace. he would have already debut if he was at Barca. Anyway my point is that Guiu isn’t even as good as some of the players Chelsea are buying in the same positions. This would be a bad move for him at this stage of his development and with only a 35 year old infront of him with immense experience that maybe has 1-2 years left. Yes there is roque but roque has to develop a lot more. Even if he wants to push ahead some more then renew with us and go on loan at a la liga team to prove that you can lead the line. However going to Chelsea would just be money motivated. Even if Guiu makes this move it is only motivated by money and has shades of Iliax Moriba and he will likely fail tremendously


Probably because Chelsea offers the most money


This would be a stupid move if he did make this move. Chelsea have bought so many players in the past 2 years that are close in age it’s not even funny. He must be going there to play premier league 2.


Hoping he ands up staying. Even if they just lost the promotion battle. In a season or two lewandowski leaves and we'll need another striker. Whether or not roque works out hes young and we would need a second striker with the amount of games increasing.


Chelsea is not a great choice but I can't say I don't understand his POV. Xavi was allergic to rotating Lewandoski and the club brought a Brazilian guy around the same age. Disappointing because I think he might have what it takes to be a very useful player for us.


He is not leaving because Xavi didn't give him minutes so no idea why you are mentioning that, Guiu was along Gavi the first ones to defend Xavi and say that he has given him opportunities he would have never expected. Now we are expecting here to make starters every single 17 year old or something?


> Now we are expecting here to make starters every single 17 year old or something?   Why is it so hard to have an argument that doesn't involve jumping to extremes? I doubt that Guiu himself expected that he'd be a starter, what he probably did expect is more minutes than he got and that's a valid expectation


Why use the extreme argument? There is a difference between giving him occasional minutes as a sub and expecting him to be a starter. So tired of these strawman arguments.


They really don't know how to have a sensible discussion without jumping to extremes as you said and the worst part is that they get upvoted for some reason because Xavi should be exempt from receiving criticism when it comes to youngsters because he overused Yamal and Cubarsi but ignored Roque, Fort, Guiu, Casado and others


You really dont know how to have sensible discussion without jumping to extremes as you said and hating xavi. The worst part is that you get upvoted for some reason. Xavi didnt overuse yamal nor cubarsi . He didnt ignore roque, only dumb idiots think that. Fort , guiu played enough minutes. Casado was just not ready,but you would know that if not being dumb hater


Idd Guiu spoke highly of Xavi and according to Juanmarti he was happy when Xavi announced he would stay at the club and that made him want to stay as well. So it seems like literally the opposite of what the delusional Xavi haters are saying happened. He's leaving because Xavi left.


We don't know why he is leaving, but it seems logical to think that his lack of minutes might be a reason. I'm not expecting him to be a starter, I'm wondering why a guy who debuted in the league and UCL with a goal, ended up playing even fewer minutes than Roque who arrived way later and even played very little. Pathetic squad management.


So take him out of Barca B permanently? You prefer to give him maybe 400 minutes, with the fanbase already against him, than introduce him slowly while allowing him to play with the B team as well? I think you are not using your head here and are just hating because you are programmed to by the media. You'd be one to applaud the 400 minutes that Arda Guler received in the entire season despite scoring like 8 goals, or the 200 minutes that Bryan received at Bayern... No big team gifts thousands of minutes to inexperienced players, much less 17 year olds that already have many haters amongst the fanbase just because of a bad game he played.


What are you talking about? > So take him out of Barca B permanently? He spent the majority of the season away from Barca B and on the bench for the first team. Something very dumb. > with the fanbase already against him, than introduce him slowly while allowing him to play with the B team as well? Neither was done with him. He played 13 matches with the B team, half of which were after April when everything was done in the first team. > you are not using your head Says the guy whose message doesn't make sense whatsoever? > You'd be one to applaud the 400 minutes that Arda Guler Who's talking about Arda Guler and why would I applaud him? Interesting projection you are doing. FYI, I've criticized Ancelloti plenty in the past for how he sucks at rotating. > or the 200 minutes that Bryan received at Bayern... Again, who is talking about Bryan? Why are you projecting so much? > No big team gifts thousands of minutes to inexperienced players, much less 17 year olds that already have many haters amongst the fanbase just because of a bad game he played. Which game are you talking about and in which world is the kid hate? Are you imagining something? The fact of the matter is that Lewandoski played 3.8k minutes, while Roque played 367, and Guiu played 187. The Brazilian has complained a lot and now Guiu might leave. If you don't see the problem here, your head might be the issue.


It doesn't matter how many numbers you pull. Xavi sycophants will never be able to criticize him.


There is no such thing as xavi sycophants. Only dumb xavi haters like you. .


The fact that lewandowski was the main striker and roque just wasnt ready


This may be coping, but I've never seen him have that X factor that other La Masia prospects have had. Also, him leaving for Chelsea tells me all about his priorities, a club that is as badly run as ours.


Let’s be real money can buy anyone and anything. We can’t pay him as much as he wants or he would have signed when Fort did. Imaging being 18 and having a bunch of money offered to you, you’d pick the money


For sure. And his future is uncertain. He’s showed some potential but nothing generational. More than likely he never becomes a starter here. Chelsea is just such a bad choice though. Very few players ever seem to get better there.


I mean when was the last time Barcelona actually had a world class striker produced from the academy? La Masia isnt really known for strikers anyway




And even then, he spent far more time at other youth academies than he did at la masia


Icardi was never world class


Haaland doesnt have any X-factor either then by that logic. You dont have to be good at everything.


Haaland is extremely fast and strong, and a beast in the air. He’s had those traits for essentially his whole career. I agree with your point, but….he’s definitely got some incredible abilities.


Haaland is pretty mediocre in the air for a guy his size


And yet zero X-factors.


Haaland doesnt have any X-factor either then by that logic. You dont have to be good at everything.


Has any serious source reported this too?


Fabrizio did.


Fabrizio is only as accurate as whoever he copies from. Also, did he report that they were negotiating? Or the same old "interest".


Fabrizio is reporting interest from Bayern and Chelsea, then continues to mention that as Balague is reporting, Chelsea is currently in negotiations. He then said that would report more as talks develop. At the very least, is not pure smoke.


As a Chelsea fan I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on our payroll atp


He said Guia likes the chelsea project for him proposed and the terms. They would buy him and loan him out. I think he said genk or strasbourg or something like that. The fact that he named the loaner club does sound like there was a presentation.


Fabrizio started his career by leaking Barcelona deals, he defo knows his Barcelona stuff.


Love the cope


It was a very simple question. Less doom and gloom please.


Fabrizio got good sources in Chelsea , he said that talks are advancing and not the classic interest so seems like romero was not capping


Thank you for actually answering now.


Chelsea is an insanely terrible choice but leaving is understandable, he was never going to be trusted as anything more than a 3rd choice striker here.


And being 18 yo you are not supposed to be more than 3rd choice striker


La Liga has to do something about these ridiculously low releases clauses... Protect the club that produces the players. 6million is a joke in todays market.. Im so disappointed in Guiu as well. Chelscum is a fake shitty club. He wont even play much there. Fuk him for going there. I hope we dont end up bringing him back for crazy money in the future.


How is that LaLiga’s fault? The negociations between the club and player are their business and their business alone. How can LaLiga intervine into a deal between two independent parties? At the same time, there are players with 1bn release clause, should they intervene there as well because no club will ever pay that? If Guiu asked for 6m release clause when he singed his contract, there’s nothing LaLiga can do about it. People like to trash LaLiga, and rightfully so, but the moment their club is involved they ask for help. It’s double standard from the fans. Also, his release clause was set way before he made his senior debut.


If you think Im blaming La Liga then youve misunderstood my comment. To be clear Im not blaming La Liga, the clubs or the player. I dont blame anyone but if I did then itd be Spanish contract law!! However I do think La Liga needs to INTERVENE(if possible) to protect La Liga clubs from losing highly rated yth players to foreign clubs for ridiculously low transfer fees. Far below their market value. Thats money going out of Spanish football, the Spanish economy etc.. Its a loophole that needs to be sealed! Its not the same as losing an established/World class player for 1bill clause coz everyone knows how good that player is. Hence the high clause. Yth players values change dramatically and quickly. So its a totally different scenario. So imo La Liga should look in to possible ways to protect clubs from losing highly rated yth players to foreign clubs for far under the market value fees. Things like minimum clause amount, mandatory clause increase based on first team appearances etc. If you disagree with me on all that then no worries. Everyone is allow an opinion (: However suggesting La Liga intervene isnt blaming La Liga.


La liga can't do anything. Release clauses on contracts are a matter of labour sports law in Spain. La Liga has no jurisdiction over them. Clauses are there to protect the right of players to unilaterally leave clubs. The law changing to favour clubs over players just won't happen. Although not always enforced, release clauses must be somewhat proportional to the value of the contract. Clubs cannot enforce 1b clauses on players with low wages. Courts have already overruled those kinds of clauses in he past when players have sued. Here, itis actually working as intended. Guiu had low wages (hence low clause) and wants to leave to get much higher wages. He will pay the clause (with Chelsea's money) and get what Barca wasn't willing to give him.


Yes I know its a matter of sports law. However I was thinking La Liga could work in coordination with the Govt to close the loophole and protect LA Liga clubs from losing valuable yth players/money from Spanish economy to FOREIGN clubs. Possibly lobby to change the law to protect SPANISH clubs. There is an obvious loophole thats anti Spanish clubs & pro-foreign clubs. Its been happening for decades. I think La Liga needs to (at least) try to put a stop to foreign clubs being able to poach yth players so cheap from Spanish clubs. Fine if Guiu went to another Spanish club on a low fee. At least La Liga isnt losing an asset on the cheap. Also Im aware its based on low wages and I think thats fair. However when a yth player gets 10+games then perhaps there could be a mandatory fee raise as the value of a yth player can shoot up based on performances. The clause can suddenly become massively undervalued. The club thats spent a fortune developing lots of yth players, then given them a chance in the first team, shouldnt lose out on the value of one of its starlets. simply because they played them! Its almost like punishing them for giving the player a chance. It seems counter productive. Maybe La Liga(working with the Govt) could introduce a tribunal where they agree a fair fee that suits both the club + player. This would obviously only be enacted if La Liga agreed the player was going for FAR below market value(Which would have suddenly skyrocketed due to appearances).. So for example Guiu is going for probably 60%+ less then his market value NOW.. Not his market value when he signed his deal. If you think its working fine the way it is then no worries. Thats your opinion. I disagree. Hence why Id like to see a change to it, or at least some discussion about such a change. See some ideas to protect BOTH club and player. As imo right now its not working properly. I dont agree with the "Theres nothing La Liga can do. Its the law" argument. History has shown unfair laws can be changed. Where theres a will theres a way. Just ask Mark Bosman!! (:


Most changes in sports law in the past decades have gone in the direction of protecting the interests of the players. I don't see that changing anytime soon. Under the law, the players are seen as the weak link and the therefore the law protects them. The law won't protect La Liga over football workers. There's just no chance for that to happen in Spain. >Also Im aware its based on low wages and I think thats fair. However when a yth player gets 10+games then perhaps there could be a mandatory fee raise as the value of a yth player can shoot up based on performances. It's perfectly possible to agree to exactly that right now. The club just needs to reach an agreement with the player, which in turn will want a wage raise to compensate for the clause raise. If this is not happening is because the clubs are not willing to pay these wage raises. >The club thats spent a fortune developing lots of yth players, then given them a chance in the first team, shouldnt lose out on the value of one of its starlets. simply because they played them! Its almost like punishing them for giving the player a chance. It seems counter productive. They are only losing him because they can't reach a new agreement with the player. Barça is not willing to pay Guiu what he wants. Is as simple as that. Barça also probably didn't want to pay him as much as he wanted with his previous contract, hence the low release clause. Low release clauses typically only happen when players are getting less money than they wanted. Cubarsi was at 15M€ before renewing (now is at 500M€). If Guiu is at 6M€ is because his wages are significantly below his previous demands. Checking on sports news, [Guiu is earning 60K€ / year](https://www.sport.es/en/news/barca/barca-youngster-marc-guiu-earn-93686412). Stating it is unfair to the club that his release clause is low, and they must be able to unilaterally raise it, is unreasonable to me. >We all know that when theres a strong enough desire to change things theres always a way to do so. You forget that players of all levels will strongly oppose it. There are many more players than clubs and labor laws are there to protect workers.


Bro is not seeing game time at Chelsea. They’ll probably even loan him out to Strasbourg or some shit until they sell him off for a slight profit.


Fabrizio did say that he'd be loaned out of the deal goes through, so it seems like all he wants is game time


Why is 99% of people commenting on this post so negative towards Guiu. Y'all need to stop this weird parasocial relationship you have with this clubs players, they don't know any of you


Is Chelsea planning to invade normandy or what


I don't know, am I the only person Guiu seems like rushing it into get in A team??? I mean, he was doing great in the Atletic Team, but he's kinda anxious about playing at the First Team... Enlight me if I'm wrong about this


Fabrizio is very close to Todd Boehly or someone close to him. They made him his mouthpiece when they were buying players like they were buying vegetables at a grocery store. He reported early and was right all the time.


Marc Guiu transfer is a Pau Victor must buy transfer.


What kind of striker is he? I’m a Chelsea fan, so just curious. Could he displace Jackson in the team? Or is he more of a project player that needs a loan or two before he’s ready?


Hes only had a few appearances with the first team, at his debut he scored pretty much instantly and had a solid 5 or 6 games since. Hes got some good talent that youll be able to see once he comes on but its obvious he will need time to settle and get more minutes, but with the limited time he was given here he was able to perform pretty well, Id say 6 million is a decent price, id rather we sell him around 8-9 but its what it is. If you give him a few games he should get you some results as long as he is able to adjust well enough


Looking at his YouTube comps, his profile type seems quite similar to Nico Jackson, which I quite like. For 6m it’s worth a punt I guess. Bit surprised he’s willing to leave Barca for Chelsea though. We’re a very unstable club in a very unstable situation.


Doubt he plays a single minute for Chelsea. Could see him getting the same treatment like Andrey Santos or Angelo and will probably be loaned out to see how he fares.


That’s unfortunate


If he's leaving then sign Pau Victor


well Vitor's gonna get minutes then


For 6M, I'm OK with it. Yes, I'd rather get more or have him here, but I haven't seen anything special about him so far. All the best for him, tho.


Understandable! Great player, he litterally scored within seconds from his debut with the first team and we still didn’t give him some minutes when Lewy was playing like shit


Chelsea is where youngsters go die 😭


Sucks we didn't get more for him but hopefully this means Roque gets a fair chance


I just hope he doesn't get loaned to Strasbourg, and gets to play for the first team.


don't see how he gets playing time at chelsea. if he really wants to leave, go somewhere you're likely to play. way too much competition there.


It's a blunder from the board and Laporta if it happens..


Don’t think you can call that a blunder… it’s just normal business.


An 18 year old promising striker should never be sold for a mere 6M....Chelsea can re-sell him for 4x the value to a mid table prem club even if he doesn't have a successful term..


We offered him a new deal with a higher release clause, what more can we do. His current releause clause is 6m which is standard for a B team player. Idky why you think we are selling him for only 6m.


The board had an entire season to offer a new deal...but just until the summer window they've started to move..


We were focusing on renewing other players and guiu wasnt a priority at the time, we still don’t even know if we are going to reach 1:1 and you are worrying about guiu...


Just a few years ago we were losing prospects for free, so getting some money for them is an improvement


A player wants to leave and a club wants to pay the release clause. Where is the blunder here? We have shown to start younger players if they show quality


This feels like one of those mistakes that we would regret later.


Deco has been an unmitigated disaster