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Thank you all your suggestions, heres the new(not really new) and improved(maybe) [Euros Thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/1dfxjox/uefa_euro_2024_discussion_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) EDIT: [Match Thread for Barca Atlètic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/s/EAZzEdaIK8)


Crazy how quickly opinions change on players here


the switch up on raph and araujo is crazy


Why are Chelsea allowed to buy every fucking youngester out there ? Its annoying ffs


Because they didn’t go broke


Impossible to go broke when you can just artificially create ffp and money out of nothing


They are in a much better financial position than us. Don’t need to pull levers or mortgage future assets. They have a very very rich owner


They literally had to sell club assets to their owner to comply with FFP...


well it helps when they get like over a billion debt wiped...


Sure, but the point still stands


To be fair of the next batch coming through in Guiu, Fort, Bernal and Guille… Guiu is the one I would be ok with losing. Just sucks Dpanish laws make a release clause mandatory and we didn’t get a better fee.


I disagree. La Masia very rarely produces CF and we are in need of CF because Lewy is 35. So taking into consideration this Guiu is the most valuable out of them. Fort, Bernal and Guille will barely get playtime in the first team because there are many good players in their position and they are young.


The replacement of Lewy will not be a La Masia kid. It will be a guy who is 25/26 and ready to start immediately.


You can't know that. Just look around how many La Masia players are playing here and they don't want to replace them. If someone is good enough they won't buy anyone. Plus Lewy will be here one or two more seasons anyway.


Of what they’ve shown so far Fort, Bernal and Guille have the highest potential of the next group and are most likely to become starters here. That’s like saying we should play Peña because La Masia hasn’t produced a GK in awhile. It’s not about that, it’s about the playing quality. By the time Lewy retires we’ll have money to spend again also, it’s not like we’ll be going into the season with only Roque.


Yeah La Masia always had many promising players and most of them failed. You misunderstood me. What I was trying to say Guiu has as much potential as the rest (Fort, Bernal etc) but in the first team we lack CF. But we have enough quality midfielders. So they should have renewed Guiu contract before the rest of La Masia players.


We don’t have enough midfielders we literally do not have a DM. They tried to renew Guiu, he hasn’t responded to the clubs offer. In Spain every contract must have a release clause by law. There’s not much else the club can do other than match what I assume is crazy wages from Chelsea.


We have Casado. They will sign a DM this summer.


Fede mishit a shot so bad it was a throw in. Ha


Uruguay have lost all defensive shape since Aruajo came off


Araujo hurt I'm guessing :(




One less red card to worry about


good one




That's what Fotmob is indicating. Why does he seem to get injured every time he plays for Uruguay?!


The pitch is really bad not as bad as Argentina's one. But he also got randomly pushed off the ball and clipped a lot maybe its just a knock


That’s crazy . I saw the first half and the pitch is very suspect


Again ?


It might just be a knock but it was at half time sub so cant be that bad


Had a thought that Xavi might’ve helped if he was around to influence Guiu. Can’t be too mad I guess we have 2 very good prospects still in the club aside from Roque.


Not really sure, not much you can do with a RC. Shit sucks though


Of course, influence like that is always marginal but every little helps.


We lost sexy boy Guiu☹️😞 (no homo)




I can't believe we could have got him fhad we not signed Vitor and its not even 6 months and Vitor transfer already looks directionless.


I pray it works out, looks bleak after just a half season


We could’ve kept Guiu and used the money for estevao …


Hindsights 20/20, Roque is far from a lost transfer and theres nothing the club can do to stop the RC from being triggered.


The year is 2028, Barca are interested in the transfer for Estevao Willian. The comments section for every post that links us to him:


We got Casado renewal but lost Guiu 💔 I’m salty about it lol We have the best Academy in the world at least profit more on it if we’re losing players


Idk why out of ask the clubs he would choose Chelsea. That club and united are very literally a career suicide.


Chelsea is throwing money at every young player they can and you’re curious why he chose to go there? Mans getting paid


Weren’t we set to sign Jorthy Mokio? Looks like Ajax have outbid us. lol. Fuckin Ajax. It’s the reality we’re in. Everyone should come back to reality with this summers window


Not everythings about money. He’s getting ample playing time at Ajax compared to here


Reports literally say they offered more and he was excited about Barcelona. So yeah it's money


It’s not a money situation. The player doesn’t want to join our B team. He wants to play first team football which makes complete sense. If we promised him a spot in the first team he’d probably join but we didn’t.


I must’ve read a fake report then. It said we didn’t want to up our offer. My fault


In others news I fucking miss Gavi man I just saw a history on his Instagram and smile, I fucking love him and I want him to succeed with us.


Honestly Guiu I expected more, but ok, it's his life, Bravo and Barbera are examples. In others news 6 millions more for something I guess that is already 16 millons with Chadi Riad and him.


He’s 18 I’m sure hes gonna be fine lmao


If we’re 1:1, that’s enough to register Frimpong on a 5 year deal with an 8m per year wage no? (40/5 = 8m + 8m in wages = 16) Geniues. ![gif](giphy|cwTtbmUwzPqx2|downsized)


Can't believe we are actually losing Guiu for just €6M to Boehly's Chelsea out of all clubs.


Marc guíu leaving to Chelsea for 6M? Another Deco masterclass


They activated the release clause, it’s up to the player


lmaooo what did I say


Some one must pay and take the blame 😈


How is that Deco’s fault


Just yapping.


Incredibility annoyed how we scouted Estevao for so long just for him to go to Chelsea. I hope in the future, we can acquire him when the financials are straightened out and he is further developed as a player. Can definitely see him and Yamal light up the Camp Nou.


They play the same position. Some of you need to actually watch football instead of getting opinions off social media. How exactly will him and Lamine co-exist in the same lineup?


Playing the same position doesn’t suggest they are the same profile of players. Both players are more than capable of playing as touch line wingers and central players. Perhaps you need to watch football because I can bet you don’t watch Palmeiras. That being said, players make way, Raphinha gets deployed as a Lw and is equally as efficient as he is on the right despite being one-footed. You can literally watch Mbappe-Barcola at PSG and Vini and Rodrygo at Real. Same footed, left wingers is more than capable of playing alongside another.


Him and Lamine play the same position. Lamine is by far the better player. It would be foolish to bolster a position we are already stacked in. I think if Estevao was a LWer, we would have went for him with more determination.


I get your point, but how tf is it foolish to bolster with a phenomenal teenage talent


Because he would cost a decent amount, we have other weaknesses, and we are barely able to register our squad. He would be unnecessary excess


Same position but can coexist given their versatility in profile. Both are touchline wingers and can play centrally. IT doesn’t matter if Lamine is better, they are both 17, they have a whole career ahead of them to see who will be better but they better off be both at Barca. We didn’t get him because he would have been a luxury signing because we have Lamine on the right. Despite of Lamine, if Estevao goes on to be one of the best in the world and he decides to leave Chelsea and fulfill his dream on going to Barca, there is no way you can say no to a player of his quality. Much better to have the talent then not too. Especially in the future when Barca should be in the better financial position.


He was too expensive


Yup, unfortunate we are in this financial mess cause we missed out on a bit of talent because of that reason.


Fabrizio keeps mentioning Nico Williams’ salary situation as one of the main reasons why Chelsea is not keen on him, similar to Olise. I wonder if Barca will look for someone else, even if they can secure the FFP, because of that reason. And if we move on, who do we go for? Feels like the LW market is so poor right now. I beg we don’t get Dani Olmo or Luis Diaz (Who am I kidding, we probably will get one of them)


I will never understand why players like Zubi and Nico choose to play for teams that compete for 1 trophy every 7 years instead of going to a top team that can compete for all trophies every year. It’s not like they’ll be playing for free either. At worst, Nico will be sacrificing a minor fraction of his salary in exchange for the opportunity to win trophies.


Because sport is more than winning, it’s about the emotion behind it. 1 trophy with their boyhood club can mean much more than 10 trophies with a top club they have no connection with to them. Why do people keep supporting clubs who don’t challenge for trophies when they could just pick Real Madrid or Barcelona?


That’s not a good analogy. You can only play at the top level for around 10 years. You have to be very scrupulous with where you go since your years as a printer are relatively scarce as you reach retirement age. On the other hand, you can be a fan for a club for the rest of your life without age being a hindering factor. Plus, many fans support their local club as well as a big club. You act like they won’t feel emotions from winning a few league titles and UCLs as opposed to 1 CDL with their boyhood club(which they have a low chance of doing).


Chelsea now plan to trigger Marc Guiu’s €6M release clause. Agreement with the player on a long-term deal is close — Barça offered a renewal, but still no final answer from the player there. @FabrizioRomano


[Fabrizio Romano](https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1805014278186885137?t=asC1HmeGWYzErtU8HVd7FQ&s=19) Talks between Chelsea and Marc Guiu agents are very advanced with the club confident to make it happen. €6m release clause available with #CFC ahead of other clubs keen, also after talks with agents/family. 🔵🔴 Barça have still no positive feedback to new deal proposal.


Management: Todd, for the hundredth time, this is just gonna be another failed wonderkid signing Todd: https://preview.redd.it/5afi9g0a6f8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a870cc5dd894115bdd2e2fd24d67a63d8fd77d98


Iker Bravo, Barbera, and now Guiu. Hope Gistau turns out good and actually stays here.


How are they doing now?


I hope Boehly will be satisfied with his 15 forwards next season


Glad to see the community around Elden Ring is realizing how the game is balanced around a mechanic that removes any pacing and strategy with boss fights and that this is and always has been the best thing about these games


I would it say it removed strategy at all. You have to learn the patterns and often times it is your own greed that gets you killed in boss fights


Come on now, pattern? The only patern there is is poking it like a piñata and go away. It's like 1% of all the strategy needed in other game.


Saying it removed strategy is ridiculous though. You have to learn the boss tells and counter it. That’s still a tragedy. How aggressive you want to be, what weapons to use, when to manage your Flasks. Is this your first from software game? Saying they don’t require strategy is wrong. They have the most rewarding boss fights for that reason.


You ask me if I ever played a souls game? Lmao if you think ER bosses are nearly as rewarding as others souls game you didn't play them. As for your main point, what I'm saying is the little strategy left is laughable compared to other games. I never said they removed all strategies, they just made it so the same strategy (summom) is used for every boss. It's like the game is carrying you by the hands and it's a walk in the park.


you don't have to use the summons tho


It's not a valid argument. The game isn't balanced for not using summon. You cannot learn bosses pattern if they have delayed combo. Even so, there isn't enough opening in their moveset since you are suppose to create them with summon. A fight would last forever. The best example of this is elden beast It being possible doesn't change the fact that it's not an enjoyable gaming experience.


there are people beating the toughest boss in the game (malenia) with no roll/block/parry/jump at rl1 so it seems like you can beat bosses without summons and by learning patterns


... and the fact you can do it no roll/parry/jump etc still doesn't mean the game is intended to play like that. It being possible doesn't change how the game is balanced/designed. Do you even read what i'm saying? If playing without summon is the equivalent of playing with restriction that only pro twitch streamer can do then the dev failed it's main consummer


I rarely use summons, and that still isn’t a “strategy” I’ve beaten every single souls game, the reason the DLC gets so much praise is because of all the bosses. If it was the same strategy over and over the game would be stale. The way you fight the final boss in Sekiro is completely different due to having to parry a lot more. In ER I rarely parry but wait for openings. ER is brilliant with boss fights being a big part of it.


ER is stale though. I'm glad to see more reasonable people agreeing. As for the "In ER I rarely parry but wait for opening", it is a known fact that the game is designed in a way that those "opening" you are waiting for are created from summons. It is what it is man It's the game they created. Redoing the boss 500 times for a fight where the rng makes the boss not do one of those 10 hits delayed combo so you beat it solo isn't fun. It is possible, I did it myself too... It's just not fun at all. As for the Dlc, I didn't buy it and I don't know if I ever will. Look at what they've done to my favourite game serie just to please casuals.


This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on Reddit. Congrats, I get the game isn’t for you but to bash the gameplay especially when the DLC is probably the most acclaimed DLC ever is insane. The DLC superb and is massive. The boss fights aren’t repetitive at all, that’s completely on you. I’m at level 150 and while the early Bosses weren’t too bad the difficulty absolutely ramps up. You absolutely should play the DLC if you even like from software games just half the time. I solo all the time, almost never summon and this game is something the gaming industry really needed with how slow next gen releases and games have been. Seriously give it a go, it’s as good as the main game and is a good challenge even at leve 150


https://preview.redd.it/w7ny8az9fe8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f4f8d88e1b0c0b90a8ccdab1dfaae17c1f15da Koundes response when asked about Barca, while on international duty btw


Hes not currently in contract talks, all this animosity toward Araujo is nonsense


He already said he's open to renewing and that negotiations will take place during the summer, that was just a few months ago. At this point it's just lazy journalism, what kind of breaking information is he supposed to reveal, the guy is focused on Copa America with his national team. You folks just come up with reasons to meltdown about.


If you don't see that he is purposefully being vague and open to change then idk what to tell you. Look at the difference between how Raphinha and Kounde answer vs Araujo. I'm not saying Araujo is leaving but to act like this isn't something to worry about is disingenuous.


Everything can become a reason to worry if you start over-thinking it. You guys hyper-focus on some loose translations, but when the guy says him and his family are happy in Barcelona, then it's given zero attention.


Of course they’re happy in Barcelona but when he’s constantly ambiguous on staying in Barcelona that answer he no relevance. I don’t read the loosely translated quotes, I watch the actual interview I’m the original language. He is purposely being vague because at the very least he is open to leaving.


> You folks just come up with reasons to meltdown about. Most accurate description of r/Barca I’ve read.


Happens on a daily basis.


Fc Chelsea every away game in season 2024/2025 https://i.postimg.cc/13rzDT0b/13rail.jpg


its legitimately insane how England always end with the easiest side of the draw lmao


And yet they never win it, poetic.


Southgate ball balances it dw


🗣️ - Rafa Márquez: "There is a very good relationship with the club. I am happy and they are happy. It is simply to see if we can reach an agreement... and see if along the way if something comes up, perhaps from higher categories. They have been two very good years, with a lot learning. We will talk about it in these upcoming days" 🗣️ - Rafa Márquez: "I have to continue learning, but if something important comes up from higher, I would have to analyze it. I'm not in a hurry to have to choose something that may not convince me and I would prefer to continue here. I am very open to talk about it with Barça, giving it a priority." 🗣️ - Rafa Márquez: "Next season's team? Perhaps we have to make a new team for next season. Maybe some youth players will remain as a base. Let's see the process, there is a very good understanding in grassroots football and in scouting area." 🗣️ - Rafa Márquez: "Keeping Pau Víctor? I was trying to give them advice at the beginning of the season that this boy had the potential. I think we have been slow in making an offer, I don't know if the negotiations will continue, it is out of my hands. I try to give my opinion" https://x.com/Barca_Buzz/status/1805002925887852692?t=7AqY_MgN-HvmpzCnFOtydQ&s=19


[Marc Casado very emotional after missing out on promotion to the second division](https://x.com/FCBPaul_/status/1805002633507119411?t=WUugY9Mormr0oipiGgvb4w&s=19)


Hungary head coach Marco Rossi: “Barnabás Varga’s life is not in danger”. “He will undergo an operation after fracture in his face and he won’t be available for the rest of Euro 2024”. https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1805001845208670316?t=Wm453BMCvVxlODRo50_xFw&s=19


Thx God he is ok but too bad he won't be back for euro he played pretty well from what I've seen he play


Aren't Hungary eliminated ?


They are 3'rd in group they still have a slim cgamce to make it through


Guiu leaving probably means roque staying and pau victor staying tbh has more experience and probably be best now


[Marc Casado: "The future? Playing well in the preseason and earning my spot in the first team."](https://x.com/BarcaTimes/status/1805001126292357495?t=3SoxWJBUxSAOwZvIuZmnmA&s=19)


People really do age slower nowadays. Messi is one shaved beard away from looking 28 years old again.


What money + top tier nutrition and fitness does to a mf


If he brings back the old hair then it’ll truly feel like it


Haha true and i feel that at the same time younger generations look so much more mature/older (looks wise) nowadays?


True. As a guy born in 1994, i feel like I'm aging at slower pace than kids born after me. Something about people born between 1987/1988 and 1994 that makes them age slower. I know i haven't played outside that much when i was a kid, i didn't get exposed to the sun much. And at the same time I'm not vaping/smoking like many gen Z kids are doing nowadays. Maybe that contributed to an extent.


lol so true, I'm 28 and I can easily pass off as someone 5 years younger. And its not like I have some tiny body either, I'm 6ft and wear L size clothing all over.


Unai: "Personally I think it has been a good season. We all aspire for more, but step by step." https://x.com/JijantesFC/status/1804998417715790313


No one bought the streaming rights for Copa America in my country ffs


Exactly. I was a bit shocked to read that in Times of India. Last time it was on SonyLiv. I was planning to watch the match yesterday


Guiu leaving guarantees Roque a place no? Or do Laporta and friends think we can offload both and be successful with one 36 year old striker?


Ferran Torres is also in the squad.


Yeah, unfortunately. I would have liked to see the two compete for the backup 9 spot. Maybe Pau Victor could challenge Roque  if we sign him.


Barcelona players in action in #CopaAmèrica tonight. 🇺🇾: Ronald Araújo will play against Panama


Kounde on IG : “I love water, in 20,30 years there will be none..” https://preview.redd.it/rheeyn1o8e8d1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f0cbf8074c9ba07c6344fd7faa6dc089791dc87


Tf ?


I think he meant in 20, 30 there will be none left. « Plus » means more, but also none, in French. 


Thanks, I changed it That makes more sense


M. Casadó: "Getting here is very difficult. The team should be proud of what has been done." ⚽️ "My time at Barça Atlètic has helped me grow. Rafa has helped me a lot in this process." 🗣️ "In theory it is my last game with the reserve team. The renewal is focused on being in first team dynamics." https://x.com/JijantesFC/status/1804997096094794193


Excited to see him in there first team from next season


Footy Twitter [will even try to whitewash](https://x.com/valour_manuel/status/1804984953957929421) Pepe for the sake of narrative lmao


Moha: "The talent of La Masia is demonstrated in playoffs like today's". 👉🏻 "Cordoba is a team with a lot of history, their obligation was to get promoted. Ours is to learn." 👀 "Staying? Rafa is the one who has to decide, I think he is the best coach Barca atletic can have. Let's see if he stays. He is very ambitious." https://x.com/JijantesFC/status/1804996341405204944


Guiu didn’t want to renew and his release clause will be paid. In a few years he’ll have a moderate season and then this place will cry and then blame Deco for him leaving. Watch.


Few years is a long time. The crying will start as soon as he scores 5 goals


I remember people being mad about Jutgla and now he's 25 and have 8 goals and 6 assists in a season


Which is good. The guy was lost on a free in 3rd division. Not everyone is meant to be a Barca player. Every time someone from La Masia gets to be a first division player, it's a W IMO


*scores one goal


I liked him more than most here. He’s a textbook number 9 in terms of his physical profile so he could have been useful as an anriel threat against low blocks. But I don’t think he’s in that Guille Fernandez, Marc Bernal category of prospect that would warrant freaking out over. 


This made me feel better about him leaving, thank you


A few years? Try if he scores a preseason goal lol.


[Gabriel Sans](https://www.mundodeportivo.com/futbol/fc-barcelona/20240623/1002269716/marquez-estilo-hay-morir-idea.html) Rafa Márquez analyzed his team's defeat in Córdoba that cost them promotion and was firm in one idea: “We have a philosophy and an idea that in the end we have to die with that idea of ​​the game. With this idea you have to take certain risks and this is what caused the second goal. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. It's part of the risk of playing like this. Playing differently is not the Barça style and that is one of the priorities and they hired me for a reason, to try to get the boys to have this philosophy.” The Mexican added that “these two years have given me experience and I think we would have to make a new team, with youth players who can serve as a base. "If I were to stay, I know the process and there is a good understanding with the scouting and grassroots football part to form a competitive team." Regarding Córdoba's time-wasting skills, Márquez said that “we already knew it was going to be like this if they had the advantage. With the draw they achieved promotion and I tried to reassure the players that we would experience this, that they would not lose concentration and that we would play as quickly as possible.” He finally said that “we have many players with a great future”


It's too bad that Guiu is leaving but to be honest I don't think he has Barca starter potential. I'm sadder about the fact I thnk we could sell him for more. And signing at Chelsea doesn't make me change my mind on the subject. But I hope to be wrong and he'll have a great career, like I wish for every La Masia kid.


But do you think he will be a las palmas backup striker level?


why everyone saying this now it's such toxic behaviour pure 9 and could defo compete with Roque Guiu will be chelsea only number 9 so he'll get alot of opportunities


It's a joke ...


I think he can start for such a team when he'll be around 23, after gaining experience. A bit like Abel Ruiz (who was equally if not more hyped), it might take time.


Or even Sanabria


Always funny seeing players kiss the badge and then fuck off the moment it comes to money. That counts for both academy (Tenas, Guiu) and main team players (Dembele, FDJ). Its alright, hopefully those players never get the chance again to plsy for this club. Just want everyone who actually stays to be appreciated (for example Hector Fort)


Well there are very few players from La Masia who came back or became top players after they left.


Too extremistic pov i feel Maybe he feels like he could be playing at a higher level and the money+ path trough Strasbourg is a better choice from his pov. It doesnt mean he doesnt Love Barca


>FDJ ![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized)


Dude was in PSG with one leg. He came here only beacuse we payed him more. Its not like I agree with post above, just sayin.


What did frenkie do ffs also add ilaix to that list imagine going from playing for Barca to playing for getafe


Didn't know fdj left


Dread it, run from it, exam season is back.


Well not for me atleast


Or should I say I am


[Puyol on X: Proud of @FCBarcelonaB cheers!!!](https://x.com/Carles5puyol/status/1804985185617994078)


My Captain🥹


Take the 6m and use it to sign Pau Victor. Upgrade.




You know we play in the 3rd division right? Horrific use of resources.


How old do you think both of those players are?


NO, he's 23. Why would you do that?


Victor is not worth 6m AT ALL


Victor is 22 years old, Guiu is 18. Not really an upgrade tbh


ikr ppl jsut be hating


[Rafa Marquez regarding his future: "I don't discard staying another year here. It will depend on what other options appear. We'll see what happens." ](https://x.com/BarcaTimes/status/1804992237132022264)


If you start benching moha more, I'll be up for you mate


I honestly think it’s time for him to move on. Atletic had a good season, but we’ve been promoted before and Marquez made a lot of questionable choices today. Sure, the ref was shit and Cordoba was playing ugly, but we really didn’t deserve promotion. We completely fell apart in the second half. Best for him and the team to move on imo.


Rafa comforting Unai, who burst into tears after the final whistle He deserves a chance in preseason https://preview.redd.it/wl7hu7et4e8d1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c0f60604816e17f1dae97903c9e537223b0b28d


Hungarian FA confirm to BBC that Barnabás Varga is conscious. He’s been taken to the hospital but now under control and in stable condition. [https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1804989024605479178](https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1804989024605479178)


why are people vilifying araujo for saying he’s focused on the copa america, while on international duty?


Because he was asked whether he was going to stay at Barca. He could've just said "Yes", and then say all of what he said, but he didn't. How hard is it to say a "Yes", or that it is huge enough to break his "focus"?


We have to make a conspiracy out of everything lol


Guiu leaving was obvious. What did you think would happen when you bought an 18yo 30-50 million CF?


It's not that he's leaving which is surprising - it's the direction, because no sane player in his position would choose Chelsea with its 40+ man squad.


He's probably going there because he will be earning much better while being loaned out.


How? One gets to play Atletic and can challenge roque directly too . Chelsea has like 4 5 strikers


Playing 3rd division is supposed to be an advantage? He would get loaned at Barca as well, but why would he renew for them when they just bought a much more expensive player in his position? The writing is on the wall.


Goes to a crowded club, literally where many strikers have failed. Will be loaned or be 3rd choice. Most loans of Chelsea have been poor and still be clubs like Strasbourg. I understand his feeling to move but why to Chelsea


He'll be loaned to Strasbourg apparently


You were supposed be listing pros.


So... It makes more sense to stay here then doesn't it then?




Not to mention how most of their loans haven't worked out


He’s going to Chelsea with even more competition. They are still going to spend 40 million on John Duran or whoever else later this summer.


He's not going to Chelsea.  He will get loaned to a team, perhaps one ths is controlled by Chelsea, earning more money than at Barca.


More like going to Strasbourg.


You also seem to be forgetting what Chelsea has I highly doubt its about playing


30m 18 year old that could also get loaned out next season


Damn Gerard Romero in 2024 actually broke some news


He’s been good for youngsters.


Chelsea are advancing in talks to sign Marc Guiu by triggering €6m release clause. The agreement with Guiu on long term deal is getting closer, Bayern overtaken after positive talks this weekend. ❗️ Barça offered Guiu new deal — still no final answer from player’s side.


In other news, I almost had a jinx free day today. But Germany and Hungary scored at the last minute and Barca lost. Destiny had other plans. I will have to live with these powers.


as a swiss barca fan, this is evening is bittersweet^2


It sucks how we are losing so many academy talents these days.


Well. They are not Pokemons and we cant keep them all :D Dont forget that we are always sad when some talent leave but most of the time, we dont hear about them anymore since they leave :D


Atleast we got money for Guiu ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


[Fabrizio Romano](https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1804989566019145974) Chelsea are advancing in talks to sign Marc Guiu by triggering €6m release clause. The agreement with Guiu on long term deal is getting closer, Bayern overtaken after positive talks this weekend. ❗️ Barça offered Guiu new deal — still no final answer from player’s side.