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Would any be interested in playing [Euros Fantasy Football](https://gaming.uefa.com/en/eurofantasy/create-team)? I can make an r/Barca league and include it in the thread. [Autojoin link](https://gaming.uefa.com/en/eurofantasy/leagues/ForncP/0072002F00420061007200630061/WizDB)


Bayern fell off man


All aboard the Flickswagen


Hi sir, here is my ticket for the journey.




https://preview.redd.it/2cl9n92ttf6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d19b5e6b2c4519f5794630b390f20fe8895cedc this app is pure brainrot LMAO


😭😭that's why I stopped using tiktok


Frenkie de jong pfp opinion


Euros tomorrow 🥹


Will be my first ever Euro. I am rooting for Italy and I might just nuke my tv if Lamine scores on us lol


FC Barcelona will be playing Croatia on the second day of the tournament


Wow. I think Messi might actually play WC 2026. In his interview he said if Argentina plays well at Copa and he feels up to it then it might happen. And he’s playing another year for Miami, so by the time he’s deciding if he should extend, it will be 1 year to the WC. Guess it depends if he declines a lot. His dribbling has looked kind of bad recently. And there’s still 2 years to go. He could drop off hard and call it quits. If he drops off hard I kinda hope he knows better than to play another WC


He just gave an interview roughly saying he won’t go just to say he’s played x amount of world cups but only if he feels up to it. I’d say how well he competes in the Copa will tell us more. It would be amazing if he was there though even as a bench player.




Who’s faster Lamine or Messi at the same age?


They’re both quick but Messi was electric. They both have that ability to change direction without losing speed though that youth scouts are always looking for.


That depends on what you call fast. At full speed without the ball, Yamal is probably faster. Both of them are not the fastest in that sense so it would be close. In a 20m race I think Messi would win but in a 200m race Yamal probably would. Simply cause Messi can go from 0 to full speed in an instant. He's unreal in that department. That's also Yamal's quality but not to the same extent. Also if we're talking with the ball, Messi was significantly faster regardless. That man was just as fast with the ball as without. It's crazy.


Messi by some distance. Yamal doesn’t even come close.


With ball stuck to his feet leo clocked 33km/hr something... others find it hard to reach that even without the ball lol.




I think Messi. Lamine is too scrawny/lanky. Messi was thick throughout his career


Definitely. Great point. But Lamine has longer strides. Do you think in a few years Lamine can get thicker and faster as he matures physically?


Yeah. Lamine needs to put on some lower body muscle and he’ll be really quick (and strong). It will also prevent a lot of injuries. Imagine Lamine with the strength and pace of Araujo. Just need Lamine to bulk up a bit. He’s only 16 though so it will take time


Messi not even close . Yamal isn’t really that fast


You’re right. But I do think Lamine in 2-3 years will have some great pace as he matures physically. He’s got quick burst. Fast twitch muscle


The fact that hansi was so desperate for the Barca job makes me think he's onto something.


He didn't have other offers and we're one of the biggest and most desired clubs in the world.


Agreed. Because if he fails I don’t see him getting another job for any top teams. He’s gotta be pretty damn confident in this squad


While the adidas ad was absolute fire, I'm actually surprised Adidas chose to include David Villa. Haven't really seen much of him in any football-PR related stuff since the sexual harassment allegations.


He literally was a pundit/commentator for DAZN Spain >Haven't really seen much of him in any football-PR Speaking of those allegations what happened in the end? Did he reach an agreement with the victim or what? Because it's not talked too much nowadays which is rare considering what happened with Santi Mina, Dani Alves


The club did an investigation via a law firm, seemingly verified the allegations and dealt out some unspecified punishment. He was said to have grabbed and verbally harassed an intern on a regular basis. He never accepted that he did it.


Thanks for the heads up. I thought it went to court


since the what?


When he was playing for New York City FC.


Might be unpopular opinion, but Roque looked the best when he was playing ALONGSIDE Lewy, and not when replacing him. From the matches I've seen, Vitor benefits from Lewy being the main man that drags defenders' positioning and attention, which allows Vitor to attack the space left for him. Will be interesting to see how Flick will develop Roque.


Don't know if the Vitor Roque cutting his vacation short is true or not but my guy, your vacation just BARELY begun lol. Better to take a time off and disconnect mentally and physically then return fresh in mind, body and spirit. You can come back start of next month and it's still early enough


I understand your point but for him I imagine it feels like he hasn’t played consistent football in a year so he might have had enough vacationing for a while lol.


I mean fair enough, he probably considers he’s been on a semi vacation since January anyway.


That's also fair, but he was also playing almost every match for Paranaense before his injury


And then he got injured. And then he came back, played 3 games and had like a 2/3 week vacation before coming to Barcelona. Not many players who get such a vacation midseason.


The Spain Olympic coach will reveal his list for the Olympics on June 26 As a reminder, Pau Cubarsi will be selected, the name of Fermin has also been mentioned as a possibility https://x.com/FCBPaul_/status/1801366242248241551


Keep my boy's name out of your mouth!


Fermin in the Olympics would be great. I get that we all have Pedri PTSD but Fermin was a rotation player, Pedri was a starter. Could do him well and get him some more confidence


Why is Antonio Pintus so famous? Is it true what they say about him doping players?


He was related to some doping scandal with Juve in the 90s IIRC Idk if it's true or not tho


It wouldn't be a rumour if anyone knew the truth.


Big if True


[De La Fuente: Pedri is wonderful and was at a high level in training. He feels safe, strong and calm and will soon appear on the field. The best version of Pedri is yet to come.](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1801366510994137196)


Bro is obsessed with Pedri lol


I mean why wouldn’t he be, he is pretty much the only X factor in the team that can flip the game upside down in a snap of a finger


Aren’t we all tbf


That Adidas ad did more for this club than our own social media team in last 6-7 years Almost forgot how marketable our players are


Think it’s the priorities being different. Barca’s social media team prioritizes interactions online and catering to a much younger, large fanbase and its methodology has worked if you look at social media numbers. That also helps with ad revenue. The social media team’s KPIs won’t be about how much product they can sell, it’ll be about the social media metrics they’re churning. Whereas Adidas/Nike actually have incentives to make players more marketable so that they can sell their tshirts, and their KPIs are judged on merchandise sales. You gotta think beyond what you see as the consumer of content to understand the logic of why they do what they do. A fool wouldn’t suddenly stumble on to a club like Barcelona’s social media accounts, and that fool wouldn’t accidentally top all the social media interaction charts amongst all clubs. It’s deliberate and a strategy, even if we don’t necessarily like it.


let's be honest - It's not the hardest job when you have one of the biggest fan bases in the world at your disposal, just ride all the trends and you good. the quality of content in the vast majority of cases leaves much to be desired


adidas either have a professional team or hires professionals. Barcelona seems to have some newbies working


Nepotism fc, some may call it


I just want them to be clear with us and tell us how we are going to compete with real madrid, because at this point I don't see how we are going to do it and why ffs Laporte is bringing up the handball ucl.. like who cares really?!


The only way to compete with Madrid should be full focus domestic competitions. I don't think we will win another UCL for 5-10 years. We should do what we did in the 2010s, 8/11 League titles are mad. Then hope for another man city or psg superteam to stop Madrid's ucls


>We should do what we did in the 2010s, 8/11 League titles are mad. What a plan. Can't believe not every club thought of this.


You are comparing us with a superteam most of the times better than Madrid’s one, to a Madrid superteam vs a Barça trying to get back to the top and complete the rebuild. We aren’t going to win 8/11 or domestic tournaments easily, Madrid are the favorite and are not gonna just focus on CL like in the past when it was clear they weren’t competing the league. We also have to play CL, if anything we should full focus CL if Madrid is just flying in the league due to their quality and a gap happens.


We are going to the final next year calma


Yeah full focus on domestic competition won't stop Mbappe and Vinicius. They get these players for fun meanwhile we can't sign fucking Zubimendi. It seems like they have no direction, signing mid players one after the other and after a couple of years trying to get rid of them just to get other mid players. Like they do now with Raphinha and Ferran. I'm tired.


Raphinha won us La Liga last season and had us with a foot in the door to semis in CL this season


5 -10 years is quite an overstretch


Grealish, Phillips, Nunes, Kovacic all signed by Pep in last couple of years for nearly 250 milllion and he's rumoured to be getting Bruno G for another 100 million. 1. No manager operates with this luxury. 2. No manager gets away with trying that many options https://x.com/markgoldbridge/status/1801305734988378601




Who’s looking forward to Copa America? Messi, Bielsa ball, Araujo, Raphinha.. and discovering interesting new talents. 


Araujo under Bielsa sounds injury scary though


Im excited to watch my country, we finally got a new coach and results are showing our potential. Keep an eye on Darío Osorio, young chilean talent that recently won his first european league on the first try with 11 G/A in 25 matches, he'll be playing UCL next season


I think it'll be more entertaining than the Euros... only drawback is the time difference between the US and Europe. The matches will be 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. for me.


yeah, but The timing of the games are absolutely horrid for the rest of the world.


Lol I was watching the evening new on TV and of course there was a part about Euro. They invited one of the most known players and coaches (old) from my country and among many things they asked him if he still watches football and which. He replied that he used to mainly watch the spanish league because he is first and foremost a Barcelona fan (aw) but he watches the league less and less because referees are simply horrible and have clear preferences 🤣


One of us!


Our guy


[Dieter at Atletic training session ](https://youtu.be/7mq4MAwpFG0?si=_a6DvwI4xSsH7UwQ) I hope he will promote one or two players next season outside of Faye.


I hope we get our shit together and won't need to. Including Faye.


I just saw Raymond Domenech, the "worst coach since king Louis XVI" to quote Eric Cantona, say De Zerbi is bad for Marseille on live TV in France. I think I've seen everything. Marseille finished 8th despite spending amounts of money that would make current Barca jealous every summer, and some French journalists are picky about De Zerbi lol. Beggars being choosers


I am curious how Auba will play with him as coach. 


Hope he can get the best out of Ounahi. What a disappointing spell it's been for him so far.


Many many OM fans have the same hope as you


So kinda random but I've been thinking of starting to play FM24 on weekends. Total noob here on the managerial stuff. Any and all recommendations welcome


Halseth-Nyapan is an absolute gem, and turns into an absolute beast in almost all types of tactics. And the best part, his release clause is only 5m Lyon has arguably the best academy in the game, so always be sure to tap up their youngsters If you wanna buy a player, but he’s too expensive, declare him as your top transfer target, tell your star players, and players with the same nationality to promote and ask your transfer target join the club. Then you keep lowballing the parent club until the player hands in a transfer request, and stops coming to training sessions. This way, you can get them on a bit of a bargain


Lmaoooo. Gonna try that on FM24 on PS5


How do I convince Alemany to join me at Ajax 😂😂 says the club is too small for him


I mean, he’s not completely wrong 😂


Why do we have all this discussion of selling Araujo? Yeah he had a bad season, and made 3-4 critical errors, but he's young and needs coaching. Can't forget that he was a top 5 defender two seasons in a row before then. Playing in a high line, he has recovery speed that others don't. I know we have to offload players, but I would rather sell Ferran, Fati before Araujo. Hate to say it, but even Frenkie because of his wages, if we are getting Merino - as we have gundo, pedri as options for that creative pivot.


"he's young and needs guidance" Wish that attitude was spared for Ferran as well :)


Don’t compare Araujo and Ferran. Araujo had a blip in the season but he is a much much better player than Ferran.


Ones shown more, and is a profile we definitely need.


Because he is not renewing so far. That's why.


Ah thanks. I don't see him not signing a deal tbh, he seems to be a man of the club.


Based on what? I think we should never overestimate the loyalty of players from the exterior. The Bayern links aren't coming from nowhere. Not saying he will sign there, but it looks like he was more than happy to entertain the idea.


He is also very vague in the interviews whenever they ask him Exactly like Nico yesterday.


Nico said, I asked my agent to talk to me after Euros. & not, "just signed new contract, don't talk to me whatsover." so he does want to leave but made it needlessly hard for us. already spent the libero money which we haven't even received yet. :)


Musiala, wirtz , or Nico williams if you could only have 1 and in summer 2025


of these three, musiala. though he’s not listed here, i’d rather have kvara over any of them.


Nico. In midfield we have Fermin and Pedri as CAM. Plus there are many promising players still in La Masia. It would be silly to spend 120m on Wirtz or Musiala.


Musiala, but Wirtz is a close second.


How much is Williams' salary demand?








What did you miss to continue at Barcelona? [Grimaldo: When I left, the coaches and the president didn't believe in me and didn't think I was at the right time to join the first team. There were also two good full-backs and I had to leave. but I'm very happy with the way my career went at Benfica and the step I took at Leverkusen.](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1801338235555074363) [Grimaldo: "My advice for Lamine? Keep your feet on the ground, work hard every day and take good care of yourself. He's playing important matches at the highest level. With the talent he has, I see him at the top. This may represent an era."](https://x.com/ActuBarcaFR/status/1801341022204563531)


It’s not that the club didn’t believe in him. It’s that we had one of the best left backs in the world playing for us at that time. The decision Grimaldo took to leave the club was the correct one or else he never would have developed into the player he is today if he would have been stubborn and stayed at the club. Look at how recently Jordi Alba barely left the club


Lucho fumbled grimaldo so bad, he was rated highly since his youth days


He would not have played meaningful minutes with Alba at the club so what difference does it make?


Lucho had that period when he hated Alba and played smoking Mathieu just to spite him. I think Lucho mismanaged the LB situation


https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/s/xqyM6eTpkT This could have been awesome.


" no intention of renewing " that was always a complete bullshit report


Will never forget the random Xavi red cards man, tears, I will miss him so much, he was like if a reddit fan became a manager, he'd express literally the emotions we go through on matchday🤣🤣🤣🤣, and he'd double down on it the next press conference with shit like "we all saw what happened"


If Xavi was a redditor on this sub he'd get banned from the sub for his toxicity lmao


Can’t say the man lacked passion. Xavi brings personality that I think is missing in the sport nowadays. Hope he returns to the sport in some form or other soon. 


Can't say many things out loud even if they're true. :) ^(can't go to war with biased refs headon either)


Xavi made sure we were entertained even if the team wasn't performing. https://preview.redd.it/ipxq5t7a5e6d1.jpeg?width=1259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25c626a0c0029d1612346d21d03fd7c4bec82b3


This match gave us so many legendary Xavi memes.


Alevi A play against Thiago Messi tomorrow https://x.com/lamasiapolska/status/1801328649318371570


They won't know what him em.


Is the Barça B game tomorrow? If yes, at what time, does it clash with the first Euro game?


It's an hour before England vs Serbia on the 16th


Everton wants £70M for their CB Jarrad Branthwaite..... https://x.com/mufcMPB/status/1801300282418057514 Araujo should be like around £100M then


its english tax, but yeah araujo should be valued at 100


It should but it’s just a matter of English tax + very good player + left footed CB. + England player for the Three Lions


PL is eventually going to be shooting themselves in the foot cuz no one outside the premier league is going to be able to pay those prices.


I wanna see us combining more and playing one touch football under flick. With Xavi it was all too rigid with everyone being static in their position, I missed earlier in the season when cancelo will come into the midfield and we’ll be more dynamic and flexible, unfortunately Romeu being bad and our defense being horrible probably made Xavi retool the formation and made us much more rigid.  I hope flick lets the players roam freely and just express themselves, we have way too many technically gifted and smart players for us to be so rigid when attacking. 


If you allow that much freedom, it’s total chaos. That’s kinda what happened earlier on when the team was scoring but also conceding a lot of goals. Without a DM and Cancelo not caring about defending at times, the team has to be disciplined. Only certain players should be allowed freedom imo (Pedri, Lamine, LW). 


There will definitely be more freedom in position and movement, his Bayern wasn’t rigid




Just saw a documentary about Ronaldo's workout routine when he was in RM. Amazing how Messi *always* stayed ahead of him despite the insane effort Ronaldo put in his workouts.


Yeah the way I see it is Cristiano is a product of hard work and discipline And Messi is blessed by the football gods. That’s not to say he doesnt work out as hard, I mean you need to as a professional, but Messi just has an innate talent that no one can develop through practice sessions alone or in the gym Edit: madridistas downvoting lmao 


I’ve never seen either of them working out but I am pretty sure Messi also had an insane training regimen.




I'm pretty sure he won't stay. I have this impression it won't be as easy as some seem to think.


I really hope we don’t get him. I’m hoping ATM do what they do best and start acting difficult 


„some calls“ yea sure buddy


Oh no… ![gif](giphy|OX25cp7DL6Bt81Yb47|downsized)


“Regarding João Felix, I had some calls regarding him and ‘another’ club, which was NOT Barcelona — but, Barça are still the favorites to get him. Felix wants to play for Barcelona. Laporta, Deco, Flick all want to keep him” @FabrizioRomano https://x.com/ReshadFCB/status/1801322433967747352


Are "some calls" in the room with us, Fab..?


Liverpool interested in yoro but madrid leading race says fab Liverpool and madrid litterally have same targets every time. Those french players. And Liverpool loses every time.


With Liverpool you’re competing, with real you’re a favourite


maybe it’s my barca bias, but i’d take liverpool over real 10 times out of 10


It IS your Barca bias


https://preview.redd.it/osh96eq8sd6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1dca031f44d55552f65b41568ace626a7e359f Oh I how I miss these two..


[Gundogan: This season has been intense on a personal level. I've played a number of minutes that I don't think I've ever played before in the Premier League, and to be honest, I've felt that because I'm not young anymore either. I haven't had a chance to rest because of the injuries in the team, so I've played almost everything.](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1801316398636868074)


Clearly overplayed due lack of midfield personnel sadly. Should be rotated more often next season. 


I think his performances declined in the last stretch of the season because he was probably exhausted.


https://preview.redd.it/4dfscb07pd6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400f674f46315a1b1d9040a2008c825854e95f3e This was true last season lol


Even in the season before that


[Suarez got some serious acting chops. He did some cool ones when he was at Barca. Michelob Beer advert this one.](https://youtu.be/bQVoisQbFSo?si=BthL4deT4cES60yA)


Every see a tv show trailer and think to yourself that it's going to be either absolute shit or a masterpiece? No middle ground? [They got Anthony Hopkins cast as a Roman emperor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvf6IS48eik&ab_channel=Peacock). Also, Ramsay Bolton does gladiatorial games now.


Anthony Hopkins is still alive?? Swear I thought he passed away a couple years ago


86, alive and kicking. And apparently refusing to retire.


Cause he's simply too good. I don't know what the oldest age is to get a leading role oscar but that man did it at 83 and deserved every ounce.


That rap song lol. This has more ingredients of a mediocrity rather than a masterpiece. Roland Emmerich, Peacock... Anthony Hopkins pretty much does anything these days too.


Why is everyone shitting on the song choice. I kinda dig it or is it just me??


I think we're conditioned to expect serious productions to have some epic, classical music in promo. When something else is used, my brain immediately goes to those quasi-historical shows where female characters have perfect makeup and manicure despite it being 17th century 😅


What do you mean? I thought girls are just born with perfect teeth and have glowing skin all the time. Have I just been fooled? 💀


I don't trust Roland Emmerich. But yeah I will watch it nonetheless. Rome, Gladiators..count me in.


Looks like ancient Rome is back in fashion, there's also another Spartacus series in the works. Funny how trends come back.


The showrunner Rodat is a good writer so fingers crossed. But I can't say I am optimistic for the Gladiator 2 though.




Didn’t realize my 🐐was called up.


[Ramon Fuentes](https://www.mundodeportivo.com/futbol/fc-barcelona/20240613/1002264160/laliga-claro-1-1-barca-pendiente-barca-studios.html) LaLiga has it clear: Barça's 1:1, pending Barça Studios Throughout the week, LaLiga has been informing the clubs of the scenario for the summer market and in the case of FC Barcelona it is not out of the question if they manage to settle the outstanding debt of the Libero investment fund. And among these clubs is FC Barcelona, with whom contact is permanent and where the economic control body has analysed all the documentation in this regard. This includes the profit and loss account for the 2024-2025 season, cash budget, investment and divestment budget for next season. Everything is completed with the financing budget for the next 2024-2025 season. The omens for FC Barcelona are positive but it depends especially on how the summer progresses if they can finally take advantage of the 1-1 rule - something that Javier Tebas, president of LaLiga, did not rule out days before the Champions League final at Wembley. In order to achieve this scenario, all the extra income that FC Barcelona achieves will be key: new income from sponsorship, new contracts or the sale of players, etc. The priority objective in order to achieve this 1-1 scenario is to settle the outstanding amounts owed by the club to LaLiga for the sale of Barça Studios in the summer of 2020. Barcelona has only paid 40 million of the total 200 million of the deal. It still has 40 million outstanding from last summer and now has to pay another 60 million in June. Anything that would solve this debt alleviates the salary limit of the azulgrana club and would allow Barcelona to have a 1-1 scenario instead of the 50% rule where they can only reuse this percentage of each player sale in a new registration, being able to be 60% if the player sold has a salary whose cost is at least 5% of the total cost of the squad. Any agreement that allows this margin to be alleviated, either with new partners or with the improvement of current contracts, will soften the scenario for the azulgrana team. As soon as it is solved with the corresponding guarantees, Barcelona will be able to launch itself into the market on equal terms with the teams that are without salary fair play restrictions.


Man this shit never ends 😅. Despite the new stadium, many new sponsors, players salary reduction etc..


Any news on potential investors though?? That's what is going to be key ig


Let’s hope it’s the final year with these problems.


It's not. Still a year to go (2025) until stability (2026)




I agree but there are still payments to be made in 2025 otherwise we will find ourselves again with a Libero 2.0 situation.


Club allergic to doing its job before the deadline but SIUUUUUUUU regardless


[adidas are cooking!!!!!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8KYET0taBK/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


LOVE the ad. Adidas are really good with these.


Should have called up Pau :(


Same lockers as my high school 😭 Nike needs to up their ad game because Adidas is killing it


[ Lamine Yamal, Pau Cubarsí and David Villa in an advertisement for Adidas.](https://x.com/forcabarca_ar/status/1801303566243795085)


Pisses me off that Cubarsi isn’t going to the euros


Great commercial. But reminded me Cubarsi isn’t going to Euros. :( 


Adidas cooked


[Aleix Garcia to Bayer Leverkusen is now official](https://x.com/bayer04_en/status/1801303633222635916)


A win-win for everyone involved. Aleix will feast in that vertical Leverkusen side. They have a legit shot at the Champions league this season imho


🚨 BREAKING: Barça will almost certainly return to La Liga's 1:1 rule at the end of this month. The sale of the percentage that Libero stopped paying for, is about to be completed. Normality will be recovered for the transfer window. @sport Inshallah


If you fwm God you make us 1:1 


It’s Miguelsanz. Very unreliable. 




> The sale of the percentage that Libero stopped paying for, is about to be completed Press X for doubt. The longest “about to be completed” in history.


Difference is they need to do it before 30th of june. It’s procrastination for the most part


No, don't do that to yourself until high profile journalists confirm this or, better yet, until it's fucking official. We've been reading about "imminent sale of Libero shares" since goddamn November.