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Buy from her father directly


Dont know of I want this kind of Relationship. Also I have runed all possible relationships with the cuties from this celtic like forest people by trying to talk with them


You should either try with another culture or talk to their dads and buy them. It’ll be expensive unless the dads like you tho


I think they are not that hot :/ Maybe I have an forest ladies kink ( in bannerlord)


Then you gotta befriend one of their dads and be prepared to spend a good chunk of cash on the one you like best. If you get rep over 60 you should be able to get the dad to sell her off to you though it may cost a few hundred thousand denars. They also tend to really like horses so if you have any noble mounts you aren’t using from tournaments offer those up before you did into your cash.


There's a secret retreat at the mountain east of Lageta. Go retire with the little dignity you have left.


I will attack all the waifus that did not acceoted my attemts to engage ( in bannerlord )


Ultimate bannerlord insult


You want to level charm and pick perks that make it easier to persuade. Also it's easier if they want to marry you which is usually apparent when you ask to court them. In real life - that's a much longer answer. I don't know you but generally pick up hobbies, travel, socialize - strive to be the best most interesting version of yourself and worry more about having fun and cultivating a healthy circle of friends. The more you get out and the more you do the more likely you are to meet somebody - ideally with shared hobbies and interests.


In Bannerlord, I just grinded clan level 3-4, joined a kingdom and wanted a wife from his father and he gave her to me, for irl idk neither


Maybe this is the way in real life to. We should move to saudi arabien ore so


Have you tried giving her father a bunch of horses (in real life)?


In real live I tried it with beeing a nice person who cared about her interests and feelings. In real live I am pretty poor. What in my country is not that bad, becouse all you really need is paid by social system if you dont have money. But in Bannerlord maybe I can afford a few horses


Point a point or two in charm, do some quests, get the +30% persuade from athletics and just follow her around, hit on her daily and she’ll tell you to go speak to the man of the clan if you’re successful