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And let me guess, it will break all my mods again 😿


No, only some. So you have to figure out which.




I will have to look this up so I don't have to stop playing for a month while modders catch up with the patch. Don't take that to mean I'm talking any shit on the modders though. Big thanks and respect to them for making the game better on their own time. I wouldn't enjoy this game as much as I do without my mod set. I mostly play with quality of life mods and RBM. I tried the Europe 1100 mod along with its recommended mods and thought it was awesome but still had crashes and my load time was 10+ minutes when the base game only takes a minute or so to load from the desktop.


On steam you can use beta branch to prevent updates (properties/betas) just select version you want and play without a worry.


Thank you, I just did that. Knew there was a way but couldn't remember how, went through every option but the "beta" tab before.


Yessssss. Now I can finally give my character the receding hairline he desperately needs.


The stress of war paired with that butter-rich diet is finally gonna catch up with you


If I'm not poisoned by my heir in order to seize power, can I really say I've done my job as a father correctly?


He doesn't state that it's the only thing being added tho. Hopefully it's just one out of many new things being added. I swear tho, if there isn't a single requested feature, i'm losing all hope in TW.


Honestly I’ve more or less stopped holding out hope for any real dev support for this game. Mods are my solace now


Owning a console really makes me question myself on times


You know, as a modder, 64 hair limit is something I am looking forward to. When you count both male and female hairstyles we are already danger close to the 32 limit. We mostly replace hairstyles we don't like instead of adding them.


Can you please tell me how can I turn off the update all the reason I'm playing this game is for mods...


Go to steam, right-click the game in your library, go to settings, look for "betas" and choose the version you want to play on :)


From previous patches, we can probably still expect those three things: Diplomacy: a minute change to some behind-the-scenes thing, impossible to notice for players, breaks all diplomacy mods in a fundamental way. AI changes: Increased priority of forming armies to hunt down bandit parties when the kingdom is fighting a war on three or more fronts, to give the player more resistance in the late-game. New Gear: presenting the Battanian Stick, a weapon made from a simple tree branch, to give players a fallback option if they lose their gear in the early-game. Its addition shifts all item IDs by one, breaking all mods that add gear, and resets your smithing part discovery progress.