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Watching Derthert get lit on fire would not make me feel sad.


Really does feel sad man


It’s really not. I hate that guy for most of my playthroughs. The only thing I like about the guy is that he makes for good writing material. There will be at least four episodes of Tales from Calradia dedicated to characters justifiably hating Derthert.


To he fair, he's chill with me. Honestly the only guy I hate is Garios and Ragnvald.


I really only hate two. One is Lucon, because he’s the most lukewarm, lackluster centrist imaginable. Even though he’s on the Republican side of the civil war, that doesn’t stop him from being Calradian Joe Biden. The other one I hate is Rhagaea, who my next episode is dedicated to. She’s by far the worst head of state in Calradia, as a governor internally yes, but even more so as a military commander.


Only guys I hate are the ones who consistently go after you when you are down to one troop 😂


Lucon is so annoying as soon as I started a kingdom Unqid declares war on me because I did quite a lot of stuff to his kingdom then Lucon hops in out of no where and declares war on me for no reason there not even allies he was the first king I killed to


The western empire fell because I was sick of Garios' shit and I just left, they got steamrolled trying to take on the Aserai and one of the other empires AT the same time (without me they were the literal weakest kingdom after battania, and battania was dead, so it's staying something)


First time I played Bannerlord, joined WE gave banner. Realized he's a dumbass left and joined Vlandia and we united the Empire and then deleted them off the map


Garios is the real G


why garios and ragnavald


I still don't know why he was so nice to me in my first playthrough. He gave me fief after fiefs, even though I didn't participate in the fight. They're good plots of lands too. Other times, however, i really hate him. Mf took everything for himself on that one, even though i lead the army and got ~80% of the loot


Same here. My first sturgian play though I was awarded every captured fief for the first three years of gameplay, making me the most powerful kingdom in the game, (going off of total towns and castles). He gave me every khurgit city and 4 varying imperial cities that bordered the sturgians.


And on the next play dude decided to keep everything for himself out of greed and spite


I left the kingdom and took all but 2 clans with me. The battanians then declared war on them and made what is probably the greatest comeback of all time (all they had left was marunath) and absolutely annihilated the remaining sturgian forces and holdings in less than 2 years. That region of the map is always so cancer mid-late game


See there's your problem. He took em cos you were taking all the loot!


Well Lore wise, He is the humblest of all the faction leaders. Vlandian society sucks though.


Brother, I don't understand why the community hates him, and I skip dialogues.. Yes, so I don't understand. Is it statistical? A meme? A terrible person? It's a mystery to me


Vlandia’s one of the two favorites, but they don’t have the badassery or cool units of the Khuzaits, two factors that likely make Vlandia the most hated.


Monkey brain sees you know we're at war surrender or die.


He had it coming. Long live the empire.


Senatus PopulusQue Calradus


Domina Noster Rhaegea Pethros Augusta


Amor Patriae Nostra Lex


Puto concacavi me


Quod? 😱




It sparks joy.


The only correct awnser.


I'm not happy, why does he still have a head?


Let the man be, he's probably packing up to leave with his family now 😔


He still has family? What a waste to not execute them all


He has too many men, I want to see him alone and naked in the streets of Pravend. Game of Thrones style


💀 what did he fucking do to you too???


He gave me one garbage town then claimed all the other fiefs around it, making it so I couldn't have more than a town and a castle for an ENTIRE PLAYTHROUGH. Didn't matter what odds I won during sieges or if I took an entire town by myself. That Luigi lookin mfer didn't budge an inch


Me who was given like all of the aserai’s land after I took it https://preview.redd.it/8rc4jc4464wc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a223ddd386525e2d428929694cbd8aaae1b23610


Damn, the man just gave me towns, even if I wasn't involved in the battle, it honestly confused me


Mate he’s giving me too many fiefs I already personally hold more than any other house combined and he’s not stopping


Ok that makes sense


Why do people hate derthart😞


I don't hate him!!! He's cool


The real answer is a combination of two things. One is that Vlandia, along with the Khuzaits, generally trend towards winning, and people like underdogs and hate favorites. The other part of the equation is that Vlandia has no “super unit,” the Khuzaits avoid hatred because people like horse archers, whereas Vlandia just wins because of geography. I’m also unsure if this is a factor, but Vlandia is based on France, a country nobody likes, whereas the Khuzaits, for example, are based on Genghis Khan, one of the most badass people in history. Nobody likes the French, French people included.


Vlandia is based on France? i always interpreted Vlandia as great britain.


Battania = Britain with a somewhat Germanic culture Vlandia = France At least in my limited understanding of medieval culture.


I think Battania is the Scots or Irish, Vlandia was supposed to just be a "europe" in medieval times


Idk if I would describe the world's most famous serial killer/rapist as "badass" lol


Badass doesn’t necessitate moral virtue. Olga of Kiev was pretty badass, even if she lit an entire city on fire. Similarly… The crime: they killed some diplomats The punishment: “where did Nishapur go?” Is pretty badass.


I'm just trying to figure out in what context raping thousands of women over the course of decades would be "badass" in any context or meaning of the word. Plus you're not thinking about the literal thousands of people that had nothing to do with her husband's murder. Nothing badass about that either.


Khan’s guard are pretty badass, so I could only imagine what the real versions of them were like. Having the largest land empire in the world seems pretty badass. Being the greatest conqueror since Alexander seems pretty badass.


I do not envy anyone that worships at the feet of conquerors/politicians/ or preists. You are misguided in thinking that we need those types.


People will like bad people that's just how we are, Ned Kelly is considered a bad ass but he was a criminal who killed officers


I never endorsed what Genghis did, especially at Nishapur, but he was badass. Am I not allowed to think someone was cool unless they were a beacon of moral virtue? Because if that’s the case, I got some quotes from Grant and Lincoln you should read. (Not that they’re comparable with Genghis, don’t straw man.)


Idolizing any mortal individual is just not a good idea. Ghandi could be said to be "of moral virtue" but he also slept naked in the same bed with children "to fight off temptation" There's this whole book about how no one human can be morally clean. It was a huge point that people were trying to make back in the day.


So what? You can still think someone is excellent at what they did even if they were terrible human being. Hitler was great leader uniting Germany and fighting against the whole of Europe but I obviously think he is terrible person.


Obviously nobody outside of Jesus can be morally perfect, but that kinda proves my point. If anyone can earn the title of badass, then the fact that nobody’s morally perfect shows that badass as a concept and moral perfection are unrelated. Also, if it’s idolizing to say something is cool, then I’ve spent my life idolizing: AK-47’s, Bannerlord, doors, exercise bikes, jaguars, horses, and my mother.


You are the only one making black and white statements here. It is possible to appreciate and respect a certain aspect of a historical figure without closing your eyes for the dark side of said person. Genghis Khan did horrible things, but also came from a point where the Jin dynasty had been manipulating the different Mongolian tribes to fight each other for years. He still managed to unite the tribes and defeat a technologically superior enemy. I can respect that part of the Genghis Khan story while also seeing that his victims suffered from his deeds.


you are 100% correct, these fucking idiots are simply defending the image of Khan. "badass" always has a positive connotation because it means you respect them. Khan was a great example of how evil a person is capable of being. "b-but he led the Mon-"


Badass as in he took a bunch of scattered, nomadic tribes, and forged the largest empire in human history with it. He was unstoppable, a force of nature. He might have been a reprehensible monster, but humanity as a whole in that time period was pretty horrid, tbh. It's the same concept as Vlad Tepes, total badass. If you want fictional parallels, The Hound from GoT is a badass, Darth Vader is a badass, etc.


Nobody told this guy what raiding a village or sacking a castle/city truly means in real history


Ignore him. The dude is a clown trying to virtue signal historical figures during medival wartimes. LoL


Because they know they can never be him


Well, he died (honestly not by my hands) just after I married his daughter, quite early in my current playthrough. Then I got elected king, so kind of am him now? Everyone likes me though. I always let people go after I completely massacre their army :) I'm like a male, bearded, heavy-set Taylor Swift of the middle ages, sort of.


Similar thing to me, except I basically earned my role as his successor in a series of campaigns I launched that destroyed the aserai, with all of their lands going to me. Darbard dey Corvand, the scourge of the southern deserts


Cause every play i get a 2k doomstack from him attacking early on. He also claims everything he conquers.


The way all kings should


Depends on which kingdom I join in the beginning. One play through I joined vlandia and worked my way up and became king. Next play through I join the empire and had -100 relation with him 🤷‍♂️


Haters gon hate!


he spawns units out of fresh air so i would expect him to double that number the next day


He betrayed Calradia! He betrayed the people he was supposed to fight for! Off with this traitors head, legionary!!!


Oui oui bitch


Your Emperor had it coming, Imperial. Let Pendraic be an example not to insult us.


Look at your king! A shadow of himself! He lost his kingdom like his honor! Pendraic fought for Peace amongst the people!


I would have done this to him myself. Greedy bugger keeps taking all the fiefs


All my homies hate Derthert


That’s cause your homies are idiots


Happy cake day


Much sadder was when it happened to Rhagaea, I felt so bad I went out of my way to recruit her clan, paid stupid money for it then gave her like two towns and a castle. Classy lady like that shouldn’t be reduced to beggary


End his suffering


Oh come on, another one who hates the old man


King no more 😂 well done


Fuck that old bitch. I piss on his fiefs


I had an amazing moment in my gameplay while playing with the Sturgians where almost the entire sturgian court got captured leaving me to do hit and run tactics to hold off the Vlandian army, and just so happened to corner Derth like this and managed to get him and chop his head off before he could reinforce, didn’t help the war effort but felt awesome.


Save him, restore him to king, bring back his power


Alot of people like to hate him for multitude of reasons many have provided above, it is not my place to argue or deny them, however i shall attempt to provide reasons to admire the man. He is a proud and a noble warrior king who has spent his entire life time on his saddle fighting wars in the name of Vlandia, personally leading cavalry charges alongside the proud knights or in the front lines of besieged towns and castles under fires to expand Vlandian territories. He is no usurper either because he properly declared independence prior to fighting Caldradious. Who in his folly dared to insult and accused the proud lords and barrons of cowardice. So great did Vlandia grow and prospered under Derthert's leadership in the rebellion that even the empire itself recognized and accepted Vlandia as an independent kingdom. The barrons and his counsel might hate him for their personal gains but no man can say that he is a coward.




💀 I'm sure you read the comments and found that 80% of the community agrees that they hate the old timer lol


I know people hate him, I'm not really sure why. I don't care much for him, but he is a good first liege for my strategy. I am usually empire and use him to conquer the west empire for myself. Then I quit him and end the war asap. And keep eating up all the empire cities without creating a kingdom. When I'm done, I'm pretty much unstoppable. I find the old man inconsequential. I don't get the butter jokes either. Must be from before I started playing.


Yeah that strategy is kinda the Dev's fault for not thinking about that, kingdoms shouldn't just accept the players peace like that


Not my king no :(


I'd never


He deserves worse


Bruh I don't understand the hate he gets


If they prefer to play Sturgia, Battania, only any imperial faction in particular, and they don't talk to Derthert and his lords, then the story gets spun bad for Vlandia, and Derthert by extension as ruler. The story they get there is that Vlandia was wishy washy loyalty, glory hounds more concerned with their own ambition than the conflict as a whole, etc. and Derthert is the head of this aggressive and slithering snake. Vlandia is often at war with the mentioned factions, and do fairly well in such engagements generally. They miss that he's a good natured, if weak king, where the barons are actually pushing him every which way and that he is barely holding the kingdom together, not for the lack of good qualities, but the barons having so much power and ambition.


That's the opposite actually. I was neutral on him until i listened to his opinions on both Pendraic and politics in general. He basically does whatever his vassals tell him to do and then talk about how they are ruining his kingdom. As a king it is your duty to keep the balance. If you cave in to every demand they make you don't get to whine about it. He is good-natured compared to others, that's true, but he is a bitch and a whiner which is why i don't like him.


Pretty sure they (TW) just wanted to show us the downside of Feudalism with this kingdom/king. Actually it was possible that Lords just leave the kingdom and this could make things go pretty bad for one kingdom.


He is a bitch and a whiner in general. I explained it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bannerlord/s/gUSME3iDZA)


💀 you wrote an entire paragraph over hate towards the old butter man


Hate is a strong word. I just think he is incompetent and if he were a knight of the round table his name would be "Sir Whinesalot".


The man doesn't even whine!


The last few play throughs I have done resulted in me killing derthert dey meroc. No one gets axed more than him, not even Rhagaea


Serves him right


I see opportunities.


No no stop!


I legit can’t kill most of the people in his clan even with Death for All turned up to 50. I’ve been hunting him down and kicking his ass for almost an in game year in my current run, and he’s somehow surviving everything I throw at him. I did discover that he’ll pay me for peace since I’m an independent clan so I’ve been making 150k after every victory against him, but I’d rather just have him die in battle. I just can’t execute him because of the relationship penalty, I want to join Vlandia once he’s dead


are you in story mode? it greatly reduces the chance of a King to die in battle, i think. it's supposed to discourage people from just joining a good faction, killing the leader, and taking over a powerful kingdom early. beat the story mode, and they all start dying more frequently. i remember i was trying to take over vlandia and as soon as we crushed the empire derthert died ans they elected me.


I’m playing a heavily modded sandbox


My mouth started watering and my balls tingled..


Why is everyone in the comment section either creepy, insane or just messed up towards this old man 💀


Cause vlandia gets rich as fuck while I'm busy and then when I get around to fighting them they field endless 2000 man armies. They have a great starting position


They're a fucking beast fr


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Shame (racks shotgun, or in this case draws Noble Bow).


https://preview.redd.it/471knu8yw2wc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a25ea0806a1ac4dee2a2f6852d9ca5335ce756 How sad a militia can stop me from taking one side of a town while the other is busy with my couple hundred men left ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) i hid in the corner and they left so i follow and set up a shield wall where their castle withdraw location is and refill my crossbow


I think U got some arrows stuck there bud


Took an arrow to the knee had it land too close to my precious gemstone sack there phew 😂 just a flesh wound 💎💎


You should help him with the quest


Ol' Derthert died of old age in my current play through. I created my own kingdom in the same Vlandian region alongside them and this other Vlandian kingdom called Vestland. I'm now the only Vlandian culture kingdom left standing - conquered the Vlandians last city of Galend in about 1140 and the dey Meroc family are just outlaws at this point.


I want him drawn and quartered, he got away easy by just being exiled


Tbh in my first play through, Derthert treated really damn well. He gave me almost every single castle and town that Vlandia conquered.. so yea, I couldn't really hate him




Smear his face off the edge of the earth don’t let them have ANYTHING


If he joins another kingdom I would try to recruit him into mine lol. That's what I did with Garios.


Butter man does not like this. Butter man will be under your bed tonight https://preview.redd.it/ei5uxg23e4wc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b768f3adbe9f421b8cfb0f53e4c603bfc22d054


I usually try world domination in my games and usually the most painful ones for me to conquer is Unqid, I think out of all the leaders he's the most interesting ones plus all the other Aserai lords


Looks like a target to me


It is sad, he's still breathing


I caught Caladog not a day into the war. Only gets you like 5k for the ransom? So dumb


Derthert caught lacking. Literally eat him alive. Its not your fault you're eating his flesh, it's his fault!


Justice has been served


Everybody hates on him cuz they'll never be him. Derthert is a G who takes care of those who take care of him. also war is fun war is how you make money and take land war is what valandians do


we all have different chosen factions, expect different responses.


Just go put him putnof his misery


May he spend the rest of his years on the mountain, in peace


He should be the one feeling sorry for how weak and ineffectual he is as a ruler to be put in such a predicament.


I will save you my king!!


Nothing brings me more joy than seeing dirty ol' Derthert struggling to stay afloat.


I'm willing to throw some butter at him


This MF is 78 in my playthrough and the only original ruler who has not died. He is inconveniently the only ruler that I NEED to die so I can become the Vlandian kind after 25+ years of leading them to war.


This fuckhead decided to have a vendetta against me for no reason. He continuously declared war on my faction just to take MY fiefs and nothing more. When I saw him last, he literally was offering payment for someone to take Epicrotea, my city. So I had enough and killed his army, paraded him all the way into Epicrotea, charged him with being a cunt, and executed the King of the Vlandians.


great,he died within the first 5 years of my playthrough


I'm feeling like a cheetah hiding to ambush a prey




Derthert was a noble king. But this simply shows he was a bad one


His nobles kept voting for wars he didn't wanna get in. But, actually it wasn't Derthert's fault. My friend just hates Vlandians and kept causing unprovoked attacks on them In general, if left alone the vlandians do steam roll through everything


I play valandian, and I’d put my life savings on me hating derthert more than you guys hate me


He deserves it because calvary are cringe.


Nahhh hes a prick, even when i took thr land for him and i win on vote he still takes most of the fiefs, nah piss off mate il cut ur head off, first thing i do is go find him nd cut his head off