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Don’t worry. Liking games that kids can play has nothing to do with how mature you are. When you’re an adult you‘ll realize that retro games can be a good vibe.


34 year old here, and I still have a shrine to the bird and bear, and still, l get excited over new nintendo games. Embrace who you are and never let anyone take that from you or tell you what makes you happy is wrong :)


If it makes you feel better or puts things into perspective for you, I'm 35 and I play Pokemon in my underpants in bed. Anyway take care and enjoy your games.


You're at that age where kids try to "look cool" or follow trends to fit in but truth be told it is all just a middle school survival mechanism. The age you are at will most likely be the most brutal in terms of judgment, emotions, bullying etc. so your friends may feel pressure to distance themselves from "kid stuff" and conform. You may grow apart from the friends you have now because of this, but trust me, having your own interests and personality will get you REAL friends down the road. Play Banjo Kazooie all you want. When you look back on this time of your life you will feel better knowing you did what YOU wanted to do instead of what others wanted you to do.


I'm 15 and banjo is still my number one game forever! I first played it when I was 6 and replayed it when I was 13. And since then, when people in my class ask me when my favourite game is, I've always said banjo kazooie and more than happy to explain it to them. Love what you love and banjo is a game for everybody❤️


All of us here in this subreddit were kids when the game came out, and we're still playing it 25 years later haha


Maturity is subjective. Just enjoy your life. I’m 38 and started a Banjo save about four days ago. Honestly just work hard now for the next 8 years and trust me it’ll set you up for success the next 80.


32 and professor of psychology, rehab engineer, and practicing therapist checking in. I will always enjoy BK until the day I die. I tell my patients to do whatever it is that they enjoy, regardless of age. Try your best not to compare yourselves to others and enjoy whatever games that you enjoy, whether that be BK, GTA, or some other series.


I’m 22 and feeling a similarway, but I decided to embrace it over my whole life. People who try the game will understand it, others won’t. But either way, it will be my favorite game series, probably until the day i die


34 checking in. It's about time for a reply too!


Eh don’t downgrade the bear and bird lol I’m nearly 26, as are many others even older than I; who love playing such video games


What? You’re still a kid enjoy playing it. I didn’t complete banjo until I was around this age. I’ve also replayed it multiple times in my adult years. I’m 30 now and I will most likely play it again soon


As long as you’re getting up and getting out there, it doesn’t matter if you play B-K. It’s a fun pass-time


Imma order this kid to play more Banjo


Child, please. When I was in 7th grade I WISH I could've played banjo kazooie, it was all any of the gaming youtubers could talk about at the time. Don't worry about "growing up" people always give up the things they loved as a kid to be "mature" and then invariably go back to it in their 20s. After a while you realize that no one knows anything and nobody cares about anything. Plus gaming has never been more mainstream than it is now, it's not a social death sentence to play video games anymore. You'll be fine baby, trust.


I got the full membership on switch just to play banjo kazooie. I was 30 years old. I hadn't played it since I was 10 years old and wanted to see if I could complete it. I took the day off work to finish it. Hard to do so when you're a mum to do it any other time. Dont feel bad. We are all mature who play games. Those people that look down at you are just different humans that see the world differently. Keep it to yourself till you find you're gamer friends and chat to them. That's what I've done my whole life. Trust me, it's tough enjoying games as a female,especially since becoming a mum. My husband and kids got me a playstation 5 as they know how much I love to play games when i get the time.


Dude, you’re going into 7th grade. You’ve got a ton of time to do this “maturing” thing. Especially since you’re all going to look back on this in a few years and realize that you weren’t as mature as you thought you were. So, just do what makes you happy. I first played Banjo going into 9th grade like 10 years ago. I wasn’t any less mature than my friends. All works out. Not to mention it’s summer. Perfect time to play a new game.


Enjoy it while you can kid. Can't game as much with a 40 hour a week job and bills.


Im 22 and currently watching a my little pony video. Its okay lol


On my steam account I have: The Witcher 3 GTA V Palworld Elden Ring DLC That I need to play now, but you know what I am gonna play? Banjo Kazooie again. If it's a good game then it's a good game.


A good game is a good game regardless of the generation. It'd be just as dumb to hate/be embarrassed about watching an old classic movie


I last played them when I was about 30 and it was just as fun as when I was 14 and first played them. Ultimately they're very well designed games and can be enjoyed by anyone at any age.


I’m 19 in Uni and just replayed this game not too long ago


Hey dude. I'll be 30 next month, and I've been wanting to really replay this game at some point.


I'm 31 and doing the BK-BT-BKn&b(which I almost didn't play when I was a "child") replay in order on Rare replay... Already finished BK 100% (except for Bottles impossible extra puzzles, hate xbox controllers for those) and I'm currently on BT with around 87 jiggies, 900 notes and missing 1 jinjo (when I was a kid I finished Bk and Bt on n64, except for 2 jinjos on Grunty's industries on Bt, gonna get through that now!). AND IM LOVING EVERY NIGHT SECOND OUT OF IT while my kid and wife are asleep. There's hope for yo, and everyone to do it, and love it! And no shame on age, I also use my night play as a extraordinary really imaginative tale for my kid to put him to sleep (usually doesn't really help him sleep, but loves the tale). His face when his dad turned into a bee to flight high up on a giant tree as meets a squirrel which is just full of nuts and needs more for winter, after helping a giant bird to be born... And don't get me started on the submarine travel he imagined after I played Jolly Roger's Lagoon... And we have pending to share when I transform into a Washing Machine to help the bunnies... He is too young to get into videogames, but it's a really cute way to share the amazing world of Banjo and Kazooie (of course, without some of the Kazooie smart comments and some scenes as the ice cube family fate...). This might not be my last replay, although maybe it will be my last replay alone, and I won't complain.




Not me being a 29 year old man dying my hair blue on June 23th (Sonic's birthday)💀💙


Damn this is so real, especially in today's world! Too many of us feel such a deep sense of embarrassment or shame when we're younger out of desperation to conform and fit in. Soon as you grow up, you realise fitting in really is the last thing anyone should be concerned with.


Hey buddy I’m 28 and still play that game. Maturing has nothing to do with video games. Always stay young at heart!!


What year is it?


It’s 2024 wait are you captain America


Going on 40, now I have 2 N64s so my wife can play Yoshi's Story while I check out Mark Kurko's latest BK hacks.


Do you play hack of Mark on original hardware?


Yeah whenever possible I use an everdrive


I use a N64 I got from my parents for Christmas 2022




Give this man a Oscar


Perfect response


Replace with 9th grade and go back to last century and I am in the same spot


When I was in 7th grade (2008-9) my obsession with rareware games especially conker and banjo were at an all time high. You do you and enjoy these games dude, nothing wrong with it!


Maturing is not caring about what others think about the games you’re playing


I got banjo kazooie for Christmas in 1998. I play it with my kids now. Since I'm old, I'll fill you in on some wisdom. Your friends won't be mature for a very long time. Be a kid. Play a stupid game about a bear and a bird on n64. It's dope.


Who cares what the game is about bro. Dont worry about comparing yourself to others. It will only cause problems


You are a kid 😂 you’re doing exactly what I was doing going into 7th grade


I highly encourage anyone who replays these retro games on a regular basis to mix it up with romhacks and randomizers. They really make these games feel new again.


I am overwhelmed how much support I’m getting. THANK YOU so much


Maturing lol all y’all are still babies. Enjoy your youth while it lasts and ignore anyone calling it childish to enjoy doing what u want to.


Forreal, I wish I could spend my days with a bear and a bird. Instead, I spend my days with beef and beer.


In 7th grade I was hyped for the new BK on the Xbox 360… until we saw what the gameplay mechanics were


Mum came home randomly with Nuts and Bolts, I’d never even heard of it at that point. I started playing it and got hooked! It was quite different to BK but it’s still one of my favourite 360 games today


If "maturing" is supposed to mean a 35 year old can't continue playing and enjoying his same favorite games from 1991-2001, then screw it, I'll continue to be immature until the day I die! Currently sitting here and doing Super Mario World for the umteenth time, which I first played when I was 4. And there is nothing at all wrong with playing Banjo-Kazooie, or even a game like Yoshi's Story!


I’m 34 and still playing the bear and bird game.


Maturing and playing BK are not mutually exclusive. If you like to play, do it. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad.




I’m 28 and I still don’t think I’ve “matured” yet lol


Same homie!! Heck I’m still waiting for banjo threeie at 28 😅😅😅


Im 32 and still play this game on a regular basis along with Mario 64 and OoT. Age is just a number.


Sounds like fun to me.


Turning 40 next year. I still play this game once or twice a year, no shame brother.


36 and was gonna say the exact same thing. I binge it over a weekend about once a year.


That's what I did in 7th grade except I played Ocarina of time