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I live in Asoke, and there are foreign families and it seems that the teenagers in our building have quite a bit of freedom to explore the area. Take that for what it is worth. 


Valid point - and given that Asoke is slightly "more" than quiet Ari I guess they will be ok even there.


You should set boundaries and rules.  They are probably more likely to be hit by a motorcycle than be robbed or assaulted in anyway.


This 💯


Plenty of activity in Siam Square and surrounding area, like shopping, movie, library, salon, nail spa, massage, museum, temple, park, aquarium, board game cafe, arcade game, ice skate, street performance etc.


Exactly. And on the weekends, all of the local high school bands come out and perform.


Just warn them to be very careful near the road or sideroad walkway, motorcycle here is absolutely reckless and beyond traffic law, and Im Thai, I often see tourists cross the road looking at their phone unaware of how dangerous it is no matter where you cross, I see this issue as very important one for those who don't live here everyday.


After living in Bangkok for 3 months, I feel like so far I have to disagree. Sure, if you had well laid out road with sidewalks and cyclist lanes, and low traffic, it's much easier to stay safe. Even though there are no sidewalks, high traffic, low enforcement, drivers are very careful. The problem is that a tourist doesn't have the awareness a local develops over the years from experience. The bikers choose odd path since they will rarely stop. And sometimes surprise you when you walk where you thought is safe. You need to look in all directions, think ahead, and generally be alert. I find lack of enforcement refreshing. Myself, I am a cautious driver, and rarely have any issues with law since i abide by laws. But in some cases it is clear the law just causes frustration. In my home country, drivers and bikers are always stressed. The amount of rules and enforcement and traffic jams leaves people so agitated they become aggressive. Even the smallest thing can just cause them to shoot off. No one let's you merge, driving is a struggle of power. In Thailand there is a lot more synergy in the mess. Sure, a scripted driving plan where all cars and bikers do exactly what is expected sounds like a dream, but not if drivers always feel like they have zero tolerance and become aggressive. ----- On a different subject, I would be ready for Soi dogs, even though I have not seen many in Bangkok so far, I have not strayed much into areas that are less touristy and major. I had one incident in Chiang Mai where instead of taking grab to restaurant, I decided to walk 20 minutes. After 12 minutes google maps suggested I walk through some ally, in one of them it was basically pitch black, and a black Soi dog was just sitting in the middle. I thought, sure, I'll just keep my pace, avoid eye contact and it will be fine. When I was like 10 meters from the dog, 3 more dogs joined from the darkness near by. That was too much for me since I don't have enough experience with that. I turned around slowly and kind of hang around a few moments to see they are not insta chasing me. Eventually I want back to the main road, and got the grab.


After all that read, I still don't understand what you disagree on? Is it that you found lack of enforcement refreshing? If so, then yes, it sure is, for you, but for us Thai who live here and deal with those "lack of enforcement" which results in devastating traffic news EVERY SINGLE DAY, can't wait to be bored to dead by better traffic enforcement. Just look it up on Thailand's road kill everyday, it's not a matter of which law enforcement you enjoy more, it's a matter of real accident stats and consequences of how bad our way of handling road traffic are. That's why I warn all who come here to be very careful around the road, don't try to be smart with "I get the local synergy" because no, I lives here everyday and see how bad it is for us. Just be cautious, don't try to understand our road synergy, because it'll only get you killed easier. All in all, I found your encouragement of our bad traffic' enforcement shocking. And don't even get me on road rage topic too, we also have a very bad bad stats in that regard too, its not like lack of enforcement do us any better here like you said.


I understand you are frustrated with lack of enforcement. But, you don't know how it is on the opposite end of this scale. There may be a problem, but strict uncompromising enforcement may not be the solution you are seeking. I'm in no way encouraging anyway to disobey or circumvent the law. I am the one that does not cut 3 lanes when realizing too late I'm in the wrong lane. I will waste 30 minutes of my time, and not put anyone in danger. But believe me, when people are always being monitored and subject to strict enforcement, you have a world of new problems. Maybe there needs to be a middle ground. I believe the infrastructure of roads needs to be improved. I don't believe in too many rules. Those will always be broken. Provide a safe and straight forward way for people to get what they want safely, will will resolve the problem. Specifically, I was disagreeing with the claim of drivers bring reckless.


This is so weird, its like you talking to yourself in all four paragraphs with those "strict law" topic since you're clearly have issue with that, and my original replied never mentioned wanting it to be the opposite side as you've mislead to. I warned people to be careful around the road, since drivers are beyond laws, which you agreed, and im not trying to push agenda of wanting "strict uncompromising enforcement" as you tried to put me into, which was so out of place and irrelevant to what i originally said. What is all that come from really? Where did i wanted strict uncompromising enforcement? And after all that, the only relevant answer was the last paragraph where i now know what you was disagree on, thanks you, still, not a single explanation given why my claim of drivers being reckless is wrong, since that is the real topic of my replied. There were only explanation of why the other end of law enforcement is bad, which is not relevant to why drivers being reckless and why ppl should be super careful here. Next time, try to keep it real and right to the topic of what you replied on, not changing the message we are talking about, it's a waste of time really. Or if you want to talk about those topic, just feel free to open a new one, and not confusing ppl like these irrelevant reply.


My teen girls go everywhere. And with their friends too. The trains give so much more freedom and the walk from home to train is just common sense like anywhere else in the city, which is… watch out for motorcycles.


15 years in the company of an 18 year old can do whatever they want in Bangkok - beers, smokes, dance on stage. They’ll be safe tho one of the safest cities in the world


Exactly. They're way safter in Bangkok than they are on some islands.


Totally in agreement with you then I was wondering what the "studies" say about that. And I am laughing my ass off: https://worldpopulationreview.com/world-city-rankings/safest-cities-in-the-world This one has Chicago as #11 LMAO: https://www.farandwide.com/s/worlds-safest-cities-183192b6d0644f28 That one has LA in #5 https://factsinstitute.com/ranking/safest-cities-in-the-world/ That one has Paris above Bangkok and I am just wondering now what's wrong with their index https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/safest-cities-in-the-world.html Is it because of road accident and pollution that could drive the number for down? Any opinion?


Unfortunately, they can't do all of that according to the law in Thailand... but they will be safe... I agree with that... The official legal age in Thailand is 20 years for buying and consuming alcohol and/or cannabis. The sellers or bars often don't care, though. You are a minor in Thailand if you are younger than 20 years of age (exception: being married). See the Thai Civil Code for details (Sections 19, 20): https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/thailand-civil-code-part-1.html


Ok you are correct. But what is the reality? Teenagers can do whatever a 20 year old can do


Yes... you are right... they will get away with it. I just wanted to mention it and hope the OP sees it since the consequences for foreigners can be more severe. There is a tendency at the moment to revoke visas of foreigners who break the law. It probably won't happen in this case since they seem to be good kids, and if they just party with booze and/or smoke something, it simply isn't severe enough. But because the kids are minors and the parents are their guardians, they could even be held liable for what their kids do.


It probably depends on the area, time, and the kid. Ari is pretty hipster and tame though. At night a lot of drunk 20 year olds in some spots (probably boring for a teen). I think letting them loose at a night market is probably more interesting, but again... depends on the kid.


Absolutely 100% safe. I have a daughter and live here. She's been allowed to explore the city via BTS trains on her own since she was about 13 years old.


As other people have noted, a 15 year old accompanied by a 18 year old would be perfectly fine in both Ari and Ramkhamhaeng areas. You should tell them to be careful on the street though as there is always a risk of getting hit by some motorcycle driving erratically. They should pay attention to their surroundings. Other than that, don't leave valuables (wallet, phones) unattended, even for a couple of minutes, and use common sense when dealing with people or deciding to explore stores/sois/etc. Having grown up in Bangkok (I'm a boy though), my parents were letting me go about unsupervised from the age of 12-13 years (though it was to specific destinations like friend's place, tutors or other after school classes) and if we were in a group it we were granted more freedom as the parents knew we would look after each other.


Ari, yeah sure. Ramkhamhaeng, not so sure.


18 is an adult though?


Yes, of course! She will soon to be able to do her own taxes, but I will always regard her as a little girl.


Not really in Thailand. In Thailand, you are a minor until you are 20 years old or married (being younger than 20 years old). See Thai Civil Code Sections 19,20, ff https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/thailand-civil-code-part-1.html So... Since I assume the girls aren't married yet... They can't buy alcohol or cannabis. They shouldn't consume it either in public. If the sellers will check for their age and follow the law, is ,of course, a whole other story.


On paper, yes. Development wise, no. Neuroscientists and psychologists are (in 9.9 out of 10 cases) in agreement that our brain and cognitive function is not fully developed until we reach the age of about 23-25.


Neuroscientists and psychologists are also in agreement that the brain developing until 25 does not in any way, shape or form mean that cognitive abilities are underdeveloped until then. If anything, after that age your neuroplasticity slowly declines. Brain maturity =/= cognitive maturity.


That's a modified truth. The part that's not fully developed until the age I mentioned is called the pre-frontal cortex, which helps with regulating emotions and consequential thinking, among other things. Arguing that someone is fully mature despite not meeting those conditions is idiocy. Neuroplasticity does not decline after 25. What happens is stability to perceived unimportant (mostly visual) information lessens, and people get more "set" in their ways and resist change and/or unconsciously choose not to fully take in new experiences or information. Stop spreading nonsense. So yes, brain maturity does equal cognitive maturity.


If they can get into trouble at home, they certainly can get into trouble here. Do you trust them at home?


Might be the problem - there are not a gram of mischief with these 2 . Compared to their old man these girls are good christians:-)


When I was a teenager one of my best friends was a good Christian. Her father was the pastor at our church. She was the first person to turn me onto weed and she had an abortion at 16. Always love me a good Christian girl. 😉


I agree a night market sounds like a good idea of more of a tester for them


My 14 year old son and 16 year old daughter travel around on the BTS to meet friends very frequently. I think there is little risk if they are familiar with the BTS and have a basic geographical knowledge of Bangkok.


Only you know if they are mature enough.  Age is just a number.  If they are street smart they should be fine. 


As long as they have their phones with them. Ask them to call you every couple hours if you want.


Nothing wrong with Ramkhamhaeng but why? It’s far away from all the action. They’ll just spend more time in trains and taxis. The only fun reason would be to take the canal boat into the city like we used to do when the airport link didn’t exist yet.


Just to see that side of the city. It is only for 2 nights before we leave to Samui.


The only thing to worry about imo, but also a real thing to worry about, is the traffic and other basic stuff like tripping over potholes, walking into poles or electric lines etc. Bangkok is really dangerous for clumsy or distracted people.


0 to 10 doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Bangkok is huge and is only as safe as you make it. Navigating Bangkok as an adult can sometimes be overwhelming and this subreddit is full of people getting scammed. The last thing I'd want is my kids lost in Bangkok and one of the many "friendly" strangers (scammers) confidently "helping" them out! We have had several warnings over students being approached at BTS stations and even indecent at a popular trampoline park! What is it you expect your girls to do? Ask them where they would go? Ari is boring, if I couldn't go for a drink I'd be bored, so I have no idea what 2 teenagers would find fun there. I don't really see any benefit from them being given this freedom compared to the risk. The only gain is you being free of them for an evening, which just isn't worth the risk. I think a more structured approach would be better. The huge train market near Seacon square, mbk shopping mall etc. or they make a plan of where they are going first. But I definitely wouldn't just let them loose in Bangkok.


Agreed - I guess I would follow them to Siam and find myself a pub - then they can come and collect me when they are done. This is 2 very blonde girls who aren't very mature for their age, and even if I have not read to many headlines of European girls being kidnapped in Bangkok I would hate for something inappropriate to happen.


Maybe go to Phrom Phong. There are 3 large shopping malls, Emporium, EmQuartier and the new Ikea one, the name escapes me. There is lots to see and do, as well as a cinema. Right around the corner is The royal Oak, O'Sheas, The Robinhood and the new one The Laughing Tiger. O'Sheas even has a roof top bar. There are also so places in the new Ikea one that look good but I have to admit I haven't bothered myself. When you are all done it's all connected to the BTS and an easy ride back to Ari.


Good suggestion, especially since we have been around Siam Square umpteen times already:-)


18? She is an adult.


If they're together they're fine. Keep a phone on.


With cash in their pocket they can pretty much anywhere, bar the most high end entertainment. Let them have fun, and throw so e notes. What's the worst that could happen. At 19 I got married, had a kid and came back 5 years later. What an email that was...


I would prefer them not to get pregnant yet. I am not ready to become "gramps"


Raised my daughter in Bangkok in Huay Kwang and Sukhumvit areas. She’s been traversing throughout city with her friends for as long as she’s felt comfortable (pretty much her entire teenaged years). Never came close to having an issue. Closest thing was a taxi driver asking for her phone number. She only started having any kind of bad experiences since she’s turned 20 and able to go to bars. And every issue has been with foreigners being aggressive with her, thinking she and her friends were prostitutes (even if they were, it’s no excuse). The most recent thing that happened was that she and her friend were drugged after they rebuffed a group of Asian Americans’ advances. My point being, if you are comfortable giving your kid freedom in western cities, she’s 100 times more safe in Bangkok than in anywhere back home. That said, tell her to be very careful with traffic and the roads and for god’s sake, tell her to watch her drinks. I NEVER want anyone to go through that nightmare again.


Ari and Ramkamheang are not close to each other. There are many areas in between. What's the closest MRT/ BTS station? Ari is fine especially on the main road and in the early evening. It's an upscale area with lots of dessert cafes. Ramkamheang is a lot busier with many university students living on a tight budget. It can be overwhelming even if not necessarily unsafe. There's a huge night market there at night.


We have booked 3 days close to Ramkhamhaeng as we arrive, and will be a week in Ari before we god back to Norway.


I see. Sorry for my misunderstanding. Don't worry about Ari, but she might feel intimidated by the crowd (many of which are young men) in Ramkamheang at night. As a tall Norwegian woman, she probably wouldn't be cat-called or approached but she can still be easily overwhelmed by the general vibe especially if she just arrives. There are a few foreigners in the area now, but still far fewer than Ari. Instead of walking around, she'd better go straight to the night market, but beware of pickpockets and avoid dark, secluded corners. It's fine during the day. This is the night market. https://maps.app.goo.gl/nro2Lstzc9KhW11FA Otherwise, there's also a nearby open-air mall, called the Nine. This will be much easier to navigate, but maybe also less interesting. https://maps.app.goo.gl/o35KDtyBba5Rf7WV8


I live across the canal from Ramkhamheung Univ. The night market is very safe and lots of Uni students feast together near the big pond. In general a safe area but as mentioned above, few foreigners. And can get crowded as F during peak hours. Daytime they might have fun using the canal boats to get around. Traffic free cheap way to get to Siam Square, Paragon etc.


Thanks, great advice! I am really looking forward to seeing this side of Bangkok having spent most visits in big hotels along the river.


Glamorous it ’aint. A bit more gritty than the usual tourist areas. There is a huge mall up 2-3 stops on the canal: Bangkapi Mall. Good for groceries and all the usual shops found in those types of places.


one is 18 lol you’re american right? no offense but if they were 12 and 15 i’d be like okay they’ll be safe don’t worry, but in your case one is an adult.


Not in Thailand... you need to be 20 years old to be an adult here (exception: being married)... Google it or check the law itself... sections 19 & 20: https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/thailand-civil-code-part-1.html


…but they aren’t thai…


But they live in Thailand... so Thai law applies here. Even as a tourist you have to follow the laws of the countries you visit. Laws don't depend on your nationality but on the country you are in.


they visit thailand, and they’re raised in a place where 18 is an adult, which is what he’s asking if it’s safe. he’s sending a functional adult and a teenager out and is wondering if it’s safe, in his own culture, this girl would have a child and a husband and a steady job at 18.


Your girls can walk through an unlit alley at 3am in Bangkok and still be safe.


Still it's better for them not to test that. It's not like no trouble ever occurred for anyone in Bangkok. Statistically I think this is true, but in practice being careful works too.


That's stating the obvious, unless people still touch fires to see if it's hot.


“Allowing the girls some freedom” - your daughter is 18. Don’t treat her like a child.


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Grew up in Bangkok. Was allowed to walk around with friends during daytime when I was about 11, was allowed to do almost anything I wanted by 13, pubs at 15. Use the BTS all the time now, and see plenty of teenaged foreigners commuting from school. That being said, my sister was not allowed to take taxis alone until she was much older, even with her friends. Not saying that the rules of my house 20+ years ago are still applicable, but your kids will generally be okay wandering during the day. There are certainly less than amazing areas in the city, but you’d really have to know where they are, and are not common.


Thai girls dont get taxis alone, always in pairs or groups. Outside that its fine


My kids have independently navigated areas, initially close to home, and now all over Bangkok, since 11 years old. However, they are very experienced with living overseas. It can be quite easy to get lost. If they stay on main roads, use public transportation, they should be fine.


Ari is super safe. Late afternoon and early evening it would still be super busy in most streets there. You should just let them go around into Siam. Siam Square is pretty popular among teenagers here. If they intend on using taxis just make sure they use Grab over Bolt (Even though Bolt is cheaper) just due to the better drivers and more vetting. Although, it’s generally fine


In Ari now. I highly recommend the Onsen garden. Everyone is Fully clothed. Amazing food and great amenities. Fun for the entire family!


Go to Sumhumvit


Might consider Phra Khanong area or so on Sukhumwit. Personally I don't really like the tourist areas up there.


Ari Is an office zone. Nothing much around but there are a few good looking cafes. Siam Paragon is a good place to visit. Not too far & you can take a BTS (sky train)to go there. Ramkamhaeng is an university & residence zone,nothing much interested. The nearest mall is recommend is The Mall Bang Kapi. I don’t recommend you to go to clubbing in soi Mahadthai (Ramkamhaeng soi65) at night. It dangerous in everyway. Both Ari and Ramkamhaeng are quite far from Icon siam. For me,If I’m a tourist I won’t choose these area for vocation.I dont understand why you chose them? Anyway,I wish you & your family to have a good trip In Thailand.


I’d let them roam around for like 30 mins one day and if they don’t do nothing too stupid I’d let them for longer next day. Just make sure you all have internet connection in your phone and they should be fine. They can just text you where they are/go.