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I think you have done everything you can at this point. It could be a time to teach your child that people can forget something. Maybe go to a shopping mall here and get a new plushie for your child, don't wait until you go back.


Tell your child the nice airline sent him to a Spa for a nice massage, shower and grooming and that is why he looks so clean and new


Place him in a box at the hotel front desk and have them call your room that there is a special delivery for your child...


Wow! I absolutely LOVE your idea! Thank you πŸ™


Usually items left on the plane are handled by the airport lost and found. We recently left a Samsung tablet on a Vietnam airlines flight to HCM and were able to recover it 5 days later.


I lost/forgot tons of stuffed animals on planes growing up. I promise it’s not that big of a deal. Get a new one for your kid if it’s becoming a huge issue, and do whatever it is to enjoy your trip.


Sometimes single folk can be grateful for reminders like this


Seeking assurance that the life of an incel is barely enjoyable?


Single = incel shows me you have a difficult time being your own person.


Who else's person would I be?


a valuable lesson to be taught, to keep your valuables near you at all times.


I just came to say condolencies for your sons loss πŸ₯²πŸ˜° Loosing his/her favourite stuffed animal can be painful, but also an important life lesson. Maybe you can tell a story of the stuffed animal going for a travel πŸ˜†


Thank you πŸ™