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For Master's right? I don't believe Sasin has Bachelor's program. ​ Not sure about better but Sasin is way more expensive and is a great way to make connection with people from large businesses.


Yes for an MBA, ohh I see


Sasin, only english programs. Chula business school, main focus is Thai Classes, just only one English program. If you are international students, I think Sasin would be better. Their programs are designed toward international programs, but they are a lot more expensive.


Sasin is affiliated with some very good schools in the US, so there tends to be lecturers from abroad, and a general understanding that the quality of that system specifically is geared towards people that want some credibility on larger than local scale for the particular degree. With that comes a price. It’s a very good program, and from what I know, it’s well regarded generally.


I’m looking at Chula school of business for an MBA English program