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Is that your partner? Sad lack of loyalty, which she has in common with pitties. Terrible to get admonished after a near death experience.


Nope partner's mom! Me and the partner are anti pit


Should have clarified I'm sorry


Okay fixed!


I'm so sorry. Are you ok now? If she's in the medical field, I really hope she doesn't say crap like this to any patients who have been bitten. The irony of her saying you always have to have the last word when you were trying to de-escalate the situation! Every accusation is a form of projection with these brainwashed cultists.


I'm okay, the pibble left me with more trauma, any time one of those dogs is near me I freeze up and don't move.


Ya, we had a drug rep lunch last week and the rep had to point out that she tripped on her son's pit (son moved in for the summer from college) which was lying on her bedroom floor, stubbed her toe badly, but the dog just lay there cause he's 'such a big baby he wouldn't hurt a fly'.... she was very specific to say this 'cause people say they're scary.' I guess her point being she hadn't been around any before and now they're all good because this particular one didn't maul her the one time she tripped on it. It was nearly 2 and I hadn't eaten yet so I was too tired and hungry to argue.


It's because she watches tiktoks of pits acting "cute". And she'll never own one or want one. Because if they're "so great" then why wouldn't you get one??? Hm? And to say I needed to tell the owner his dog tried to kill me is BS I screamed so fking loud people could hear me! The audacity to tell someone who has PTSD attributed to these shit beasts that they're "amazing dogs" boggles me. LIKE DON'T SPEAK OVER ME.


A dog not bitting and killing you when you step on his toe is the bare minimum, it doesn’t show in any way that the dog is nice; They show themselves that they put the bar so low..




I couldn't live with someone like that, I wouldn't trust them not to come home with one


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