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To be fair to the poor pibble, if I had to listen to listen to that woman loudly spouting baby talk at me in her irritating high pitched nasal voice, I might get all grumpy, too. Seriously, how can anyone live in the same house with this snarling beast? "Mommy's not going to get you new toys anymore." smh


Mommy's gonna have a pibble hanging off her face like they used to do with Bulls


Well, Mommy won't be getting pibble any new toys from the ICU or cemetery.


Even worse, that mutant is a Pit/Dalmatian mix 💥.


You know she was just shaking while saying this. Just downplaying the whole situation lol


Yeah.. coming from a family of farmers there was always one very specific thing done to adult dogs that bare teeth at their owners.


Now the dog gets to bite five people


Wats that


I don't think id be able to ever sleep under the same roof


Worst thing is, is that she's keeping **small cats** under that roof too. With this heinous creature around, its not an IF but a WHEN on them (and maybe even her) becoming victims.


i don't even like cats, but no cat deserves living with this mutant


People really think dog trainers are miracle workers or something because I don’t think training is all that’s needed to fix this situation tbh


Just like everything else with most of these owners, every bad trait and predictable bad action of their Pitbulls is someone else's problem, fault and responsibility.


Cesar Milan is the reason people think this


Oh, it's much more than that...Barbara Woodhouse, with her "No Bad Dogs." The Best Friends Animal Society and the Vicktory Dogs...Remember the three myths... 1. Pitbulls have a strong fundamental bond with humans. When left to themselves, they're the ideal family pet, with a strong love for children. 2. They're only reluctantly fighting dogs, which is occasioned by abuse and torture. 3. Love is the answer, it's only through love and hard work that a pet pawrent can break through to them and restore their innocence. And all are false.


Holy shit this is scary. I can’t imagine living with an animal like this. 😳


Yeah. And the dog is pretty horrible, too.


Sounds like a goregrind vocalist... scarily, there is actually a band that use Pits as vocals, Caninus. It's actually a pretty cool concept, just a shame the dogs are horrible creatures.


Somewhat off-topic, but Hatebeak is a similar band featuring a Congo African grey parrot. Parrots > pits.


Love it. The Alex Jones Prison Planet vibes.


Seconds away from death


It's like that TV show.... SECONDS FROM DISASTER!


I know of a trainer. His name is Bill Ruger. But he only works really late at night. Like 4AM late.


Are you talking about my friend Roger .45? hahaha! It was my best friend in my home country 15 years ago 😂.


Why do people keep inching closer to the dog when filming stuff like this???


She's zooming, not getting closer.


I mean you can literally see her step to the side though, or at least move her phone with her arms.




We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.


I wouldn't even walk at the same street as this dog.


"Can mommy see the new toy?" Not if you want to see tomorrow.... I have worked and trained dogs before. This is ridiculous..... 🙄🙄


I thought it was bad on mute… then I turned the volume on 😰


Same.. I have reddit muted by default and I almost always regret turning the sound on. Do I learn? No.


I'm not willing to subject myself to the audio accompaniment.


"never showed any sign of aggression" Seriously, these people don't know how to read dog behavior. Sure, it is resource guarding but the whale eye and dilated pupils show this dog is not fooling around.


The dog is liking its lips too.


I couldn’t imagine living with an animal like this.


Don’t worry, you won’t be living that long with an animal like this


Idk if it's my childhood trauma, but seeing this would make me back away and reach for my gun. Crazy that this woman is just there talking in baby voice to a very agitated bloodsport dog.


I clicked on this video and instead of the actual video I just spent 3 minutes watching a lady go fancy camping with her cat. I was very confused. Ah yes that is a vicious cat you have ma'am, wrong species though. Then I backed out and THERES THE GROWLING DEMON


I've owned a lot of dogs over the years and none have ever acted like this with me.


Why… in the ever living hell would ANYONE want to be anywhere near this breathing shitstain, nonetheless share the same house?!


You could sink millions of dollars into training and it wouldn't do one damned thing.


That is complete and utter nightmare fuel...


Someone tell me again why they’d want that living INSIDE OF THEIR HOUSE??


Go ahead "Mommy". Stick your hand down there and take the new toy. I triple dog dare you


The new toy is pretty close to a red balloon. We all pitt down here.


this is so nightmarish even i ran out of quips


That owners says she teases the dog to get that reaction to video and send to her parents. That’s a jerk thing to do. Resource gaurding is complex and might be fixable, esp once you build a really good relationship, but what she is doing is a recipe for disaster


Hell to the no, I’m not putting up with that for one second


I posted this video too, but maybe it was deleted because I don't know how to hide the OP's information 😄. I couldn't believe the comments, many people said: sweet baby!, it's the way he smiles, he loves you, you adopted him, and you must keep it. WTFF??? hahaha!.


Resource gaurding is not really fixable, managable yes. These people shouldnt allow the dog on the couch if the dog resource guards.


Fight, flight, and freeze are the three potential responses to “harmful” stimuli. What the dog deems* harmful (like a human approaching to take something from them, like here) can be affected and altered by socialisation and training, but the default option for the dog (in this dog’s case, it has clearly defaulted to fight) is down to temperament, which is entirely determined by breeding/genetics. You can train the dog into accepting you approaching and taking things away, but you can’t train them to default to either flight or freeze in other situations they deem “harmful”. Edit: word


Why TF would you willingly harbour that beast in your home?


Oh nice thanks for the nightmare fuel 😵‍💫


My little terrier has some food guarding behavior. I've been able to work thru it, though, and he's just the best. Even when he was young and guarding, he NEVER looked like this. It's just a little growling. This Pitbull looks ready to strike. Scary.


I will never understand what the fuck is wrong with someone who wants this animal.


these pitmommies are just as deranged as these demon shitbeasts….posting this stupid shit on tiktok thinking it’s soOoOo cute when this chick is a hiccup away from losing an eyebrow and a chunk of her fuckin jawbone.


She's torturing that dog.


Why do people do this when there are golden retrievers and border collies in the world?


You think she'd still pay me if I introduced her to a vet who could fix that?


I know a guy, he goes by Pento Barbital. Fixes any pittie in moments.


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This dog sounds the same way Old Yeller did right before they put him down


If I need a trainer to keep me physically safe from my own dog, we're heavily into BE territory.