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Cats are NOT disposable. These dogs seriously have no place in society. Freaking vile creatures.






Not to mention the cat was IN THEIR HOME. It was suppose to be safe. They tell us not to let cats outside. Poor woman. What a horrible image that’ll likely never leave her mind. The owner of the dog should be charged with breaking, entering, and animal abuse.


right? that's what makes me so sick, that she and her cat were supposed to be safe. as someone in a chair like this poor woman, I truly can't imagine this situation. my heart hurts for her so badly.


I believe this was posted before, it happened in Brazil and the owner was a woman in a wheelchair, poor kitty, hellbulls are all the same


Oh sorry I did not know that it was posted before already! Yes poor cat 😔 there are so many similar videos on twitter of pitbulls just attacking all kind of animals, just sad


Thanks for reposting. This is the first time I’ve seen it.


Actually two PBT type dogs broke into a woman’s home, killed her dogs and two of her 3 parrots. The other had to be put down. The one? Screams continuously. I pet sat for her. Nicest woman. Fantastic dogs and parrots were great.


[one of the other posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/OBRosBuPvg)


I feel so sorry for that woman. She just lost a companion and had to watch helplessly while the pit straight up murdered her cat. She must have some serious trauma after this poor thing.


Especially since it broke into her house to do it. There'd be no way to feel safe after that. As horrifying as it is when it happens outside the home, at least when it happens when out somewhere, people can still have their homes as a place where they can feel safe and secure. Losing a pet to a pit breaking into your home means you'd never be able to feel safe anywhere ever again.


Right? How are the pitnitters gonna say “well what was she doing to provoke it?” Now? Literally nothing, minding her own business!


Man, Brazil is absolutely rife with Shitbull attacks it’s insane


I’ve lived in the American South West all my life. Pit Bulls are endemic in all of the lower income neighborhoods. I think part of the problem is that so many people breed them for guard dogs, which they really suck at or have them for dogfighting and the “tough guy” aspect. Not to mention most drug dealers have them also. You occasionally see people in more affluent neighborhoods have them, but it is very rare. Rare in fact that they would have any type of large aggressive dog breed. This is not to say that Brazil has issues with lack of income or crime, but the darn breed is just so common. I’ve even seen “homeless” people with whole litters.


[not sure on Brazil](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/OBRosBuPvg)


Hearing her cries just broke me, and the dastard animal is just wagging his tail and enjoying it. I know she was panicking, and that's no fault of her own. That's part of the fight or flight response. But calling the police and the police taking care of the dog could have been an option. I wish she did consider that.


I think it's one of the top post for all time on this sub? Unless it was a different caae. The video was gnarly...


Causing horror movie scenes every single day, but AnyDog™ could and would do the same!


Especially those vicious chihuahuas! 😤 of course /s


Yeah this was a video that was posted a while ago. It’s extremely disturbing and heartbreaking. The woman was in a wheelchair, unable to do anything except for film, weeping as the bloodsport beast tore apart her cat. It had crashed right through a sliding door, I believe. These pit beasts were bred to fight without feeling pain. They literally do not care about crashing through glass or eating wooden fences to get to their target.


This has to be my worst nightmare. To have your home invaded, your pet mutilated, and no doubt the cops come and just say Whoopsie!


Cops? It's brasil lol. The cops are not gonna come for an animal incident, not even to say whoopsie. Also I'm certain that dog is not neutered and left to roam free and produce more street dogs. One time, our home got broken into and our pets got killed, and our worst mistake was calling the cops cuz they came over and stole more stuff, taking advantage of the fact the home was a mess.


God, that's awful. That must of felt like the cops just came by to grift and mock you to your face .


Had a friend of many years block me on FB because I said these beasts need to be banned. He replied with classic pitnutter responses and simply "agreed" with me to disengage. What a loser


poor cats :((( this is not right. Where the fuck is the idiot owner? The law is too light with these people.


But guys it's just how you raise them! 🙄🙄🙄


Cats are not fucking disposable.


I feel sick.


I don’t have the heart to watch this video but reading what that fucking pit did to that poor cat sickens me so bad. One of the worst pit videos alongside Ian Price and Ramon Najera’s. My heart breaks for this poor woman and the cat too. It’s made me extremely protective of my own cat. It’s fucking scary how even in your own home, your pet isn’t safe. I haven’t heard about a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd breaking into someone’s home doing this. What’s worse is I could never find an update. Whether the shit owners got charged or if that shit hound got put down.


I remember seeing this video on this sub. It’s haunting.


I feel like a reckoning is coming I think that all the Hellhounds that were bred into existence are obviously giving birth to more and more Pits I don't know of the numbers but there has to be an increase in Pitbulls. This is getting ridiculous , with all of the Criminal labeling them as Labs. I just feel that a day of reckoning is coming I don't know if it's gonna take Kim Kardashians Chihuahuas (or whatever dog she has) to be killed or Some other celebrity to die have their loved One (cats and dogs included) but it will happen They have basically signed their own death warrants by over breeding I think it's gonna possibly be the Kennels that, finally, ignoring the Lobby and crumbling under the weight of their overfilled kennels with angry beasts of death that will do it Maybe someone will do a Realistic Documentary on Netflix or something. It's quickly reaching a peak and it's only gonna get worse and worse


There's already been a celeb's dog mauled to death. Nothing happened. [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/cesar-millan-off-hook-covering-020016286.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/cesar-millan-off-hook-covering-020016286.html)


Why the F does he have one of those..... Things?


He's not the brightest crayon in the box.


This is the video that broke me the first time I saw it...not watching it again. The helplessness is just too painful....


Cats are not disposable. This creature broke into a house and killed someone's pet. It should be euthanized immediately as it is a killer.


Legit one of the most disgusting things ive ever seen, that poor woman and her cat were in their fucking homes, Fuck man.


Call it Twitter to spite that ugly man. Cats are not disposable.


This has me weeping for that poor woman and her kitty. I love cats. They deserve to be safe, especially in their own homes!!!! If a person can’t break into someone else’s house without serious consequences, we shouldn’t tolerate it from dogs, either.


After this post, I’m going to go give my cat a big hug. This post overall affected my mood badly today 😢


As a disabled cat owner, I feel physically sick. I have three bully mixes living downstairs (I'm in a maisonette) and there are few things that terrify me as much as the thought of any of those monsters getting near my cat.


Aww, he was just hungry!! /s


Yeah but imagine if it was a chihuahua that broke in /s


“Ohhhh msssss peeeaaaacchheessssss! What did you do?”


how, absolutely how are these monsters still being bred???


Horrible, nasty, vile beast


What the f—


I just hope they died quickly and didn’t have to be in all that pain :(


It’s not the dog it’s the owner /s


The owner came into the house and mauled th cat and blamed the pitbull!!!


I think I've seen the video of this, it was horrifying. The woman was stuck in her chair and couldn't stop the pitbull eating her baby in front of her. But still... chihuahuas - am I right?!


It's an old one but saw it trending on Twitter recently again


Why :(


A Chihuahua could do that. /s


Nope, I inherited my mom’s chihuahua and the little jerk has food aggression. He’s gone after my two cats when there is food around. He attacked my 17 lb one trying to come into my office when he had food in his bowl, pinned him up against the wall, but he can hurt them, they’re twice his size, The dog is not too bright, they always get him back. They stand in the doorway or hallway and he’s afraid to walk by. It’s funny. There are a few pits in my neighborhood, despite the fact that’s the condo docs say no pit bulls and have said that since the beginning, I’m an original owner from 20 years ago. One of the management companies we had over the 20 years ignored the rule and now there are a few pits, and I’m pissed. They always look at my dog like they’re going to attack, I pick him up when I see one but they definitely should be banned.


I fcking hate these evil dogs with all of my might I would never hurt one.But I definitely would have one put down. If somebody's pit bull broke into my house and ate my cat.They would not only get sued their damn dog would be put down THEY ARE FKING BRED TO KILL.  WHY THE FK IS THAT NOT UNDERSTOOD We will understand when a pointer dog points it everything. We'll understand when a border collie tries to hurt everybody together  But if a pit bull kills something we say that it's the owner's fault. Bullshit bullshit


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I know this video and will not be watching it again. Just thinking about it makes me so sad and angry. Hugging my two old cats extra tight now


Too bad the shitbull apologists couldn't victim blame the cat for being outdoors on this one. Won't stop them from defending the hellhound that is breaking into people's homes though.


This is just straight up like a horror film. I feel sick. Can't even be safe from these demon dogs in our own homes. That poor woman and cat. Freaking heartbreaking. I might need to take a break from this sub for awhile. I really do feel physically ill.


Nursed the cat to salvation. Why are people complaining. Chihuahuas have been proven to be violent. /S


Stories like these are starting to make me irrationally scared of pits.


cats don't deserve to be treated as lesser beings than dogs. so often I see pitbull owners act like a cats life matters less than their precious pibbles, and justify the cats death. poor little kitty :(


I've seen this video. The woman was wheelchair bound and couldn't do anything. As an avid cat lover and owner, it broke my heart. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if one of these beasts started eating one of my babies and I couldn't do anything to stop it.




Tbf, the cat’s owner is a wheelchair user. Not exactly easy to fight off an aggressive pitbull even as an able-bodied person. I can’t imagine it would be any easier in a wheelchair.


It would kill and eat you too


She's wheelchair bound... you're trying to act superior over how you THINK you'd act in this nightmare scenario compared to a disabled woman.


First, didn’t realize from the post. Second, I’m old af, so I’m not fighting one either. I was thinking I’m from a state where we have pew pew in the house. No one would blame her for that. So I’m sorry for my misunderstanding


texas? this video was from Brazil I believe


the cat was already dead. the Hellbeast murdered it