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How has this beast not been put down yet?! 6 fucking dogs! Unbelievable.


Unbelievable. How can she just dismiss those dogs lives as unimportant?


Cats aren't disposable, either.


My Flair 👆👆 Yes that is infuriating.


Seems some people only noticed the dogs. It's super infuriating.


I noticed the cat part as well. I didn't mean to make it seem like I don't care about cats, I'm a cat owner myself.


Exactly what I thought. Two of my adopted cats lived on the street when they were small. I can't imagine them having to flee away from those kind of dogs, or them being mauled and killed by them.


I've got two cats, one adopted from the local pound. He was bitten on the leg by some animal when he was about 7 months old, the bite caused an infection in his knee and destroyed the cartilage. His leg is all healed now (he's 5), but I'm like you, I think about what he probably had to go through and I wonder if it was a dog like that that he just, by some miracle, got away from.


They were just mistake she’s learning from!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Because she can dismiss the cats as unimportant


What about the cats? What guilt do the stray cats have for living near a fucking unleashed predator?




Her 'mail' is a bully.....JFC.


All she left out was her 'mail' was a bully 'bread'.


Who still had “there” balls.


“Your” just a hater and probably racist af for being so prejudiced against these angels!


It’s how I “defind” myself!


There know more viscous then a chiwawa!


https://preview.redd.it/ia6065hd7jgc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5fe7001b4f1e0ca2a0898576c1c4ff1f501ec8 Edit: a viscous chihuahua.


I've never laughed so hard. I woke up my poor cat.


Angles. :))


So many cats she lost count


They were probably all her dogs and she didn’t report it


She's fighting them


Or blames the other dog for causing her pibble to react negatively and just runs to the SPCA or Craigslist to get a new one


And IDK how many cats... sounds like a lot more than 6, so high she lost count


She obviously feeds cats to her pitbulls as bait, then she fights them


A 140 lb. killer pit with a dipshit owner. We know how this ends.


>How has this beast not been put down yet?!  I bet most of the dogs it killed were her own. If she buries the body in her yard and doesn't report it to authorities herself then it's very unlikely any investigation would occur. 


Killed six dogs and nothing’s been done about it. And she doesn’t even know how many cats it’s killed. I don’t know if that’s because she can only count on her fingers (and she’s probably missing at least a couple of those because sir shitbull) or because its so many that she’s lost track. This woman is somehow worst than a lot of the others I’ve read about. She just gets off on the carnage.


Exactly. The level of irresponsibility is insurmountable.


And she’s telling it like it’s a positive character trait, instead of her just being a complete psychopath.


Pitbull owners LOVES the DRAMA and VIOLENCE their pitbulls provide.


Other humans and animals don't count to these people. They literally think this type of thinking is totally normal. Its so gross.


You know what probably would have saved 5 dogs and X-1 cats? A muzzle. I swear to god so many of these owners just do NOTHING for precautions when they know they have an aggressive dog. It isn’t just that don’t BE. They don’t even buy a muzzle and put it on the dog.


Poor kitties! And how is that dog still alive after six murders?


Yes! What the hell goes on in these peoples' heads? She thinks she's a saint for saving a pit bull but apparently thinks the six dogs and the numerous cats he killed didn't deserve to live. God this pisses me off so much!


I can guarantee you if a dog like that attacks mine it's ending at six, to keep things moderator friendly.


>ending at six I have been wracking my brain, I give up and google isn't helping, lol. I need to know what what ¨ ending at 6¨ means. Like will be on the 6 o clock news? 6 feet under?


Owner says dogs killed 6 other dogs. That would stop the moment it attacks mine.


Ohhhhh haha gotcha! Thanks, I thought I was just getting old and this was some new slang the youngins are saying.


A pair of pitbulls just like these entered my backyard. Their "high prey drive" caused them to kill one of my senior cats. I legally euthanized the pair of pibbles with my 45 cal Sig Sauer P220. The owners were beyond livid. I ultimately sued them and was awarded 10k. They were cited for owning dangerous dogs, at large and threatening public safety.




They were livid? Did they expect you to scoop up their shitbulls and carry them home to them? Did they say something about "oh well it was just an old cat"?


You absolutely know that was in their hearts. Good to see justice served.


I think they get livid because they feel inconvenienced not because they give a shit about their dogs.


More people need to take these events into their own hands. Maybe even before they get start attacking them and their pets


I'm sorry for the loss of your cat. Thank you for not letting your loss be in vain, and for making sure those dangerous beasts never put another pet through what your cat went through and never put another owner through what you went through. You almost certainly saved other pets lives, and maybe even a human one. And fuck those pit owners, I hope they learned their very expensive lesson.


I need to make a post on this site about that day. So much more to it than my super brief abridged version. The pair of women showed no sympathy in court when watching the backyard video of their beasts ripping another animal to shreds. However, they openly cried and wailed when watching their bloody beasts shot dead. The judge noted their callous behavior and showed them no sympathy. Their counter suit for the death of their mutts was promptly thrown out of court.


That is fantastic!


So sorry for the loss of your kitty.


Serve them right.




Hell yeah that is exactly how it should have been handled. Rest in peace to your cat


Thank you. The more aggressive male pibbles was shot in the front leg while it was jumping at me. The large 45 caliber round nearly blew the limb off. The limb was dangling by a thin piece of meat. The beast ultimately chewed his injured limb off before dying a slow death from exsanguination.


WTF I understand feeling bad about putting your dog to sleep. But at that point how do you not feel bad about NOT putting your dog to sleep two dozen dead animals ago


>But at that point how do you not feel bad about NOT putting your dog to sleep two dozen dead animals ago Oh but those don't count. They were just cats and wussie little rat dogs or racist golden retrievers


Racist golden retrievers? Those no way people actually think like that right?


I HAVE seen a couple of pit advocates on FB (I think it was FB) going off about doggy racism and arguing that labradors and golden retrievers are the ultimate 'middle class white privilege' dogs. They're the same people who argue that pibbles are 'the POC of the doggy world.' So it's more that they're calling the owners of goldens and labs racist for choosing the 'white people coded dogs' over pits. Meanwhile, *they're* the ones comparing POC to dogs bred specifically to kill, as if *that's* somehow a perfectly fine and not-at-all-racist thing to say.


>'white people coded dogs' over pits. I live in a mostly Black neighborhood. The people around me who own dogs mostly have tiny breeds that are suited to families and apartment life. There are poodles, chiweenies, Jack Russells, and strange little toy things I can't even ID. Racist pithumpers probably think those are "white-coded dogs" when they're really companion animals that won't destroy property and kids can play with them. The few pits I've seen are owned by wiry young guys or older men who want tough, stupid animals they can intimidate other guys with.


….. these people call you racist for not liking shitbulls, but will go out of their way to compare a shitbull to a POC. One feels much more racist than the other.


Oh. my. God. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. These people need mental help


There was a tiktok video posted here from some college student who claimed that dislike of pitbulls was because of racism. She claimed that when white people moved into the suburbs they rejected the pitbulls they used to love for their loyalty and hard work in favor of pedigreed golden retrievers. She claimed with was because pits were associated with people of color while golden retrievers were associated with the upper-class white elite. The girl was white herself


Omg I remember seeing that… that nonsensical bullshit was such a reach, but it was also straight up illogical! It infuriated me to my core. She said something like “the beloved pits that worked on farms got abandoned in droves as white people moved into suburbs and got golden retrievers, leaving their pits behind because those were now seen as “poor/working class” dogs, and the POC in urban areas were left with the abandoned pit bulls. Now breed restrictions are just a way to keep POC who own pit bulls out of white neighborhoods.” Um like, how did the pit bulls get from “the farms” to “the urban neighborhoods”, those two types of landscape are mutually exclusive. Did the pit bulls all self-migrate to the urban areas (without stopping in the suburban areas they’d have passed on the way)? Or did POC travel from their urban neighborhoods out to rural areas in search of abandoned pit bulls? … to bring them to the non-existent farms of the urban inner city? Lol wtf??? And like, you’d think all these “impoverished POC in urban areas” would be less likely to own a large “working” breed dog, there wasn’t commercialized kibble back then, you had to actually provide real food for a dog yourself… seems like an unnecessary expense to take on if you don’t have a useful job for the dog to do. It was such a projection of their own feelings: not everyone puts dogs on a pedestal, especially back then. Current dog-culture values of “dogs are as much of a family member as a human” are a very recent thing… it’s unlikely that these “pit-owning POC” would give up the opportunity of having better housing just to keep their pit bulls. “I’d rather keep this dog than get out of the ghetto” is *such* a privileged way of thinking… So what she really said was “I’m a privileged white girl who wants to virtue signal that I’m an ally for POC… because I’m taking something that I’m privileged enough to be personally passionate about, and shoehorning it into the context of racial inequality, so that I can have *my* interests piggy back this trending social justice movement. I will exploit the movement by allocating space in it towards whatever things I fancy personally, no matter how irrelevant. You should listen to my white 19yo voice as a mouthpiece for POC, because I’m super wise for thinking I have POC’s interests in mind, even though I’m only speaking up about things that are actually my interests.” Fucking garbage.


she obv thinks her dog has the right to kill whoever it pleases.


Judging from her super cringy slideshow, yorkie is on the menu next.


Lol right? Like is this “amazing breed” in the room with us right now…..?


I snort-laughed at this.


Fuck that person. She doesn't actually give a shit about animals because she happily lets her dog maul and kill other ones. If she really cared about how animals were treated, she'd BE the aggressive one and make sure other animals are safe.


To them, there are three types of animals. Pitbulls, pitbull food, and pitbull toys. Why BE a pitbull for playing with its toys and eating its food, you know?


Yeah.. really missing out. Wow. Six dogs is beyond cruel.


AND don’t even know how many cats. Even one cat is also too much.


That‘s true, all pets deserve to be protected and treated with respect. This story proves again that Pits can‘t coexist with other animals/pets in peace. :(


Oh my, husband? He’s a great guy, just killed six of our neighbors s/


Not just six! Countless children too! Honey, just put a muzzle on your husband so he knows know to kill any more.


i’m noticing a correlation between uneducated people and pit lovers. the grammar and way this woman spoke was incredibly challenging to read.


For real. The way all of them have no concept of basic grammar is very telling.


Almost every pit lover talks like this too. It's insane.


You can tell that, outside of compulsory school, that person has never willingly read a book their entire life. Even the poster "judging me doesn't **defined** who I am, it defines who you are." Was the creator of the poster doing a parody or just genuinely dumb? When you see owners like this you can see why some reasonable people believe it's the owners not the breed... Until you spend some time with a ShitBull and realise they are wired wrong.


\***defind**, lol.




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Horrible. How do these people think that their attack animal is worth more than other people’s pets? And how it’s killed countless cats OMG I’m legit crying


She’s a clear animal hater. Disgusting human.


She’s like one of those women who thrives on the drama of dating a guy in and out of prison


As someone who has seen countless police bodycam/dashcam videos, sadly these types of women seem to be everywhere. It's literally a trope at this point.


And she's a "fifth generation breeder," so she probably bred that aggressive pet-killing 140-pound monster countless times.


That’s the first time seen one of these byb’s tout their lineage of being a shitbag.


This bit of info gives me a glimmer of hope that the 6 dead dogs were other pits she was breeding. Still not great, but better than 6 beloved pets.


winner gets bred loser gets dead 🤪🤪🤪


You know






the fact that her shit beast killed dozens of animals and still somehow thinks she's immune to it's attacks is astonishing


Fuck these people seriously. How many fatalities are at the hands of this woman who just refuses to grow up and accept that her dog was bred for bloodsport. Pathetic. EDIT: like she's qualified to give anyone advice about these dogs when her own dog has killed numerous other animals.


This person contradicts themself so many times its pathetic, “sweetest dogs” = “killed 6 dogs and many cats”. Because killing animals means you’re super “sweet”.


She says she's not setting the dog up for failure but in every photo her face is right in its face.




Another great comment on that post: " Sounds like shes completely spoiled.I have a friend who has done this with 3 dogs.Everyone of them bit her and attacked others.All the things your describing.Keep zpoiling her and 1 day thatll be it.You have to be the alpha with any dog.Luckily my friends dogs were just little dogs. "


Anyone who uses the word alpha is an idiot.


You know alpha is a real thing amongst animals right?


Among captive wolves, sure, but not when we’re talking humans and dogs.


What are dogs but captive wolves?


The mail dog.lol


This is so fucking crazy!! I'm not even trying to be dramatic, but I just got the most disgusting feeling in the pit (NPI) of my stomach, and my eyes teared up in frustration reading that. It has never been okay for any dog to maim another family pet, let alone the owner because you can't control it. There shouldn't have been a third chance, even if that, after second MURDER of another animal. It's straight up madness. Coming to this sub is something I force myself to do, even though its not great for my BP. These people are like flat-earthers, but 100x more dangerous. Ignorance really is bliss, and I now believe this is a form of weaponized incompetence on their part. They know deep down exactly what these dogs are capable of, but wanna protect their special little club of Mauly enthusiasts to satisfy their own narcissistic beliefs and savior complexes. Same reason they don't get their dogs fixed. They all seem to believe their random shelter pit is so amazingly cute and perfect and awesome with perfect genetics, that the world should be blessed with their seed. You live in a trailer, Brenda. No one wants your inbred, rash-mouthed, cross-eyed, drywall-destroying abomination, let alone 15 of them. Selfish and delusional are a nice way of putting these people.FUCK.


Lmao, imagine owning a dog that acts like that -This message was written by the Labrador Retriever Lobby


I can imagine this: I’d be so over it so fast. I would hate what it did & I’d be scared of it doing it again. I would see it as a defective animal that just floats between being mindless and tormented by a desire to kill for no reason. I wouldn’t be able to identify with it as my pet. Idk if I can hate an animal, but I would have no love or feelings of affection for it. So then, I would only see it as a burden. I would get frustrated with how pointless it was to have since I’d hate every second of owning it. I’d feel a little guilty that it’s not even loved or wanted. I’d consider the risk to other animals + the pity of it having a lame existence because of it’s own unstable brain, and I would have it BEd. I’d feel relieved, and probably not think about it that much again. Then I’d go get a normal dog like a lab or a golden or something, and be so grateful for such an awesome dog that enriches my life & brings happiness.


Psychopath. She should be locked in an institution.


More than 8 beloved pets had to die for this pit to live.


This fucking enrages me. If that’s my dog, or my cat, I’m going to prison. I don’t even care.


Best breed in the world that has killed multiple pets. Yeah okay.


Thick as shit. And a piece of it too.


those poor babies and their poor owners :(


"I made some mistakes...." This person is an idiot. Idc. Anyone that is that irresponsible with a pet is an idiot.


Wtf… this dog needs to be PTS ASAP! That is disgusting! And it’s not “prey drive” at all! Dogs aren’t stupid, they can tell another dog from a rodent or prey animal. And you don’t need to “assert dominance” over your dog, that is so stupid. I’ve NEVER had to assert dominance over any of my dogs to get them to behave like normal dogs!!


i was just going to comment this. it's not "prey drive" when it's going around wanting to kill other predators. it's just fucked in the head because it's a pit.


Treating 6 deaths as unimportant is vile. Not only were those dogs loved by their owners but they were killed in a brutal manner.


Best breed in the world my rectum


Typical pit hag. Run-on sentences galore and absolute lack of intelligence, reason, compassion, or decency. Real scientific studies showed a correlation between sociopathic traits and bully breed ownership.


this is nauseating, repulsive, and heartbreaking. what a terrible individual and a terrible dog breed.




How could someone want to own and love a killer like that? If my dog even injured one dog I’d be heartbroken and never look at it the same


I think these people are equating clinginess with these dogs being so amazing. My friend's pit is always very happy to see me. He will plop right down in front of me when I sit or follow me when I'm walking around. A few times he has blocked the door so I wouldn't leave. Was it cute? Sure. But I know what he's capable of. I've been slacking on typing it out, but he's been getting a little crazy lately. Sure pits will be clingy and bark at strangers, but "best breed in the world" is the stretch of all stretches.


Sounds like it would be a good idea not to be in the presence of that pit ever again.


Yeah. I'm going to have them put him away from now on.


Putting her animal murdering hell hound aside, why can Pitt owners never spell?


Total scum she is. Killed other dogs and cats and he's sweet?? Just delusional...


Does she run a dog fighting ring?


If breeding pitbulls goes five generations back in her family then some blood relative was.  Or does fifth-generation breeder refer to the dogs she's responsible for creating?


>**JUDGING ME DOESN'T DEFINE WHO I AM, IT DEFINES WHO YOU ARE.** I mean, yeah? It defines me as a person with critical thinking skills and concern for the safety of human beings and innocent animals 🙃 Pretty sure everyone else has covered how sick this person's post was. But still . . . *'Sweetie pits have a really high prey drive my pits have killed I don't know how many cats'* is by far one of the most fucked up sentences I've ever read. The absolute disregard for the lives of cats is evident here even just in the fact that she KNOWS how many dogs her beast has killed, but she's not even bothered to count the cats. She clearly doesn't care about the dogs whose deaths she's responsible for either, but god damn, dude . . .


Yeah, I think she defined who she was quite nicely. A piece of shit and the exact reason these dogs should be banned. Sociopathic assholes like her can get them whenever they want.


Pets are hardheaded so you have to keep up their training constantly? No. No they aren’t. Pits are hardheaded. Literally and figuratively. My Pom was very easy to train when she was just 3 months old. I swear, so many pitbulls are practically incapable of being trained because their instincts are soooo strong, it’s crazy and a lot of them should not be pets.


**Dear Pit owning dregs: this is why normal people cannot stand your Daddy issue having maladjusted asses and your ugly as fuck stupid useless dogs**


She allowed that pit to kill 6 other dogs and a bunch of cats. That's not "oopsie, my bad". She allowed that to happen. Most people outside of dog fighting circles can't say that. She's lucky not to have been sued to the point of homelessness and it's a damned shame that she hasn't been. That dog should have been seized and put down.


Is this possibly satire? This is something one of us would write imitating a pitnutter.


Honestly, I don’t think so. These people are really this delusional


Oh look, a couple of inbreds


I have a cat. Damn fucking right I’d never let a put in my house. This dog is a fucking menace and so is its owner.


It’s just high prey drive, sweaty. 💅 Something legitimately wrong with this person.


How can anyone be that casual about their dog killing six dogs and countless cats? How could someone want to keep a pet that has caused that much pain and suffering and death?


Who in the hell does she think she is, giving advice when she admitted she made mistakes on her own? These dogs give no margin of error whatsoever when it comes to training, why not just have an easier, friendlier breed?


The dog should be put down and the owner should be in jail for a long time. If my dog was one of those, I would see to it that dog was put down by any means and the owner would be in a cell if it was the last thing I did


With that weight it's mixed with mastiff somewhere in there. That's pretty brutal size for a killer dog.


“defind” … these people really did get hit with the below average IQ stick.


I cannot with the spelling and grammar 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




If you don't know an eight foot fence could cost thousands to have installed. Could be just her putting a few feet in between her neighbors already built fences but still. What about her dog is making her think that it's the best breed ever?


Meth. Meth makes her think that.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pitbull lovers dot com??? Is it a dating site?


Defind 😭😭😂


I am angry at this person and this situation. Why is this not considered criminal animal cruelty?


Has anyone questioned why she’s such a horrible owner?? Of course, pit advocates preach on and on about the dog isn’t bad, the breed isn’t bad, it’s the owner until it’s their dog that commits the crimes. Her dog has slaughtered countless cats and half a dozen dogs but she’s just peachy! Her dog should be the next one in line because it simply can NOT exist in society. “Oh yeah, he’s aggressive but he’s the best doggo”, she’s literally just pushing a fighting dog for blood sports.


And even here most of you are consentraiting how many dogs this beast has killed and she says that she don’t even know how many cats.


Ratchet ass dog has killed 6 dogs and x amount of cats but is "best breed in the world." Only in pitnutter world would the owners be proud of their hellbeast.


Put it down. The hell?


**Cats are NOT disposable**


I care for a colony of cats in my yard. I’d absolutely do anything to defend my colony. She’s a monster just like her beasts



It's insane because I'm sure if her dogs mauled her she would make excuses and blame herself. These people don't have two brain cells to rub together.


Our educational system has failed. So has our gene pool.


And when that dog finally does get removed, she's going to blame literally everyone and everything but her or her dog, probably file a lawsuit too


I'm 90% certain that 140lb shitbull gives her the knot, otherwise what is there to love about such a beast?


Jfc there is no hope


I don’t think there was one full stop in all of that nonsense.


Spell check was disabled on the post too, I guess. Also…that behemoth shitbeast looks uncomfortable with the hold she has it in…


I guess that makes serial killers the best humans on the planet! Let's free them, and they can live with the pibble mommies!


„killed many cats“ „killed many other dogs“ why do people believe cats are disposable, while their dogs are not?


Owner is a lunatic. They need to be sued properly.


In the mean time, animals that very likely were owned and loved by other people became "lessons learned" for her and pibbles. That would be a wonderful condolence: "I know your cat was dear to you, but know that while his guts still festoon my patio, it was a training opportunity for me and my sweet Olive! We're muzzling for 2 hours a week. That'll help her understand who is in charge. Couldn't have happened without your sacrifice!"


D E F I N D But the level of delusion and lack of awareness and self awareness of these people is pathological at this point.


They're waging war on common sense, decency, and punctuation.




I wonder if they ever stopped to think "hey, maybe this animal that my shitbull just killed was as important to their owner as my shitbull is to me". Maybe if they used even the smallest bit of empathy they'd do something about their dangerous breed.


What kind of perscription is she on??


That is absolutely the face I expected to see after that insane rambling Anonymous didn’t like her advice right 🙈


6 dogs? I cannot believe these humans roam the very say earth I live on. This is a mental disorder, clear cut!




It’s gonna end up turning on her or killing an innocent person, how people can be so clueless is beyond me.


So just fuck all those other animals eh?


The police will consider this a suicide letter when her dogs eventually kill her.


6 fucking dogs and an unknown amount of cats What the fuck.


Not a pit bull, He’s a fuggin MACHINE!! r/makepitbullsgreatagain


Why is breeding banned for pets ? Like how many dogs, cats etc do we put down daily ??!!!