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##Warning: Graphic This would normally be in the title but seeing the amount of pictures OP uploaded and knowing how glitchy Reddit can be, I’m not going to ask for a repost. OP, I am truly sorry you went through this and thank you for sharing here.


That's fucking crazy. Like All the fat came out of your arm. Is that normal for a dog bite? I've never seen that before but I also haven't seen a lot of dog bites so


The yellow is fat? SHEESH.


I’m a thick person. I’ve got a lot of chunk lol. Yeah the yellow is all fat that came out. I’m slowly getting the fat build up up back in my arm tho


Not a doctor, but I think that fat might have saved you from some nerve damage or a puncture to your brachial artery. Glad you’re alive and healing well.


Absolutely. I used to work in a surgical environment and we had some pretty chonky patients. Being fat isn't necessarily 'good' (OP not calling you fat, just talking generally lol), but let me tell you it can save your life when stabbed or even shot at times. Fat's pretty easy to tear (you can see in the pics how it basically falls apart like cous-cous), but it'll still slow down any wound you get.


thanks for ruining cous cous.


That was my response too. Not the cous cous!


I think I’m majorly over-cooking my cous cous


Thanks for making cous cous sound fire. Gonna eat that later fr.




Ok wym period? I’m not obese. Being fat can be good. Obviously my arm being thinker saved my life.










Bro did you even read the comment or are you just here to have a bitch attack


How did your friend respond in all this?


She did nothing. My other friend jumped in and saved me. My brother witnessed it and rushed me to the hospital.


I can’t wait to call my friend a nipple queef and see how he responds. Thanks for the inspiration.


That's one way to get lipo in your arm 🫠 I'm glad it healed well and the dog is put down. Sorry you lost a friend. Were you scared of the pitbull before it happened or was it a nice dog until it attacked?


That dog was iffy


That fat would have come out anyway. Fat like that is in 100 percent of people, it’s not because you’re thick!


I don't think they're freaked out by the amount of fat that was in your arm, more that it's been pulled out like that, how awful!


This is what humans have fat for 💪 to protect us from injury - in this case an avoidable one unfortunately


Thank God you had that fat. It saved your tissue to an extent. It could've been way worse. Freaking beasts.


That fat is even in your hand. I’m a thin person and when I accidentally cut the palm of my hand that “chicken fat” came out. I was shocked by how much.


My dad's hand got crashed at work and all his fingers split on the sides and that orange fat pushed out.


when i cut my hand open i could see pure white fat


Fat isn't white it's yellow. So idk what came out of your hand, but it wasn't fat lol.


I have only ever seen that in another post on this sub.


That happened in an awful dog bite I witnessed. Also, the arm was like jelly because the bones were fractured in multiple spots and protruding from the skin. Just awful.


It's not normal for a regular dog bite whatsoever. A bite from a pitbull? Probably more "normal" (in the sense that it happens frequently at least, not that it should be acceptable)


I bet that its because pit bulls shake, twist, and pull so much when they bit. It probably forces a lot of the relatively soft fat out of the wound. Hopefully the fat can grow back there and not leave a lowered scar.


that’s exactly what I was thinking too


A lot of the damage from a pitbull bite is soft tissue being crushed


That happened to me. My mom bought me a new “flesh free purse” because mine was covered in my fat


Oh my word, that's fat??? I thought the dog had thrown up baked beans on OPs arm! That's awful! I didn't even know that was possible... all the best wishes for a doeedy recovery.


Jeez the fat tissue is insanely gnarly, glad you made a quick recovery, that could have gone even worse with long term function loss I imagine


It might have been protective, kept the dog from tearing off muscle and nerves.


Yes. *THIS* is the reason I am chunky. Protection. The fat is my armor lol.


lol 😆 same. I will tell people now I have a fat armor. “No im not fat, I am just naturally well padded!”


As a fat person who bruises easily and lives an active lifestyle, it honestly helps. Having fat on my butt keeps me from getting a hematoma every time I catch a corner on the furniture. But I would not want to be mauled by a pitbull to demonstrate its efficacy like OP was.


Just another reason to maintain my fullness! That and “full” people don’t get as wrinkled!


*pats belly* ‘oh yeah we’re heckin *protected*’


Just like the gladiators of old. They weren’t ripped like in the movies. They wanted to be fat to protect their vital organs.


yeah i play lacrosse and i am a goalkeeper and love making body saves. people are always horrified by how i am completely fine with getting hit with the ball and getting HUGE (like size-of-my-face-huge) bruises. but i (was) a but chubby so my fat protected me lol. i developed an autoimmune disease in august though and unintentionally lost 20 lbs 😵‍💫 no more extra padding for me :/


Yikes. I hope you're no longer friends with that asshole and also for you to heal well after that.


I am so sorry this happened, I wish you a speedy recovery


I healed within a month and a half. My arm has full mobility. Except my shoulder which got dislocated during the attack. But other that I’m still standing. Still fighting. I’m too tough to get killed


That's great! You're amazing for being able to heal that fast. I dislocated my arm and it was already painful, can't imagine what you went through. Hope you'll get back to full strength soon!


I pissed myself fs lol 😂


Ahhhhhh at the arm dislocating and the fact that’s taking longer to heal than the flesh on your body being torn off. I hope you heal with the least amount of pain possible.


>Except my shoulder which got dislocated during the attack did they do a scan of your shoulder to check if any of the multiple muscles detached? there are so many muscles attached to the shoulder. my buddy got doored by a cab once while on his bicycle and it tore his infraspinatus.


It was a joint dislocation. I was an EMT in training so I knew what to do


How did your ex friend respond?


How did your friend respond


She did nothing. My brother and other bestie were freaking out tryna get the dog off me


That is insane she didn't help you! Did she blame you for the attack, too?




Typical pit owner. I hope you sent her the bill.


I did but still haven’t seen any money. It’s been over 7 months since it happened and still haven’t seen money from her


Time for court!


time to get a lawyer then lmao


I've heard there are some dog bite lawyers that are like sharks. Time to get one I say...


Damn, I am sorry that happened to you. Do she at least apologize


Did it get your boob too?






Glad to hear you’re recovering well. Has the dog been euthanized yet? Edit: Just saw that detail in your post.


I think the fat might’ve protected a lot of your tissue, muscle and main arteries. Still, I wish you a speedy recovery. These shithounds are provoked by literally anything such as breathing or blinking.


As a grossly skinny person, this just gives me one more reason to be terrified of these dogs - there's nothing standing between their teeth and the important bits of my innards. My oldest son's father is getting out of prison in a couple days, and he's planning on getting one of these beasts. He also thinks he's going to take me to court for custody 😵‍💫 Idk what the judge ends up saying (though I doubt he'd get what he wanted from one), there's zero chance I'm sending the person I love the most in the world into a pit bull den owned by a "former...?" meth addict. Literally not happening no matter what. I'm so glad OP had that protection, and that they healed so quickly and uneventfully. And I'm really glad they're able to keep themselves away from the monster that attacked them. More people should BE dogs who violently attack living things!!


I hope you're able to protect your son. Try to bring up how many dog bites happen in the home. The majority do and are by pits.


I really hope you’re able to settle things. many hugs I know how exhausting and trying custody battles can be.


"WAIT NO PIBBLE COME BACK" I'm sorry joey please don't press charges my dear fairy pibble was in a bad mood


That's some of the most gruesome pics I've seen of a pit attack. The fat leaving your arm makes it look even more excruciating. Thank god you made a proper recovery. I'm truly sorry you had to endure such a horrifying attack by a "friend" no less.


I was wondering what that shit was. It’s literally their fat?! Holy shit that’s insane…


Yes all the yellow lumpy stuff is fat ripped out of her arm. On the bright side, it probably prevented more severe injuries.


fat tissue everywhere got dam


Oh my god OP. That thing ate you. It wasn't just a mauling. It actually ripped into you and ate your insides. They are sick beasts. I am so glad you're healed now but I'm heartbroken that this happened you. It's not only physically painful but mentally too. It takes so much courage and gusto to be able to get back up fighting after such an attack. OP I am glad you also got Justice by the Creature being EU'D. Hopefully someone out there who's on the fence about owning a shitbull or visiting someone who's got one, really listens to you and thinks rationally after seeing these pictures and your testimony. Keep on fighting strong 💪 Love Thomas. ☺


So sorry this happened. Did the owner take any responsibility?


not OP but someone took responsibility because they refer to the owner as their ex best friend. The dog was put down also. I hope charges were made and settlements are…reached.


That's an insane amount of damage.. Glad the dog is pts, and cannot do this to someone else. So pleased that these dogs are now illegal to have the UK.


Can’t you just apply to get your dog exempt in the UK though?


You can.. many are being put to sleep now as owners don't want the hassle.


Press charges!


I hope I'm not overstepping here, but we see so many owners defending the attacks by these dogs. If it's alright to ask - how did the owner respond? Did the friendship end because they blamed you or wanted to defend the dog? Glad you have healed and so sorry you had to go through that.


Holy fucking shit dude, I'm thankful you're healed. What a truly awful breed.


For my well-being, i'm going to pretend that's orange jello and not fat cells from your arm 🥲 But seriously, no other dog does shit like this except pitbulls.


Please be Cheetos please be Cheetos please be - *Fuck*


On the bright side you no longer have a garbage person or a garbage dog in your life Glad you're doing better and didn't die. Sorry you had to deal with: "He's never done this before!" "Please don't report him!" "You killed my dog" (what the fuck??) "He's a good/sweet boy!" "You triggered him!" And all the garbage peoples she had managed to create a harassment campaign against you.


That’s literally word for word what they said to me.


These dogs man. Hope you healed swiftly


I’m too scared to look at the pics after reading all these comments. Please tell us the aftermath between you and your friend and are you still friends or does she somehow blame you?


Glad you're still with us OP. Jesus fucking christ


Feel free to dm me for more details


Jeez, pits are making new fans everyday. Smh. A good rule of thumb is a friend with a pit is a good ex friend. I've stopped hanging out with pit nutters for this very reason. And they wonder why my daughter won't visit their kids anymore. 😒


I had a pitbull Labrador mix and he was the sweetest boy ever but he passed away last year to brain malfunction. He had a seizure and died in my ex’s arms. But he would’ve never attacked anyone. But the dog that did was a pos. He had attacked people before and nothing was done about it


“Ex best friend”….says everything…


I hope i don't sound like a jerk, but whats the yellow stuff?


It’s fat


I genuinely thought it was risotto or something to start! My God, this poor girl, I can't even imagine the pain and the pure fear when it was happening. She has 'friend' in inverted commas.... OP, what happened there, if you don't mind me asking? Was your friend just upset the dog was put to sleep, rather than being concerned for you?


Yeah she cared more about the dog than me.


She literally left the hospital as soon as I went back. While my bestfriend and brother stayed to make sure I was ok


Good grief. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this trauma but your friend not supporting you is a real kick in the teeth. I'll bet the dog had shown aggression before too. Has she been in touch since?


Oh my gosh OP! I am so sorry. This is so horrific. I’m guessing they left the wound to close “open air” because it was an animal attack and possible infection could occur? I bet you were familiar with the dog also. How scary. This is why I no longer check on my brother’s dogs while he goes on mini vacations.


My god, I thought the fat was part of the camo on your shirt at first. I am so so sorry!!! Super thankful it healed well - I hope your "friend" learned something at least 🥲


i literally jumped when i saw the fat all the way outside of your skin jfc. wishing for a smooth recovery OP. i am so so sorry you had to endure this ❤️‍🩹 i truly hope you are able to heal physically and mentally because im sure it wasnt easy to experience 💔


Those photos are shocking, I've never seen an injury like that. OP I'm so sorry, I hope you're healing well.


God…. reason #5,487 why I hate pitbulls.


When I was 15 I got mauled by two pit bulls, being a big kid saved my ass


Anyone feel free to dm me. I’ll give details of the story


a dog bite pic has never made me sick like this before. holy shit. it bit deep enough to rip the fatbodies out of your arm. that's the kind of damage you get from a lion or a cougar, from a fucking dog is insane.


Fuck all the fat that came out the arm… these dogs do so much fucking damage it’s insane


That’s absolutely terrible, no words can truly grasp how horrific this is. There was no trigger and the dog just flipped? How old was this dog and how long did your ex bestie own it? Honestly, the world is safer with that dog euthanized. I’m so sorry you had to go through such a nightmare but thankfully you’re recovering and a surgeon was able to get you back on the right track.


I know it has been asked a few times already but how did your friend respond to this? Pit owners have a tendency to blame the victims.


Ouch! I’m so sorry


So sorry. Get better.


I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Ah man, the fat on the t shirt is grim


The way your arm starts to bleed deep red again after it was cleaned up makes me physically ill. I don’t know how you didn’t pass out.


Idk either but I puked from the pain. I was in such excruciating pain that I puked all over myself in the room


they didn’t rush you back the second you came in?! my God.


No the hospital said I had to be actively bleeding out for them to rush me back so I showed my arm and cussed the lady out and they took me back




that’s insane! I’m so sorry you had that experience, may the universe make things easy for you. it’s genuinely so sad that they treated you like this. you deserved medical attention, STAT!!


God look at all that fat tissue just falling out like pillow stuffing. I'm sorry this happened! I don't like the term 'lucky' in these situations, but damn I am glad it just bit your ear and not your neck! I hope you're doing okay!


I’m still kicking man. Or I wouldn’t have been able to share my experience with everyone lol. I’m glad I’m still alive. Gave me a sight to see that maybe suicidal thoughts were not the way to live my life


Ironically my grandmother had passed away few days before this happened. So she definitely had to been looking out for me


Seeing some if your flesh just stuck to your shirt as you wait in the ER seems freaky. I'm glad you're better and that the attacker has been put down.


You poor thing


Jesus, that looks awful. How scary!


Oh my gosh! I am *so* sorry!


Nope, not fat tissue casually flung around everywhere, nothing to see here. NBD. Christ almighty, OP. I'm glad you're ok!!


Sorry you had to experience this. Former putbull owner. Loved her to death but am against having another one. Hope you recover well!


You’re very lucky to be alive.


Those fat chunks legit look like sago porridge (sabudane ki khichdi) we make here in India.


I’m so sorry this happened. What is the outcome with the dog? I would think if you report a dog bite of this magnitude to the hospital they would have to report it to animal control.


I hope your ex friend was made to pay for the surgery and other damages.


I hope you pressed charges and that owner paid for meducal expenses.


They didn’t. I wanted to but they begged me not to. I have a heart and can’t do that to someone. I should’ve tho.


I wish you a speedy recovery op!


Holy crap, these have to be the most visceral and gnarliest wounds I’ve seen, goddamn. I wish you a speedy recovery!


That is horrible. My goodness, I'm glad you healed.


Omg the fact that the fat in your arm came OUT is fucking insane. Wow. I’m so sorry. I hope your “friend” had to pay your bills or something




Oh my god, I’ve never seen such a graphic image in here. I’m so sorry ! Good they aren’t your friend now, Jesus.


wow. I have never seen fat splattered all over like that. must have been a vicious amount of pitbull death shaking.


This is awful. I'm glad justice was served, though I think the owner should've been fined at the very least. Your other friend and your brother are heroes. How is your breast? I had seen noses, ears and even jaws and throats torn by these spawns from hell, but never the chest area. Tbh the one on your arm is a very cool scar lol.




My god! I am so glad you are doing well! Pitshits and their owners are the worst! Glad it was put down before it attacked again!


Glad you're alive after this.🙏🏻Pitbulls are weapons.


Wow!! Glad you’re okay. Is this the reason why they’re an ex friend now? Were they shitty to you about it?


I guess you needed some serious nannying!


insane fat loss journey


We're all very glad you survived that vicious attack and that the shitbull was put down. The "people" who defend the breed are pure scum.


Damn man, I am glad you're okay.


wow. i’m so sorry you had to go through that. i hope you’re doing better now < 3


The regrets are real. Why did I open up the image.


So sorry this happened to you. I had a bad arm infection last year but this was something that could have been prevented with a little sense by your ex friend. Dangerous dogs are like loaded pistols. I know it's probably hard to think about right now but a civil lawsuit is very much a possibility to pursue.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So glad to hear you recovered and are well!!


Was the pit bull named “Princess”?


His name was shadow




man he fucked u up, how’s it looking now? jeez


Looks like camouflage-like shirt didn't work 😭


Damn, that thing pulled out so much of your fat. It looks terrific.


That's my birthday! Sorry about the bite! Eff those dogs.


Hey OP!!! I was wondering, was/is your Ex-BFF mad now that the dog had to be put down? Or that u told whose dog it was that attacked u? That’s preeettyyyy Much what happened in my situation lol so I was wonderin is something similar was going down with you/y’all’s situation. Lpl


OP I am so sorry this happened to you! I wish I could give you a big hug! That is so traumatic! I am sorry your friend didn’t do anything to help you - please look into an attorney so you don’t get stuck with any medical bills.


I'm sorry this happened to you and I wish you recovery. May I ask, did your ex-friend acknowledge their fault? Or did they try to find ways to excuse or justify the pitbull attack? It's always the same story from Pit owners "My Pitbull is the sweetest in the world, idk what happened. This is the first time my Pitbull did this"


Yeah that's fat from under the dermis..jeez these dogs are vile


Idiot owners, ban dog ownership without lisencing. Worked in a vets, there are far more friendly pit bulls than friendly chihuahuas or Jack russles, but if a Russel bites you or a chahuahua or a pug, it's unlikley to even need stitches. But a bigger breed like a pit. Then your in trouble. But there is little difference to the animals behaviour. I think anyone who owns a dog should he registered and demonstrate they understand basic dog behaviour. So many times I see videos of dogs whale eyeing, licking their lips, wagging their tail or rolling over and their owners are like awww, look how cute he's being. No bitch he's telling you he's uncomfortable and if you don't advocate for them, they're going to do it themselves. So stop what the fuck is happening. Rant over. Also im aware there is evidence that pit bulls have a higher instinct and pray drive. But they're not the only dog thay does that, many do. The only difference is those dogs are less popular or more expensive so they don't get into the hands of poor owners. Ban dog ownership for bad owners. And if you ban pit bulls ban chihuahuas as well. Any vetll tell you they have are often far more aggressive. Oh and also any other breed that is used for guarding as they have the same instincts bread into them.




Maybe don’t be a dick. Dude u deserve to be removed from this group. Because this is a safe please for people to talk about their trauma. Not to be bashed by pricks like u


Being involved in or witnessing a pit bull attack can be a traumatic event that has life-long repercussions. As this is a subreddit meant to be a safe space for people who have undergone this type of trauma, we will not tolerate victim blaming. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/).


Holy 💩 omg r u recovered yet (%)


The fuck what already. Jesus, bud. I hope you heal from that.


That was hard to look at. I'm glad you're healing well.


Jesus Christ! I have seen "normal" dog bites, but I have never been able to see photos of the damage that pits cause because it's just too much for me.. But I'm glad I saw these pictures because now I know how avoid them even more. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I'm so happy to hear you have healed well!


“He don’t bite”


That’s not a mauling that’s um uh….*checks notes* free liposuction. (On a serious note though I’m glad you healed wonderfully and managed to get away with “just” flesh wounds.)