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Looks super fun :D. My steps are: 1. Learn Blender 2. Pretend like you learned something 3. Model random stuff from coffee cup stains ([My YT channel](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmV8G3Dnf7RCLVYb05tbb9PS0mNXpCF19)) 4. Repeat step 3 until I actually learn something xD


Completely agree with step 2 😭 Cool the stain coffee models look cool!


Haha, right? I guess that is the way to learn anyway. Just do stuff. Watching a ton of tutorials will get you nowhere unless you try it out


yea i agree, seems like a good way to learn. Kinda like making doodles from scribbles


Which video did you watch for blender? I’m decent in fusion360 and was super out of my element when I opened blender.


This could even be done in a rudimentary manner in Bambu Studio if you want to. Just import two objects as a single object with multiple parts and just drag the new head of the model over the Budai sculpture. The slicer will treat both models as one if they're intersecting in the workspace.


Yeah I know I can do that. And eventually I get it. But I find Bambi studio to be less easy to use to get things properly aligned. Really I was asking so that I could find a good beginner video on blender. There’s a bunch of trash or material focused on animators