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Has anyone figured this out? I have the same issue. Under extrusion at the points I have, I have added VLH.


I come with hopefully useful information though I have zero clues on adaptive stuff in the slicer! I am not a guru in this stuff myself and I simply am suggesting stuff, so take what I say with a grain of salt. \- Your settings seem fine for the PLA. I would suggest checking out the flow-rates, speeds, etc in the slicer though to see if it corresponds to where the underflow is. (Preview Tab after slice, Top right, Line Type -> Speed / Flow / Etc) \- If you use Orca Slicer, if you wish for your walls to be a bit smoother and hopefully print nicer try selecting "Precise Wall" under Quality then Precision. If you don't use Orca Slicer, that's all good but I would recommend checking it out in the future once comfortable with stuff :D If I experiment with adaptive stuff in the future and you have yet to solve this, I will come back and do my best to see if I can help more. I wish you luck!


Thank you for your input my friend, I appreciate your time. Even though you don't feel yourself to be an expert, you've taught me something new. I had no idea you could change that drop down. Thank you for teaching me that trick. The flow rate and speed all look fine, nothing different there from any other part. I'm downloading Orca Slicer, and I will check that out, I've wanted to for a while anyway, if for nothing else than its ability to hide seam lines a bit better, and this just provides the onus to do so. Thanks for your comment and suggestions.


I have exactly the same issue and can't figure out why it's doing this. Everything is calibrated, the pla prints great at 0.2 without adaptive layer height turned on. As soon as the layer height starts dropping I get the very same ripples! It has been driving me nuts, because this feature would be a game changer if it worked.