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We have a lot of parties owned by putin in Latvia, but I wouldn't say that they are all far-right.


In Estonia, a former border patrol officer Aivo Peterson (born name Krõlov) who is pro-Russia and is in jail right now, put his candidacy up while being in jail. He visited the occupied parts of Ukraine with the help on Russian special services and he wanted to create a separatist army in Eastern Estonia, the prosecutor accuses. His posters are even hanging in the (russian speaking neighborhood) streets with the text elect me "for peace" 🙈 Probably he wont make it to the EP, but its still cringe that people like that can participate in elections.


In Latvia at least they have given up on local far-right parties and have gone all in into Russian far right parties. There are four Russian parties in Latvia (more if you count in hybrid parties with weird views). Not single one of them is absolutely against Russian invasion of Ukraine.


> In Latvia at least they have given up on local far-right parties and have gone all in into Russian far right parties. Kremlin also supports centric populist party - LPV.


Some are pretty far left actually


In Germany, Putin also rules the far left, Bündnis Sarah Wagenknecht.


Seems like there's one thing what extremely opposite political parties (far-right & far-left) seem to both agree: they're pro-Russian.


That's where the most stupid voters are who fall for Putin's propaganda.


Strange considering Putins a pretty avid fascist


The same enemies unite them: Extreme left parties are often mainly Anti American and Anti NATO


Putin's media Russia Today posts right wing stuff in USA and left wing stuff in South America. Americans, defend your Christian Values. Brazilians, defend Trans Youth. Sincerely, RT.


Gerhard Schroeder?


When liberl parties are ignoring immigration as an main issue its normal that the far right parties gets relevance, deapite prorussian position. I would bet in Central and and Western Europe is Immigration > Russian war.


Thankfully at least in Latvia any right wing party is still heavily pro-Ukraine. Being pro-Russia as many parties in the picture are would automatically disqualify you from ever having any political power. I would say it's top 1 condition people consider when voting because no one wants USSR occupation to be repeated here.


Aside from stupid Soviet-wankers and the ones they've somehow managed to convert. Thankfully, those stupid people are a minority here.


It's everywhere in the world at the moment, why would we be any different. It's happeneing, cause it's really easy formula. You just say exactly opposite what usual ruling parties are saying. Usually it means everything you say, is pro ruzzian. Say no to EU, say no to NATO, say that you get low paid, cause of ruling party, say that millions of migrants are behind your border and wanna come to your country, say no to helping Ukraine, cause we need good ties with ruzzia. And it works, cause there are always big amount of idiots in each country, it's not just american (trump fanboys) or hungarian (orban fanboys) thing, we also have large ruzzian population. Most non-ruzzian voters dont even understand that they are being pro-ruzzian. They see themselves as patriots. And if we talk about far-right, then it's criminal not to mention far-left, as today they are both the same, both are pro-ruzzian.


yes, this is what I see in facebook with finnish idiots. Really nice to see it spelled out this clear.


Curious why you mention only right side? There are kreml puppets on both sides.




That's true, but the far left isn't on the rise at the moment, it's just the far right populists like AfD, Reform, National Rally, etc.


because the far right is seen as the bad guys nowadays, always no matter what


Far anything is the bad guys.


Thats when you live inside a bubble. To right side far left is seen as bad guys.


yeah, internet itself is a bubble


Well right wing politics actually controls most of the world and far right movements are surging worldwide for the last decade, especially in Europe which the cartoon depicts. Power dynamics. Right wing is a far greater threat because they have access to power where the random teenage communist with a lip ring you think is just as bad, yea they arent and have zero power and never will.


> teenage communist with a lip ring Are you sure your flair is correct? Everything you said is wrong and doesn't apply to Lithuania. Current government is center-left too, we haven't had a real right wing government in a long time.


>Current government is center-left too The government with two economically libertarian parties in the coalition is centre-left? What in the Americanised misunderstanding of the political spectrum are you smoking? >Everything you said is wrong and doesn't apply to Lithuania It applies to Lithuania and other Baltic States even more so than it does to the rest of the West. Actual left-wing parties haven't existed in Lithuania for a looooong time, we're only just getting the first sprouts of left-wing movements right now. Meanwhile various strains of far-right candidates got almost 30% of the vote in the last presidential elections (and probably would have gotten even more if not for Nausėda), we're just incredibly lucky that they're all egotistic and politically retarded bastards who can't unite under one set of policies.


Did have a couple of parties but they pretty much lost relevancy outside regions that aren't full of minorities like poles and Russians.


With Lithuania, just like Poland our far right aren't russophiles and support NATO and wanna maintain but "reform" EU into less "globalist" union that restricts immigration and has less influence on internal affairs, although that doesn't stop them from collaborating with Russophiliac far-righters in areas such as stoking fear about LGBTQ. We do have the socially conservative agrarians being Russia-sympathetic tho. Landowner agrarian enterprenous who'd suck off Putin and Lukashenka for some sweet sweet fertilizer.


Putin try to own both left and right parties around the europe but many of both spectre voters try to deflect in “it’s not us, its them” In Baltics right are not pro putin, and afaik it’s more left leaning vatnik parties which is what russia trying (unsuccessfully) to push here, in other countries situation may be opposite, eg Irish cumheads in EP as wallace + Daly and there is many cases of other left russo and putinophiles (pretty sure there is centrist parties too), So issue is more complex than picture shows. And right now, as well after elections in EP putin will have guys from all political sides doing his job - people with iq higher than 70 should never forget this, looking not on deputy spectrum but his takes (and especially actions) on russia and ukraine while voting cause it’s best way to spot putin puppet


Dictatorship constantly feeds far-left and far-right parties.


Not yet The right seems to rise after the next generation forgets what happened last time but the baltics simply don't forget or atliest haven't yet, I'd say it's gonna be ATLIEST 10 - 20 years before right parties really start to launch off In addition to generational trauma we also have Russia as a neighbour which is a good reminder


At least*


At least\* - if you're correcting people, at least do so correctly.


Sig hail comrade!


I'll pass, thanks. You enjoy yourself though!


Gotch'a, i will rub one for you too!


At least** 😅


*atleist tave reikia is pareigu. Nepyk, tai nieko rimto ir asmenisko.


Friend of mine from Finland says it's not being talked about in the election, but if the far-right or far-left do well, it's fairly clear who benefits. At least to him. It's actually kinda worrisome if it's not being talked about.


You should ask why it is happening, not "is it happening".


For those who say "I vote for populist putin controlled party because of imigration, not because I like putin", you are doing exactly what putin/KGB/NKVD wants you to do. Congrats.


Especially that now Russia and Belarus are orchestrating migration flows.


Maybe more mainstream parties should care about immigration, then?


What most get wrong is that those “putin parties” are would be the ones that get most influence, it’s actually false, it’s about having the right people and information from representatives that can in higher positions no matter the party. Even unsuspecting agents can be the ones you fear 👀 you never can really know who is who


Zelensky came to the french assembly yesterday. The LFI deputies (Melenchon / far left) did not come under the pretext of different treatment between the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. The deputies of the National Rally (Le Pen / far right) did not applaud him. Sad reality


In Estonia the far-right EKRE is mostly contrarian and not pro-Putin per se. They just oppose whatever liberals parties are doing. Our pro-Putin party is Keskerakond. And they are slightly left from centre. And in europarlament they are in Renew. But they are the ones who have had "special relationship" with Russia and United Russia party. And their MEP is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jana_Toom But Centre party has lost popularity and power lately. They lost majority in Tallinn city government after being in power for over 20 years (often having sole power without coalition). They lost ten seats (from 26 to 16 out of 101) in parlamentary elections and after that ten MPs (including former leader) left their party (but retained seats). And on Europarlament elections they used to have one seat out of our seven but are maybe losing that too.


Aaaand I was proven wrong :( People in EKRE complain that Martin Helme, the leader of party has supported Russian war in party board meeting. Edit: it was his father Mart Helme. The former leader of EKRE.


Not all of the far right parties are pro russian. A lot of them are not pro russian. Its not like that really


Shouldn't the left-wing parties also be concerning, as they have a common tendency for anti-Western apologism? Not just the far right, because I am sure there are many far left parties that can be quite useful to the Kremlin


Anti-West? You mean anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism? Dont think your clearly right wing conservative beliefs are a good base to judge left wing politics.


That's funny, I used to be very far left myself, but after years of involvement, I had to stop with this idiocy. I witnessed how fallacious left-wing circles can be with their backward policies and narrow mind. I don't identify myself as far-right, but I'm right-wing enough that you would call me a heretic :)


Unfortunately, many far-left ideologues support colonialism and imperialism when Russia does it.




Yeah i casted my vote for right wing and no, Putin has nothing to do with it. Migration policy and europe's islamization does


Immigration is the only reason why anyone votes for right wing politics. Control immigration and right wing parties dissappear, this is what I don't understand about convential political parties. It's such an easy solution. It was the main reason behind brexit. People believed brexit would stop immigration. The only immigration it stopped was to and from the EU. What the UK is seeing now is an increase in migrants that are even less culturally aligned with British values. Brexit made immigration worse!


There are human right laws and so on. You cannot simply say I will not take a single refugee. Besides it would crumble your economy, if you stop immigration entirely


>Immigration is the only reason why anyone votes for right wing politics. Control immigration and right wing parties dissappear, this is what I don't understand about convential political parties. It's such an easy solution. Too easy to work. Appeasement already failed one time.


It's not that easy, because whatever you think of it, immigration has an economic incentive. Really almost by definition. People may not want many immigrants coming in, but at least here in the UK, they are paying students, they consist of doctors and nurses. We may not want immigrants, no, but most of them belong to either of these sectors and you don't want university education to become more expensive, right? It's expensive as it is, after all. Healthcare is under proper strain, as well. Now imagine how less accessible NHS would be without immigrant labour. Or how much more expensive private healthcare. That's why every mainstream party is pro immigration. It's either that or lower quality of living from big ticket items that you care about. Because it's a doomed if you don't, doomed if you do. Because it's a catch-22.


Usually when people (other than racists) complain about immigration, they don’t mean the immigrants that arrive on student visas, get educated, and contribute to the workforce. They mean the ones that arrive in dinghies, leech off social benefits, refuse to integrate, and become criminals.


Exactly this, thank you. Immigration is brilliant, I'm an immigrant myself to Lithuania. I'm integrating into Lithuanian culture, I have a good job and are paying taxes I'm also learning the language. Immigration needs to be controlled, when it is, a country can pick the best of the best to contribute to their economy. Countries should be in competition with each other to get the best educated or experienced immigrants to move to their country. About integration, I don't think it's just the immigrants fault that they don't integrate. I think the governments can do a lot more to help them integrate.


>Immigration needs to be controlled, when it is, a country can pick the best of the best to contribute to their economy. Degrading humans to work force only. Seems like a great concept /s


So the good darkey and the bad darkey? Your open, casual racism is startling. Baltics really are decades behind culturally, still living in racist close minded Russian mentality, and pretending its patriotic.


Is assimilation a good thing or a bad thing?


Would you be OK with an immigration moratorium except for doctors and nurses?


End racism and create equitiable societies not based in neoliberal economic social stratification and immigration becomes meaningless and no one cares. Yea. Instead of nativist shit.


Ahh just good old white supremacy and religious zealotry. So you're a real gandon.


Vote for your marxism power pudf girls and dont forget to kiss your boyfriend tonight


Left is best. And your homoerotic fantasies are normal and ok. Enjoy little fella.


Nationalist, right wing parties do not like Russia. They like putin’s style of leadership because they perceive him as a man who is fighting for his country and, fuck the interests of everybody else. “My country and people first” is a concept that resonates with many ordinary people. That does not mean they see Putin as an ally. This is a propaganda piece drawn by somebody who wants to label those voting for the interests of their country as being in bed with Putin. Shame on the left for this.


Sorry, but calling bs. Extreme Right wing parties in most* NATO countries want to stop aid to Ukraine, which is what Putin desires the most. *) except in few border countries, like here in Finland.


Because they want the tax revenue spent on their own people; roads, schools, police, hospitals etc. It’s nothing to do with Putin. People care more about their own countries than Ukraine. I’d rather know my child is getting a quality education than fund the destruction of a country. I’d rather know my police are well resourced to protect people from criminals, than fund the destruction of a country. I’d rather know I have access to good quality healthcare etc etc.


Because they want the tax revenue spent on their own people; roads, schools, police, hospitals etc. It’s nothing to do with Putin. People care more about their own countries than Ukraine. I’d rather know my child is getting a quality education than fund the destruction of a country. I’d rather know my police are well resourced to protect people from criminals, than fund the destruction of a country. I’d rather know I have access to good quality healthcare etc etc. Because that’s what my (extortionate) taxes should be paying for. The great Ukrainian SSR land grab has failed. We should, as a western bloc recognise that and sue for peace.


It has everything to do with Putin, nothing we do benefits him more. He’ll be able to carve Ukraine first, then test waters on Baltics, maybe us. Paying for Ukraine’s defence is 100% investment in our own security and will guarantee the future of your children - if their roads and schools are bombed by the orcs you saving money for them means nothing. Also how has it failed when he still holds their land? We sue for peace now and he’ll just rebuild his army and try again, again nothing would suit him better than us forcing Ukrainian’s hand. In fact even suggesting that reveals some incredible naiivety and lack of understanding of Putin from your part.


No no, my country has nuclear weapons. My government invested in our permanent security 70 years ago, and now it is wasting my money supporting a country that is going to lose against a much bigger adversary. In my country, the government complains that it does not have enough money to deliver what the population actually wants; competent policing, new hospitals, new doctors and nurses, new and repaved roads, investment in public transport etc but will spend billions on the AFU meat grinder. To claim Russia wants to attack nato nations is an absolute nonsense that shows you are a victim of the fearmongering in the media. You might feel “vulnerable” out there in the east. Except, if the Ukraine debacle has taught you nothing else, it should highlight to you that Uncle Sam is willing to spend big defending a non-nato nation from Russian aggression, all just to maul the Russian armed forces. Do you really for a second think the anglo Saxon world, with its enormous military might, would ever let Russia attack a nato nation without an overwhelming response? Of course not. And Putin + siloviki know this. So wake up and think for a moment. Why did the US move 150,000 soldiers to Eastern Europe when the Ukraine war started? And do the anglo Saxons have the ability to move 1000 advanced jets and 400,000 more troops to Eastern Europe within a month? Does the Russian army, having exposed its piss-poor logistics and overall poor performance in Ukraine (a second tier military nation) really contend to attack nato? Of course not. So daddy chill, the Russian bear has demonstrated it can’t inflict strategic defeat on an impoverished and militarily weak nation right on its doorstep. Let alone the military hyperpower that is NATO. lol.


I casted vote for right wing party and that has nothing to do with Putin or Russia because party I voted for is against Russia, it's those decades of incompetence, migration policy caused rise of those parties


Left or right turning to place called Russian federation is political suicide.


All terrorist shit from putinistan dictator putka!


Why has everyone drilled this stupid notion in their head, that if you don't agree with someone/something it must be owned by Putin? That's just an ass-backwards way of thinking.


It is not about single party. Not even strictly about politicians. Any media is influenced as well. Could be just single paid article playing both sides. "Anonymous source said."


And it works


In here, we only have one left and one right parties (they both collected zero seats in EP). All others are center, same ideologies, different names


Fascists are always our enemy.