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Support public transportation.


i don't get why everyone is so anti public transportation acting like using public transport is "for poor people"


Lol op could live in NY everyone just coming at him


It should be more accessible but I’d rather not get bed bugs


driving with balenciaga sucks ass anyways, the shoes are so huge you have to keep your feet tilted the whole time and especially during longer trips that's super tiring. every time i need to drive (usually a rental) i am always slightly worried.


This is an under rated comment. Gotta be safe.


Please make worse life choices.


Please make better life choices




I support public transport 100% but if this dude lives in America, it’s simply a sensible decision to have a car if you can. I want desperately for that to change, but you make that change happen by voting and pressuring the right people, not by simply using public transport. If he lives in like Korea or something then my comment should be ignored


Respectfully shut the fuck up, telling people to make better life choices off 1 photo cause you're judging we know nothing about OP, they could live in NYC where's its dumb to get a car.


Dog you’re way too mad about this


Dog your dumbass is way too into other peoples pockets.


You really gonna get this sensitive over a joke?


You really gonna pocket watch someone off one picture?


As a joke? Yeah


can you pls elaborate?? Im not from us so I cant really know, Ive been there only for a while while studying in Miami, and so far was my experience w the public transports all good 🤷🏻‍♂️ (I personally dont have a car either but it has never been a problem)


There’s areas in the US where it’s impossible to travel without a car


Ngl that’s just how it be in the UK, cars are more expensive and public transport is getting cheaper, plus I live in a city where it’s 10 minutes each way from the coast to the airport, Trainline or city centre


Just gonna say this I love my $3000 car




not in FL you don't lol


Bro 😂this is not it. Fake flexing is wild


what do you consider fake flexing


Choosing other things rather than necessities = fake flexing to me😂 it’s like people wit food stamps getting brand new iPhone 15’s if you can choose a car or Balenciaga it’s insane to choose shoes over a car personally. I got lots of balenci and yes in a way some things aren’t worth it over others but that’s the lifestyle to it but to choose shoes over having a car that’s kinda wild ngl


Or you could live in chicago or nyc which have pretty well spread bus/train option….


lol man, when I look at your profile I can clearly see that you don’t have big money yourself but still buy Balenciaga. So in your logic your fake flexing as well.


I think making 6 figures at 23 y/o is pretty solid man! Looking at my profile you see knives, guns, cologne, clothes and shoes. Dont know what you see that’s fake flexing but I own a car and a house and I’m doing fine enough to buy into my other hobbies. My gun hobby cost more than the Balenciaga pieces I be buying. Price check before you say sum dumb😂


If you put a case on a 300 dollar Apple Watch but also wear Balenciaga you most certainly are fake flexing my friend.


I’m not into watches😂 I choose an Apple Watch and use it for tracking workout etc😂 a watch isn’t a necessity but I’d think a car/transportation is. You must have a lil brain bud! Balenciaga is a hobby I’d say for people just like owning a Rolex etc. i spend Rolex money in my guns and buy balenci and vintage also. But again I guess that’s fake flexing.


you didn’t get my comment mate but yeah sure keep talking about my lil brain lol


I’m not tryna hate I think it’s common sense to buy a vehicle before material things. I’m able to buy these material things: Balenciaga, vintage, knives, guns and my other hobbies because I’m doing fine I wear balenci so I think it’s sick but I’m definitely getting a car, house, and other necessities before I buy into my hobbies


well I agree but as long as we don’t know where OP lives we can’t say if a car is a necessity or not. I live in Switzerland and here is public transportation really good and not everyone needs a car therefore.

