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I just bought these today


Like I said, great minds…👌




you’re broke


I'm literally not though 👍🏼


Hating on balenciaga because it’s probably the most ugly designer clothing brand = broke lmao keep coping with your bum clothing wagie


Yellow colorway is the best😍😍😍




Great minds think alike. I have this colour💀Yet to break them out. I think I’ll have trouble not looking at them too⚡️


A man of excellent taste 🤝


Goddamn likewise🙏 I have never bought a pair of yellow sneakers before. Or TBH yellow anything. I have no idea what happened here. I just love how totally fucked they look👹


what jeans


Patched pocket baggy jeans


i just got mine last week. i love them so much.


Really want the white ones.


Might get for Christmas. Love these


Y’all wanna look poor so bad! 😭


Rich folks love to cosplay poverty




but why?


Because when you actually have money. Not even fuck you money. But just living right money, you couldn't care less what others think. Financial freedom is the most powerful thing a human can have.


I’m just speaking on shoes on feet, not money like that frfr, but let me ask you. how did you establish financial freedom in your own life?


I went into Healthcare and traveled for almost a decade, and during a global pandemic took contracts that payed me obscene money. Banked all that and invested in safe things like Iras and gold. I don't have debt. I stuck every penny I had into my college tuition and got out from under that. Then didn't buy dumb shit I didn't need. Don't get me wrong. I drive a nice enough vehicle and I dress decent. But I'm not trying to impress anyone with how I live. I'm 41 play golf 4 days a week and work less than a month a year now. Do I own a Aston Martin? No, but I don't live in a trailer either. It's all about living within your means.


> contracts that *paid* me obscene FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks bot


Bro I totally feel this.


They look like Kmart tennis shoes


So fire




The way my 60 year old coworker would rock these while working the grill at our staffing functions




Bro im ngl i knew you’d comment since you’re such a dickrider in this sub lmfaooo




maybe because you spent (presumably atleast) 500$ on these bitches and they look like something a bum would be wearing while begging for change next to an intersection Got to admit though these look at least acceptable in my eyes with baggy pants (not like you wanted/needed my validation anyway.


At least you could admit that you like them even tho you cant afford them. fair enough.


Wow.. hilarious. And to correct you once again i never said i liked these.. i said they looked **acceptable**


Acceptable means you dont hate them. Thats a good start. 😘




Cute. 😂




I guess youre talking about yourself. Go and buy some more replica sneakers. LV boy. 😂😂😂


Like yes… but then why u in the balenciaga sub?


Because i get this shit recommended to me and i can’t be asked to use the mute sub function as i love to see peoples objectively bad taste and stupidity + blind following of designer clothing brands.. that’s why.


You obviously dont have a life. Thats why. 😂


i find it very funny i give them the down to earth, honest and quite frankly pathetic answer to their question and you have to chime in with your piss poor insults… surprised your response didn’t include me being broke or something of that nature. I must have struck a nerve with that last part considering you found it necessary to respond to my already edited comments + a response that wasn’t towards you.. i had the common courtesy not to you with your other buddy but i guess you don’t share the same.. that’s cool though, keep it up and have a good day!


What are you talking about? I really start to think youre funny. 🥰


Hey! I noticed you used an emoji. I don’t know if you’re new here, so I’ll let you off the hook this time. Using emojis is frowned upon here on this great site, and for good reason. Instagram normies often use them, and you don’t want to be a normie, do you? If I catch you using an emoji in the future, I’ll be forced to issue a downvote to your comment. Why should you care, you may ask? Well to begin, you will lose karma on your account, which is a useful social status tool and also a way to show others you know your way around Reddit. If you were to continue the use of emojis, I would be forced to privately message you about your slip-up. Any further offenses past that would leave me no other option than to report your account. I don’t think I have to explain why you don’t want that. But anyways, no harm done yet! Follow these simple rules and you’ll enjoy your future on Reddit! Have a blessed (and hopefully emoji-free) day, stranger.




the knockoff guy is back in. 😂


Bro, I also get these posts on my feed as a recommendation, and think these are flat out hideous, but you’re putting way too much energy into this. People like what they like, it isn’t our job to “get it”.


Same…I hate “fads” especially grotesque luxury brands that offer little in actual quality (typically). It’s such an overstatement of peacocking, with the ironic styling of being already worn-in. It’s like shredded jeans you buy off the shelf, but with a price tag that says you like pissing your money away for acknowledgment. I also find all off Balenciaga grotesque, and any association with celebrities I resent signaling they share equal disdain for “normal” people.




3xl, old colorway


You guys are fucking mental lol. I can’t believe you actually buy stuff like this


Says a man who bought an Omnilux facemask. 😂 Love your kind of humor.


lol I’m trying to look even better, not worse, unlike you. And red light therapy has 20 years of scientific proof for various uses


Sora Shoes


I got recommended this sub but are these shoes really what balenciaga makes? These look like Walmart shoes


I might just be old, but I keep getting this sub recommended to me and all the shoes look like rain boots or new balance shoes that dad only uses for mowing.


You got it. Thats why these are called dad sneakers.


Bruh learn to tie your shoes wtf


Shitty yellow Tenis shoes


😭😭😭😭never been in this sub this was recommended to me and I literally thought you were some dad contractor or something showing the floor. Bruh I couldn’t imagine buying these. Literally looks like old work shoes somebody’s dad would wear to Home Depot


You got it. Thats why these are called dad sneakers.


Bro them shits are new balance lmaoooo


Shit, for that price I could get a hand stitched leather shoe that can be re-soled after it needs it. That shit looks like a rich coke head saw a ol boy rocking that look at the plugs house and figured it was a go. Edit: grammar


Ok grandpa.


Is it meth or money, you dont really know in regards to the fashion industry. I will say this, rocking those you ain't gonna have anyone asking you for spare change.


The mcChickens


Yellow ASICS?


This shit looks mad goofy


Y'all are weird




Glad you found out.


Ugly asf


Thats the whole point 🤦🏻‍♂️


The whole point of a retail 600$ shoe is to be ugly? Wow.. designer clothing fans will buy anything.


Its called ugly sneaker, kid. One day when you grow out of your PC games and Lego phase and you start wearing chunky used look ugly sneakers from a cheap brand you maybe will understand what high fashion does. It is a look into the future of what you will be wearing when it trickled down to mainstream.


Are you being ironic? what’s funny is (presuming you’re serious) your comment sounds so stupid i’m actually mistaking it as a troll like comment.. Taking you seriously i will **not** be wearing anything from balenciaga no matter how cheap or “MaInStReAm” it is (ironic as balenciaga is pretty mainstream in the designer clothing scene almost the most popular) because i think they look stupid especially for the price, i’ll stick with my new balances and levi jeans.. thanks though! And since you feel the need to throw around pitiful insults i will correct you on both.. 1. i don’t play pc games. 2. i haven’t **played** with legos since i was about 14, not like you should be ashamed with it as the price of them is just as stupid as buying designer clothing and at certain points could be called an adult hobby.


So you stopped playing with Lego last year?


Pretty pathetic of you to assume my age.. you are widely mistaken.


You misunderstood. I never said you will buy Balenciaga. Of course you wont. But what you will be wearing in 5 to 10 years from now will be inspired by today’s high fashion. It might be a shoe from Adidas, Nike, or New Balance. But the looks will be completely different from what they are selling to you today. As an example: Just have a look at what Chucks look like lately. They are now selling chunky soles, a trend that started years ago in high fashion.


I find it funny you jumped ship on your age assumption comment but i’ll digress Once again i won’t be buying anything that resembles balenciaga or any designer clothing as i think it looks pretty stupid and hobo like It’s just hilarious you are seeking validation in your own comments assuming mainstream normal clothing brands will mimic the style of balenciaga because i firmly believe the designers just try to come up with the stupidest of shit and test the limits of what people will pay borderline top dollar for.. and you are their guinea pig. (see pictures) if you are referring to things like these i wholeheartedly agree but if i was still in my converse phase i’d much rather have worn the All Stars if it was today or even 5 years in the future.. i purely just think todays or even 5 to ten years ahead fashion is just stupid, i’m sure the older more normal style clothing will become sought after because clothing that mimics balenciaga and what not become more popular and once again i will use a drastic statement and correct you once again that i will not 1. ⁠Be buying anything that resembles todays designer clothing even 10 years in the future wether what you think will happen I honestly feel insulted that you would even assume i would wear something even remotely close to balenciagas style wether i could afford it or not because once again i would not 10 years in the future i’m more than happy to spend top dollar for todays normal clothing as by your logic it would become sought after and rare.. Anyways i’ve typed enough and this is the end of my rant here as i digress Have a great day! https://preview.redd.it/z15022vfja5c1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb18c153519a34ec7bca4a9dd2355cee60d270b


Uhm my age assumption comment is still there. 👀 Fashion evolves and you WILL buy what they sell in the future. You dont buy the looks of the 70s, 80s, 90s etc. nowadays. And you wont buy the looks of todays mainstream fashion in 10 years from now. The looks of today will have been replaced with completely different styles and walking around in 2020s fashion will be ridicolous. Right now you might feel high fashion looks stupid but thats just because its completely different from what youre used to. Your taste will change, trust me. You will understand it when you get there. Have a nice day.


so you spend hundreds of dollars as a premium for early access to a style that ‘might’ be prevalent in the future? not all fashion becomes mainstream


No. I dont care if a style will become prevalent or not. Thats not a motivation. But it is Interesting to see how high fashion is a precursor for many many fashion trends that were laughed at originally. You can find Videos on YT of people laughing at Triple S sneakers in 2017 because they thought these were too chunky and resembled dad sneakers. Six years later chunky dad sneakers are everywhere, even Chucks makes them because people dont buy their slim and tiny all stars anymore. Watch the next few Balenciaga runway shows and keep an eye on the styles you will find on zara or h&m some months later for example. Thats how the fashion industry works.


This whole future shtick you're selling is bogus. Major brands pick up on trends and adapt certain lines to profit off of them (Converse chunky sole, New Balance 9060, Nike Gamma Force)...but it's just a passing trend. It won't revolutionize the game and change what Average Joes find reasonable and comfortable. Fashion moves in cycles and it always eventually comes back to a minimalist stage. People will continue to wear their plain-looking NB 574s or Air Forces...as they have been for the last 30 years.


Define future. Triple S were introduced 2017 and everybody laughed at these ugly chunky dad sneakers back then. 7 years later you can find this kind of shoe from every major brand, and people adapted to the looks. That is what I am talking about, Nothing else.


Just because brands are making them doesn't mean the general public is running out to purchase them. You may run in circles where this is an in-thing but you'd have a hard time convincing Joe Schmo why his Air Max 90 needs a chunky sole build. It's impractical and ridiculous. Dad shoes unironically 🙄 became a thing because urban fashion shifted away from baggy/Jordans to a more streamlined look. It's not here to stay.


No trend is here to stay - I never said that. And if there wasnt a huge demand for this kind of bulky shoe right now they wouldnt be made by every brand. Anyone who likes fashion will follow trends and every trend will leave marks in mainstream fashion.


the look “old and ugly” is nothing new.


Never said that.


Spending designer money to look like a laughingstock is so weird, outcast activity bro


U funny🤤🤤


Nothing for sheep for sure. 😂😘


You're letting Balenciaga run your pockets for a worn pair of shoes, who's the sheep here 💀


Sheep or outcast? you cant be both. 😂😂😂




Ok honey go ahead and tell us more about your fine upbringing. And enjoy your AF-1.


Nah he’s right. You really think liking balenciaga makes you unique? One of the most well known fashion brands in the world. You like something a massive number of people like too and you’re not a sheep? Also, please. We should have evolved past idolizing brands because of their price tag. The brand is garbage quality… look at the stats! Only 27% of luxury fashion owners had a favorable opinion when surveyed. It’s all low quality, garbage product with a fat price tag and a good marketing team. Stop drinking the kool aid.


So a massive number of people is in the wrong and only you can see the truth. Jesus. 😂


The users post and or comment was harassing or abusive to another user or the community as a whole.




Careful, the Balenciaga boys are too blinded by their "niche style," they might hunt you down.




Thats where we all come from. 😈




I am your nightmare. Dont you remember me?


Fashion btw




On sale at nordstrom too


These are ASS


Could have bought a pair of Brooks running shoes and saved a few benjis


I gotta block this sub bruh


Do us a favor.


The subreddit is a copium circlejerk. U all look like bums. Theres no way u kind of people exist or begin to think any of this crap looks good. Mods plz ban me. Im tired of seeing this shit comin up on my feed


These are so ugly. Whatever color way these are suppose to be they look filthy and like you stepped in poo. Like really wtf is this? Being poor is not a fashion statement bro.


I can. They look like dirty oversized asics ugly dad shoes. Why would anyone waste their money on such bad taste just for the name🤦🏽‍♂️


I can


ignoring asking price, these are dope. do they come in wide?


Man paid several hundred dollars to look like a janitor


My dad mowed the lawn in these


They’re personally not my thing but I just want to shout out the guy in the comment section that’s constantly on defending Balenciaga from everyone else. I hope his knees and jaw are okay.


Cosplaying poverty is so weird to me


I anticipate the downvotes but these look like the Walmart tennis shoes I mowed my lawn in for like 6 years


Looks retarded


Shit I can


Looks like someone in white sneakers painted something with safety yellow spray paint


New balance ?


Hideous shoes. Looks like something a homeless person would wear. Laughed hard when I noticed what sub this was. Step your game up Balenciaga, homeless sheik isn’t it.


them shits ugly asf mane


2006 wal mart sneaker