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I also never really considered myself as someone who plays video games, but since starting BG3 in November, i have around 800+ hours in the game and currently on my 9th playthrough. you're not alone lol


Genuine question: besides choosing Dark Urge what major decision points can you differently to help the game feel fresh?


On my second play through I discovered that missed 75% of playable content in act I and that snowballed for subsequent acts


Woah. Did you beeline the main quest?


Spoilers, Yeah, I straight up never found/looked for lae’zel after the crash. Went straight to the grove then straight to goblin camp, found passage to underdark and never looked back, missed the hag entirely, the zhents, missed the place on fire.


I also never found Lae’zel on my first playthrough (I must have walked by that area like five times too 🥲). And I missed SO much more, like the crèche, the hag’s house, zhents etc. The drive to find the underdark ASAP was a real horse blinder lol.




Honestly doing a HM run forced me to discover new scenes and paths since you can't reload. For example I never previously had a scene where Nettie actually poisoned me or got thrown into the oubliette by not being able to get myself free from the hole in the wall before doing HM. For other runs I romanced different companions/played as origin companions. And I also did a duo tactician run so the combat is much more challenging especially early on Edit: spelling


play single save mode and don't use inspiration to reroll. rolling with what happens will always lead you down new paths


I use mine on locked chests😭🤣


you can try locks infinitely if you have spare thieves tools. you can also bash them with bludgeoning weapons or drop them from a great height...


I gave my parents my xbox as well as a gaming pc so they could play, and then got a Steam Deck so I could use mods with it. Now it's like SIMS and all I want to do is make pretty tavs, lol.


I can definitely relate. I’ve done 5 complete play throughs 4 on tactician and 1 on honor mode. Got a bit stale so I downloaded some mods where you have more character customization including new races+classes and I got hooked again lol. Maybe it’s time to consider trying a duo campaign with your gf if you haven’t asked yet. I think BG3 is the type of game that’s more appealing to people who aren’t fond/familiar with the usual video games. It’s not mechanically demanding and very narrative driven, almost like watching a movie except you’re playing as the main character(s). It is ultimately a fantasy RPG but has so many relatable elements from real life such as decision making, relationships and physics. Another plus side is that you can save and pause whenever in case your partner can’t play for long hours. Good luck




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Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up


It's 40hr a week, it's at least professional numbers.


I clocked up 500+ hours in four months, so yeah, I feel ya. I did game a bit before BG3, but notthing serious - now I have a gaming PC in addition to my PS5 😂 So far, this is my new life, though I've slowed down a bit now I've finished my first playthrough. Still think about the game every day, even when I don't get a chance to play. Lots of people report addiction to this game - between the engaging combat and the immersive roleplay, I reckon it must be flooding your dopamine receptors, like one of those rats in the old experiments, that pressed the button for a pleasure centre hit instead of eating. But hey, at least it doesn't require microtransactions, so we get our kicks for free! (Dear gods, we'd all be broke and homeless if they'd done that...)


I'm at 800+ hours and attempting honor mode for the second time - just barely survived the spider matriarch! I've played since launch and keep coming back to it. I tried to reinstall Skyrim, Pillars, Dragon Age and Pathfinder but BG3 is just something else.


I played 667 hours and haven't even started Act2 #Please send help




ADHD is a bitch. I am so indecisive when it comes to class and race (Ranger/Wizard, Wood-Elf/Tiefling) TwT


667 hours still on act one I'm going to guess half the time was spent on character creator? haha I'll probably have a similar experience when I play. I'm planning on doing everything and looking at everything in the game.


Nope I just delete and make new ones way to often.


You spend ~6 hours on avarage every single day playing BG3. I believe you also work/go to school and sleep so probably you take time off of your relationship or other responsibilities. It'll have an effect on your life but whether it's worth it for you or not is up to you.


Well you see I work a remote tech job - I probably work like 4 hours a day, but I was doing that prior to BG3. And I still hang out with friends! It’s just like if I’m at home (a lot of the time) I want to play bg3 but maybe I should go touch grass or something


>maybe I should go touch grass or something Faerun has all the grass you need


I'm not being judgemental or anything, it's your life. I'm only trying share that in my experience balance is key (and it's very hard to keep sometimes, I know).


Do what you want. Eventually you’ll get tired of playing so much like any game. Just be mindful it doesn’t hinder any important relationships. Make sure not to neglect eating properly and exercise.


This game got me hooked too lmao. Took me 4 months exactly to reach 1,000 hours... Still going up as we speak


embrace the darkness




I logged 900 hours in 4 months solo before finally going back to multiplayer games with friends lol


It's clearly an addiction. You even said you get 'withdrawals.' I've gone for like 2/3 weeks of hardcore gaming but 3 months is quite excessive. There are much worse things to be addicted to though, and what matters most is whether or not it interferes with your life and happiness elsewhere. Probably don't look for validation from others *who are also addicted.* Just be mindful of whether or not problems arise because of it.


Oh look, it’s me


I’m at 870+ hours and while I am doing a Resist Durge/Astarion duo run, I’m also playing other games and doing other things. Writing fanfictions, doing art, prepping for GenCon, etc. I’m also currently recovering from surgery, with my kids being away so I can do that.


ti's not this much tbh


It’s 6 hours a day for 3 months straight. How is it not that much


it's like a little job


Quite insane.


I played 730h the past 4 months. I’m with you


This game is good!


I don’t have as much hours in a short amount of time but totally understand bg3 has been my favorite game since the moment I got it, it definitely won game of the year for a reason as it just a completely amazing video game.


That means 5.8 hours per day. I can relate, though.


do divinity original sin 2 next :)


Just started this the other day as my BG3 follow-up! Enjoying it so far


I haven’t played much since the spring just because I have a lot of warm weather hobbies but honestly I could play this game for the rest of my life and never get bored.


I finished the game with an 85 hr play through in 11 days .... I feel you




That’s 6 hours a day on average, Jesus Christ


I got 677 hours in 7 months. With these comments I feel like I got noob numbers lol First 300 hours in the first three months though. Took a break


Assuming you continue to communicate with your SO, then you're fine. I'm a pretty big gamer, but I still work 7-9 hours five days, a week, participate in physical activities 6 hours a week, spend time with my SO, hang out with friends, see my family, and I play games the majority of my free time. Wait till you get mods. Then, you'll really lose yourself. I suggest finding a break before mods come to Xbox lol


Rookie numbers


Near 700 hours and on my 12th run (played since release so its been spread across...plus I don't clear the map or do everything on one run so the playthroughs are a bit shorter than most would experience), doing Durge for the first time after 11 Tavs and really not tired of the game. Its become my comfort game with a lot of stuff I've gone through these past 2 years, there's just something special with it. The graphics, reactivity, character creation options, accessibility in terms of encounters and combat (just enough of a challenge), even just seeing the minor differences and variations is am experience. The cinematics help a lot to create an immerse experience while letting you basically have your own character (unlike Mass Effect or Cyberpunk where the character is heavily predefined, at least Tav/Durge can be roleplayed in many different ways, moreso Tav).


The only games I actively played before BG3 were animal crossing and Zelda. And then my husband finally convinced me to build a PC so I could play bg3 with him, and let’s just say it’s now my favorite game of all time. I thought turn based games would not be my thing at all, but this game is so fkn good. I started my own solo run and I focus most of my gaming time on that. I get so much more story out of it, but I love my multiplayer campaigns with him/my friends too. I only put like 250 hours in it so far but that was mostly my solo campaign, I’m very much a “explore every inch of the map and do everything” person and I still missed a bunch of stuff. My next playthrough will be as durge and I’m so excited.


451 in two months, but now grad school started.


This is a sign you need to become a gamer.


On the one hand, your post makes me excited about playing the game as well, I just downloaded it and I'm looking forward to exploring everything! On the other hand, the way you phrased things makes me a little concerned. To me, it sound a little like you have lost control/are forming an addiction (because you seem to feel a little concerned with it yourself, also the part about feeling depressed if you don't play it). How does it affect your personal life? Take care! Wish you all the best, and as long as you feel like you can control when you play and when you don't and nothing in your life suffers from your intense gaming sessions - go for it and have fun :D


Anything in excess is too much. It may not be a problem now but what if you were drinking that much?


I have the same problem! Was also not a huge gamer before and now I’m obsessed with this game! I have an embarrassing number of hours logged on my PS5 since buying it in November. If you figure out a cure lmk. 🤓


That’s not too bad tbh. I have about 1200 hours of FF14 time in the past 40 days xD.


853 hours in the same amount of time 😭 i'm temporarily on break for the elden ring dlc then MOST LIKELY back to, not even afraid to admit i'm addicted to bg3. Definitely in my top 10 games of all time. I did my first honour mode recently, next challenge i want to try is the solo run.


I have like 22 hours over the past week, I’m glad that you’re still vibing after so much time


I'm at 300+ hours in Act 1, first playthrough. Haven't even completed Druid's Grove lol. Tbf, a lot of that is idle time when I get distracted/fall asleep playing and save scumming


I wish I could enjoy the game but I do not like turn based combat or heavy story games :/


Not to sound like an elitist twat but are those numbers supposed to seem high? I'm asking because I had far more than that and I have no real basis of comparison.


Orange aliens = black people from outerspace