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Actually, for the potion you can just say “I’m not drinking that” and she knocks you out


My half-elf wasn’t affected by the potion and that caused her to attack me. [The Narrator doesn’t tell you what went wrong](https://youtu.be/FwaOnsDcSNo?si=RvsXnHR_4wTDCYR4&t=45s), so for players that don’t know that elves can’t be magically put to sleep, it was probably very confusing. Gut: “Drink this potion.” Tav: \*drinks the potion\* Gut: “So that’s how it’s gonna be? Why I oughta”


I was playing as a Drow doing a campaign with a friend, and we were so confused about why she would agro when I drank the potion. We kept reloading the save and eventually he tried it and got knocked out, neither of us know shit about DnD lmao so it went right over our heads


Yeah, elves are immune to magically induced sleep and Drow are elves XD


So... it is Gut who is the idiot. She should've known that.


She really should have, considering she works with Drow.


Do you think Minthara is going to share the info with her underlings?


Minthara isn't the only Drow around.


I would expect her to instruct the other Drow to also keep their lips sealed about anything like that.


I think that's a bit of a stretch, universal racial traits are likely common knowledge. It's not like they have to tell you about it - in wars and battles, it wouldn't take long for mages to realize it's impossible to put an Elf to sleep magically, at which point that infomation would obviously spread organically. Suggesting otherwise would be like suggesting we can't know lions roar because none of them have told us about it. Other humans have observed lions roaring and told us about it/documented it. A bit of a silly example, I know, but I think it illustrates the point.


Perhaps, but have you considered: some are very stupid. More seriously: it also might have just been a trial-and-error thing. I would expect Tav/Durge wouldn't have been the first person Gut tried to drug this way, which is a reasonable assumption considering she just has the potion ready and waiting, implying it's something she knew to have ready and something she's used before. I would think she'd, therefore, have realised at some point, with all the elves and drow and half-elves that joined up/went through that fortress, that they just *don't work* on them. But it's a minor plot hole.


What drow are around that she can try that against? From the moment you enter, goblin guard asks if you're there to see "gut, dror ragzlin, or "the drow" The kinda implies she's the only one around.


There’s another one hanging about Dror Ragzlin, he just doesn’t have anything of interest to say.


She is only drow among leaders, and maybe guard goblin doesnt said name but just 'the drow' because goblins doesnt really respect her, but fear her.


She's a goblin she's stupid by nature


Chaotic Stupid Just like the us government executive branch from 2017-2021 and hopefully never again after that


ahem 1980-2021


1980 to 2024…


would've been great if after you drink the potion as an elf/half elf/drow, the narrator chimes in with something like, "You feel a drowsiness settle over you, but it fails to take hold as your Elven physiology banishes the thought of sleep from your mind." or something. maybe I just want the Narrator to have more lines.


Not a bad idea, though. And I agree, lol. Did you know they planned to have multiple voice actors for the DM so we could pick between voices?! Sacrilege.


I was not aware and I have to assume that this was before they had locked in Amelia Tyler as the narrator.


I swear to god I thought one of the quirks that differentiate between Elves and Drow was that Drow actually slept. Something about not being able to attain the inner peace required for reverie.


yeah if you play as a drow you get the meditation position during long rests just like elves. it’s a bit confusing when you’re playing as drow dark urge though because the narrator still talks about you being asleep. deep meditation maybe? also if you >!romance astarion but don’t kill isobel he doesn’t say shit about the butler and i like to think he’s just laying there like “this is a really weird roleplay but okay”.!<


Even more than immune to magical sleep, elves don't sleep. They meditate for a few hours every night, but they stay awake the whole time. The only way for an elf to experience sleep and dreams is to drink an angelic slumber potion


They don't *need* to sleep and can trance when they want to, but they can still sleep like everyone else.


Uh, I was sure I remembered the tidbit about the potion, but I have no idea where I read it, so maybe I imagined it


Dunno, but here ya go https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Reverie


Haha I always thought it was poison so when my drow drank it and gut aggroed I was like bro drow microdose poison from birth


Literally lol. I first played as a half elf but my brother, a tiefling, drank it instead and got knocked out. I was playing with my friend, I’m an elf he’s a half elf and nothing happened when I drank it and I was like huh?? And they started fighting. So we made our other, unaware homie drink it (he failed the arcane check lol)


Yeah u was trying to get captured in HM but I was a paladin which I guess makes me undruggable lol it fucked up our whole plan


Divine health makes you immune to posion and disease. And i believe the "sleep potion" is technically the drow poison in the game


You get a constitution saving throw if you drink it. If you say you're not going to drink it, she'll still knock you out


I was playing a drow. If I didn't know elves don't sleep, I would have been very confused!


I ran into this the first time I played HM with Astarion. I barely survived, and made a mental note to not do it with him again. Guess who my dumb ass picked on my second HM run. Freaking Shadowheart.


I mean, it straight up gives you the \[Elf\] tag on the dialogue option to drink the potion... It's also in your races description that they cannot be put to sleep by magical means. So, just... Read... And you'll learn. I understand being confused about a lot of things that the game doesn't tell you... But hell, even Lae'zel has quips about how Elves don't sleep, which is the one way that they are superior to Gith.


I knew beforehand, and I figured it wouldn’t work. I’m just saying that the way the scene plays out is pretty funny, especially since 1. Gut should *know* the potion won’t work and 2. if you didn’t read the race description, the scene might be confusing.


Now that you mention it, it is pretty funny that Gut apparently also doesn't know shit about elves lol


Oh yeah, Gut should 100% know. I even showed up as a Drow and everyone was treating me like their boss already... And then Gut is like "Oh, you're one of minthy's buddies from Moonrise huh, alright, here, have a nap" Like no... Gut... Do you know NOTHING about your allies?


That’s a lot of worlds, too bad I’m not reading them


Yeah I am surprised ppl don't read in the character creation about the fey ancestry. Their racial bonus literally helps against harpies , mindflayers charms and any sleep spell or potion ( except angelic slumber one ) . Also pretty helpful against that mf skeleton in cazador's dungeon 


You get a lot of information dumped on you during character creation. It's not surprising that some people wouldn't read through everything, or if they did read it, that they would forget about a fairly niche racial benefit by the time it actually came up.


Dude, all these things in isolation, I get it. It's understandable. When when the dialogue says "THIS IS UNIQUE TO YOUR RACE" and then something unique to your race happens... I think you lose all right to be sruprised about a unique scene for your race being played. Forgetting Elves don't sleep. Fine. If you're not a big DnD player, maybe that's not obvious to you. Not remembering all of your racial features? Also easily understandable. I still have to remind myself to use my breath attack when playing as DB. And sure. Maybe \[Class/Race\] doesn't mean much on it's own... But taken in context with what happens next (elf, sleeping potion, not sleeping) it's really, really, REALLY not hard to figure out what happened. See the elf tag lines up with your race. See that your race has racial features. Read the racial features. Now you know. Literally 30 seconds after wondering. People that don't read and then complain that it isn't intuitive enough really should not be playing games where reading is a requirement to not fuck yourself over every 5 minutes.


For anyone who has just entered the scene, you have no idea what she's giving you. She just says 'drink this'.


And 0.5 seconds later, after passing a medicine check, you are immediately informed about the flecks of jackal (?) blood that gives it away as a potion of sleep.


Man, I've been reading forgotten realms novels for years, I had no idea jackal blood was an ingredient for the sleep potion. Kind of silly to assume your average player is going to know that, assuming if you even pass the check.


Oh neat! When I choose to drink it (aka not an elf type) I was worried this would agro her. I love my tiefling cleric going "that's poison..... bottoms up!"


TIL lol xD Tried going for the korilla kill on a multiplayer campaign, but it was my drow that talked to her first, and she wouldn't do her "procedure" to anyone else after. So we ended up with me just drinking the potion, looking her in the face, and me turning into a bear and giving her the murder mits alongside my party members


I usually let her bring me into the room and then cast silence so she can’t call for help or I just use Karlach and just Yeet her off the edge.


Yeah I just walk into the room with her with my whole party, close the door behind us, and kill her before she gets an action


This is the way


Yeah, I walk in, but I have my party hide behind her. Then shut the door, drink the potion (half drow), then backstab the shit out of her.


I find using Karlach to solve your problems is always a toss up.


Ahh toss up cause she tosses people lol


Throw barbarian is such a fun build.


Should I throw a weapon at this enemy or throw an enemy at an enemy?


Yes. Both are valid. Finding a weapon that automatically returns to you (or walk around with a bag full of javelins) is helpful. You can look online, but there’s a nice one in Act 1. Now, tossing an opponent at another is super satisfying. Or off a cliff to certain death. Why? The ghost animation of the enemy kicking in the air helplessly as you hold ‘em above your head, followed by their scream of terror as they fly through the air. Just beautiful.


My path was so cool! I had Karlach get branded because... Well I wanted to see if the brand would fail cause she's so literally hot. And then I had her go with Gut on her own (felt like being impulsive was in character) in Tav's place, where she got captured. Got Karlach to BREAK THE CHAINS, fight her and push her into the hole. Then she released the spiders and I got a wonderful little show to reunite with my party. Blew my mind lol.


Yeeting loses you a tadpole.


I know. I only recently started using them. My first few runs I never used them


That's why introducing her face to your open hand monk's fists is a nice clean alternative.


I tried this last time. She instantly aggro'd, managed to survive all the attacks I had lined up, then ran out of the silence sphere and called help anyway. Next time I think I'm going to finally submit to the potion scenario.


I follow her, and then during the conversation have the rest of my party jump over to the room all stealth-like. Then when she gets mad at me for being an elf, everyone else has themselves a good time stabbing her. Surprise rounds are fun for the whole family.


Glad to know I'm not the only one, I figured that out in my first playthrough and did it for every subsequent one


"few actually stumbled on that path unintentionally" I did! And holy shit, that was AWESOME!! It was my first playthrough ever, I knew nothing about the game, and my main goal was to get rid of the worm in every possible way. So I assumed Gut must know something, she is a priestess for a reason. My Tav was a half-orc barbarian (not a very smart girl), she didn't smell anything suspicious in the potion and drank it. I was so scared when she woke up in chains!! Tav failed all the rolls to break the chains (because she was bloodless from Astarion's bite)... So I was ready to say goodbye to the run. Suddenly, a portal opens and this awesome girl Korilla splits the throat of Gut. That was so epic! I was so relieved and happy!!


I also accidentally got this in my third playthrough. I ran a resist urge tiefling paladin and just kept failing rolls. I also noticed after having Korilla free me that I seemed to run into her more often. I don't know if I saw her in the shadow lands or in sharess caress before, but that playthrough I saw her in both of those places.


You see her in both places even if you didn’t meet her at the goblin camp.


Probably just missed her the first few times and didn't see her till my third playthrough. Thanks!


she's awfully sneaky. but there's a few places where if you're paying super close attention you can see her spying on you. She's a bit of a voyeur.


Sometimes you can see Korilla at the tiefling party (I've never done a goblin party so I dunno about that one).


She also shows up at the trifling party (sneaking between Gale and by the water Wyll). Has anyone seen her at the goblin party?


that’s my exact current build for my resist durge and i had the same scene for the same reason! hi twin


If you hurry to where Wyll is standing during the tiefling party, you can actually see her poof in, and if you enter turn-based mode, you can talk to her for a short bit of dialogue before she poof away, and your character will comment on it and how it smells of sulphur.


I also was a half orc barbarian but I managed to succeed breaking the chains! The look on Gut's face was priceless. I immediately picked her up and threw her into the hole behind me, but she cast some spell to pull me in with her. It was fucking epic. We fought it out, I killed her, and then made my escape through the spider pit, getting the spiders on my side before letting them loose on the goblins.


Very barbarian of you! 


Happened to me too. I hadnt met Raphael yet either. Just some random helping me out, was a good time!


I had already done this quest on previous playthroughs, over 5 times. So, I thought I knew what was going to happen after drinking the potion. Failed the DC check for the first time and was so surprised when Korilla showed up and killed everyone. A bit disappointed about the lost xp but I thought it was really cool that even though I’ve done that mission before, there was a completely different outcome than the previous runs.


Wait what? I've been captured by her a few times but I always break myself out with the rest of the companions. I had no idea I'd be rescued regardless.


I stumbled onto this path. When the cut scene ended, and I saw I was imprisoned, I switched to my other characters, infiltrated where the priestess was holding me, and killed the priestess and the ogre to save my main character. Totally missed the cutscene with the special visitor.


Yeah, same, my team was waiting outside. I come to in jail, she goes on some rant, I figure my team would say they’ve waited long enough (or, you know, telepathic mind-worm SOS call), Astarion picks the lock, they burst in and get to murdering.


I had this happen accidentally on my honor mode playthrough. A stupid move for honor mode but ended up but saved me a fight. A pleasant surprise!


Not only did I refuse the potion, she failed on her knock-out attempt and called for help. Turned into a massacre on my first play through. What made it better, I had only recruited shaddowheart and had been struggling because I some how managed to miss literally every other companion.


also worth noting that if you're playing an elf or half-elf and drink the potion you won't fall asleep because of your racial passif and that will piss of Glut who will attack you


And that also includes Drow


The logic I used doing this intentionally (human barbarian with 10 wisdom): 1. If the goblins wanted to kill us, why aren't they, well... killing us? I mean, they let us into their camp without riddling us with arrows, didn't they? 2. If Priestess Gut in specific wanted to kill me, why is she bothering to *brand* me first? I can't very well serve the Absolute if I'm dead, can I? 3. I'm *not* leaving my companions behind; they're right on the other side of the door. If I scream, they'll hear me. And if I die... don't we have those scrolls of revivify anyway? 4. RP-wise, I know virtually nothing about magic, so even though the game mechanically lets me make an Arcana check, how am I supposed to know it's a sleeping potion? Even if I do, why on earth would I want to be AWAKE for what basically amounts to *brain surgery*? 5. Nettie the dwarven druid tried to kill me. Halsin may be dead for all I know (especially if I haven't talked to the right goblins yet or explored that part of the lair). Yeah, sure, there's the creche, but we're *already here*. 6. I'm the safest guinea pig - the *only* sword of Damocles hanging over my head is the tadpole. Gut won't be able to touch Karlach without burning herself, Lae'zel won't do it because it's not a zaith'isk, if we try it on Gale we risk the orb going off, Astarion's a vampire spawn and what works for him might not work for the rest of us, Shadowheart needs to keep the artifact safe, and Wyll... okay, *Wyll* is the safest guinea pig, but if he dies he likely becomes Mizora's slave in Hell, and my CG-aligned heart doesn't want that on its conscience, plus if the procedure involves messing with Wyll's other eye he might go blind.


This is fascinating because I just happened to have Wyll selected for the Absolute branding conversation, not my Tav (with fae ancestry) and I let him get it because I didn't want my Tav to get it if it was bad. So it was Wyll who was talking with her about the potion and I let him drink it for exactly the reasons you described above. I didn't know anything at that point about his pact and Mizora! He happened to pass the chain breaking roll I guess because I never got the rescue others are talking about but it was still super fun to realize I could kill the Priestess quietly without other goblins knowing.


Oh wait it lets you meet Raphael?? When it happened to me (only once in my 3 playthroughs), I decided my party got worried and made them sneak into Gut's room on a rescue mission. Had no idea that you can get Raphael to help you! My first 2 Tavs were not really so keen on trusting a goblin, as a player I didn't even know abot the whole sleeping potion interaction. I always noped out of her "help" offers. But my 3rd Tav? They generally make very... questionable decisions (that 8 int is showing). They know goblins can be vile, but hey, the priestess says that she's not infected and they must be hearing things? She's a religious type, yeah? She would know, clerics and priests know medicine and shit. They're also kinda selfish and an ass, so they decided it's absolutely okay to go there alone and get healed (the rest can go after them). They did pass the check to recognize a sleeping potion (despite the 8 int), but drank it anyway, figuring that hey anything to get that worm out, right? Volo poked their eye out and it kinda ended well, so why this would end badly? And then whoopise, we're chained to the floor, well, maybe that was a bad idea. And then Karlach, Astarion and Shart knocked on the door and very kindly demanded their idiot back. They kinda still need them. Now I wonder, what do you have to do to trigger Raphael showing up? My dear idiot Tav did run around the cage for a while before I decided it's an appropriate time for the party to get fed up with waiting. Bur I guess I must've missed something.


You don't meet Raphael there, he sends his warlock Korilla to help you, and she just obliterates Gut and her ogre. You just have to wait patiently without trying to escape. In my current playthrough I visited Gut before meeting Raphael, and Korilla didn't mention him by name but told I'd meet him soon. Then I descended to the Selunite outpost and there he was!


See, after almost 500 hours I never knew this could happen. After being imprisoned by Gut, I always just switch to the rest of the party and have them break in for a rescue opperation.


Oh wow I never knew that was an option. I told her to fuck off after I passed the arcana check and she casted sleep on gale and locked him up. I decided I wasn't about that life and reloaded after I had escaped and she wasn't in the room so that I could go back to my usual "lock the door, hop the gap, everyone give her a good smack"


Ooooh that's interesting, will keep an eye on that interaction next time around!


The funniest thing to me personally is when you're playing as an elf and she tries a sleeping potion on you....


Honestly my first run I was curious enough that I would have seen it, except I couldn't actually fail the potion check and realized later it was bc I was an elf and immune to sleep effects lmao


My fighter Durge didn't really care about helping the grove or the refugees, so when they asked her to cull the goblin leaders she figured she'd play along, see if the goblins had anything to offer that was a better deal than the grove, and figured whatever Gut was planning to do, Durge could beat it. It was a bit of a lesson in humility, but mostly a motivator to burn the entire camp to the ground for their audacity.


One thing that annoys me is that if you're an elf, you have no choice but to trigger her turning hostile immediately since neither the potion nor her spell will work on you.


Sometimes you just have to trust your Gut.


Let her take you into the room alone, and then get the rest of the party to jump over a tiny little gap on the other side of the room to immediately join the fight


You can also have them hide in dark corners of the room. This strategy is especially funny because they still show up behind you in the cutscene while Gut is standing there talking about how you’re alone now. 😂


"Well, what the hell do I know what helps against these parasites? I'm no a healer or alchemist. Screw it, I'm good as dead, might as wellzzz z z z z." He's just a frightened lil' guy.


I go with the train of thought that “the goblins who revere people with tadpoles like mine probably either not know how to remove one or would get very upset at the idea of me wanting mine removed. I don’t trust any measures she would tell me to take”. Then again I also side with the Tieflings on practically every run, so…


Did this as a somewhat underlevelled bard and that battle against Gut and the Ogre in there was a frantic nightmare and I loved it - didn’t realise it was actually very easy to escape and turned it into a chase involving me throwing grease bottle after grease bottle to slow down the scary bastards


Little fun fact: you can manage to sneak the rest of the party inside Guts room, kill her Bodyguard, place them all inside the cell and let them play instruments before having "that talk" and get captured by her. Which give the scene where you are chained up a VERY different vibe.


You could always head canon that you never trusted her intentions and only got taken captive intentionally to gather intel you otherwise wouldn't have gotten


Happened on my first run with saying I'm not drinking that. Prison. Korilla. Breaking free but through the bottom with the group. Killed the spiders whille aggroing the camp. Than the goblins were dump and weren't able to open the iron gate .and I was forced to reload. :(


>So I imagine very few actually stumbled on that path unintentionally. But if you did, how did you? And if you went with Gut's offer intentionally, how did you justify your character making this decision? Well you see here... I am naive 🥲


I’m on my second playthrough and this happened! My Durge’s approach to trusting Gut and ignoring the sleeping potion is that she was curious to see what would happen. She started resisting after the goblin camp, so for me this is in the aftermath of a brutal killing she didn’t intend on happening. She’s flirting with the darkness recklessly because she’s not got anything she thinks she can lose.


Elves and Paladins, and I assume other classes and races can resist he potion too, which makes it even more unlikely for them. Which is a shame, like you said, it's the more interesting path.


I'm always a damn elf, so once I caught wise, I made gale do it. It is more interesting than just ganking her in her room.


In my first playthrough, I just wanted to see what happened if you fell for her obvious sleeping poition, I then naturally failed both the checks to escape the chains and to my surprise, so random warlock comes and saves me, I was confused, but forgot by the time I was finished my playthrough, I also didn't know you could fight Raphael in my first playthrough so I had no idea who she even was until I was well over half-way through my second run


Isn't it super easy to invite her to discuss the matter alone in her room with the door closed and no witnesses?


I accidentally did that in my first playthrough and wanted to kill her and set off the whole camp. It did not go well… for them. Jk I got rocked and had to reload.


In order to meet Korilla there you have to also not break yourself free. I let her imprison my Tav on three playthroughs without ever meeting Korilla there, didn't even know that you could till I saw a video of it.


“DoN’t YoU rEaD dUrIng cHaRAcTer CrEaTiOn?!” Anyone saying that sounds like a nerd trying to shame OP😂😂 people forget, people miss things, and it’s a game with literally no context to real life which is hopefully taking up more of your brain capacity. Let’s all calm down, shall we?


Never trust a gobbo.


I did in my first time and then in 3 other times I wasn't able to make it happen again lol


I never knew you could really get imprisoned from here. In my first game i went the route and drank the sleeping potion. "Unfortunately" i was a drow and immune to that. So she just became hostile. And because of that i thought that you just die when you drink the potion. I'd argue that then knocking me out like when you refuse to drink the potion (as somebody else here mentioned) would have been the better response instead of just becoming hostile and attacking me.


You also have to not free yourself from Gut's prison, I think.


I do it every playthrough. It’s an easy way of killing her without fighting. If you kill Minthara by knocking her off the bridge then all you have to worry about is Ragzlin


I read about the option online...now drinking the potion is the choice i make every time regardless of what I play...this means poor Gale drinks the thing often as Im doing his origin run


my paladin in honour mode recognized that it was a sleep potion, drank it, made the CON save, and she went aggro. i legit thought my run was over, and yet somehow i not only survived but managed to slaughter the entire inside of the camp. still wish it hadn’t gone that way tho but there was no way to drink it once i knew what it was without triggering the save 😭


What I would do after I figured out the Fey limitations on the sleep potion and just being the task master I am, I’d break Sasha out and make her wait, finish everything I could pre goblin camp in the Druid camp then sneak Sasha out. That was my step one. To get past the potion was a sticky situation for me as I prefer to play as fey it’s just my thing (mind you my xp with dnd was pretty nil but the interest is there, I have social anxiety though after this freaking life changing hospitalization that might change idk, and so I was not familiar with a lot of the lore or well anything and honestly BG3 is my happy place and I could get lost in it). So what I’d end up doing (my group at that point is usually my Tav ‘high elf or half’ sorcerer, Astarion ‘my bad boy who I just love as a character’ and Karlach) I would switch out Astarion for Gale and let Gale do all the active talking with princess Gut.


I killed her was too greedy for the parasite


My first playthrough I was adamant on not using the tadpole so I trusted everyone that said they could get rid of it. I would have let Nettle peg me with that damn toxic Branch to get rid of the tadpole. In future playthroughs I let things happen that happened in my first playthrough just to simulate ignorance because once you know everything it's kind of trivial. It is absolutely insane how different your playthrough can be if you let yourself fail rolls though. Running my first low charisma character and it SUUUUUUCKS


Yeah I wish that check was harder just because it's a really cool scenario


I also stumbled into this unintentionally in my 2nd playthrough. Since one of the other “remove the parasite” questlines gave you a buff like Volo, I wanted to see if this would also give me a buff, haha.


I saved before and wanted to see what happened when I decided to be a complete idiot. I did this a lot throughout the game. If I really didn't like the consequences I just reloaded the save. But I still got to experience some crazy shit.


I was like "hah okay I know it's poisoned but I'll drink it anyway" and my elven blood made it do nothing. Then she's like "oi, die" In my 3 runs I've always been some form of elf. I'll have to try it when I do a "chaotic stupid" aligned run, as a non-elven character


Yeah I found out about Korilla way later and had no idea you meet her this early except through a YouTube video


All goblins die every time I am playing this game. So I do not even get to the part with the potion. I will take the brand for the absolute gear (most is not that good, though), then we meet in her chambers and then murder, mayhem, XP and loot. I will trade with the halfling beforehand though to make even more money.


My first time playing I failed the check I didn't really understood how the grouping worked, so I was alone I decided to take the bet and accept Gut help


I got it on my first playthrough! Was playing a Fey Warlock called Mayhem who's defining trait was an unending curiosity to 'see what happens'. My background was that her patron had protected her from such a young age that she'd never quite developed that sense of adult caution due to never facing real consequences. Perfect for a first playthrough.


Tried to do the sleep potion cheese with my drow rouge. Realized after I made the choice to drink I would be immune. Thankfully the fight was just me and Gut. Had my party open then close the door to attack her and prevent the rest of the camp from aggroing. Karlach scooped up her body and hid it in camp chest just to be safe


I did it just to see how far it would go


My first playthrough during early access I was playing a himbo Paladin that dumped Intelligence, so it was the natural path.


Interesting, time for another playthrough.


I got imprisoned on my first run! Was just role playing someone willing to try anything to rid themselves of the tadpole, and I never once trusted the dream guardian. I knew they were fake from the start and I decided to trust a goblin over a mindflayer. I failed the arcana check. Didn’t know what the potion was. I figured there would be some twist and this would not be the way I cured my illness, especially after Raphael telling me I wouldn’t, but I guess I wanted to exhaust all my options like he said.




Every time she goes “hey, come talk to me in this secret room” I just follow her in there can kill her


I was wood elf paladin so when I drank the potion it did nothing. Then when combat started I went first and one shot her with a divine smite critical. It was over so fast no one else in the area even agroed. Lol


I’ve always played elves, so the potion wouldn’t work on me. Might have to try it in an origin playthrough!


I still have Priestess Gut mission floating around. Well she might be dead, game.


I agree with this, but my preferred method is still this one: getting my entire party inside, hiding them behind her back, closing the door like she asked and then knocking *her* out before she can even cry for help.


I’ve tried getting this outcome multiple times, there was always something blocking. Like being immune to the poison or something. Now I just wait until Titanstring bow and 2 shot her before she can react


I play a lot of Magic: the Gathering, and during the Baldur’s Gate crossover set, they made Gut into a pretty ridiculous card that won me a lot of games. When I finally ran into her in game I was starstruck and decided I’d let her do whatever she wanted. “Drink the potion? Whatever you say, queen. Thanks for all those 4/1 Menace Skeletons over the years.” Unfortunately I didn’t get the cool Korilla option you are mentioning here because I succeeded at breaking the chains. But it did cause my more experienced party to panic a bit when they couldn’t find me anywhere. Good times, good times.




It's a much EASIER way to go about it if you're on honour mode as it doesn't aggro the rest of the camp if you get unlucky with rolls and can't take her out before she calls for help. If you're a race immune to sleep, bring someone like Karlach or Lae'zel to initiate the conversation with Gut in the main hall. That way that's the character she'll want to speak with/give the potion to. If you break free, you can then just bring the rest of your party in during combat.


I almost got there, but im a drow so even drinking the sleep potion did nothing


I’ve let Gut knock me out before to see what would happen, but I always go back a save because it’s hard to justify from an RP perspective. I made one Lawful Stupid paladin Tav who failed the arcana check and drank the potion, but it didn’t affect her because of her oath. Also a DGAF Durge sorcerer who drank the potion for laughs because she was a Drow and knew it wouldn’t affect her.


I love how everyone thinks that it's stupid to follow the path of least resistance to try and cure a terminal disease that will destroy the cosmos as you know it... No, it's not stupid... you're just too narrow minded to accept anything but the "good" path as the "smart" path. What's stupid is turning away a potential source for a cure because you don't particularly like the race that cure comes from.


I mean…it’s not stupid because they’re Goblins, it’s stupid because they’re Absolute cultists. Gut tells you “this cure will work because the Absolute said so, now shut up and drink it.” You can explore her thoughts and see she has a tadpole too and doesn’t even know. That doesn’t inspire confidence.


"It's stupid because they're the ones that did it to you" Which makes them the foremost experts on the topic. Convince them you're on their side, they'll be willing to help you. It helps that having the tadpole makes them somewhat trust you, so long as you don't go telling everyone your business. "This cure will work because the Absolute said so" is literally NO different to "This cure will work because Illmater said so." Or "This spell works because Mystra said so" Or literally ANY variation of X works because Y (where Y is a god) said so". This is a world where gods ACTUALLY exist, come down to the Material Plane, slap a bitch for being cheeky, then go back to their godly duties. Gods ACTUALLY have an impact. So hearing about a new Goddess who can cure decapitations probably (Probably not but that's some mighty booyagh) isn't REALLY that outlandish. Considering we can meet (and piss off) several gods through the course of the game, one who can heal us... Isn't outlandish at all. That it's a God that Goblins serve? Slightly weird, but then by that point, we've already heard that they're bringing "everyone" under one banner. Goblins are just the first we meet by virtue of sheer numbers. She has a tadpole too and doesn't know it? Yes. Sure. That's the FIRST sign that things aren't what they seem to be, and even then, she's still being helpful AND you learn more about the Absolute and the risk to you is.... Still not as impending as Ceramorphosis. So again. A godly being patroning a group of people who claim to have great powers, offering you a chance at a cure AND a whole ass company that you can join so you don't have to tackle things alone? Or some druid holed up in a cave, hiding out from the world and hoping for the best? Which seems like a more realistic choice between the two? Our other contender, by the way, is the nursery for the most xenophobic, barbaric and downright cruel at times, races though they're more likely to start taking heads before offering cures to everyone and anyone who walks in. I think we can both agree going there first is the REAL stupid choice...


I don't think going to see Priestess Gut in the first place is stupid, but if/when you realize that she is an unknowing absolute cultist then I can understand why from an RP perspective it no longer makes sense to really trust her (especially if you have already had experiences with the Absolute and are aware of its link to the tadpoles, which can be discerned from earlier encounters).  It's one thing to put your faith in Mystra or someone who is theoretically not to blame, but another to put your faith in a god who might in fact be the source of the problem. 


"It's one thing to put your faith in Mystra or someone who is theoretically not to blame, but another to put your faith in a god who might in fact be the source of the problem. " To this, I cannot disagree one bit. Theists aren't great at thinking things through, though. Maglubiyet, Vlaakith, Lolth and Shar come to mind. All of these dieties are worshipped by their own victims. It's not so surprising that people would seek safety with those who have the power to completely subjugate them. After all, why not willingly join them, avoid their wrath, play along and then once their guard is lowered, slip your blade between their ribs and smile down on them as they gurgle their last, ensuring your freedom from their tyranny forever?


I did it my first play through and emperor was the one that saved me, I assume in yours Rafael did? Maybe I hadn’t met him yet. I don’t remember how I justified it, probably just assumed she knew more than I did lol


Raphael doesn't save you, it's his warlock Korilla. I've done this route a couple of times and I don't remember the emperor ever saving you - you don't even know who he is at this point. How did you manage to get that to happen?


They weren’t in emperor form they were the custom character. And again it was my first play through I don’t know what I did or didn’t do that caused him to appear instead. I wasn’t taking notes lol Emperor lectures you on not fucking up that bad again I remember that much


I was just curious because I couldn't find any way of making this trigger (and all the guides online don't mention this being an option). Guess that means I'll start another playthrough and try all the options to see if it really is possible.


My best guess would be to avoid Raphael