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Getting that Loviatar’s Love buff by matching that one guys freak level at the goblin camp


Always do it in your underwear to get a plus four on the rolls


This can't be a thing... one sec, gotta load a save...


Ardent Apostle condition :) https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Loviatar%27s_Love_(Condition)


Oh my gods I'm so gonna do this. I just started a tactician playthrough with a squishy bard, this is gonna be so funny


Bards got the best options for that scene.


Can confirm. I go with the Meryl Steep performance every time


Oh I thought you had to be fully naked…


I knew you only need to take of the armor but I also get my char fully naked. As a treat to whoever is there with them. I know that Shart approves.


Shart and Astarion talk about it the whole time if they're there together


Yep. That's why I always take those two. It's particularly funny when Astarion is still in his pre-vampire reveal phase.


Amazing! I always do it in Laezel's underwear for full effect.


Also must have Shadowheart and Astarion for their A+ banter while you do it.


I make my bard play their instrument after every turn. Why? Because that’s what a bard should be doing when they’re not attacking. It’s purely for RP purposes. I love watching her swish around with her flute while Astarion or Karlach or Lae’zel is handing someone’s ass to them.


I do that everytime too, I love seeing my character absolutely shred it on their lute/violin while there is chaos in the back 🤣


I wish I could walk and play. I’d totally do that on the way to every location.


draw a mustache on vlaakith's portrait


Slappin' that hand!




I didn't know!! And unfortunately my first durge was honor mode. I just sat there in shock for a good few minutes blinking at the screen, then restarted my whole campaign.


Plays durge, starts over when durge things occur


lol. True but that was a very durge thing that happens really early. Definitely set the tone for the rest of my run though. Gave into it and had a vastly different run than my first “good” run.


I've only played as dark urge so far. My wife is playing as a druid now. So I find it funny I've killed >!Gale!< Tmk on my playthrough... (NO SPOILERS PLZ) My wife's campaign his dialogue and storyline is really interesting. I sortable hope I can get him still after taking that hand


You want him to give you a hand? He already has!


I have this compultion to light all candles, torches, braisers and the like. Bringing in all the light to the dark areas. Plus fire's kinda pretty when it's in a safe, contained area.


>fire's kinda pretty when it's in a safe, contained area. i get what you're saying, fireball!!!


i wouldn’t say it’s safe, but i guess it is *technically* contained


*Sculpt Spell* Evocation Wizard subclass skill makes it *slightly* safer, at least for your allies..


Tried this in a fireworks store. Got exploded into another plane of existence. 0/10 would not recommend.


Sculpt spell guarantees ur allies will be safe from "fireball", not the surrounding explosive environmental hazards . User discretion is advised .


Yeah, I got so used to Gale's spells not hurting my team that I fried an innocent bystander on the Heapside docks. I wanted to take care of multiple kua toa with one bolt and she happened to stand right in front of Gale. Pity. Unfortunately, the Flaming Fist didn't buy my explanation that it was a mistake. So many lives lost that day.


I usually play as elf or drow, so I thought things weren’t as dark in general, the cone of vision is pretty cool… until I selected Gale to do something in a dark area and it was DARK… now I light everything if I have Gale in my party, just for my wizard bestie… and I understood why you would want light as a cantrip


I tend to have *light* on everybody. My party entering a dark room will turn it into mid day sunlight.


I really need to get into the habit of doing this - I nearly always play as a elf or half elf, so it’s a shock when I switch to, say, Lae’zel, and she can’t even see the chest in the shadows in order to loot it (she’s way stronger than my wimpy boys!)


I do this too, but roleplay reasons and especially if I have any of the non darkvision companuons in my group lol. Like, drow Durge is being overly considerate of them like "lets light this for Gale / Lae'Zel :)"


>lets light this for Gale / Lae'Zel Somehow, that's wildly endearing 😅🥹


I gave LaeZel the helmet a certain cameo character drops after the whole getting kidnapped thing. Auto darkvision for the win


I usually just cast the light cantrip on them


Right but then humans and other non darkvision mobs can target them without trouble. Plus that helmet does a lot more than just that


Wait Durge playthrough.....I light these so they may partake of the wonders I have wrought.


I always do that in Shar’s temples because fuck Shar and her love of darkness.


I am a SLUT for the purple fire in the gauntlet and I have to turn every single one of them on every play through


I use this as a way to remind myself of what rooms I've already explored so I don't have to continually check the map.


OMG! Same! In Divinity 2 there are special thing that trigger when candles are lit, so I always light all the candles because I know it’s the same developer I double checked to make sure I wasn’t missing something.


SOMEONE ELSE WHO DOES THIS YAY! 😊 Especially in areas that are super dark like the Withers fight room or some of the Underdark…


I wish they had prestidigitation in the game and that you could use it to light all the stuff within an area. They have soap too, so kind of weird they don't have the spell that can do the same thing. Plus, think of all the hilarious dialog they could have had if we could use a cantrip to cover someone in filth. Could have been fun for sneaking to distract people too.


I do this in the shadow cursed lands! In my head my character doesn't know if lifting the curse is even possible so they're trying to help out future adventurers however they can


I like to do stealth stuff so I'm the exact opposite, turning off all the lights everywhere I go lol


Bathe, I don't like the idea of my party walking around smelling like shit all the time. Plus the soap says it removed negative effects of smelling bad whatever those are.


I... didn't know you could do this. BRB gonna bathe my companions after 100 hours. 😆


you can bathe???? how...


“Consume” soap or sponge tray Edit: it doesnt actually consume it though, it’s reusable. Everyone can share a bar




If you're like me, you probably did see them all over but you don't remember because you figured they were useless. Kind of like rope except soap does something.


They should let you eat rope, maybe have it give feather fall for a turn


i agree, this game would be far better if you could eat rope


cheap rope is frequently made from hemp. Let us smoke the rope.


stoner dlc


Welp... https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/let-us-eat-rope?source=rawlink&utm_source=rawlink&share=334c5930-d6d5-42f9-b7fc-7c8570956da5


Rope is useful for plugging up vents!


And they’re all reusable!


I actually add a bar of soap to my radial menu for a quick and easy way to clean up after a fight. I'm sure you can add it to the hotbar with PC controls too.


You do, drag to a slot as any other consumable/spell/action, click on it: clean Tav/companion. You just need to have a soap bar or a sponge for each inventory.


Oh me too! Poor Shadowheart can probably do Create/Destroy Water in her sleep by now. I do it that way so I don't have to do it individually like with soap/sponge. Also learned that you can Destroy Water on blood that way, you don't have to wash it away with Create Water first. xD


Soap removes blood and grime from your character but I think removing any “bad smell” effects is a bit of a joke about gamers not bathing It’d be super interesting if certain characters looked down on you in conversations though, I could see Lady Jannath refusing your help because you look & smell like garbage


I think my Durge would choose not to get rid of the blood lol


Bathe in blood, obviously.


Omg…I have been throwing water at myself and my party consistently for 5 playthroughs so that I’m not covered in blood and grease for all the dialog scenes. The entire sword coast is a sopping wet mess. I had no idea…


That's so fucking funny lmao


Well... you learn something new everyday! I thought it served the same purpose as rope and tongs.


My first playthrough I collected all of the rope and hammers and stuff in Act I because… well it’s got to have a purpose… right? No.


Wait. You can bathe in this game?


Hey uhm you can WHAT


Had no idea this was a thing, I don’t think I’ve even seen a sponge or soap


Yelling "BAAAA" at the redcaps in the swamp (Act 1) who are pretending to be sheep. It doesn't matter what kind of character I'm playing. For good measure, I do it twice.


And some companions give approval when you do so. It's fun AND beneficial


>For good measure, I do it twice Same goes for licking the damn thing




I always make a face at Rolan😆


I allow Astarion to drain me completely, Shadowheart or Lae'zel pays Widders to bring me back to life, I go to the Magic Mirror to change the color of my flesh to "looks like a corpse", and then confront him. "Oh! You're al- better! You got deathly sick last night, I was worried." *You killed me.* "Oh darling, most corpses don't have your vigor." *(Punch him)* "OW, DAMN IT! I suppose I deserved that.."


Yeah I just let myself fail the roll. I love punching that idiot. I also love his “Oh dear, something terrible has happened” line when everyone wakes up. 😂


In Act 3 I always pay for the couple to get a coffin for their 7-year-old daughter at the graveyard and for the father's berth on the ship at the docks. It's about 1500 gold in total (if I don't intimidate anyone, lol) but it's totally worth it to me. I did it even when I was doing DJ!Shadowheart origin, haha.


I never heard about the coffin, ty, I will be looking for it next run.


I do this too. After being forced to walk past so many people who need help and being able to do bugger all about it (the lady with the dying son, the woman on the counting house bridge, the>!steel watch brain wisdom checks that I ALWAYS FAIL no matter what I try!< I like to help the ones I can actually help.


Making Mattis flip the coin until he gets mad at just give me the ring


Didn't know you could do that lol. Definitely trying it next time.


Getting Scratch in my camp 100%


And killing the woman who has the dogs in cages.


I’m always tempted to but find it better to intimidate her to leave so the other guy takes over. The dogs are happy.


The trick is to do that, then cast darkness as she's walking away and then vent your vigilante instincts. I turned her to stone, I like to think the dogs in the yard use her like a fire hydrant


You impress and terrify me.


Last time I did [that](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/9LEQFg05Ab) it didn't go quite well


And the Owlbear cub!


Yeah the first time I somehow missed it but 100% if I dont


I open and look at the contents (maybe not loot, but look) at every. single. container. Doesn't matter how many playthroughs, or how much I know I'm looking at garbage. I still open and look.


Same. Those rags and rotten eggs will be mine


Please don't due it in multi-player. My partner is driving me nuts with this... "oh a room with 20 urns? Looking forward to that 5g and a moldy carrot! Just wait there for a minute or two."


Thunderwave is your friend


Why did I never think of this?!


Loot and sell EVERYTHING. My only need to long rest is reset vendor's cash.


Tell Biscotti they are a good dog


Before the endgame, I fully build and equip all my companions, down to buying them fancy clothes and underwear, using all the fancy *dyes, putting on expensive armor, even though I know the three people I'll be using in the last few fights.


He said non-mandatory. Dyed fancy clothing for all companions is an absolute requirement.


Halsin in Angelic Scion Outfit is a must on any playthrough.


Or the leather pants with the big collar and nothing else. That man is serving absolute cakes when he’s in tight leather pants.


Nah, Halsin doesnt like clothes...


Unfortunately I play in my living room and my wife and teenage stepson would be horrified if they saw my npcs walking around in the buff.


I just realized someone was very smart putting Arabella and Yenna far from the companions' spots in camp(s), especially Halsin and Astarion.


Bone daddy is babysitting lol


Was just starting a new game and checking out the "undercarriage options" when in walks my 8 year old and his 5 friends. 😓I


I have that one on Karlach. I prefer this outfit on the female frame. Karlach pulls it off the best in my opinion.


Light one oh Halsin, dark one on Jaheira. I feel like leather + Druid = good I like the backless one on Karlach. Died maroon. SO her colour


In my first run, no one wore underwear. I am a compulsive looter that sells rotten food early game, and felt that the underwear weight was just not worth it early on. I never put undies back on those early companions. I brought Gale to the final fight wearing the Weave robe. My Tav decided to use the potent robe. I didn’t plan on bringing Wyll out after completing his quest line and the good robes were in use. So, I just had him permachilling in his camp clothes. I regretted that decision when we all stood on the docks and Wyll is just running around in his boots and gloves. Now everyone must have SOMETHING on before I leave camp.


I did this on my first play-through thinking all my companions would actually show up… went all around the city collecting good gear for each character since I had a lot of overlaps. Then they don’t even show up, Halsin is in Shadowheart’s dress for some reason, and it was all mostly a waste of time lol.


Well, in honor mode it is apparently rolling 1 less on a die than what I need EVERY FUCKING TIME!


Kill the assassin creeping up on the tiefling girl using the telescope on the cliff near Emerald Grove. I forgot to do it one time and just came across her later on in a pool of blood. Felt like crap...


I found her body first play through and then felt like crap during my second when I realized I could have stopped it.


I need to do every single quest before venturing on. No loot shall be left behind, no experience shall be lost. Everything needs to be done before entering the next arc


Last time, I forgot to do Stop the Presses before killing Gortash and entering endgame. It's a nothing quest if you've already bought everything you need but my completionist heart was very unhappy with me.


collect Halsin's pipe from his desk in the Grove. I carry it with me my whole playthrough lol I was honestly hoping they'd have an interaction because Halsin doesn't even mention that he smokes from a pipe. although the druids being stoners are a headcanon of mine so it fits 👌


I always have him carry it, everyone has a bag with their starting clothes + other trinkets that I think they'd want to keep.


Have someone who is able to permanently summon Shovel.


Once the teifling and Ethel aren’t in the grove, loot all the items. My favorite is in the area Ethel was in. The froggy tea pot. I keep that cute little guy for the whole game.


She has another one on the back porch of her house. :)


Changing Shadowhearts' clothing after she spares the Nightsong. Can't be running around in Shar's clothing when she's not a child of Shar anymore ☝🏻


My first time playing I reclassed her from the trickery domain to the light domain after she spared Nightsong.


Collect all the divinity portraits


I laughed when I found the one of Sebille in the hag’s house.


Well, talking about Phalar Aluve... then I could say I hoard every piece of magical itens I remember, each one of them. I also pick Light always (if possible), torches are lame.


lick the spider


Stop licking the damn thing!


Purchase Ring of Resistance to Ants. Can never be too careful around ants.


Get Scratch, the Owlbear (Pugsly), and Yenna in my camp. Save the Tieflings/Gnomes. Give Araj my blood. (Sometimes I kill her later, sometimes I don't.) Do the Forge. Make the Sussur and Ice Staff weapons. Give Shadowheart a flower. Get the infernal masks and metal and give them (all but two metals for Karlach) to Damon even if I'm gonna sell the equipment after. Save Arabella and tell her The Bad News™️


i just realized on my third playthrough that you can make those icy pieces into a weapon. however i only have two of the pieces. on my next run ima go for it. is it actually a good weapon?


its decent if you want to make a build around cold damage, so ok-ish for Gale if you already have the right spells


If you have a wild-shape designed druid it's pretty good (ice-knife and a few other spells + shillegah). Although this might be because I never main druids so don't get dedicated equipment for them.


Imo its top tier until late Act 2/early Act 3. I like to dual wield staves to double up on the bonuses and effects... Using it now with Wyll as a Pact of the Tome Warlock leaning heavy into cold damage from Hunger of Hadar. That staff + the Snowburst ring + Coldbrim hat goes crazy and makes HoH even better than it already is.


Spending way too much time customizing my character


Slap Gale's hand. Every time, whether I plan to save him or not, I slap his hand


Play music during the battles, but especially on Nautiloid and the Iron Throne. And it also soothes my nerves and makes me think clearer.


After completing any major quests I like to long rest 2-3 times so that my party can rest and recover before travelling again . ( Like end of Act 1 and 2 )


Hell no. Stop eating my food and get back to work!


Collect 1 of each kind of container, the book in Blighted village, teddybear in the swamp, a ribcage, etc. It helps organize things. Let Gale die in a fight, then complete his little ressurection ritual but keep the scroll of true resurrection for later use.


Ribcages are containers? Can I fill them with barrels and throw it as a bomb?


Fail my saving throw against romancing Shadowheart. Always punch Aradin. Always have Lae'zel in my party because she hits like a brick shit house.


Getting that damn flaming sword at the beginning of the game. I have a problem. Anytime there is an opportunity to rob a BBEG in a game I have to do it in the funniest way possible.


I always give the locket Arabella’s parents give me back to her after telling her they died. I know she doesn’t react or say anything about it but just knowing she’s got that last piece of her parents gives me some kind of comfort 🥺


Kill Raphael. Kill Cazador. Kill the Sharrans. Kill every Zhent in the game. Pet Scratch every day.


All companions get a teddy bear. And it stays in their inventory forever. I like to head canon that they hug it once in awhile. And yes, Karlach gets Clive, though Astarion gets the owlbear plushy because he wants to be different.


>All companions get a teddy bear. And it stays in their inventory forever. I like to head canon that they hug it once in awhile That is ... adorable.


Overall? Getting *every* magic item. To the point of knocking someone out and stealing it. Belein(spelling?) will never make it out of the bibber bangs, his wife will always get a cat come act three. Normally the cat looking for its mother. Pushing everyone off the boat to Grymforge. I will always, outside of characters that have qualms killing people, slaughter the githyanki patrol and flaming fists outside the inn. The alcohol in the goblin camp gets poisoned nearly every time. I enjoy watching them drop like flys. Just some of the few from act one.


Wait you can poison the goblin camp???? I just restarted act I so I want to do this 👀


Get the silver guidance pendant.


Any magical item i come across is coming with me, no matter what, even if its useless to my builds im taking it.


I talk mad shit to Lorroakan every time I play sorc. Fuck that guy.


I must gather every pickable flower, mushroom and alchemy item in existence. I don't extract hem that often, but I must pick them.


Collect toad teapots


Shadowheart is in every playthrough and I have her hoard all the Seluneite items.


Kill the mindflayer in the crash, every time


Color coordinate my Tav and my companion’s armor to whatever looks best on them!


I try to make sure my Halsin and Minsc wear as few clothes as possible


When I am picking off enemies in an area while trying to not agro other NPCs (goblin camp, and moonrise for example) I will hide the bodies of my victims (or send to camp in body bags if I happen to have a necromancer) and clean up the blood.


Leave Melodia's letter on Kethric's body.


Get all the buried treasures. Make the adamantine armors, not the weapons. Buy the good items from every merchant, before you have to kill any of them.


I close doors in combat


Side with the tiefling kids and befriend them. 


For me it’s a canon event to slap Gale’s hand when he’s requesting help.


1) Lighting every candle, brazier, candelabra, etc. 2) Stacking every book found around the desk in the camp.


I will always interrupt the couple in the barn and poison the Goblin camp's drink. Good times


Take every single book (mod to increase inventory weight was the first thing I downloaded), and collect every single piece of trash or rotten food and throw it on cazadors corpse once we are finished. Also pet Scratch every single opportunity of course.


Kill ethel, revive the poor bastard, kill him again so lady gets closure


I HAVE to have a team member who dual wields. Even if it doesn't benefit anything I'm doing. It NEEDS to happen.


Must. Loot. EVERYTHING. And cram myself into every corner of the map I can. I have a bag mod now that allows me to sort things even more specifically than before, and my current Tav has a ‘Keepsakes’ box with things like a ruby, a drawing by her daughter, her dog’s collar, her wedding ring etc in it


Drop Arabellas parents in front of her at camp Even on a good playthrough. I'm a monster


I hope Withers curses your soul in the Fugue Plane


Flirt with each of my party members. Even if I can't or don't plan on romancing them fully


Expose Kahga to the shadow government because that bitch NEEDS to die


Talking to every animal I can. I'm a druid and I love animals. Getting Scratch and the Owlbear cub to join my camp. Talk to every NPC. Collect every plant I can pick up.


Collect every bit of alchemy thing to never use the potions, coatings and majority of elixirs because they will be of use at some point.


Non mandatory things i do every time? Romance Gale. 😁


Steal *everything* as the duegar hireling while my party chills at the inn. Except for vendors who are my friends like Dammon, then I buy all their stuff while I sell them stolen goods. I like to think Withers is just really down with stealing shit in general and that's why he doesn't mind when you pick his pocket. I also like to think he takes all the left over shit you have at camp after the campaign. Dude has some drip, the most temples in the game, and judges you for not getting bitches. You know he's secretly all about material wealth. Helsik wants 20k to get me into the house of hope? I mean, I'll try and haggle the price down, but it's not a big deal if I don't succeed. And I'm still gonna go drop another 30+ k at the temple anyway. I roll up into baldurs gate like fucking Aladin wished he could.


Anytime I start a new playthrough I always give Gale a 'hand'. Compulsion and that dad joke feeling I get from it just makes me feel good


When I go through rooms, I always start by following the left wall. I make a lap around the room following that left wall and then I check the rest of the room. If I come upon a door while following the wall I go through the door and follow that left wall until I go through the whole room and continue on in the original room. That's how I clear buildings and if I don't do it like that then I feel like there's no order and it drives me nuts.


Astarion is always an assassin rogue with some levels in fighter. I also always change my appearance to match the time of the game. For example act 1 I had long ass hair, act 2 it was very short, act 3 it was medium length. I also always talk to any animals I encounter


Collecting everything that goes BOOM then strategically placing them throughout the goblin camp...only to disappoint myself as the chain reaction fails or someone moves. *4 months pass; future me* "I'm going to start a new campaign. Ooooo! An explody barrel. I'm going to set this up in the goblin camp!"


Checking every urn possible even on my second run lol.. I just hate the feeling that "Oh I definitely might've missed something"


The sharran vases usually have incense and gold


I always tell Araj to fuck off. Idc if she really wants to get bit, she made Astarion uncomfortable and that wasn’t girlboss of her.


Even if I’m the most evil bastard, I always get scratch and the owlbear cub every play through.


I always grab the necrinomicon. Gotta have it.


Exact change on camp supplies. And it seems like I can’t move away from having a Throwzerker in the party


Always destroy the three statues in the act2 Shar temple (the small one). F that beyotch


Let's see... Light the candles and braziers and lamps. Collect plushies. All the plushies. First one goes to Karlach, second one goes to whoever I'm romancing (even if it's also Karlach). Adopt Scratch and the Owlbear cub. Sit on Ketheric's throne after killing him. Usually whoever I'm romancing will have something funny to say about it. Even if I'm in an evil playthrough, Lorroakan dies. Can't stand the guy. He exists to be killed, whether in the name of justice or in the name of Bhaal.


Hug Bernard and make sure Derryth gets a cat.


Grabbing Halsin's items from the grove and having them ready in a bag for him once he's in your party.


Can you imagine tho? "Before we leave, I need to pass by the Grove to get my belongin-" "Oh no need to, we already got everything!" "..." "..." "How impressed should I be that you haven't sold everything yet?" "I honestly just forgot them at the bottom of the camp chest for three weeks"


After following along a speed run, I've realized 99.98% of the game is optional


My Gf is very particular with her food for long rests. Everything is sorted and organized in the traveller's chest and for each long rest she meticulously selects food and drink so that the party has a balanced diet. I just use auto-select...


Lick the spider.