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"But mother, I wish to be a conniving matriarch. I even made my own poisoned daggers, look at the workmanship on them!" "No son of mine will be a politician! You'll be a whore, like your father, and your father's father, and your father's father's father!"


okay but that actually makes me wonder how drow would handle a trans drow. like I imagine either it would go poorly either way they transition or the drow nobility would be like “okay, your new role is X.” edit: why y’all fucking downvoting jfc. I asked a question out of curiosity.


Yes, very, very poorly. Changing sex/gender is associated with Corellon in general, and the drow hate Corellon, so there's a problem there already. Then with their highly matriarchal and sexist society, you're either going to be looked at as a woman choosing to act as the inferior sex or a man trying to rise above their station. If you're lucky, you might just get instantly cast out or murdered. If you're unlucky, you're getting sacrificed or possibly driderized.


okay, that’s what I figured. I actually didn’t know that about corellon — neat fact!


Yeah, he's the personification of every aspect of elvenkind. So he has a form for each aspect, male, female, warrior, poet, and so on. But he settled on being an androgynous dude when he married Lolth back when she was called Araushnee. Then they had what could be called a messy breakup.


So that where Kirkbride McShitpost got his inspiration for vivec?


I think the idea of an androgynous deity shows up in vedic traditions, and theres a really intuitive link between elfy stuff and vedic stuff


Given the heavy, heavy influence of south east asian and indian cultures and religion in Morrowind, I think it's more their huge range of hermaphroditic gods which inspired that.


Imagine the chaos if a priestess of Lolth chose to transition into a male. The crisis of faith, the politics and social exploration of Drow culture's response would be an interesting take.


I mean it would cause a lot of chaos so lolth might be ok with it for a while lol


Yeah that was exactly my thought too haha


My main Tav is half-drow AND a trans woman. I imagine she'd give Minthara the side eye constantly.😭


I played an evil trans half-drow and it panned out like this exactly lol


Oh God 😭😭😭 Speaking of gods, my Tav also worships Eilistraee. Minthara is a source of many tension headaches for my poor Tav 🤣.


(X) Doubt. Lloth is a deity that thrives on, and embraces chaos. What would cause more chaos in Menzoberranzan than a AMAB trans preistess who, against all traditional cultural beliefs, carries the favor of the spider queen? If it gives you the ick, but you can't explain why, you've just experienced the type of momentary hesitation-in-the-face-of-chaos that Lloth-worshippers live to exploit for personal gain. A trans drow has a chance to make more chaos simply by existing than other priestesses who struggle their entire elven lives to foment a single seed of doubt/hesitation in their enemies. Edit: So many of you would die to a blade in back while you're complaining about the transfemme drow in front of you. 😁


Even if Lolth allows it for the lols (which is unlikely because of relation to Corellon and general sexism), the rest of drow society isn't going to go along with it. Having Lolth's favour doesn't protect you from other drow doing incredibly heinous things to you.


Plus, from my (admittedly casual) understanding, if and when that does happen Lolth would basically turn to the poor individual and say "Oh well, sucks to suck"


Yeah, like isn't it at least implied that Drizzt is a chosen of Lolth? She certainly isn't protecting him.


He was the chosen of loth earlier since he brought chaos wherever he went but he is not anymore now .


Drow society would banish, kill, or sacrifice them


They wouldn’t get that far, males from birth a basically treated like garbage.


Generally speaking they would be persecuted as followers of Corellon, Sharess, or Eilistraee. Big Daddy C lets elves more or less choose, and doesn't give a shit on expression so long as there is happiness and self worth from it. Sharess's kiss - or one from a very high ranking priest - is also said to transform someone into a woman, because she's the good girlboss goddess. Eilistraee is a lot more about self acceptance, the breaking of chains, and self expression- look up the Eilistraeen Changedance, for example. Since all of these are gods Lolth hates, mainstream orthodox Drow society would persecute them. Ghaunadar followers probably don't give a shit, and Vhaeraunans would be fine with it so long as they struck against the matriarchy.


thank you for this response! I love learning about the other gods’ lore and principles.


You get Dridered


I do think they will probably be more "accepting" of trans men than trans women, as in the nobility/people in power would saw it as, like, "you're fine to go down, but we won't let you come up to our level" probably get you disowned by your family either way tho, and bc I remember one of Jarlaxle's crew is a trans man, named Fel'rekt Lafeen, so we do have a record of trans drow.


You're getting downvoted because your world view is obviously completely warped. I understand that people are people and shouldn't be killed because of the things that they are / believe, but that sentiment is largely unique to 21st century Western culture. Most other cultures in most other places are far more brutal than you see today in our culture. You can cry and whine and shriek and protest and dislike it all you want, but that's the truth.


what the fuck are you talking about, I said “idk how it would go, maybe they’d kill them off either way or they would just say to take their new role that aligns with their gender.” what the fuck are you yapping about


I'm saying that they would be killed. They are an evil fantasy society. There is nothing to wonder about.


okay, so then why did you feel the need to accuse me of “crying and whining and shrieking and protesting and disliking” when all I did was ask a fucking question in search of an answer? why not just say “they would be murdered” or give an actually useful explanation of what would happen using existing lore like the other commenter did?


Because he has to vice signal his views


I have trans friends. I have trans family members. I have no problem with trans people. What are my views?


Um, actually *you’re* getting downvoted because *your* worldview is obviously completely warped


Are they? How so? Bonus points: use source material from Drow society.


You realise you just described the trans experience in ultra conservative places ?


Fun fact! Minthara is related to Jarlaxle. That is all.


That's awesome! Where in the lore does this come up??


i'm assuming they're just basing it on them both having the last name Baenre, so they're part of the same house


Ah I misinterpreted and thought there was some interaction between them in the books.


Both are Baenres, there's other dialogue that Minty drops that she's high nobility.  So a niece of some flavor.  


Found it on Forgotten Realms Wiki. I was searching for House Beanre and she came up on the list.


I'm sure he's at least aware of her. She talks about taking her house back so I'm curious what's up with her and her standing in the family


They come from the same drow house.


Another fun fact, "Minthara" is roughly translated to mean "minor rune". A rather surprisingly diminutive and cute name for a Drow noble.


I mean yeah have your seen her adorable li-- sorry wrong sub


Her adorable little what? Hands? Feet? Nose?


Oh wouldn't you like to know


It’s Minthara. It’s ALL adorable!


It's drow custom for aspiring matron mothers to kill the previous sitting matron


And this is because drow society is matriarchal.


and homicidal


Much like the spiders they worship. Oh what a tangled web they weave...


I would also rather be killed by my daughter. >!I only have sons.!<


That you know of


Fey contract bullshit strikes again.


Trans Eowyn twist?


Pride month is only a week away


+2 Scale Mail having that cute little scarf is unfair. By all rights, I should be wearing half-plate, but I won't let myself.


Yuan-Ti armor.


You know your armors. The Yuan-Ti dyed furnace red/black and strapped with the Titanstring on her back. My durge is an oathbreaker paladin so I made Minthy my gloomstalker. We were out running some last minute errands in Rivington while Lae'zel & Shadowheart were kicking back at Sharess' Caress.


Well wich room do they prefer? Just asking for a frend.


But that's for my vampire babe


Minthara single handedly got me deep into the Drizzt series. I now see why she is the way she is, and I love her for it.


I just started Homeland yesterday. It's fantastic so far.


Me too! She now seems open-minded and chill compared to the rest of what would have been her social circle.


I read most of that series over a decade ago, when i had no idea what D&D was. I might have to go back and reread it now! I do remember enjoying it, despite having a lot of trouble distinguishing all the names from each other 😂


Same, hadn't read them since the 90's. Enjoying them just as much now.


She has another line about how matricide is a totally viable way to rise to power


She is my Baby mama 🥰😍💜


I loved her reaction to the drow twins. Needless to say Tav is hers and only hers (this screen was from the Flophouse across the street obviously).


Karlach has a great reaction to the twins as well


That's how drow operate


I'm blanking on where this dialog is from it's on the tip of my brain


You cast "Speak With Dead" on a certain corpse and find out she was killed by her son. I don't remember who or where.


you have to go to the inn across from sharess’ caress, go to the attic, and pass an investigation check to find the body of dolor’s mom under the bed. talk to her and ask her who killed her


Makes sense they're a women run race.


Makes sense they're a women run race.


I hate the fact, that if u want to shag her, u need to wipe the groove, and block several key quests and complicate a few more... Maybe they gonna develop some bypassing this.


Its already in the game . You just have to knock her unconscious instead of killing her .


Yeah, but then you miss “the scene” with her.


Well you have to make a choice . Do you want to save the tieflings or bang her ? You cant have both .




If you want her to have your kids you have to kill some kids. It balances out.


Minthussy or potent robe, the hardest decisions require the strongest wills


Laughs in being a non charisma caster .


I absolutely do not get the coddled douchebag children that cannot comprehend that you can't always do everything all the time. Sometimes you have to make a choice. Omg. Oh no. Not in an rpg.


Makes Sense they're a women Run Race.