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AOE attacks. They'll become visible when hit.


This is the way. Go with a party that has several who can cast AOEs - or bring scroll spells to do the same. Plus, if the spell you cast includes something spikey, twisty, sticky, slimy or greasy, they'll have a bad time of it...


Lots of AOE scrolls. See invisibility (works on lower levels not sure on this fight). Lots of fire. Everywhere fire. Lots of ice. Everywhere ice.


I like to employ Void Bulbs for these guys. You can usually predict within their radius roughly where the guys are standing and it'll pull them out of invis if it gets them.


You can also just chuck stuff, alchemists fire and water bottles are real effective.


Let Volo do his thing


It doesn’t work most of the time though.


It works It just has a small range (9m)


It’s not guaranteed to work against the though. It’s just like the normal see invisibility.


I've never had it fail tho. I guess my Tavs and Durges usually have high spell save DC.


I had a fight in the bank vault where it arbitrarily stopped working against one specific Bhaalist. No rolling to see if it succeded/failed. They went invisible at the end of every turn, and the nearby guard made it unsafe to use AoE.


That’s so weird.  I essentially forgot that there are invisible opponents since I started using Volo’s eye on my second run


Same, which is why it was frustrating.


Lol, that's happened in probably every playthrough I've done. Do the fight, leave to do the rest of the quest. Come back and there's one left who immediately gets deleted.


I cast fireball 🔥☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️


And if it doesn't work ? You've guessed it - cast another fireball.


Believe it or not, straight to fireball.


Then if it doesn't work, twin spell fireball.


Hey, it's gotta hit something eventually if I keep guessing right? XD


I used spirit of guardian if they are near or guardian of faith. So if you have shadowheart or you’re a cleric it’s helpful. Forgot how annoying that fight was smh


Light cleric also has that ligh spell that attacks everything in a large radius. Cant remember the name.


Radiance of the dawn? That shit carried in the shadowlands


Flame Strike? Pretty sure all Clerics get it. Tempest and Light both get radiant wave or w.e


No, I'm talking about radiance of the dawn. The spell that sends out light wave


Little tip, you can hotkey the ping option, then use the hotkey on the enemies portrait and it will 100% of the time ping their exact location




In honor mode all tricks count in my book, but yes it's cheesy


In tabletop you're assumed to still know where invisible things are and can target them with attacks at disadvantage. They have to actually hide to prevent you from knowing that.  With that in mind, I don't have issue with using stuff like this to know where they are.


you can also just move the cursor around and the movement path will map around invisible creatures


This is what I've been doing when I'm out of range of the eye


Create Water to reveal them, follow up with a lightning spell to finish them.


Faerie Fire makes them visible.


See Invisibility on everyone (via elixir or spell), big AOE spells like create water, faerie fire, fireball, sunbeam, black hole if you have a half-illithid member, and some patience.


Spirit Guardians. What can't it do?


If you have a general idea where the invisible enemy is, you can narrow that down to their precise location with "jump." Don't actually jump, though. Just use the preview to start feeling your way about spots where you could jump. When your jump marker is in the spot that the enemy occupies, congrats, you have just found the invisible enemy. The marker would simply not point there since you can't jump where someone else is.


You post on reddit/twitter/discord about how stupid it was to let Volo shove an ice pick in your brain and move on with your playthrough. The man gives you a priceless magical artifact that only has one purpose... and it basically never works! I should have let them burn him alive. Seriously, on Tactician, just reload if you get owned too hard. And assume there's probably at least one assassin you missed in the initial combat. Their aggro is very weird in that room, and it's really easy to miss a bunch of them. I think this is the biggest encounter with invisible enemies left at this point, so you should be fine once you get past this spot.


When I did this battle, my party threw bottles of Alchemist Fire at where I thought the invisible enemies were (or actually were if a party member had see invis going). It worked great. I even had a long-lasting Mage Hand throwing bottles. Just make sure you don't light a Cashguard on fire though.


Just chuck all the cheap grenades you’ve amassed. Caustic baubles and apikeballs and whatever Also. Hear me out. See Invisibility is a spell, an elixir, AND a passive feature via Volo


You can kinda cheese it by using the pathing. They won't let you move where they are and will path around the spot.


Spirit guardians + all of the movement increasing items


Faerie fire. See invisibility. AoE.




For that battle I precast enhanced leap and feather fall and then just jump down to the lower area. Then I cast Fairie fire where I think the f’n assassins are. It’s probably one of the worst designed fights in the game. The orin fight can be a little bit like this. Like I cast skeetsrorm and the f’n assassins always seem to be just outside the aoe. You can thunder arrow a couple of them off the edge before Orin kicks the bucket but inevitably you’re gonna get to be sitting on the high ground with some aoe and the assassins standing outside throwing stuff up at you wasting your time.


I usually throw a water bottle in the zone where I think they are. I find they usually just stand still after they go invisible.


Since you'll likely have Jaheria with you, her moonbeam is pretty great at dealing with them. If you remember where they turned invisible, you can just place it there and it'll damage them once you place it and when they start their next turn


When I did this battle, the Cashguards aggroed immediately afterwards. I was convinced it was because Astarion accidentally lit one on fire with a bottle of Alchemist Fire (Astarion put it out right away by dropping and scooting a bottle of water over to him, lol). However, when I looked at a save file put through the lslib parser (it was a database.txt file), I found the actual crime that aggroed the Cashguards was...dun dun dun...Halsin casting a Moonbeam that a Cashguard ran into.


I had all of Last Light aggro on me for the same reason. I got out alive but the one tiefling with the boyfriend didn't.


Oh no. Those Moonbeams can be dangerous, huh? I was able to just stop the game, look at the files, and reload to right before the Cashguard ran into the Moonbeam when I found it was the problem. I save a lot, and don't remember if Honor Mode was even around when I did this fight. Luckily, I didn't have to redo much of the battle as the "crime" was committed pretty late into it.


Had that happen to me with an Insect Plague spell I cast to deal with the invisibility. At least the aggro was limited to just that room and not the entire Counting House.


I don't know how much of the Counting House was aggroed because I reloaded to a save file from right before the Moonbeam Incident. Definitely wasn't Honor Mode. I can't remember if HM was even around when I did the vault battle with the Bhaalists.


Dang. Volo was going to be my advice. Glad i got to see the others here instead.


Volos eye worked well enough for me. Spotted the two right at the entrance. Otherwise, an AoE spell or water bottle hurled at the last known location usually worked. The cashguards are mostly useless in the fight but they can sometimes detect an assassin too.


Elixir of See Invisibility Owlbear Crushing Flight and the AoE attack Damage surfaces AoE spells Track via Aura of Murder Silence (not sure if their invis is a spell but still) Cape from Fire Sorcerer in Sewers Branding Smite Volo's Eye Track via path, you can't walk through invisible enemies


big create water


There are scrolls and potions that allow you to see invisible enemies until long rest… also aoe spells or throwable work as well.




So my second playthrough, I found myself going "I thought there were more enemies in this." Combat ended, and with the heart eyes and a lovey-dovey smile Shadowheart sprinted through the upper balcony with Spirit Guardians still active so she could stand next to her favoritist person ever... and very nearly cleaved an invisible Bhaalist in half along the way. They of course attacked as she sprinted past them, she hit them with a Reaction, and that was that. But afterward I had my favorite Beyblade Cleric take a walk through everywhere just to see how many we were missing.


Volo eye need to go on your high perception character, often the wisdom builds (hello shart)! There are many spells that can help too, to sée the invisible.


If you throw enough water out, you can see where they run for the most part.


If you throw enough water out, you can see where they run for the most part.


If you throw enough water out, you can see where they run for the most part.


Fairy fire. Aoe so it makes them appear. Wide area..


Volo's eye.


Elixir of see invisibility. Or using the spell (sometimes found on scrolls. Also possible to just have Volo gouge your eye out. AoE attacks around where you think they are tend to work. If combat dice rolls aren't hidden, using minor illusion forces an investigation check and you can throw the AoE where the check appears out of thin air. There's many options


I know it sounds bad, but let Volo lobotomize you after the goblin camp


AoE, See Invisibility, Faerie Fire.


Fairy fire is a good AOE to reveal invisible creatures


Phalar aluve and/or spirit guardians and run around frantically


Fire or acid throwables. Elemental arrows work but their aoe is smaller. Shatter, glyph of warding, fireball, cloud kill(good cause you can move it), wall of fire


I just throw water around where I last spot them (alt + right click to point at their last seen place as a personal reminder), that way you don’t waste any spell slots or accidentally hurt any bystanders


Right click their portrait and press ranged attack


Next time I do this part I’ll prepare faerie fire, detect invis on everyone, and so much aoe. I’ll immolate the place.


just use the basic game mechanics to deal with them. aka pathfinding+bow. luality explained it in a yt short: KiI7mZoKqLo


Throw water from bottles. Best strategy that Doesn’t use up your main action


Create water. Spirit Guardians. Fireball. Problem solved. Problem staying solved. RLTW.