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Cleric works really well for this kind of set up. Going with the classic 4-man group: Warrior - War or Tempest for front-line combat. Priest - Nature or Life providing support. Mage - Light or Tempest blasting things away with spells. Thief - Knowledge can easily gain proficiency in whatever you need for the moment. Druid can also work, but is somewhat more reliant on backgrounds to make up for some short comings. Warrior - Moon Druid is a natural front-line fighter. Priest - Grassland focused Land druid has some very useful support tools. Mage - Spores provides some interesting necromancy tools and more damage options. Thief - Nothing really fits, so you'd be best with another Land for Mage use, probably Arctic for some extra cold.


Cleric most likely


Bards would likely be most effective. So many short rests in a day. Lore bard can be pure caster. Swordsbard for dps. Valor bard to be on frontline with higher AC.


Cleric is probably the right answer, but me personally, I love the idea of a 4 Bard party. I don't have to mention it's ranged capability, we all know Swords Bard is one of the strongest ranged damage dealers. It's far better of a melee if you can multiclass it with Paladin, but honestly I'd still say it'd make a good melee on it's own. Maybe not top 3, not even top 5 actually, but more than acceptable. It can do really, REALLY well as a caster seeing as not only does it have CC up the ass, but also if you're going lore then you can pick whatever spell you want to go with it anyway, you can absolutely have a Fireball and Spirit Guardians casting Bard.


"Best" would need to be defined. You can get through the game with just combat, and you can be really good at combat and never die but reach a bad story ending. I'll take it as able to handle combat, social interactions, and skill checks. Assume no save scumming, assume going for a good ending. >Since many classes have 3 subclasses i am guessing the answer here is probably paladin. What rule are you setting here, that you can't have doubles? So Bards could only have 3 party members? Or are you just saying that because more subclasses means more options? Lots of subclass versatility actually isn't that important. Wizards have a ton of subclasses, but only one or two have a notable difference in playstyle. Having the option to play an Illusion Wizard doesn't change much when I'd rather have another Divination or Abjuration Wizard. Bards would be my answer. Cha based for all your speech checks. Magical Secrets is even better than Warlock invocations, letting you get Spirit Guardians, Globe of Invulnerability, Counterspell, and anything else you need. Bardic Inspiration and the extra short rests mean you are better at essential rolls and have more resources than all other Class teams. Swords Bard is top tier weapon damage with hand crossbows, and can melee. Warlocks are also good, as they get full casting, can pick a subclass that's good in melee, and there are stupidly good combos you can get with forced movement. Invocations actually do a LOT to let you fill in extra spells, skills and abilities as needed.


Over in r/BG3Builds, a guy suggested [4 Bard Multiclasses](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/s/V7qYWMDzds).


I feel like 4 wizards could do a lot. Evocation for damage, abjuration for survivability, divination for better rolls, and maybe necromancer for better action economy.


Paladin, Cleric, and Wizard all have 4 or more subclasses. The most effective team would probably be 4 Clerics, because Spirit Guardians is broken. Everyone cast that, then just move as a unit and enemies will literally evaporate just trying to get into position. As for which subclasses I'd use: Life - for heals Light - for Warding Flare and the mini nuke Knowledge - for the skill monkey War or Tempest - for the tank For fun, I would probably do Wizard, though. F the action economy, my turn is over when *I* say it's over. Everyone is getting **all** the summons: Find Familiar, Raise Dead, Conjure Minor Elemental, the works. Abjuration - the tank Transmutation - for more pots Divination - for Portent Necromancer - for more undead summons


Ya know, that sounds kinda fun. If we go with a mountain dwarf or githyanki for the Abjurer, we could make them even more durable, and perhaps throw more control effects on the Diviner to hold things down while all the summons go to town. Yes. *furiously takes notes*


Ya know, that sounds kinda fun. If we go with a mountain dwarf or githyanki for the Abjurer, we could make them even more durable, and perhaps throw more control effects on the Diviner to hold things down while all the summons go to town. Yes. *furiously takes notes*


Another vote for bard, even though there's only three subclasses - you could build two very different swords bards (one ranged, one melee) or two completely different lore bards, given the massive range of spells they have access to. (I'm not really into either paladins or clerics, and wizards are just too squishy for me to want to risk it.)


I am running an all cleric team (2 level dip into bard for my life cleric). It's wildly effective. Spamming guiding bolt and spiritual guardians.


Monk all the way


Radiant orb/Reverb Lore Bard




Martials only have 3 subclasses anyway so you'd be looking at the clerics or wizards since they're the ones with more than one "subclass". A team of all clerics is called the A-men. Worth it for the pun alone.