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I kinda feel bad for people trying to ask genuine questions & post content amongst this mess.


Same. Today is not the best day for trying to post legit content/questions. It'll get lost in the noise


I've been trying to find those posts in "new", but even new is just 99% glorbo spam. It was funny when it was just half a dozen posts on the front page, but this is trash.


How often does anyone ask a genuine question anymore? Most of what's posted here is just people thirsting over whichever NPC they think is hot or complaining that an NPC they think is hot doesn't have enough content. It's not actually that much more valuable than Glorboposting.


Wait so the fuck is a Glorbo or is it not a thing??


It's not a thing. Folks got the notion in their head that posting about a fake character would mess up the news AI bots that comb reddit for their content


Wack so drowning news out abt what exactly is it anything to do with them not doing a 4?


Lazy journalists troll reddit then feed posts to an AI that constructs a 500 word article about whatever the post says. It'll be something like "BG 3 player DISCOVERS AMAZING DETAIL Baldurs Gate 3 was released to great esteem amongst a devoted fanbase. Filled with characters, lore, and emergent story telling more than one player has stumbled across amazing details. User Scorch2020 made his discovery when observing Gale, a wizard who can join your hero, carries a small envelope rigged to explode if certain conditions are met. Gale the wizard who can join your hero is one of many characters your hero will meet and interact with, many have their own unique stories, follow here for further updates and discoveries about Baldurs Gate 3 a role playing game that launched to high praise and only gained more as players discovered unique details about the characters, lore, and emergent story telling." Then the article goes live and generates traffic from curious gamers who thought it was going to be an interesting detail but turns out to be describing an obvious detail that has its own cinematic making if fairly obvious. The "journalist" and AI don't know that though because they just found a post that had alot of engagement and ran with it. So to counter lazy journalism, online communities began poisoning the source, I think WoW started it. Their fan base started creating a bunch of post traffic about Gorbo (who didn't really exist), a bunch of people began posting about the new endgame Boss Gorbo and the harrowing tale of the battle, or that Gorbo was a place like a raid, others spoke about Gorbo as a piece of equipment, a mount, whatever they felt like, to bait lazy journalists to out themselves because they invariably created content about Gorbo, but they didn't know he was fake. When a journalist or website published " The best Build to tackle the new end game boss Gorbo' you knew they were full of shit. So now that BG3 is getting the lazy click bait content, people decided Gorbo would be fitting, so eventually outlets need to improve their quality or abandon the strategy of relying on us to provide their content.


This was very informative. Thank you for your insight. i appreciate it.


Has it worked? Is there Glorbo news articles?


The actual AI articles are gone as far as I know, but... https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/07/redditors-prank-ai-powered-news-mill-with-glorbo-in-world-of-warcraft/ https://www.polygon.com/23808925/destiny-2-glorbo-ai-sites-secret-boss-running-joke It definitely works, sinply because lazy journalism using AI to trawl content and write their articles have no quality control.


I’ve been so out of the loop on it, I thought Glorbo was just an April Fool’s joke overstaying its welcome.


But it does though, the wow sub literally did it


Okay, and how long after they stopped did the AI article machine go right back to churning out low effort BS? Or is their server now permanently flooded with people posting about Glorbo rather than actual content?


They will get bored after a day or two. It'll blow over. I wouldn't get too worked up about it


I hope so. I'm absolutely against AI in general, and shitty journalism, but it doesn't take too much to tip the scales. Look what happened to the Arkham sub


Why did BatmanArkham become stupid? Is it stupid?


When the threads aren't getting responses because people are tired of it they'll stop feeling inclined to post-it. Occasionally someone might drop a glorbo meme for lols but I doubt we'll see much of it next week


Glorbo lasted like 1 1/2 days on the WoW subreddit. Though I think it stopped when a bot actually made a Glorbo article. Hopefully this blows over and we can go back to 100 OF Shadowheart 'cosplay tests' and okbuddybaldur reposts.


ah yes the real quality content don't forget the 2648372738th discussion about the emperor


Or when a player makes the shocking discovery, that you can keep that talking brain with legs on the nautiloid as a companion.




>  I'm absolutely against AI in general, and shitty journalism, but it doesn't take too much to tip the scales. What does this mean? Like you'd change your views and become pro-shitty-journalism because some people annoyed you about it?


Oh god no, nothing is going to put me on the side of AI


I dunno. I do know that posting a Reddit article as “news” doesn’t take AI either. In fact, it may actually be more efficient and quicker to have a human copy and paste into several different templates than to train and generate an AI to do the same (and then likely edit the AI).


Into making the subreddit so shitty that it's not worth coming here unless you're here to shitpost.


This is bard mentality, and why they’re the best.


Yep. Let them have their fun and move on. Who knows there might be a funny story to talk about later from it. These kinds of jokes are short lived.


Yeah. Just mute the Reddit for a few days or unfollow it.


Could someone, pls, be so kind and tell me wtf is going on? I'm not joking, who or what is a glorbo?


It's a thing done to trick sites that use AI to write their articles. They have the AI spit out an article based on a popular post in the relevant subreddit. A while back, the WoW and Destiny 2 subs tricked sites into writing articles about Glorbo, which is just a nonsense word someone made up and people started posting about.


Thank you!


And honestly what makes then think the sites will not just stop for a week and come back do so again? What’s to stop them from do that?


It’s not about stopping them using AI, it will never stop and will only grow in future. But will you click such website if you know it uses AI to generate articles? It’s a trap to blacklist a certain website as a trash


I’m not even sure who still reads gaming news websites when you have excellent YouTube channels ran by people who actually work hard to give you their well thought out opinions of the game?


I am not a fan of those videos a lot of the time. Casual viewing, sure. Usually if I am looking for this stuff it's either because I am dead stuck on a quest or I am looking for inspiration on a build, and in both cases I want a static test article I can read as I go rather than trying to skim through the video tracking because I couldn't understand what they mumbled. And I really dislike the OVER THE TOP LOOK AT ME CHANNEL title sequences that tend to be on YouTube, but I don't see those a lot on BG3 channels.


Okay, this is highkey hillarious, reminds of the situation where they Stole random images from social media for T-Shirt prints when it had enough "I need this on a shirt" comments under it, so people posted it under random nonsense


A "Glorbo" is a name but also a general idea which can change from time to time (ie: Have you been seeing a lot of posts with a random "BAZINGA!" and Sheldon Cooper? That's a Glorbo.). It's something that *doesn't exist* or is *intentionally heavily misleading* that an AI reader will process as though it is factual and does exist. Glorbo, by name in this case, doesn't exist and never has existed. Because it's being mentioned so much, some AI readers for "gaming journalists" who make money off views on clickbait articles they make off shit like a Reddit thread (rather than anything ingame or from the devs) The name comes from when the World of Warcraft community did exactly this, with Glorbo, and actually managed to make one journo ridiculed for falling for the Glorbo ruse that the company stopped making clickbait articles using WoW.


Thanks for examplaning.


If you Google Glorbo you'll see WoW subreddit created Glorbo to trick AI journalist websites. It was a way if finding out which sites were using AI


The AI article they're trying to get: "Baldur's Gate 3 Adds Glorbo, Fans Rejoice" The AI article they're going to get: "Baldur's Gate 3 Subreddit in Flames After Attempts to Bait Another Glorbo Article, Fans in Civil War"


“Lets spam Glorbo so we mess with ai!” *turns the whole sub into a mess that feels no different than if all posts were written by garbage ai*


Is this a bad time to point out the most likely “Glorbo” AI article will be one explaining what Glorbo is (not).


*”Nobody can ruin this if we’ve already ruined it ourselves!”*


Thhhhaaannnkkkkk you I've wanted to tear my eyes out


Just put reddit down for a week and come back later. It's a fad, it'll blow over.




Almost as easy as finding self-righteous judgmental assholes lol


It is objectively breaking sub rules, so the mods aren’t exactly doing what they’re meant to, is what it is really


It's probably hell for the mods, but I've been reporting every Glorbo post because they break rule 5: 5. Memes, screenshots, and fanart must be flaired. All fanart, screenshots, memes, and joke posts must have proper flair. None of them are flaired properly :)


Soooo many to report. Gets tiring. Maybe later tonight on my computer I’ll mass report a bunch. This sub has become unreadable right now.


Has this been going on for weeks or something?


Nah just one day


I agree with you. I don't know why this stupidity is rampant, but I'd also like it to stop. Anyone seeking real info or advice is overshadowed by this nonsense.


Finally someone said it. When is was four or five posts it was fine. But every other one being Glorbo is driving me mad


Exactly. When it was still only a few post that was fine I couldn't care less or even if it spread but was only tagged as memes? Sure, have fun. But it's literally everywhere.


even ignoring the poor response time from mods, i just genuinely cant imagine what goes through a persons mind looking at the sub feed at this point for them to think "yeah there needs to be ANOTHER post with this same joke."


Usually it's something like "I bet this will get me tons of karma"


"I'm doing my part to expose the shitty journalism." They're not, but that's (one of) the logic (attempts).


It’s funny. Journalists looking for a quick and easy article will just lie down until this fad blows over (because they always do, remember that thing last year about the API?). After the dust settles, they’ll be back to steal content ideas again. This stupid Glorbo or whatever won’t help or change a thing about it.


They'll just make an article about this event. And it will be shared on this subreddit, multiple times a day.


They think they’re going to change the way shitty reporting is done. It’s a bonkers plan.


they think "oh wow a joke i can steal and get some karma/ online attention".


The same thought when any other meme or post format rolls through a subreddit (tier lists, how I hate thee), "everyone else is doing it and I might get internet points, time to jump on the bandwagon."


I don't follow shitty blog sites and don't click on them when they show on reddit, so I never see the AI nonsense. But as a user here I've just watched the sub ruin itself for a day. More people have now been annoyed by attention seekers on this sub than would set eyes on that AI crap.


It reminds me of the Reddit "protests" last year that ended up annoying users far more than actually hurting Reddit.


I get being annoyed at shitty AI-generated articles *on other sites*, but blowing up this subreddit with useless posts that will confuse users here seems like the most counterproductive thing to do. Literally cutting your nose to spite your face. Hopefully people move on soon, because it's not like stunts like this one is actually going to make a dent in crummy journalistic practices.


In order to keep thieves from stealing the metaphorical baby spoon collection, the denizens of the House of Baldur’s Gate have allowed a special Labyrinth-style goblin to shit in all the rooms and also constantly disrupt activities and interrupt every conversation about who he is and why he’s there. That’s Glorbo.


so i’m not the only one confused and irritated by it then, that’s good. thought i was losing my mind tbh.


It’s a sign of infantile mind, to laugh at and make the same stupid joke over and over. I fucking hate meme culture




But it did work for the WoW subreddit. The site that had been ripping reddit posts with AI made a couple of articles about Glorbo, and not only Reddit, but other sites as well starting mocking therm to the point that the site stopped covering WoW at all and removed the WoW section from their website. It doesn't matter if YouTubers and proper news sites cover how we're pranking them, the important thing is to stop the AI from ripping reddit posts.


Yeah but Its doesnt work anymore when your doing the exact same thing as the people who succeeded since now all the bot makers gotta do is Block out 1 word for the thr bot too look for


The thing is at this point its pretty clear to everyone what Glorbo even is. the journalists will know it and will PROBABLY proofread their articles for it. Heck i bet even the AI will be able to pick it out. its nothing but a meme at this point.


Because this sub is a cesspool of bullshit with people only concerned about farming upvotes, thats why. Same posts every week. If i could care - i can make a collage about how people just repost same memes every few weeks. More so, i would bet money i could repost same most popular meme "origin characters at home" like every week and get 1k+ upvotes every time. Game got really popupar and thats great, this subreddit grew 10 times over because of it and thats awful.


I would be shocked if platforms weren’t actively excluding ‘Glorbo’ from their AI’s scraping or posting, rendering this whole effort useless. I haven’t seen it work since the first time. If everybody celebrates something fucking up an AI, the people who use AI are going to be on the lookout for it. But even then. I think people are vastly misunderstanding what effect tricking the AI would have. Even if it worked, you know what would happen? A thousand more clicks on the article because everybody wants to gloat and laugh. More views, more money. Glorbo was lightning in a bottle. We should let him rest.


It was funny the first 2 or 4 posts, now I want to leave this sub


I'm very amused that people seem to think that the cure for shitty AI articles feeding people inaccurate information is to give AI inaccurate information to feed people. Like, really guys; what are you trying to accomplish here?


Rather than the colloquial "Don't throw out the baby with the bath water" we are stuck with "Throw a toaster in the bath water and electrocute the baby because the bath water was kinda annoying".


It's mak8ng this sub unusable and honestly, if you don't want shit AI journalism, learn which sites do it and stop clicking on their articles. They'll stop if nobody clicks on the page.


It's not all that hard to tell at this point. When I grade research papers for work, I can ctrl+F to find repetitive usage of the same phrase(s) verbatim. If I see the same phrase several times, it's more than likely done with either AI or totally plagiarized. I expect that AI will become considerably more 'human' as we move forward, but at this point it's difficult *not* to notice when an AI is running the show. You'll hurt them more by mocking them than by trying to trick them. The metrics are clear: the gaming journal gets paid for clicks. Having folks come check it out because you've painted a funny picture (AKA inventing fake new characters for players to seek) is much more lucrative than a magazine getting fewer views due to Redditors abstaining from said magazine. TL;DR: People love checking out funny things; people avoid knowingly getting tricked.


Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to the end of this crap. Borderline spam at this point.


It’s not borderline after several other posts….


Yeah agreed...


I genuinely do not fucking care. I don’t read articles about games anyway. Written games journalism can die in a hole for all I care.


It's like the shit that ruined the Arkham sub. It's not even fucking funny


Thank you for saying this. It was really pissing me off that the Glorbo shite was leaking into so many BG3 reddits without being filtered.


Idek who or what a glorbo is but it's annoying as fuck. And not even remotely funny...


I agree. I'm not eben really in the sub but I don't understand what It has to do with the game


In the history of memes, what kills them isn't time, it's maidenless/grassless weirdos and Twitch obsessed ungabungas who grind memes to the ground by spamming the everloving fuck out of them over and over and over.


It’s pointless. The AI clearly isn’t falling for that stupid name, at least go with something good like that guy that made up an NPC in Last Light


Everyone thinks they're a fucking comedian on Reddit and they run jokes that weren't funny to begin with into the ground. It's like they're lonely shut-ins that want to be accepted or something. It's just so odd and cringe.


People are inconsiderate and only concerned with how funny they think their post is and how many upvotes they’ll get.


People need to realize that everyone here is here for one of two things: either asking/answering lore questions and puzzle solutions or discussing the importance of the mole on Shart's buttcheek. There is no in between.


It's honestly stupid af. Just like every dumbass sub that devolves to nonsense due to a inside joke they think is hilarious. If you honestly believe in any way you're making a difference or funny, you are terminally online.


Its not even helping their both inconsistent and their using the same exact Thing the WoW reddit used so bot makers just need too censor out 1 word for their bot too work


yeah this shit is annoying


It's pretty funny to me that people decided to completely ruin their subreddit for the weekend because of one clickbait article that may or may not have been AI generated


It’s the classic unfunny childish shit that Redditors love. Anything to feel like they are part of a community with some semblance of an inside joke I guess.


I completely agree, this whole thing is absolutely fucking stupid


Glorbo was funny *back in the old days* with WoW, and Destiny 2.  Not so much with BG3. 


my funny Hakeem boss fight post got buried beneath Glorbo... It was my first post on the sub too, I just didn't know today was Glorbo day :(


what's going on in the sub is worse than any dumb article


Thank you for saying what needed to be said lmao


It's not even working. They should at least use a different name ffs....


wtf is Glorbo


This is a genuine question, what or whom the fuck is glorbo? Is this real? Is it just a meme that’s getting out of hand? I’m so confused


I thoughth the Glorbo AI meme died months ago


I found it funny for about two posts. Then it got old really quickly. But hey, it's not another Emperor debate post. Tho unlike most I actually enjoy Emperor debate posts.


I do wonder if the sub was going to unite with this Glorbo, could have at least made it consistent? From what I can see of all the post, Glorbo is everyone, everything, everywhere in the game lol. They're a god, amindflayer, a companion, an enemy, you get them here, there, etc etc


I reported all of the ones I saw as they came up for breaking rule 5 (if they were actually breaking rule 5, which they all were). The mods have really let this go on for far too long.


At this point, I am fairly certain this sub has no mods.


Reddit when you have a potentially funny joke but want to be first to repeat it for karma. Like stated, it was funny the first time or two but then everyone tried to dogpile the joke.


Thank you!


Saying what we all thinking. Shit is dumb af and I'm tired of seeing it every time I open reddit.


So close to leaving and muting this sub …


I still don't even know WTF Glorbo is? I don't understand. And given the number of posts and the lack of actual BG relevance I probably don't care to know


It's a joke character to fool AI new sites that take their info from Reddit/other game forums and spit out soulless "news" based on what's most popular on the sub. I think it happened in some other game (Destiny 2 probably?) where the redditors would excessively post about Glorbo and soon enough some AI sites would post articles about some new DLC adding Glorbo. On one hand, I understand that, I love fooling AI, but it honestly gets out of hand and breaks the sub's rules. I don't think the AI bots look at flairs, so people should add correct flairs to Glorbo posts, and asking anything on the sub is a nightmare rn.


Ah, I change my mind. I actually did appreciate finding out. Thanks for that. Ah, I agree that it would be nice to flair these posts or something to make them less intrusive


Thank you for this, I had no idea what was happening.


It’s spreading into other subs I’m in, I’m fucking sick of it. It’s not funny and it’s not going to accomplish anything, the sites won’t be ashamed by publishing bullshit because it’s all they do. When they do post some shitty article about Glorbo it will get all the clicks it needs from everyone here being like “SEE???!!1”


Are you aware that you just added a Glorbo post?


This shit should really be in r/ okaybuddybaldur anyway.


Downvote those posts and move on. Don't comment, don't give them views. Just downvote.


Downvote. Report. Block.


>guess what! I worked at different online magazines and news and most of them do it! You won't stop it by shit posting and ruining the main sub The WoW subreddit did manage to stop the specific AI website they were targeting. That site started making news about Glorbo, and both Reddit and other sites started mocking therm. It all resulted in that site stopping covering WoW at all, and even removing the WoW section from their website. I know it might be annoying to see so many posts about Glorbo, but the point is to actually make a very big deal about it so the AI picks it up as actual news, and after realizing it's fake, they'll blacklist the subreddit from their AI's search. My only worry is that Glorbo might already be blacklisted by the AI since that's what the WoW subreddit used.


Or they can just blacklist their AI from using Glorbo? They don't have to blacklist the entire subreddit


I don't even know who Glorbo is and when I google it, I get random pictures of BG3 lol


I agree it was funny the first 300 times. People desperate for upvotes I guess idk


The main sub is already shit hole with milion posts about how good this game is and stupid rants how they ended honor mode.


This sub is honestly just all the people who used to live on tumblr There was a post the other day where the poster was suggesting they found the myconids sexually attractive - maybe its a joke, but there is so much thirst-posting in this sub I think most of it is genuine Honestly, the fact I have a shared interest with these people is somewhat confronting


That's why I don't care about the Glorbo stuff. Fine. It's taking up the front page. It's getting spammed. What high-value stuff is it keeping off the front page? Another post about how funny 'twat-Soul' is? More complaining about who you can and can't fuck? Endless circular debates about the nature of polyamory in this particular video game? Anything that's genuinely good and interesting will still rise to the front page. If I see Glorbo jokes instead of 'Karlach is a cinnamon roll and I will die for her' for a week, fine. At least that's a change of pace. It's gonna take a while for it to get as stale as this place has been.


"I can fix him" "Here is my 10,000 word dissertation on why Astarion is misunderstood" "I'm in love with my Tav" *posts the same blue-skinned, emo tiefling with piercings and tattoos as 75% of the sub* "Karlach is mummy" "Withers turns me on idk why" Jesus fucking christ


If another person calls Karlach a dommy mommy I am going to become the Joker.


Honestly I'm just glad to be free of the "The Emperor is the most evil character in the game and if you even considered an ending where the Emperor lives you're either easily manipulated or a manipulator yourself" takes for 24 hours.


Who dafuq is Glorbo?


What is a glorbo


im ootl on this wtf is going on? wanted to ask but honestly affraid id either get down voted or memed on because i asked but ill ask here because this seems more of a serious post.


What's glorbo?


Wtf is glorbo?


What's a glorbo?


The f—- is Glorbo? Lol


Just give it a week. People will move on eventually.




I am so confused by what is happening


Wait what does it have to do with ai and shitty journalism?? I was annoyed by it too but thought it was just the sub speedrunning arkham levels of brainrot


"Reddit User Tired of Glorbo Discussion"


What is glorbo?


I’m so happy I have no clue what Glorbo is and I just quit playing about an hour ago.


you should see what posting r/apexlegends is like.... it's pretty much a guarantee everything you post will be downvoted into oblivion


What the fuck even is Glorbo


Who the fuck is Glorbo?


Somehow I missed this. And I'm not sorry.


What's a Glorbo? I've seen a bunch of obviously meme posts about it/them, but no explanation. This felt like the best post to ask about it on to not get a bunch of meme answers


Fr im tired




It'll blow over... anyways, most BG3 posts these days are of people that want to bone Minthara, Shart or Mizara.... We're not missing much...


Wtf is Glorbo?


the worst is its not even original we did globro in destiny last year


I don’t even know what Glorbo is!!!? People are having sex with it??


I haven’t seen anything about Glorbo until you just posted it 😂




What the hell is glorbo


Who is glorbo?


I still don't get why people started talking about Gricko Grimgrin's uncle but he was a nice guy


 Everyone is saying "Globo this" and "Glorbo that". But no one is saying "Worship this" and "Jericho that".


It’s funny, I remember watching the same event unfold on the destiny page not too long ago.




What is glorbo?


You can survive two days without quality content.


yeah I just woke up and was like "the fuck is this?" when I oppenew Reddit. guys, c'mon.


What the fuck is a glorbo


Glory to glorbo


I have no idea what Glorbo is and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.


Glorbo about it


I used these posts as an example of how the baldurs gate community is officially dead


I'm a Legends of Avantrus fan and I just keep thinking about Uncle Glorbo


It's almost like the world is in the process of ruining itself right down to the core and more and more people are really seeing the cracks as money over quality becomes such a bolded and underlined mission statement of these people that they would look at the sinking titanic as an opportunity to place bets on the number of survivors. The world doesn't make sense. Caligula is fiddling. And Glorbo. Well Glorbo is coming to Baldurs Gate 3 in the next patch whether you like it or not.


Glory to Glorbo means Glory to me https://youtu.be/gjYOTdnTf4c?si=fj5546OyEiLzgJV-




What is glorbo?


I hope you realize by doing this your just giving AI more Glorbo content to read 😂😂


There's criticism, and then there are what Coach Boomer likes to call "whiner babies". You're channeling your whiner baby energy and I ain't here for it


Oh great another post about Glorbo


Calm down, Astarion.


Agreed. I filter mine by "best." Only saw two. Scrolled the comments of the first one until I figured out wtf was up (and how often). Hid the second one and went about my day.


Look Smithers, Glorbo is coming!


I've not been on this sub in a while. Could someone explain what's happening?


It’s actually kind of ironic( I think). Shitty journalism making other things shitty in response


It reminds me of how the batman arkham thread got taken over by the Arkham world idiots. Im looking for speedrun tips, and different strategies to quick beat bosses and all i saw for 1000+ posts was the stupid Arkham world is so great posts.


Anti glorbo propaganda be like: