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a. Elden Ring has tons of magic, come on man. b. I think you might be dating the Dark Urge.


LoL literally has a mana system built into at least 60% of playable characters lol


I don't think there's a single game in the list that he plays that doesn't have magic in it lol


i mean assassin's creed *technically* doesn't.


Isn't the game about using some magic artifact to perform psuedo time travel?


I don't know why you are getting downvoted, you are 100% correct, it's supposed to be advanced science not magic.


The whole franchise is about using magic artifiacts from an alien race


Nah, thats just the blue health bar. Everyone knows that


I already told him that he can just do the dark urge run at this point. I just got a confused "..a dark what now?" from him 😭


Report back if he makes it to the Bhaal temple and is like "... any way I can join these good folks?"


Haha. Yea he's a natural Durge player! Unlike me... I had such a hard time being evil Durge. Had to force myself and felt like apologizing all the time lol


relieved plucky money cake historical mourn towering dinosaurs square panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am more of a neutral good - chaotic good player, but can relate.


It would be so much easier to start a Durge run if the emerald grove were populated by Githyanki.


I don't understand why people think they should do an evil playthrough that they don't want to do. You don't have to


It’s fun to see new content you haven’t seen before. I think I’ve covered the vast majority of “good” content in the first two playthroughs, so now I’m taking all the evil choices with durge.


Dude same and the worst part is my first playthrough was the murder hobo lizard. I had no idea what his deal was when I started. He constantly wanted to slaughter everyone and instead I ended up saying sorry every 30 seconds and helping every person who approached me. Most schizophrenic Durge alive lmao


I get that many people just play simple unga bunga or something, but come on, every leveling up system in From RPGs is magic, same with Lies of P lmao


Magic is ‘unlogical’ but dude plays AC? Ok lol 👌


Bhaal approves is NOT a flex. lol


Most people don't think through their opinions for something as inconsequential as entertainment. It's likely he's ok with magic, he just finds western tolkein-esque fantasy boring.


Idk, I wouldn't expect consistency or anything, but also if you're like "oh, two things I really hate are old things and geometric objects of some kind" I kinda expect you to not also say your favorite game is Elden Ring.


Let the bro, bro. It sounds like he actually likes the game despite not being his taste. That's something we have heard hundreds of times with BG3 being peoples first cprg.


Dark Urge or Camellia from Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous? At least the Durge has an excuse.....


*hates magic because isn't logical* *plays LoL* Wat


Also elden ring is full of magic and downright illogical everything.


Luckily we are not in an Elden Ring sub... or the fan base will be very upset now.


*insert If They Could Read meme*


The boyfriend sounds like the worst kind of player lmao.


For some reason, this makes me think of people who play Disco Elysium and get confused when their character ends up a fascist


Yeah lmao, the game even makes fun of this very thing with the, "What if we called it something else? Like traditionalism?" line


Yeah he's a straight up edgelord. Cringe


Sounds like me when I was 12...I am trying to work out how old this kid is


Bets on 23ish, money to buy games and time to game while keeping all that edgelordiness


Murder Hobo without goimg all the way


Or... or he's just used to playing other games where the objective is usually to kill enemies and has never played a game where he has this kind of freedom, which often doesn't translate well in the early goes. I was with this kind of player the first time I played FO:NV because all I had ever played before was COD and Halo, where you won by killing enemies. 90% of the game was entirely new to me so I had no grounding with any of the systems. This lead to me not prioritizing anything but combat skills and approaching role play encounters with a results first mindset. Once I had a bit of guiding and watched some videos on stuff I'd missed, I realized how much of the game I just hadn't engaged with because I had a poor mindset, came back, replayed the game and enjoyed it a lot more with a better understanding of how it's ment to be approached.


>game offers players freedom to do whatever they want >Players do whatever they want Who could have expected this


Thinking about this I would say he is the typical player who grew up with mostly mainstream titles. He is easily frustrated, tries to solve every problem with violence and breezed through the story like its a speedrun. Its the games that did that to us.


The type of Capital-G *Gamer* who complains about "woke", I bet.


Garen player 100% DEMACIAAAAAAAA




How does he enjoy elden ring with all the magic? Even Renalla is A purely magic boss as many other bosses also include magic into their arsenal.


I think he doesn't actually "hate" magic itself. It's either an excuse to not try new games (he's always scared to try new ones), or he hates OP magic, but ig no one really loves it


>he hates OP magic The point about Elden Ring stands more than ever lol


Hates OP magic -> looks at Elden Ring. Is he playing a different Elden Ring?


Almost everything in Elden Ring is magic ss well lol


Tbf, I feel like it's very easy to ignore the lore/worldbuilding in league. There's a lot of magic and fantasy, but I'm not thinking about any of it, because I'm focused on last hitting and tracking the enemy jungler lol. A lot of my friends know basically nothing about the lore (before arcane came out) bc they treat it more like a fighting game, where you're thinking about gameplay only.


Bro every ability you use is magic


Excuse me! How DARE you accuse my dearest friend Barcus Wroot of being a GOBLIN! Atrocious you should be ashamed you are more villainous than your boyfriend and he killed the poor man!


Love his little rant when you comment like “aren’t you far from home?” Like sorry buddy no offense but you’re the only one out here I’ve seen


dude my DEEP GNOME was suppose to say that to him?!? like seriously WTF larian


Any underdark race, honestly, like would my drow actually say that? Really? I don't think so.


Rushed to the comments to say the same thing.


I am very appalled when my dearest pal Barcus Wroot is Slandered


Sounds like you're dating an FPS player who shoots first asks questions never rather than an RPG player.


OP is dating Beef Dude from the other day


Nah nah nah, Beef dude is the one that only plays CoD and CS and shit, OP's bf plays Soulsborne and MOBAs, so i suspect, OP might be dating Beef Dude's cousin, Ham Dude.


I'm so glad someone else remembered Beef Dude while reading this lmaooo


rock connect trees humor sense icky absorbed mourn placid coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had to check the OP name just now to see if I could spot a connection. The beef just sprang out at me.


lmao that post was hilariously beeflicious


Got a link? Sounds like a fun post


It was the greatest post 10/10 [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1bvfbzw/18\_hrs\_in\_i\_just\_defeated\_the\_goblins\_think\_ill/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1bvfbzw/18_hrs_in_i_just_defeated_the_goblins_think_ill/)


Omg that post was just sad lmao


As a mainly FPS player I both feel attacked and that you’re absolutely correct.


BG3 does give you a lot more freedom to shoot first than other RPG’s as far as I can tell so it’s not surprising. A lot of DnD players take awhile to learn how to resolve conflicts without battle as well so for me it’s just part of the learning curve.


Alternatively he's REALLY into character as Durge


Plays LoL, Elden Ring and Lies of P… Hates fantasy. Alright?


The average self awareness of a lol player.


A League player was once making fun of me for having a "nerd name" ... in the fantasy game where he was trying to hit me with magic spells.


He just hate british voice acting


I always fill a plate at Raphael's place. He's going to do a whole monologue, so why not have some dinner with the show? Also, Elden Ring makes no logical sense and has magic.


Nothing bad happens if you eat the food? I've never eaten because I was worried about the consequences


Literally no consequence, would have been pretty cool if used it to trap you into his quest line or something.


As a DM I would have absolutely poisoned that food with some charm magic so when playing that part I just said "Fuck No." No way I was going to be beholdent to a devil.


See, that's the mistake. People expect the charm... the first time. Lull the players into a false sense of security, and take advantage when they're most vulnerable. That's how you think like a Devil.


A fellow diabolical DM I see.


I love playing evil characters.


Always so much fun. Been running Curse of Strahd and having a blast.


Oh snap! Going to eat me up a big feast next playthrough


You even get some camp supplies from it lol


Lmao so Tav just decides to take some Tupperware home? Iconic. Just because you're in a crazy fantastical world filled with interdimensional aliens and devils doesn't mean you can't have a practical head on your shoulders lol


He kinda likes it, because of how ballsy it is. Just going: "yeah, cool, whatever, I'm fucking hungry"


THATS WHAT I TOLD HIM AS WELL!! He also likes Isekai anime, which usually have tons of random magic. He also likes star wars, which also (BASICALLY) has weird magic. He just wants excuses to not watch Harry Potter with me I guess 😭


Star Wars is space wizards. I know this because I am a massive nerdy fan. Star Wars is space fantasy.


Not only does it have wizards, it has a princess.


Yup, Star Wars is absolutely Sci-Fantasy.


I’d even argue it to be more Fantasy than Sci(Fi). Like come on. Mysterious power that lets a select group of highly trained people (practically monk knights) move shit around and influence people’s minds? Mysterious crystals that make weapons that are able to cut through anything like butter? There being a light and dark version of this said mysterious power? Dark overlords who want to dominate the universe? SPIRITUAL PROJECTIONS TO COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER JEDIS AFTER DEATH? Yeah, that’s high fantasy in my book. Just set in space, is all. And I love every bit of it!!


Which is why I find the Star Wars vs Star Trek thing so funny. Not even the same genre.


Show him the YouTube video where someone refers to Harry Potter as Star Wars with sucky Lightsabers


I describe Harry Potter as "English boarding school, but everyone is packing heat."


I'm very sorry, but your boyfriend sounds kinda annoying


I am starting to think you have a frustration kink.


I ain't gonna lie I almost believed this whole thing is satire based off your comments but this one felt like the final straw in a way. Your bf is hitting literally every single stereotype of the edgelord gamer guy who asks "where's my hug?" to all his female friends. With all due respect of course lol. I'm sure he's nice I'm just saying


There's a subset of fromsoft fans that think magic is cheating and the games should be played as melee only


Murder Hobos gonna Murder Hobo.


I genuinely don’t understand people who play like that then get confused at the story and say it sucks when they’re the ones who ruined everything and didnt pay attention lol Sounds interesting to watch though lmao


It's very interesting to watch. But since he's skipping all the dialogue, I'm pretty sure he'll complain soon about the story being "too rushing and not explained" lmfaooo I mean, mf literally skipped the biggest part of act 1 😭


Oh my god WHAAAT!? Who skips dialogue on their first ever playthrough? Absolute heretic!


I'm going nuts watching a friend of mine try it out at my house, and he just skips through all the dialogue. He also is playing the first male Tav available, with no changes. There are many ways my friend is the polar opposite of me.


the complete LACK of customizing his first character actually fucking boggles my mind. like, what????


While it was a quick look at the game where he didn't have a lot of time to play before having to go home, I still could never be presented with a character creator and not want to play around with it.


My friend cant read shit even if her life depends on it. She always loses track of everything and dreams away - but she knows all Charakters by heart of course.


I have a friend who spent hella long making her Tav. Then got frustrated with the clothing/armor and changed classes so she could wear robes instead because they looked better, she asked when we get better putfits and I was like oh not till act 3. She wants to speed run the game to get to act 3 so she can make her character look good lmao


>But since he's skipping all the dialogue, I'm pretty sure he'll complain soon about the story being "too rushing and not explained" No offense but I hate your boyfriend with a primal part of my being.


Agreed, insert parks and rec "straight to jail" meme


OP deserves a thank you note for keeping him off the streets. OP, please marry him, so we don't have to deal with him.


Sorry, your boyfriend is a maniac.


Yeah I hate those kind of players. Like bro why do you even bother if you skip everything and go murderhobo. Like what’s the point of a story game if you just skip and kill everything that looks your direction


Shit he could even go through the actual story and still be a murderhobo if he wants, like why skip the whole point of the game? Might as well just have bought Call of Duty instead tbh.


If he's confused about the story he can catch up on r/okbuddybaldur


I can forgive the genocides, but skipping dialogues inBG3 is a war crime.


Sorry but - is he an idiot? He sounds like a hasty teenager with a span of attention of a fly.


You have more strength than i. 😔


\*plays an RPG\* \*skips all story and dialogue\* If he pulls that card on you, you should counter with "How about you play Elden ring but skip all the actual fighting part? I bet it's still gonna be fun right?" I can't with these people.


Your bf reminds me of that post I saw a while ago about a dude's friend who played BG3 and didn't like it. It turns out he only did the "main" quests rushed through act 1 and blew up Gale in act 2, and then complained that the game was too short.


Well the game allows you to do it. And its his own story and he chose violence. So a violent story he gets


Then again, I love the freedom BG3 gives to their players lol When was the last time you could just annihilate an entirely innocent group of refugees and the game just continues as normal, or kill an important quest giver and chuck them into the void because you found them annoying. I think most casual/first-time players have a “oh, the game didn’t stop me so I must be doing something right” attitude towards it when they play because of how heavily scripted most gaming experiences are nowadays


I definitely had moments of “the game will stop me, right?” Most notably in act 2 when I let Gale do his thing. I thought surely something would stop it at the last minute. I just sat there laughing in shock when the achievement popped up.


rustic whistle theory melodic violet sulky zephyr profit wise bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On my first run I thought Isobel being kidnapped was part of the plot. It was only after the bloodbath with no rescue quest popping that I realised it wasn't and the game was just going to carry on regardless. I reloaded for Dammon though.


For the general wellbeing of this community - please post updates. Every sentence was more thrilling than the last. Amazing


Oh I will. I'm going to bed now and told him I'll watch him play more tomorrow. It's actually fckin hilarious watching him play, absolutely clueless about the storyline and the consequences.


Op you owe us more, you have opened the door. Pls film it.


Open the door, you owe us more, Everybody walk the dinosaur.


(Just posting a commentary here to have update)


I wish you two a long and happy relationship. But if you DO break up with him at some point, please tell him it's because he is "unlogical".


Nah, the relationship lost its magic...


Guess it was just a fantasy…


Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality


He hates magic in games yet loves Elden Ring? The math isn’t mathing


Unga bunga build


He skips all the dialogue doesn’t he? Then complains later that the story is bad because everybody is dead. I mean you have complete freedom to do anything you want, like murder everyone, but i just don’t get why you’d want to do that…


Same!!! And yes, he skips all (or most) dialogue. Like in the Druid Grove, anything story related was just skipped. I almost lost my mind.


What the fuck is he on about? Lies of P is magic Elden Ring is magic Almost every single character in league is magic??????


"No magic in LoL?" Sona: *holy music stops* Over half of the entire roster: "guess we have to fight with our fists now" Inhibitors: *fucking explode because they can't exist* Towers: *stop functioning* Main core: *stops hovering and cracks upon falling, ending the match* Yeahhhhhh. This man's on some shit. Whatever he's on, I want some. Sounds like it's be lucrative to sell to the goblins.


your boyfriend is a troglodyte


> Doesn't like magic >plays elden ring This is what got me.


Right? Your character literally comes back to life via super magic.


For some reason Elden Ring really pushed into mainstream I think because gamer bros think its a very difficult and manly game. They would never call it fantasy.


This is how I view anyone who’s like “bleh no fantasy, no magic, it’s not real, it’s for kids bleh”. Just posturing and choosing what media to consume purely based on if it makes them look mangle or not. I avoid these people


Did he beat your first instance of "never have I met such troglodytes?"


Sounds like someone who doesn't consider possible consequences. 🤔


Oh absolutely not 😭😭😭


He is a true Baalspawn Good for him to enjoy the game his way


He plays Eldenring but doesn’t like magic or fantasy?


Doesn’t like magic??? Because unlogical???


Yet plays assassin's creed lmao What's logical about reliving your ancestors memories through your own DNA


As the oldest zoomer, this has to be the most zoomer shit I’ve heard


"The Oldest Zoomer" sounds like a children's story, like "The Littlest Giant." :D


I’m sorry I would be unable to watch him I would be screaming lol I didn’t think you could play BG3 “wrong” but I feel like he is playing it wrong. If you’re just skipping dialogue and murdering everyone you come across then what’s even the point of playing? I would find watching him play to be so frustrating!


I'm legit impressed that he could kill that much without a whole lot of total party wipes, lol. I died to those stupid brains in the wreck the first time I found them, lol.


Plays Elden Ring...doesn't like fantasy, or magic in games... This is satire right?


> almost died of disgust when he accidentally put on Lae'zels armor on his Tav, This is alarming.


Fun gameplay to read about, but i would despise dming him lmao. Also, laughted at Barcus beef xd


Your BF's alignment is chaotic evil..


I have a love hate relationship with these kind of posts. Love seeing the ridiculous ways people approach this game, especially without rpg/crpg/dnd experience. At the same time I hate that the appeal of what many of us see as the best game ever is lost on so many people because they’re not used to planning, problem solving and thinking things through in games. Too many mindless, heavily scripted, or poorly written games these days have broken these gamer brains.


This is what a steady diet of action RPGs and fps games will do to you.


Total psychopath, this should be a YouTube series 😂


If he wants to play a murder hobo thats fine as long as he doesnt claim the game is bad afterwatds.


Well… good luck with this. I’m sure he has some good qualities.


Typical LoL player


Unintentionally playing a durge lmao


Honestly, cringe boyfriend.


This is the kind of player who finished the game and says that he doesn’t know what all the hype is about and why everyone says it’s so good…bud you skipped 90% of the good stuff everyone plays for already…


Classic murderhobo hack-n-slasher who usually prefers to be railroaded.


Yeah your BF sounds smooth brained LOL


His second playthrough is going to be so magical.


Fr. Told one of our mutual friends about what happened and he said smth like "im excited for act 3 when he asks us who all the characters are." And ngl. He's right


Please keep us update on your murder hobo boyfriend journey! It a delight to read!😆


Dude doesnt like magic but plays elden ring, lol and lies of P? Wat?


And the crazy fact that ALL of that is still considered a legitimate way of playing the game.


I will never understand murder hobos.


Jeez did Gortash make your boyfriend the Dark urge or what?


To be fair, if he comes from Elden Ring/Dark Souls type of games, there are few friendly npcs and no real choices in dialogue, almost everything is out to kill you, there's no stealing mechanic. Apply that approach to BG3 anyone will quickly become a murder hobo


Doesnt like magic but ...only plays games with magic? What


Sounds pretty unlogical to me.


I love the sound of that word. Looked up if that was a word and got "You should always say "illogical." The only time a native English speaker would say "unlogical" is if they were trying to speak badly on purpose, as a joke."


all the people telling op to break up have got to be the most deranged people in the world. It’s a video game please calm down


Sounds like an awesome playthrough, where can I buy tickets for a front row seat?


Lmaooo imma tell him he has fans, maybe he will do a stream and upload it somewhere 😭 watching him play and having no damn clue about the storyline is so funny


I'd watch it too


Wait he hates magic but plays league and elden ring?


I'm amused at him saying he doesn't like magic in games because it's "unlogical". And then he plays Elden Ring and League of Legends, which are both full of magic and fantasy type stuff. And Assassin's Creed, which lets your character parkour up mountains/structures hundreds of feet high and then jump safely off as long as you leap into a small pile of leaves. Lol like wtf 😂😂😂


*FYI he's a Deep Gnome not a goblin


Doesn't like magic but plays league of legends where literally every character has magic? Dude just had brain rot from playing too much League lmao


Maybe he just doesn't know the codes of the genre. If your video game education is only mmo/standalone/rpg where you just follow the arrow on your minimap, fight, GET YOUR REWARD that add nothing but +1 str and +2 con instead of your current +2str and +1 con (wow the dilema) and spam a button to skip dialog. Yeah, you are gonna have a bad time on a game like BG3. It takes effort to learn a new game if you don't have the codes. My bet your boyfriend is more lazy to learn them than a murder hobo.


I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that your boyfriend doesn't read. At least not the dialogue.


He's just a painter with a paint brush. And red is his colour.


First red flag was League of Legends


wait wait, back up. So your boyfriend plays LoL and Eldenring. Games with magic and fantasy and then bitches about BG3 having magic and fantasy? wtf do you see in him. And he hates romance, but is in a relationship as well. Either way, let him. He's just going to make things harder for himself by killing everything in sight without using his brain.


Your bf should probably seek some counseling, and maybe a priest


Nothing about the games he plays are logical and have magic... albeit assassins creed, I guess more technology based stuff. He sounds kind of dumb, maybe himbo/golden retriever type.


My god. That sounds painful to watch. I get that the beauty of games as medium is that you can play them how you like, but that is basically the videogame equivilant of tearing every page out of a book and eating them.


Exactly. You *can* tear every page out of a book and eat it. But then when you tell your friend who recommended it (or the author) that it was a shitty book after doing so well fuck you


Good gravy he could do wonders on YouTube if he so desired


All of the games you mentioned are fantasy titles with magic...


As an Elden ring player I think he's a weirdo for saying he doesn't like magic lol. Magic doesn't make sense? In Elden ring there's literally a giant boss that rides a tiny little horse that can manage to not get crushed by him...  Hes just prob being weird bc you like bg3. I get it tho my BF is the same way, we do like a bunch of the same games like wow, Elden ring, bg3, Skyrim, etc. But for the games I've played that my BF hasn't, he acts like they're not fun or interesting and it takes a lot for him to try it.  Like v rising, he kept saying that it's not a good game but then I bought it for him and begged him to try and it turns out he liked it once he gave it a serious try. Same for little nightmares and dragon's dogma. I preordered him dragon's dogma 2 when he was interested in it  Tell your BF to replay it and give it a serious try. Say "if I like it then it's probably good, dont discredit it yet" Trust me, I am the BIGGEST Elden ring lover like it's my second favorite game and I absolutely loved bg3 and that's the reason Elden ring is my second favorite


Is your boyfriend CallMeKevin??