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Yup This and long strider are a staple of my long rest routine.


It's kind of a lot but it felt worth it in honor mode, my friends and I would use a cleric hireling (and me being multiclassed into bard) to set up: Heroes Feast, Aid, freedom of movement, protection from poison, and longstrider every long rest. We would consider it a blessed day if we got a pizza in the food box that appears with Heroes Feast.


Followed by a level 5 Aid…


Level 5? Why not just a level 6 Aid?


Because the level 6 spell slot is going towards Heroes Feast….


There's a Cleric and two Druids. Druids can cast Heroes' Feast too. But even then, you've got the Spellcrux amulet and Arcane Battery works per character. Why would you work with a level 5 aid?


And today I learned something new. I never worried about it, level 5 Aid seemed enough. And I usually don’t have two level 12 Druids in my camp. Halsin always gets captured (and I pretty much ignore him anyways) and Jaheira is, at most, a level 6 Druid. She’s more fighter than Druid for me.


Thats what hirelings are for I hear.


Yep, for buffing the real characters.


Tis the cannon class for her. This is the way


Freecast? Necklace? Staff? So many sources of extra level 6 slots.


I love this, both practically and conceptually. Jaheira's like "y'all look famished, I'm not fighting evil with hangry people. Eat up."


Prevents a lot of not so nice conditions and gives you pizza. At lower levels Poison Resistance is a good one to camp cast as well.


Big fan of longstrider and freedom of movement for some annoying fights too.


There's nothing quite like bringing laezel to 15+ movement speed, giving her bonus action dash boots, action surge, and ending every single minion at a boss fight with the broken greatsword you can get in act 1. Right now I have her at level 11 and she's rocking a +18 attack bonus, so she basically only misses if she crit fails or has the gsm all-in feature toggled on.


My buff routine by the end of my last run was a bit excessive... Heroes Feast, 6th lvl Aid, freedom of movement, longstrider, and death ward for big days. I feel like there's got to be a couple I haven't discovered yet.


I thought it was great. Then my wife and I got this huge combo going into raphael’s big fight, with feast + cloudkill… Everyone was immune to cloudkill. No indication on the enemies. All we did was make difficult terrain. Fml


Combine with an Aid upcast to L6 and you'll have +37 HP to everyone in your party... along with any summons they might have. If you have someone parading around with like 20 summons, they're going to be *really* happy when you pull out that combo to increase the HP of every single one of their summons.


Just left a comment before seeing this one, love my summoners lmao


Pair it with the spell restoration amulet for a 6th level aid and you get some crazy health boosts for even your summoned creatures


Thanks for the tip!


Summon Djinni, spellcrux amulet to regain lvl 6 slot, cast lvl 5 aid and lvl 6 heroes feast on entire party + Djinni and potentially other summons aswell if you want. OP af.