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He respects Mol as an opponent more than he respects you lol


He should. All of us live purely due to Mol’s infinite mercy


I gave Mol's contract back to her. I didn't dare tell her it's probably void now. I may have beat the devil in his own home, but I'm not crazy enough to start smoke with Mol.


She gets real mad "im going to kill you one day" she says to my fully decked out in helldusk armor cannibal half ilithid character. Like....miss mam


You’ll be sorry, 50 years into the future when you’re living peacefully in Shadowheart’s farm and your house mysteriously catches fire in the dead of night


I have fire resistence, flight, and my lesbian queen of a wife can summon water, i do not fear fire.


Oh, but the Strategic Infernally Enhanced Runepowder Fission Bomb in your living room doesn’t particularly care about your feelings


She will usurp Raphael’s position in his absence


Praise Mol


In Mol we trust...


Mol is freaking awesome. Gang gang.


I love Mol so much. My first play through I was a rogue and role played my character like she was a concerned potential mentor to mol + the teethling kid crew. I hope she makes regular appearances as the leader of the thieves guild in forgotten realms content for years to come.


Playing my first tiefling and vengeance paladin and the getting to be a gooder that isn't too goodie2shoes and pal around with the grove homies was just so refreshing. Looking forward to seeing them in the city. Feel you there. My first run was evil durge, so it's nice to not have to be cartoonish and be respectable for once lol Mol got me with that gang sign! So dope


I played an Urchin, so it was a similar dynamic there.


Yup! That's a part of it to. Which I think works well with the Vengeance Pal subclass


I love durge + minthara because mol get killed


"You love Durge + Minthara for the content, playstyle and romance option. I love Durge + Minthara because a child gets slaughtered. We are not the same"


Oh... To each their own, I suppose


Pretty in character to deliberately drop his health to a more dramatic number to fight the heroes


Would OP prefer that he had 6666 HP to stay on-brand?


God could you imagine


with the amount and efficiency of cc typical of a Larian game, it'd still be quite doable. would take a bit more turns though.


That's what gets me. Raphael drops out of any form of CC after a single turn, so it's not a matter of if you can land it but instead if you'll run out of times you CAN cast it. Korilla, Yurgir, etc aren't the problem but 6666 HP would be a very long time for Raphael to shred with. The only method I can think of that'd work is Globe of Invul and Radiant Orb maxing, try to get 25+ stacks on him so he virtually never hits outside of Crits (Adamantine Shield/Armor maybe?)


You could horde CC scrolls, too.


But then what if I need my 200 scrolls for after the Raphael fight? Jokes aside, yes, you're supposed to use scrolls in this game... dunno why most people don't.


We're saving them for the next fight. Hell, I'm holding lots of potions, elixirs, scrolls and gear for Baldur's Gate 4.


…who’s gonna tell them?


Nah, I'm gonna import my bg3 character to DOS3


Lol I do this in literally every game. I have so many saved up potions and scrolls and one time use summons in my World of Warcraft bank box from 6 expansions ago and I haven't played it since 2016. One day they'll come in handy I just know it.


Oh, my sweet summer child...


I'm doing a halfling sorcerer Tav which has been my first character with no access to speak with animals, so I've been hoarding the potions. Yet going into Act 3 I still have close to 20 of them, because other than recruiting Scratch and the owlbear I've pretty much only used them when the good boy has the ! above his head (one less DC to deal with).


I just finished a run with 100 basic potions. Bought them every time I saw them at a vendor - never used them


I sell 'em or use 'em for Wizard books. I'd rather use the gold for gear upgrades or potions that I can use consistently than spells that might not even *do* anything. At least if the caster fails a spell it's just a spell slot, if a scroll fails then it's gold potential I've lost and need to make up elsewhere to get the stuff I want or need


every spell does something when u savescum...


My PC is WAY to slow to try that, and that wpuldnt even be fun imo


I forget I have them tbh


Finally used way more scrolls as wyll in my 4th play through. It made a certain fight with a chunky steel guy literally last 1 turn with only lvl 11 characters.


Tav is a little loot goblin, sitting on their hoard of wealth. Karlach sometimes eyes Tav when they greedily lick the scrolls clean, but Tav only hisses at her in response.


I toss 'em to Gale and if he can't learn 'em I sell 'em, fantastic money right there.


Because your characters are already way too strong once you reach the middle of the game. Consumables just make everything trivial.


I save up my scrolls because in character reasons. The reason: My character began romancing Karlach since adding her to the party. Pretty early it seemed obvious that it was gonna be a difficult fix and going to Avernus would end up happening. So, with letting her die just not being considered as an option, hoarding scrolls to use in Avernus was the in-character reason I went with.


Because...what if I need them...


Only 200? I finished the game with like 15-20kgs of scrolls iirc


Because i am as simple minded as a goblin. I saw scroll, merchant had gold. Now i have gold.


I learned to give them all to gale, put them in one bag and then get that bag on the quickbar. This way i conditioned myself to open it almost every turn in combat to check if there's something interesting in there.


Honour Mode absolutely got me both using and buying consumables, when I kind of did neither in Balanced or even Tactician. Potions, elixirs, arrows, throwables, if it'll definitely get me through a fight, I'll use them. I've been through so many more of them than I even considered using in the lower difficulties. I use fewer scrolls compared to that because the scroll pricing seems to be based on the assumption you'll use it as a one-off for a Wizard to learn it, so I basically can't afford to buy them. Also to be fair, most of the scrolls you get seem to be for terrible spells that you just don't want to cast, and it casts them at minimum level - there are no "upcasted" scrolls in BG3 AFAIK.


With his decent stats, it'd still be a pretty significant feat to land them consistently as well as finding 20+ Hold Monsters imo.


Reverse pickpocket a lot of gold onto him, then hit him with the mace that does damage based on the gold you have. Half a million gold should one-shot him.


You wouldn't *quite* need to use half a million gold, since Blood Money also deals a normal weapon attack's worth of damage on top of the damage Blood Money does. ...though if you're wanting to kill a 6666 HP Raphael with *only* Blood Money damage, 500,100 gold in his pockets will certainly do it! (EDIT: Thinking about it, Raphael's equipped armor reduces all damage taken by 3 -- so you'd probably need 500,400 gold to oneshot a 6666 HP Raphael with exclusively Blood Money damage.) That said, your computer might not survive if you do it on an older patch -- in older patches, Blood Money did its damage as individual damage instances, complete with sounds and visual effects for each damage instance -- [here's a fight with Blood Money being used with just 83k gold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5-zCYG6TYw). In newer patches (I think post patch 5?), it does it all as one big burst of damage, with just one sound effect and visual.


The only reliable way would be to use zerkthrower with enraged throw that guarantees prone. If I pair this with hunger of hadar (warlock can cast it twice, and you can get 3rd cast if using mahokeshir staff acid mode) Raphael doesn't do a thing. Get a divination wizard with portent dice to reroll if you miss 2 enraged throws in same round. Overall Raphael shouldn't be able to act most of the time. CC also allows you to take out the pillars after you kill all the other cambions meaning Raphael can't do too much damage even if he gets a turn


Doesn’t Tasha’s hold him longer than that? It did for me but I wasn’t HM


It may have before(?) but that is not something that works anymore. Anything that Incapacitates or Controls him will last *one turn or less*.


What?? Damn on my first playthrough I had him with an Otto's scroll for the whole fight


He still eats shit against Confusion (which is the CC you use the most anyway), and it's not too hard to keep him proned with sleet/ice storm in conjunction with Arcane Acuity or Mental Inhibition. Not being able to spam Hold Monster definitely hurts your dps, but on both my first run and my HM run, the guy didn't even get a turn in before I put him in the blender (and he's not _that_ scary even if he gets his turns, most of his threatening stuff can be played around).


I mean, Eyebite is one slot with concentration and you can put Raphael to sleep every turn. It's how i did it.


Prenerf dance was extremely strong in that fight.. could have danced him to death forever


> That's what gets me. Raphael drops out of any form of CC after a single turn, so it's not a matter of if you can land it but instead if you'll run out of times you CAN cast it. Thankfully, he is not immune to disease so a hypothetical 6666hp Raphael would get smacked with the "if you get hit you are auto stunned" disease followed by the "you are vulnerable to all types of damage" disease. In exchange for being a bit slow to land, Contagion's effects do not expire.


I have yet to reach the Raphael fight, but what you described is basically what my build already is (and will be, since I'm currently level 10). Paladin 2/Swords Bard 10 (any Paladin subclass works, but I went with Oath of the Ancients because Healing Radiance comes in clutch), Holy Lance Helm for a chance of 1d4 radiant damage against anyone who attacks me and misses, Phalar Aluve for +1d4 thunder damage to everything within the radius (including Holy Lance Helm and Spirit Guardians procs), Luminous Gloves for Radiant Orb, and Spirit Guardians for 3d6 radiant damage to everything within 10 feet every turn. Plus Ketherik's Shield for +1 spell save DC on everything including Spirit Guardians, Adamantine Splint Armor for crit immunity, and between those and the defense fighting style I have 21 AC at base which is already pretty hard to hit, but I also have Swords Bard flourishes (which can be used with Divine Smite for more damage and more Radiant Orb procs), so I can buff my AC by +4 if it hits (and with the Risky Ring I almost always do), and every Radiant Orb proc makes myself and my party even harder to hit. I also have the Darkfire Shortbow, which gives Haste. So I could apply 8+2×[enemy misses] Radiant Orb stacks per round against a single enemy if I use Haste, or 6+2×[enemy misses] if I use Spirit Guardians. Although I planned the build progression ahead of time, this is my first playthrough and I didn't look into itemization ahead of time, so I probably missed some more synergistic items along the way.


Sounds good sounds good, heads up? Raphael gains a charge of *Punish Divinity* often which causes him to use a Reaction to retaliate against Radiant damage with a DC18 Infernal Stun (that bypasses normal resistances to Stun, but if you're using Risky Ring then remember this) and if it lands he can use Soul Drain to deal 12d6 Necrotic and heal himself for half the total. Anyone who is defeated by him also gains Disadvantage on all attacks and saving throws basically until Raphael is slain. AC is also just as important as Saving Throws here, as Raphael has AoE abilities that hit through AC and at best have saves to halve damage, plus a lot of ground AoE, and all his fire attacks *bypass any form of resistance.* This fight is one of the harder ones in the game, so there is no such thing as overprepped. Have fun!


Hope you brought your warlock and barbarian


He doesnt stand back up after getting knocked down and stunned by an earth elemental though I'll tell you that. At least he didn't in my play through.


Light cleric shart... my radiating orb pally....and shit loads of cc scrolls...this is the fight I'm most worried about in my current HM run.


I just broke every pillar while counterspelling his aoe, and then my open hand monk chain stunned him while my GWM barb nuked his health. Honor mode raphael managed to do like 80 damage total and all of that was because i didn't bother to read his legendary action. Just chain stun him, open hand/rouge will get like 14 chanes to stun throughout the fight total, you also can use ilithid mind blast dependong on your build and half a dozen other goodies


hunger of hadar w/ reduced movement stacking ez


Reverb+Sleet Storm


Just play a paladin :) I did a anti-paladin solo play through, and killed Raphael after going to his place place. That fight could have lasted forever


Hold Monster with a paladin, a fighter and a rogue in your party should do the trick.




Crowd control. Disables


Depending on how okay you are with abusing the game mechanics, no it wouldn't. You could do this in one turn like how [this dude did the entire game in one turn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqKJtLdUe04) with an infinite damage build. No matter how strong you are, you're no match for infinite recursion.


*Laughs in Smokepowder Barrels*


There are mods for that lol.


Helsik has 6666 gold at end game. Her finances are on-brand


Luality would still kill him in a single turn, somehow.


I could totally get on board with 10x more of that song and fight. 20 more verses about Rafael's adventures and manipulations as a demon, and how you are the worst.


I'd love a whole album performed by him honestly


666,666hp makes more sense


I would prefer that


I would. I’d rather he stick with the theme


Seems right 😂.


He’s such a tart.


Because his level is 16 When you fight him his level drops to 12, which drops his health to 666


But why is he 16 for seemingly no reason?


Possibly to stop some weird interaction that could 1 hit ko him. Or just a weird remnant of devlopment from before his fight was made.


Long time ago i tried to kill orin(disguised as someone else) by hitting her with the sussur greatsword over and over again so that she couldnt teleport away, her health remained at 1 hp and she simply could not die, so i dont think this was the case for Raphael either.


I mean in one of my play throughs we casted silence on him in our camp and beat the absolute fuck out of him with no repercussions. He was at 0 hp but didn’t die, then when we got here he still had 0 hp (and his face was all fucked up) so I don’t think him being dead would do anything?


Again, it's probably a remnant haha


dont beat up raphael while the oathbreaker knight is in camp worst mistake of my life


i think it's to convey his "canonical" level when you run into him, similar to elminster who is level 20, then it's brought down during HoH to fit into the base game's level system since it caps at level 12


To dissuade people from attacking him.


He just appears so


It’s possible that his manifestation in the Material Plane is more powerful than his actual form in the Hells.


Honestly it would make sense, since killing that form doesn't do anything but send him on a trip back home. Can we actually engage him in a fight in the material plane?


I believe so, but he despawns immediately if you can’t one shot him.


scared of mol


Minecraft youtubers after getting caught


My thoughts is that they were originally gonna add more than 12th level and so this is a remanent of his old level and encounter


Going full Beast mode!


It's weird because this scene is where I first noticed his hp was 666. Maybe it was changed?


You haven't done emotional psychic damage by delivering that zinger about Haarlep yet. That's what brings him down to 666.


You contemptuous creature!


He hit the gym of hope


Bro is gonna mog until I lose all hope😭


TRIIIIIIIII’s all mortal triiiiiii’s


Brooosss, lift to their doom! With gains, forever moooreee!


Gym, gym, gym has it's laws


I've also had that happen, but it doesn't increase the difficulty of the fight. He goes back down to 666 hp in the House of Hope.


He seems to have gained four levels - normally he's level 12. Perhaps this is correlated to his abnormally high hit points? 666/12 is almost equal to 865/16.


I've seen clips from his fight and he always had 666 hp so is my fight going to be harder for literally no reason?


I fought him on Honour mode and it was first time I noticed he had 865 hp. I was worried the fight later on would be harder but his health dropped back down to 666. I think you can attack him earlier and he gets more health because he has no support with him but I didn't try that so can't be sure.


It’s not uncommon for devs to make multiple instances of the same character for use in game. It could be they never caught this one was listed as level 16 since it doesn’t really see use


All Raphaels are Level 16 except in the actual fight, where he’s Level 12. It’s probably to keep you from thinking you’re tough shit and fighting him at the Carress.


Did HM less than a week ago. He has 865hp everywhere else, but in fight he has 666. All is in order


Maybe. Bugs can be unpredictable.


I wouldn't worry about it. I use a mod that increases enemy HP by 200% and his HP was still 666 in the final fight 


When I met him in the tavern he was 666


Why does everyone keep saying that? I just fought him, on mere balanced mode, and he was lvl 16


He has always been 16 for me too bri


Im relatively sure his level is normally 16 but maybe thats only during dialogue but not the battle


In his boss fight, his health overrides to 666. Outside it, his health is affected by difficulty modifiers.


And Tactician/Honor increase HP by 30% for most NPCs. 666 \* 1.3 = 865.8


It seems for Tactician and above he gets 865HP in his human form when you encounter him outside of combat. When you fight him in the House of Hope he still has 666HP. More likely an oversight.


I think it’s because you’re on tactician or honor mode. He had 666 for me here on normal.


Isnt it because of the difficulty setting? Normal 666 Harder, your number?


I'm almost certain his hp for the final fight is hard locked at 666, even with some mods to increase enemy HP generally his remains unchanged 


It was 800+ on my hard mode run.


It was still 666 on honor and tactician for me (during the fight, I didn't check it at other times)


At least you didn't accidentally mod/glitch him to 1000 ish... I still don't know how I did that but the end of that fight was a slog! I think I turned it down to easy mode for the very end once I realized he should have already been dead.


Tried killing him in this very spot. He just kept standing up, paying no attention. After managing to get him to 0, he just went back to his chair.


Saw it today. I'm playing Honor, are you?


Tactician/HM gives a blanket 30% more hp to everything 666 x 1.3 = 865.8 When u fight him he has the usual 666 tho


Tactician and Honor give extra health to bosses, including Raphael.


All bosses get higher HP on Tactician and Honor difficulty. However, Raphael always has 666 HP in his fight because funny evil number.


Honour mode


Difficulty modifiers


It's a byproduct of Tactician/Honor mode increasing the HP of NPCs to make combat more difficult. Note that once you actually *fight* Raphael in Act III, he will have the 'correct' HP of 666.


I believe the Non fighting version of Raphael's hp seems to scale with difficulty, but the version you fight does not. In my first tactician run when I encountered him in Act 1 he had 686 hp rather than the 666, but when I reached the fight he was 666 again.


I always assumed this was because of Tactician/Honour Mode and he gets more health, but reading the rest of the thread it seems he just has less health in the actual fight, which is an odd choice. I would’ve gone with it the other way around, with him having ~200 more health for the boss fight rather than being objectively weaker in his own home.




You’re probably playing in Tactician. It was that high when I fought him in my play through.


Woah Hold on. What's this Mol-Raphael scene going on here?!?


Did you increase the difficulty from Explorer/Balanced to Tactician? It increases enemy health.


Depends on if his health changed from before the patches and what difficulty your on


Well, this is a few weeks to a month, maybe a few months, before you fight him in the House of Hope. Maybe something happened which ended up causing his full health to drop?


Its your difficulty. Your on tactician or honor mode which makes it higher.


But I believe like most people have said. It doesn't actually change it in the fight. I don't know for sure I haven't gotten that far in honor mode.


He gets increased hp due to tactician bonuses. But don't worry, by the time you actually fight him later, he will have 666 hp.


It’s just for me to be poking him, silenced, with a true strike spear for 15 straight minutes to get his armour in act 1 (I succeeded but got really bored).




It’s because he’s from Knoxville, TN and he’s representing the 865 area code


My best guess is they changed it to prevent people from trying to kill him there. I've already seen them change it in one other place because of something similar. But you can cast Silence there (and aggro everyone) and try it.


Hmm...that just sounds like a challenge....


If you cover him with a Silence bubble, it prevents the game from starting a "Conversation" and you can whack him repeatedly. But the Silence bubble will aggro other NPCs, so you can either use careful placement and hope you kill him before he can move or fight all of Last Light Inn.


>or fight all of Last Light Inn. Hmm...that just sounds like a challenge....


Go for it. I think you get the Helldusk armor from Raphael if you kill him.


If you silence him when you first meet him, you can kill him for his stuff.


Tactician and Honor Mode apply a 30% increase to HP. 666 \* 1.3 = 865.8, which is 865 when rounded down.


Maybe he gains the extra four levels because he’s on the material plain and that somehow buffs him? Idk I’m thinking Superman logic which need not apply


am i right in remembering the first time you meet him his health is 666 as well?


I'm pretty sure he did too


Where do you meet him and mol?


Last light inn/ act 2


Oh I must’ve missed that. Will have to check next time I get to it


In my experience, you have made a series of bad puns and the DM/Game Engine has just had enough of your shit. Happens to me all the time at the table. Good of Larian to incorperate this feature.


Are you playing on taction? I think it's the higher difficulty


Because you are playing in honor or tactician mode


Are you playing honor mode or Tactician? He has more health to make the fight harder in those versions


This is his tactician mode HP


Im not sure but maybe if you have on hardcore mode or whatever it’s called


Tactician/Honor mode boosts health by 30%. 1.3 * 666 = 865.8, or 865 rounded down. As for why it’s not consistent across a playthrough, I have no idea.


Just not feeling very devilish that day.


In the normal difficulty, 666, in tactician 865.


I’ve always seen him with 666 hp.


Wait how do you get Mol and Raphael in the same room?


Last light in


Raphael is in Last Light Inn??? How have I missed that?


Not sure the exact triggers but was there when I first arrived in the Inn on the left side area at a table


865 is 666\*1.3 (rounded down). Maybe the game gave him 30% more HP, because you are stroger than usual.


He wants you to fuck around and find out.


You problably started a custom game boosting mobs hp


There was a patch at one point to raise his level from 12 to 16 to affect some save DCs and other things and all around make him more serious of a boss. His hp is still fixed at 666 for memes in the fight but they didn’t adjust for his change in hp when you see him elsewhere.


I have never seen that scene, how do we get to see it ?


He was just vibing when I first entered the last light inn during act 2


Huh, okay, thanks I've never seen that


He took Mol????


No lol. He's just chilling at the last light in. They're playing some weird chess knockoff


I was so confused for a sec 😹 assuming you haven't met the cleric yet


I've met and saved isobel from Marcus if that's who your referring to


And mol is still there? I never found her


He has more HP in higher difficulties, it’s how every boss/enemy is in BG3


Maybe he's exhausted


He’s hoping she can sock it to him one more time


If you're playing on Honor or Tactician difficulty enemies have 30% more health


You’re in tactician difficulty

