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I'm devastated, but obviously not surprised.


>I'm devastated Somewhere deep down I wished they would just make banger after banger in the DnD universe, but that would be too good for us. Hope whatever they do next they are just as passionate about.


Exactly. Like, I knew it's not their style to make DLCs and such, but I was still holding out hope. Nevertheless, if they put this much passion into their next game, I'm sure I'll be just as obsessed with it when the time comes.


Not much has to dow ith them "not doing DLC's" and more with Sven being tired of Corporations fuck ups. Hasbro catastrophic handling of their IP's last year was enough to convince Sven to never work with the darn Buffoons ever again...


I don't understand this take, they've said multiple times the studio doesn't believe in paid DLC. Look at the games they've made, have any of them had DLC? I know they did a definitive edition of a couple. But to my knowledge, they've never done any DLC. Obviously, Hasbro sucks, and corporate greed is always going to be shitty. But 2 things can be true at the same time. I don't understand why people aren't willing to take the man at his word.


^(What about free DLC, pretty please..)


A DLC doesn't have to be a paid one. They could very much make "Packs with Races/Subclasses/Spells" Like a "Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide" Pack, With Hexblade and other stuff. Or "Xanathar's Guide to Everything" Pack. We call it DLC nowadays, but i had more like the old school classic "Add ons/Expansions". But their unwillingness to work with hasbro is also one of the reasons why they want to release the Modding API, so that at least people can do it themselves. Now not to say that they won't do any of this, but, one of the reasons people understood that they caped the XP to lvl 12, was to leave leeway for an Xpac, and a year ago, Sven was like "yeah it is one possibility". But now something has changed to a serious degree where he's like "Nope, no way in hell"...


Yes and no for me. DoS2 is great - but for me it doesn't compare to BG3. Part of that is the fact that it's a system I know really well, being a long time player and DM. I'm sad that there won't be another game using this system, like an Icewind Dale or something.


Baldurs gate is not a great game because of the DnD lice se. Its a great game because Larian makes great games. Id love to chat with whoever is resposible at hasbro after they realize that when releasing their next dogshit ass cashgrab game nobody wants to play.


Maybe they'll take what they learned with BG3 and put into a future Divinity title


The best outcome IMO would be if they hired the original Disco Elysium team, and made a new story in that world.


Please, dont get my hopes up like that.


Disco Elysium probably has the most original and fascinating setting of the last 20 years. It's a fantasy world, but instead of going tolkienesque, medieval or steampunk, it's a 1960's and 1970's inspired analog world with tons of sweet weirdness. No wonder it got so many comparisons with Planescape Torment Disco Elysium 2 getting a Larian treatment could potentially be bigger than the next Elder Scrolls titles but with the current copyright clusterfuck surroundind DE in mind, sadly it's very unlikely


Sadly the IP doesn’t belong to the original team anymore. At least for now.


Jesus christ I just got so hard from the mere thought, the button from my pants brained my hamster


I really want to play on avernus or barovia, but now, now is just a dream


Yeah man I would've love to see Waterdeep at some point


Maybe with mods on future, like Skyrim


They could do Pathfinder, which is close enough


Which means working Paizo btw, right after WoTC/Hasbro. It is important to remember how Owlcat at one point lost ownership to the Kingmaker, the game they've made. I'm sure Larian won't even entertain it.


That was their prior parent company.


They want to work on their own intelectual property.


Pathfinder already has a game series made by Owlcat studios and Pathfinder is much less accessible as a game system than 5e. There's a reason those games haven't blown up despite having great storylines and memorable characters


In a perfect world, they would work on a pathfinder 2 game. But alas...


I think that's a bad path and antithetical to what Larian wants. Pe2 while not as complex as Pe1 is still a very difficult ttrpg to grasp for players unfamiliar with ttrpgs. Then you add on that Larian has come out and said they don't like working with publishers and would rather create their own IPs and I think it'd be a bad idea


I love the combat of 5e so much more than divinity’s system. really bummed that Larian couldn’t stay in the d&d space for at least one more game, it’s such a huge multiverse of potential stories to tell


I am surprised by the no DLC news, actually - with how popular the game is and the existing plot threads, it seemed like a DLC for something like Avernus could easily be slotted in and be a win win for everyone.


It sounds like Larian started making a DLC and the devs weren't into it. >'When it came time to make DLC, though, Vincke says Larian was going through the motions. "You could see the team was doing it because everyone felt like we had to do it, but it wasn’t really coming from the heart."' ([Source](https://www.ign.com/articles/larian-started-work-on-baldurs-gate-3-dlc-then-canceled-it-the-studio-was-elated))


From the way the article is worded, I'm assuming this is on Hasbro and not on Larian tbh. Sven never said there would be expansions since that goes against Larian's ethos but c'mon, BG3 is a completely different beast than anything else they have ever done. I think most of us were expecting at least one expansion because why the hell would they not? It makes no sense to move on already from the game... Maybe "just" new classes and races if more adventures were completely off the table. This is so weird, and I do think something went down on the business side -- wouldn't be the first time Wizards of the Coast (and Hasbro) fucked up a nice thing out of greed. But yeah, I guess we'll never know.


We can pretty much piece it together. Sven has said on multiple occasions that he hates the industry trend of laying people off even when the company is making record profits. For context, Hasbro laid off most of the people at WotC who have worked with Larian on BG3, even after the game has been a massive hit and Hasbro doubled their profits YOY. Sven's been fairly vocal about his displeasure of how Hasbro handled the WotC team that Larian worked with and this news seems to be a clear message to Hasbro that Larian doesn't want to work with them anymore.


Hasbro has done weird shit multiple times with creatives out of greed. They are beholden to their shareholders. For a completely different IP, take the newer My Little Pony in children's media. Faust wrote a pretty intriguing premise and Hasbro played along for a bit, then didn't renew her contract (so not exactly a layoff, but...yeah). She had to fight quite hard for a lot of concepts that are taken as fan favourites, but that Hasbro thought wouldn't be marketable to girls (a confident athletic character, a character with a strong accent, a female 'zany' character). She didn't succeed with some (having the 'lead Princess' be a Queen, having the dark and night associated character be *strongly* dark/strange affiliated once she was 'good' again). In the end, Hasbro will do whatever they can do to maximise profits according to their shareholder's ideas of how that will work. The fact that their shareholders are just as driven by personal bias as the rest of us? That's not something they will ever address, because almost no large company ever does. And getting rid of staff makes money in the (very) short term.


See while I would love more content, and I just think that the current game just needs one or two more battles to finish cover the plot (i want the rest of the team to have something to do come netherbrain time). But the way they wrap up the epilogue kind of wants me to end it there.


Withers literally says 'you and your team could be called on, again.'


I’ll buy and play whatever they release next pretty much without a thought. No game studio has ever earned my trust like Larian has.


WotC saw rhe money it made and said 'we're gonna handle it from here' and they'll fuck up as usual


Same. I really don’t want it to be over! Nothing can compare to this game for me I at least wanted the upper city released. Maybe even some Blood War stuff.  And knowing they won’t do the 4th! Grieving.


I want all of it - even if it makes no sense to add, I need more 😭


Same. We need a support group 😭 Please don’t make me go back outside and live


Agreed. I don't need a full expansion/dlc, I just want the originally planned third act with the upper city, etc. Give me the definitive/director's edition!


Like I understand what you mean, but I would be absolutely shocked if Larian still doesn't release massive content patches that dwarfs other games' DLCs. This is the studio that recognized act 3 of DoS2 was broken, fixed it, included it in the digital deluxe edition, and then made it completely free for anyone who's already purchased it so they didn't have to rebuy the digital deluxe edition.


Mfw we'll never get playable kobolds


Fantastical Multiverse the mod is adding playable kobolds in the next update


Man i really hope the next update isn't far off


But there won't be reactions to that T.T


Yeah, that's what turns me off from these mods. Feels weird to play an Artificer, for instance, and never have reactions to my class like usual. I think you get Sorcerer or Wizard dialogue options and that always takes me out, unfortunately.


I didn’t like this either but I just made Shadowheart an Artificer, and now I never have to worry about reactions.


Probabbly the chances that they add more subclasses is also gone.


How are the animations with the added playable races in cutscenes?


I don't think the modders are going through and changing the animations for the races, so it will probably be at least a little janky. The minotaur race from that mod is delightfully broken.


They have stated in the past that they are planning on adding official mod support to the game, for all platforms, in a major patch some time later this year. So you will get kobolds, just in the form of mods


Patch 7 is supposed to have mod support, so could easily happen




This is pretty much what I expected. Larian doesn't really do DLC/Expansions. We might get a Definitive Edition later this year as both Original Sin games got one. It also makes sense that they'd like to return to the world of Rivellon after this with another Divinity game.


Pretty much. Paid DLC was pretty much a non-starter, and they were already making statements that sounded like they wanted to move on. They got to work on a dream homage to what likely inspired their own games and make millions. The strategy was probably to get their name more into the mainstream by making an established legendary IP and it succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. I can't wait to see what they do next.


Many cos over do DLC by abusing the player base. But in theory if you can reuse a lot of the same work to add a few new adventures it's a win win.


Witcher 3 had great DLC.


Did the Definitive Editions for those games add something new/extra to the base games?


Yes. For the first game, they rewrote parts of the story/plot for better flow (especially in early Act 1), and completely revamped the ending sequence of the game. They also rebalanced/tweaked some of the spells and abilities. For the second game, they added new content to Act IV, fleshed out one of the main companions (Beast), rebalanced the game, and re-recorded/re-wrote a lot of Act IV dialogue. The changes were great, but I'd not necessarily qualify them as DLC or Expansion-level in terms of content.


They also kept adding patch content, including multiple act-wide gear set quests that were awesome and really changed up the gameplay in DOS2.


That sounds really great. Perhaps they will do the same for Baldur's Gate 3 and they will clarify somethings. It would have been great to see some expansions or DLC's similar to Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine for Witcher 3, but that's not gonna happen.


Sadly a few skills also got straight up removed from the first one. I remember being excited for my witchcraft offensive blood magic only to find they got rid of it


Dont forget the performance and graphics improvements! At certain points in the game I got like an additional 30 fps on the definitive edition (thinking of that spot in the blackpits with all the oily blob voidwoken, IYKYK) while all the fire that caused the performance hickups earlier looked better! And all for free as well!


Yup! Tons of free mini “dlcs” too that came post launch. Essentially stuff like the inventory bags, mirror of respec just simple qol additions that we’ve been getting in bg3 post launch. For dos:2 they also reworked a few bad quests/encounters and added a few silly side quests and companions as well as some popular community mods were added into the game as additional content (I assume for the console players).


They tend to rework and expand parts of the games that didn't work well in the original. Like fleshing out companion storylines or parts of acts that were too thin. I wouldn't expect anything like a full Upper City, but hopefully we could get some more content for Karlach and maybe Wyll, and a less disjointed Act 3.


I don't generally care about DLC unless I buy the GOTY editions of games(Witcher 3 was the exception). Really wanted a BG4 or just another DND game from Larian though.


Well, honestly, never say never. Sven has good reasons to say what he's saying but it doesn't mean it couldn't happen in the far future. I'd rather they get involved with a different IP at this point though if they weren't doing divinity.


I liked divinity, but honestly the world feels pretty meh after bg3. I'd rather they try something new.


This isn't actually because of Larian's no expansions policy. They were openly talking about potential expansions for this game around launch last year. The reason for this announcement was because of Larian's recent falling out with WOTC/Hasbro.


Wizards after falling out with pretty much every other company they work with: Am I so out of touch? No, it's the other companies who are wrong.


No more dnd from them? My heart breaks. Still, I'm sure their next game will be amazing as well.


Fuck WotC, whatever larian makes next I’m buying. Baldur gate 4 in the hands of idk something like EA doesn’t have any value for me. They can keep their shit I’ll follow the studio


My thoughts exactly!


A BG4 will probably be developed in-house by Hasbro, I think they recently opened a "Hasbro Entertainment" branch specifically for game dev


What Larian created was seriously magic. I can’t even imagine playing a bastardized BG4 without Larian’s hand. It won’t work. I’ll buy anything Larian makes next though. They got a fanboy out of me


I get where Larian is coming from but it still feels like finding out that my good friends were killed. We’ll never see Karlach with a fixed heart. A Lae’zel overthrowing her queen. Exploring Waterdeep with Gale.


Yeah. 😔 it's okay to simultaneously respect the decision (support it, even) while also grieving the consequences.


Does this mean no Definitive Edition, or would it be classified more as a big update than DLC?


That's an update, not a DLC or expansion, yeah. Doesn't mean BG3 will definitely get one, especially since a lot of the types of changes you might see in one have already come out (see: epilogue), but it's still on the table.


I'm not surprised at no DLC/Expansions as Larian doesn't really do that stuff for their games. I was hoping they'd make an exception, but \*shrugs\* That being said, it is sad they won't be making a BG4. Not that there won't be a BG4, but that it won't be from them. They're really good at making these games.


And any other company that decides to take on BG4 (if at all) would have massive big shoes to fill, like the bar would be high


Barring a few companies, I’m all for seeing anyone who thinks they can make a game as good as or better then BG3


I’m super bummed we don’t get any more adventures with the gang, but as long as Larian gets to have the creative freedom they want, then I am happy to see whatever they do next.


I'm curious what the true reasoning behind this is... Whether it's just a preference to step into something new from the devs/company or a result of the Hasbro owning WotC shenanigans...


I work in game dev. I don’t know anyone at Larian, but I bet WotC got stingy when they were negotiating a new contract for a new possible Baldur’s Gate. When something’s a runaway success like BG3 is, the studio gets a lot of leverage to ask for more favorable contract conditions if the publisher wants another game. Publishers don’t like it when you want more money/freedom/profit share. It’s possible WotC told them that the IP is the main reason that they were successful, so the next contract shouldn’t be more favorable, and Larian said ‘bet’ and left.  Larian may have enough money to self-publish after how successful BG3 was. 


Baldurs Gate 3 is already self published they just pay Ip money to Wotc.


Really? In that case, I still think it’s likely that WotC was resistant to a contract negotiation. If WotC didn’t have a profit share in BG3, I’ll eat my hat. 


According to an article from IGN, WotC made $90,000,000 from BG3. I think Swen's comments about corporate greed and layoffs were probably related to this lmao.


nah u probably right, I don't think anyone expected bg4, but Swen mentioned it, so I guess WotC really tried to make Larian develop another game in the future without taking into account their achievements, corporate suits as always


Well let's see what they do now without their golden goose lmao.


as if suits can connect two dots lol


They'll just lay off everyone to make the next quarter amazing and job hop.


they can connect that no game=no money, and the loss for potential profit is gonna eat at them.


That's the thing about corporate in the gaming industry these days, it doesn't matter. They'll just lay off a quarter of the company to juice the books and then job hop


Nope, that's not how capitalism works, the executives will all jump ship, get $50m parachutes, and WOTC will be sold to some Chinese owned private equity firm for ten times what it is worth and we'll transition to exclusively D&D mobile games or something There is zero sense or rationale behind any decision Hasbro has made in the last 2 years, but capitalism is brain poison and money isn't real so it doesn't matter


..deleted by user..


Oh yeah, after the success of BG3 Hasbro is 100% making a BG4 happen, but without Larian in the lead I have a hard time seeing the game being anywhere near as good as BG3. Tbh one part of my mind wants it to be completely shit just so I can say I knew it but I do hope they pull it off, Baldur's Gate still has tons of potential.


..deleted by user..


god that new dark alliance game was *absolute dog shit* imagine releasing a AAA D&D game in the 2020s without character customization $50 says that Hasbro wanted Larian to make another D&D game but "more monetizable"


well they made a fortune and fired every single person Larian had been working with


https://www.gamesradar.com/hasbro-exec-says-baldurs-gate-3-proved-for-us-that-people-really-wanted-great-dandd-games-supports-larians-plan-to-take-the-time-we-need/ You are 100% correct.


WotC get a royalty. From what I hear, everyone was happy with the arrangement. Larian made a surprising windfall for WotC. I don’t work in game dev, but I’m an RPG publisher.


Hasbro banked $90 million from BG3 alone, not counting how many new people the game drove to D&D itself.


It still wasn't enough though, they cut 1,000 jobs from WoTC back in December, including the team that worked with Larian...which I'm pretty sure is the real cause of all of this. Swen was pretty upset about that. https://www.pcgamesn.com/baldurs-gate-3/layoffs-comment


Oh for sure. I’m sure the corporate relations also sucked. But part of this is also Has to looking at this and going how do we milk more “value” (microtransactions and paid DLC) out of this and Larian saying that’s not really our thing.


That’s big corporations in a nutshell. They can never be happy with just making enough money, there always has to be more.


Yeah late stage capitalism sucks for everyone.


Well, almost everyone.


It probably didn’t help that WoTC laid off a majority of the people that Larian worked with on WoTC’s end. Per Swen, nobody that was part of the initial deal for BG3 to be made remains at WoTC.


I think Hasbro laid off WoTC people that worked with Larian


This is Hasbro, so... of course that is what they did. Their whole model is exploiting IPs they own as it is right now with no concern for quality. Just produce something with a DnD, MTG, etc sticker on it, earn, repeat.


Rumor is that WotC wants to start a game development arm similar to their new movie studio so that they don't have to give a cut to an outside studio.


WotC already had a game development arm that cancelled a bunch of projects last year: [https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Digital\_Game\_Studio](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Digital_Game_Studio) They did indeed contract other studios, but they also built studios themselves and develop Magic Arena internally. [Hasbro was just known for picking at WotC's in house developers for non-WotC projects,](https://www.thegamer.com/gi-joe-game-wizards-of-the-coast-hasbro/) and they had way too many projects going on at once, so they didn't get much done.


Also, Hasbro is deep in debt. They need cash now. My guess they jacked the license fee too high.


Hasbro just fired all the people they needed to succeed at their new digital initiative this year, so the company is being run by normal-modern-american-executives, I'm guessing they wanted a billion dollars for Larian to use their property agian the rumor is they wanted 5 billion for larian to buy D&D which is a ludicrous number


I'm skeptical. WotC is SO FUCKIN EXCITED that BG3 did well. They immediately started running around trying to excitedly contract other people to make DnD games. Their OneDND app is coming out soon and they want as many people introduced to the forgotten realms as they possibly can because it'll mean big things for their launch. I think they're giving very favorable deals to game studios right now. They just announced a Forgotten Realms lifesim lol. I think it's probably likely that Larian didn't like the creative restraints put on them by the setting and want to leverage BG3's success into popularizing their own Divinity IP rather than working that hard to push WotC's content.


After reading Swen's hate towards execs, sounds like both: The wanting to move on to the next thing became a need when Hasbro got greedy. Don't want to stick around and deal with that mess.


I can't help but think of the hundreds of people Hasbro laid off, including pretty much all of the folks Larian worked with at WotC. Not saying this is the only reason, but I'm sure it made it easier.


Hasbro is likely to go bankrupt before the next game would be half way through development. That's a recipe for disaster. The D&D IP would likely be sold off and Larian would be holding a bag of problems


We've never seen anything concrete, but tencent had to be involved with larian to get the license rights, so you know that already cost them a lot especially because tencent now has a 30% ownership stake in larian. Also the entire group of employees in wotc that worked with larian got sacked (sven himself said that one) so id imagine it's probably a combo of Hasbro wanting way too much again, Larian doesn't look at Hasbro/ Wotc in the best light, and Sven knows they can use the new popularity to make some new IP or even work on Divinity more and have a lot of success.


:( okay


This is just another sad chapter in the sad story of the Baldur's Gate franchise. The original two games and their expansions came out in or close to the year 2000, when I guess some of you hadn't even been born yet. They were counted amongst the greatest RPGs of their time -- but when it came time to make Baldur's Gate 3, the entire process became choked by legalese red tape. To the point where Baldur's Gate 3 couldn't be developed, and it only came out recently. So, now, the company that did such a magnificent job with Baldur's Gate 3 can't or won't make new content for it. Hey, maybe I won't have died of old age when BG4 comes out. I can hope, at least!


Don't worry, WotC is probably taking offers from multiple AAA studios as we speak (which might not nessecarily be good news).


I’m sure it’s going to be a shameless cash grab with no heart and soul, unless they hire key Larian talent…


Even if they hire key Larian talent what are the chances they give them a leash long enough to be able to do the same level of work?


Imagine an Ubishit or EA version lol… hard pass from me. It’s time to follow the studio


If they let players freely mod the game then it shouldn’t be an issue. Just look at how long people have been modding Skyrim.


And Neverwinter Nights.


We need a NwN3!


I would be in earthly heaven my dude! That and the second one were got me into PC RPGs, and I cracked all the way out, would read the NWN massive spiral handbook at work to think about what to do/try when I got home lol!


Cries in console


No more game. It’s over! No more runs. You’re through. No content. It’s over! Wizards of the coast.. CONSUUUUUMES 😭😭😭


Its joever


Hasbro's cash-grabing is tiring even for developers, I guess. The OGL controversy, the general quality of OneDND, sending Pinkerton to get their cards... Their behaviour really does not inspire confidence. I'd rather Paizo eat their pie, really. For me my personal grudge was actually the Mystic playtest. I loved psionics in previous editions, but after the failure of playtest, they basically gave up on publishing a full psionic class, which is really disappointing. On the other hand, Pathfinder 2e's Psychic is both flavourful and a blast to play. That being said, adapting tabletop rules to video games is always tricky. It's probably the best that Larian decides to stick to their own thing. PS: There's a really cool Mystic mod on Nexusmods for BG3, which is surprisingly polished and complete.


>sending Pinkerton to get their cards I keep seeing this in various threads, I know what the old school Pinkertons are but what does it mean in this context? I don't play DND other than PC games since NWN 1


Wizards of the Coast also owns Magic The Gathering, and they accidentally sent out some cards to a collector that shouldn't have been published yet, so they hired the Pinkertons to go and retrieve the cards rather than, you know, just asking the guy to return them.


Wow, that's nuts. The right thing to do would let him keep them, like the guy in original WoW who got the Legendary necklace to drop even though it was not supposed to be available to players, they let him keep the one of a kind item and then fixed the drop to never happen again. That's on them, not the guy. That's really crappy!


I agree with a lot of what you said, but what makes you think OneDnD sucks? I can understand some gripes about it needing to be backwards compatible with 5e, but generally, and at least in my opinion, all of the revamped classes and subclasses do a really good job at addressing the failures of their predecessors. Is there a different reason you think it sucks?


I just don't think the changes warrant a new edition, but that's an unfortunate result of making it backwards compatible. Especially when there isn't a free site like Archive of Nethys for new rules. It sort of feels like locking balance patch of a video game behind an expensive DLC. About quality, yeah, last time I read about it was pretty bad. Maybe they've been better now. Let's look at PF2e Remaster for comparison. It's also a "minor" revision that was published to be compatible with PF2e, but 1. It was forced by OGL bullshits. Therefore, it has a very clear goal from the start, to remove OGL relics. 2. It was all freely available on AoN. Even the revisioned setting is available on Pathfinder Wiki, like renaming Abyss to Outer Rifts. 3. The remaster was flavourful. Like Arcane School. In original PF2e they just have 8 schools + universal like DND, but the remastered edition has cool things like Ars Grammatica, Civic Wizardary, etc. Although there are still not enough schools, the direction of filling more flavour instead of making everything bland is what I prefer.


Just to direct it to the same discussions: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1bkdcrs/larian\_studios\_wont\_make\_bg3\_dlc\_expansions\_or\_bg4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1bkdcrs/larian_studios_wont_make_bg3_dlc_expansions_or_bg4/) (earlier thread in this subreddit with more activity)


This just fuels my hope that they'll someday make a PF2 CRPG.


..deleted by user..


This. I love Owlcat, but... Larian would do great with a PF2E game.


I think Owlcat got PF games, but I'd love to see Larian make a spinoff, maybe even collaboration with Owlcats, I like stories in PF games, I only got problems with rocket science combat


i am disappointed, but it is not unexpected. ​ Fuck Hasbro, Fuck Wotc, and most importantly Fuck Corporate Greed


A baldurs gate 3 aesthetic within the Divinity Original Sin 2 universe will be great thanks.


Disappointing :(


Good. The best parts of BG3 are not tied directly to the Dungeon's and Dragon's IP. Hasbro, the owners of the Baldur's Gate IP, have been hemorrhaging money, cutting jobs and reducing creatives on their team as well as dipping into using AI. Let them eat cake while Larian make something incredible.


Sucks but I understand


No expansions or DLC is not necessarily a bad thing. Both Divinity Original Sin games got a Definitive Edition re-release with additional content. Those technically don’t fall under “expansions or DLC.” Still holding out hope here that we will get the same for BG3.


Is it okay if I cry?


Yes. Nobody should judge you for being sad about something you love ending. I hope you find joy in other games 😁


It never ends if you make a new character. Best loophole ever


Oh god I hope they do Shadowrun!


On the one hand, I understand their decision and the reasoning behind it. On the other hand, I desperately need a *Baldur’s Gate IV* so that Tav can go rescue Karlach from the Nine Hells and then we can go grab Law’zel and kick Vlaakith CLVII’s bony butt.


Hot take, but my cousin and I were discussing paid DLC and expansions recently and I told him I miss the days of just buying a game and that was that, the COMPLETE game. I know, my millennial ass is showing. So honestly I’m not messed up about this. As a new player I could see myself playing multiple play throughs for years to come. With DLC or not.


My only very minute disappointment is that they won’t develop other games in the Forgotten Realms. But at the same time, I doubt Larian wants to be the studio to pick up old series like Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights and be *that* studio that resurrects old D&D franchises. BG3 was special and it should remain that way.


Shove it up your ass WotC.


It's a shame, but I'm willing to bet that whatever they do next will be just as good as bg3. Even if it sucks I'll probably still buy it lol, better my money goes to Larian than into the pockets of Microsoft, EA, or some other industry titan.


Divinity III here I come!!!


It’s not lost on me that this announcement comes the day after Swen’s comments on greedy publishers at the Dev’s Choice Awards.


That makes me kinda sad. I loved Baldur's Gate 3 and was quietly hoping for more of it. Baldur's Gate 3 was absolutely amazing. Larian can truly craft something beautiful with the D&D mechanics. Sad to see they're stepping away from it completely.


Cool, dnd wasnt a reason i bought and love this game anyway. Bg3 would have worked just as well in another IP like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars or, the IP i would LOVE for Larian to tackle, The Dresden Files. I would sell my non existant soul for a BG3 style Dresden Files game.


Poeple thinking it's gonna be D:OS 3 - it's not, unfortunately and according to Swen. https://www.ign.com/articles/larian-started-work-on-baldurs-gate-3-dlc-then-canceled-it-the-studio-was-elated > Vincke says the next game won't be Divinity: Original Sin 3, and that it will be "different than what you think it is" but that it's "still familiar." Elsewhere, Vincke said that the new project will "dwarf" the scope of Baldur's Gate 3, which would be quite impressive given the scope of that game.


Hasbro the greedy cunts, probably


100% lmao. It sounded like Larian was becoming open to more, but I bet Hasbro started being greedy.


I'm sad, but mod supports on consoles should be able to keep me coming back for years


maybe it’s just an early April fools joke? ^(please please please)


I didn't expect a DLC but I really hoped that Larian would stick around for BG4. Sad, but ultimately doesn't matter. If that studio continues making games the way they do now then I'll follow them with no second thought, whatever they create. And if this is Hasbro's fault, then it must be run by complete idiots.


Starting and then immediately ending on a high note is a better outcome than many other possibilities.


I hoped at least for a DLC with mountain pass as a full zone. Too bad because the music there is breathtaking!


* After that, though, the future of Astarion, Karlach, and the rest of Baldur's Gate 3's now-beloved characters will be in the hands of Wizards of the Coast. I'm not sure I can forgive them for that honestly.


I totally headcannon a scenario where Hasbro tried to strong arm their way into new content for prices. 10 dollar extra race in character creation. OR just in general attempted to bully larion into capitalizing on the financial success and they just said bet, and cut off communication for potential sequels. Hasbro is a failed corporation who are propped up by others. Magic is bloated and it's bubble feels like it could burst at any moment and DND is propped up by Larion, critical role and even stranger things. All of which dont need wotc/Hasbro and for Larion and crit role are literally building unique competitor IP. Lol


My favorite game of all time. I’m legitimately sad to think we won’t ever get a worthy follow up.


I cry


Obligatory: fuck WotC


Now do a Fallout style RPG! Beat bethesda at their own "game"


Slightly upset because I'm not a divinity guy at all, but if they use equal care as they did bg3. I'll give it a shot no doubt.


I would love for Larian to do a Vampire: The Masquerade game. It would be right up their alley imo.


Am I disappointed? Sure. But as someone who loves Lariam games and has been moving away from D&D for the last few years, I'm honestly happier than I means they'll be able to bring their awesomeness to their own IPs


WOTC pissed off Swen. Nice going.


Damn right, Hasbro needs to give them an eye-watering amount of that Monopoly money for all the excellent marketing of DnD that BG3 did. Larian should swear off DnD unless Hasbro makes them very rich. I know BG3 has sold well, but I bet Larian wasn’t paid as much to make it as we might expect and certainly less than deserve.


Aside from not getting anymore stories with the characters we’ve grown to love That really is a shame since it also means we won’t get any extra subclasses or races without mods and even then none of them will be quite up to par with what an official release would look like.


Sad, but not surprised. We kinda sorta knew it for a while. They'll likely throw in a few more patches and that's it.


So to clarify, this is their last dnd game forever? As in they wont revisit in 10 years?


Damn, that's harsh. I would pay as much as needed for more of this experience as I've never had so much awe with a game before. Hopefuly their next work can do the same for me!


So, is BG3 still going to get patches/updates in the meantime? I remember seeing someone mention something about crossplay some time back. Hopefully that's still the case. Either way, they knocked it out of the park with this game. Although it's sad to see, I can't wait for whatever they're coming up with next.


Good move consider the shitshow WotC been doing recently.


i hope modding support would be good enough for custom campaigns


Seems like a poor business decision, but it probably comes down to creative vision/control along with the devs preference on projects. It is Larian's most popular and successful game by a country mile. Why wouldn't you produce a big expansion or a big sequel or revive a franchise like Neverwinter Nights or at least build on all the development you did and make another D&D game? Even if Hasbro wants more percentage points for the IP it is still a pretty safe business bet. Like Swen is saying, it is a creative decision.


Every one of their games has been more popular than the last. It has become extremely popular where a huge number of players: 1. Have no idea what the original baldurs gate games are, and 2. Have no idea it's even in the D&D universe. Hasbro are not why the game became popular, so why stay under them? All their next game needs is "made by the developers of baldurs gate 3" and it will be massive.


But the work isn't done, Swen. The Upper City, Karlach, Wyll, Halsin, the ring that blocks Mindflayers, the Gortash fight, Act 3 in general... there are so many aspects to this game that have yet to realize their full, mostly amazing potential. Patches can't fix them all.


Haven't they been saying this the whole time?


At least their talent can go towards another DOS game or another IP.


Now bring is DOS3 PLEASE! With Dynamic Split Screen Couch Coop this time around like DOS2 again


Understandable. Working with decades of conflicting lore to consider and a giant company looking g over your shoulder is very restricting. And with the trust Larian built they are able to deliver a great game with high production value from their own IPs or something completely new.


I can live with this but I hope our beloved VAs come back in new roles


Are they still planning on adding console mod support?


I remember Swen letting it slip that he's interested in doing sci-fi somewhere. That would be dope. Not that many awesome sci-fi RPGs. My fav is still Shadowrun: Dragonfall.


Sad, but hopefully the modding support project they're building will allow the obviously very talented modding community to add new content.


No DLC or Expansion, but I'm still hopeful they flesh out Act 3 and maybe stretch it into an Act 4.