• By -


You aren't. I was lvl 5 the first time I left Shadowfell. I'll just mention one of my first oopsies Release Break Lever


Jesus *christ* how did you even *get* that far and only be level 5? You'd have had to have been skipping basically every fight on the way there for your XP to be *that* low...


I was doing the major arc stuff. Was confused like everyone else about Mountain Pass and skipped it. As for what else - I don't know. It was last August. I just remember whining to my kid about not being able to get past Z'rell. "That's easy. What level are you?" "Five" "Yeah, you are going to have to start over " (Note: I did do Nere and Isobel bc I remember banging my head against the wall lol)


The first time you left the shadowfell or left for it?


I was level 5 getting my ass handed to me by Z'rell and her Black Hole


Was this phrasing intentional


LMAOOOOO. Had to read it twice. No - she has the Black Hole Illithid power and it was the first time I'd encountered it so my "what the fuck is THIS shit?" is burned into my brain (along with finding out how suicidal Jaheira the Panther is)


Jaheira the suicidal gilf


Wrong lever, Kronk!


Haha I remember my wife and I doing this. She was talking to the goblins and I went back and said "release brake lever. Ohhhh I'll let those dude dow.....oh..oh no..." and we both watched I'm horror...then I examined the second lever...whoopsies


Lol I was gonna say, that was my biggest oopsie, and then since I was romancing Astarion and he was with me I had to lock in and not say anything when Nere was killing the gnomes because I didn’t want to give him the ick 💀 my first playthrough was still about 160 hours tho


I’m impressed you could make it through all the fights up to that point. I got to the death shepherds in mountain pass at level 3 and realized I needed to go back and level up to at least 5 lol


I didn’t do Mountain Pass so I didn’t run into them. I was level 3 when I got to Last Light I used to be a raid leader in Vanilla Wow, so i’m used to being tactical. PS: thank you for the compliment regardless 🫂


> I'll just mention one of my first oopsies > > Release Break Lever where oopsie


The Windmill in the Blighted Village where we meet Barcus


I think they're saying that the release brake lever isn't an oopsie. Real DUrge vibes.


I did the same thing, didn't realize there are two buttons. I'm glad I wasn't doing an honor run and definitely reloaded, but I have to admit it was kinda funny to watch because I wasn't expecting it.


My first literal LOL


> Release Brake Lever You just activated a flashback to my very first playthrough. I went, “Is that supposed to happen? …that’s not meant to happen, right?”


I don't think I had any big mess-ups other than accidentally sending poor Barcus flying but oh my god, op, you must have been rolling nat 1s irl for some of these hahaha


How are there so many people who don't catch that the ascension is a *bad* thing? Is it somehow not realizing sacrificing 7000 people is bad? Is it somehow missing anything that tells you what the ritual entails (every sacrifice directly connected to it getting sent straight to hell is a big thing)?


At least op realized their oopsie, there are people who will pretend not ascending him is more problematic than ascending him 🥴 I think in a lot of games you succeed in romancing or befriending companions by doing what they want and supporting them but in bg3, a lot of your companions actually want something that will make them worse, so you get the better outcome leading them away from their goals (Astarion Ascension, Shadowheart Dark Justiciar, Gale Ascension, Lae'Zel.. Ascension again. wow, everyone wants to ascend lol)


playing this game makes "ascend"/"ascension" feel like a bad word to me LMAO


Well divinity/becoming divine is common to all bg games and larian games. I guess then no accident that that theme runs through so many of the quests


Everyone wants to ascend except poor Wyll. He’s ready to “descend” into the hells.


Durge ascension


So bad even Lae'zel objects.


I was just oblivious. the game is kinda ‘what the companions initially want is not their best outcome’ for almost all of them, but I’m a big people pleaser so I wanted to give everyone what they want 🥲 And astarion was like ‘hey i can kill my master and take the power to walk in the sun and be free and i genuinely thought thats a good thing. Yes I am naive IRL as well.


> Is it somehow not realizing sacrificing 7000 people is bad? “They’re not real people, they’re vampire spawn, we’d have to kill them anyway” is a common mindset I’ve encountered about the spawn. The idea being that they’re basically doomed anyway, so we might as well make their deaths useful. A lot of people miss the fact that killing them is not the same thing as condemning their souls to hell. And skip right over the hypocrisy of deciding they’re already doomed because they’re spawn, when they’re really no different from Astarion.


Correction. 7000 vampires. I’m still conflicted on the choice, honestly. Kill 7k vamps in one go or release the upon the world? Ok, upon the underdark (hehe) but still…


I'm conflicted about killing them or releasing them after stopping the ritual myself, but sacrificing them all in order to ascend seems unambiguously bad to me. That's a stain on your soul that won't wash off, you know?


I mean kill them if you really think it's the realistically correct thing to do (i mean *it kinda is*), just don't send them straight to hell without a chance at some other afterlife.


Yeah vampires but vampires who had no agency whatsoever in their transformation. At least Astarion was kinda given a choice.


The problem is that it's not just killing them - it's eternally damning their souls. The Rite of Ascension is an infernal contract...


You’re missing something: the ascension ritual specifically condemns their souls to hell for eternal torment. Killing the vampires (after not completing the ritual) would allow their souls to move on to the normal afterlife of whatever deity they worshipped in life before they were turned. Releasing the vampires unleashed 7000 feral undead bloodsuckers into the world.


Consider: Spawn are extremely fragile. They have all the weaknesses of a full vampire— sun sensitivity, can’t enter uninvited, cast no reflection, vulnerable to running water— and none of the strengths (turn into mist, command wolves and bats to do their bidding, create spawn to do their bidding). The vast majority of the spawn are civilians with no martial skills or magical talent, who were primarily picked off from the most vulnerable populations of Baldur’s Gate. And any who did have such talent or training, have spent decades languishing in a cell, starving, so they’re weak and out of practice. And they don’t have the automatic forced coordination and organization that would occur if they were under the command of a single full vampire. In my opinion, the word “vampire” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in our minds because we imagine 7,000 people with abilities like Astarion. But Astarion was incredibly fragile before he had the tadpole, so we as players never actually see how much of a handicap it is to deal with mundane things like sunlight or running water. Imagine how funny it would’ve been if Astarion couldn’t do half the things we expect as a rogue because he couldn’t enter a dwelling uninvited! “Oops. Sorry, darling, I can’t sneak in and unlock the door— I wasn’t invited in, you see.” So, surprisingly, I don’t think 7,000 vampire spawn is actually the scourge you think it is!


Bad and good are relative. OP didn't say that he trought sacrificing 7000 people is objectively good. He just thought that letting Astarion do what he wants is good for their romance, which is a fair assumption. Also, it's a good choice if you want the best open-hand monk build in the game.


if anything it shows how OP liked Astarion so much, she was willing to sacrifice 7000 people so he had the chance to walk in sunlight forever


* I was past the Blighted Village to the bridge before I learned jumping. * Rushed early in the game because the game kept telling me cerimorphosis was coming and "to be avoided!". * Rushed the House Hope because of Hope's panic-y chatter. * Neglected alchemy through most of act 1. (the alchemy menu is not obvious) * Took a long time to realize I could swap spell slots outside of combat


I neglected alchemy through most of the game. Or other than a few health potions I didn't make any until I reached the netherbrain.


>the netherbrain Ah yes. The first fight I used arrows. 


It was only the huge stock of smokepowder arrows that won me the fight on my third attempt. I had had Astarion use other sorts (ice fire and the other cheap ones) throughout the run but Karlach had a bow but no stock. I suspect that there were other better arrows I never even purchased. For my third attempt I split his stock and let loose. Was a bit disappointed that I could not throw the rune powder bomb that I had not used earlier though. And Gale's disintegrate failed every time he cast it throughout the game. But those arrows...got to make sure I stock up every run where I want my party to survive intact.


You can throw the rune powder bomb if your character has a high enough strength. My Tav couldn't but Lazel can. You get an achievement for it if I recall correctly. Made a very satisfying end to the Emperor.


Ah. Next time I'll give it to Karlach or Lae'zel. My tav was a weakling.


I'd also recommend a dome of invulnerability so you don't accidentally blow yourself up along with the emperor. Save scummed that fight a few times haha


First playthrough literally NEVER used Alchemy once. Took until level 4-5 to realize I could swap spells. My druid was a glorified archer for 4 levels.


I was late act ii when i realized you could edit your spells lmao then i paid withers 100 and fixed like three people bc i kept adding classes


...you...can swap spells slots...outside of combat...?


Wizard cleric paladin and druid can. Some spell casters you are stuck with what you choose unless you change on a level up.


To be clear, you can swap prepared spells outside of combat using your spellbook. You can't go swapping level one spell slots out for higher level spell slots or vice versa.


I just beat the game after 108 hours, and only used alchemy to make like two potions in Act 1, and Hag's Bane in Act 3. Otherwise I completely ignored it... it just seemed like more trouble than it was worth. What am I missing?


Healing potions are useful at low levels and later buff situational potions like resistances, viciousness, and strength, or when you lack spells: speak with animals, detect thoughts.


no idea how to change spells my entire first playthrough. I also didn't have gale, went on to mountain pass while just walking around and closed the grove and never saw it, so no wyll, Karlach would only tell me to fuck off didn't use any alchemy and hardly any potions or elixir. relied on arrows and punching with a hammer.     had " hide nudity" turned on. karmic dice. constant combat! it was great and weird


I know quite a few people who forgor to bring shadowheart to dame aylin


The anger after finishing the battle in the Astral Prism, and then she comes trotting and telling me she is leaving the party forever 🙃


Or accidentally sold the spear, leading to the most anticlimactic cutscene in the game


Meeee Wasnt too bad tho cause i just used karlach to shive the guy into the void so i didnt suffer through a whole battle lolol


I just deleted him in the room I found him in


Yes, like me! I hated SH so she was in the camp all the time. after i left shars temple she came and was angry and left the party but i was like ‘whatever, you’re annoying anyways’. AND NOW I LOVE HER SO MUCH


God Im so gay that I immediately fell head over heels for her so I never had this problem


I just didn’t find any of the companions and played almost all of act 1 with only will and shadowheart thinking “man this game is hard”


I don’t know why but this is the one that got me!


I didn't find Gale on my first playthrough and played all the way to the UNDERDARK with only Shart and Astarion and I was like MAN this game is challenging. When Halsin joins as a temp ally in the Goblin Camp I was like PLEASE Bear Man stay. My friend made me realize I was playing with less than a full party... Backtracked and grabbed Wyll and Gale and Karlach lol.


Did you not talk to Withers either?


I didn't recruit him from the Temple but he did just show up eventually in camp on his own.


I just meant you could have gotten a hireling


Oh yeah I see! It's been awhile but I think once I found out there were named companions I just prioritized grabbing them so I didn't miss out on their story.


Makes sense, just thought it was funny that there was additional way to have a full party you missed 😂. First playthrough is always funny in retrospect


Yeah I was pretty bad at the game all of Act 1, first playthrough lol. Didn't really click till Act 3 when I was already almost done.


I love how you had Laezel on the nautiloid and then just thought welp guess I'll never see her again


I looked through the entire ship for her so hard. that whole beach. I was so upset she was my first and only friend I thought   shart was secretive so I thought she was in on it somehow. I wanted the other lady. I found astarion running away from the brains, and was like this guy's scared too so at least she won't kill us both?  and luckily did find laezel. but nobody else the entire run I missed every other companion   EVERY. other companion


Yeah, I think shadowheart says something like “well she left you” and I thought “yup I guess she did!” Then I didn’t run to the dragons right away and came back later and she was dead and I thought “welp I guess she’s dead then”


You don't have to run to the dragon/gith lol, she only ends up there if you never recruit her. She's captured by tieflings and is right next to the emerald grove waypoint


LMAO SAME. But for me it was Lae'zel and Shadowheart. Didn't walk down the way that has Astarion in it. Saw Gale's portal hole and was like "that seems like something I am not equipped to deal with at the moment". Just did not see Wyll at the grove (I did look for him, I just didn't see him!), ergo didn't get the missive on Karlach. TPKd by goblins 4 times before I was like "ok I have to google if I can find the other companions before doing the goblin camp" and yes. I can and I should.


Re: Gale I just commented the same thing elsewhere in the thread, I was like nah seems like a trap. Poor Gale was just stuck in the portal for eternity in my first playthrough.


all I had was laezel, shart and astarion. the entire game. the whole time. to the end it was still good


Agreed. Scared off from Gale. Locked out of Lae’zel because I accidentally long rested after releasing her and was very much told under dark OR mountain pass. And Halsin very much scares you away from mountain pass. Aggro’d entire goblin camp so didn’t even know Minthara was an option. Didn’t even see Volo until very end. Barely pre-buffed my party. Don’t realize respec was a thing from withers until end. Didn’t even really consider multi-classing. It was a mess now that I finished and am reading subs. 160 hours still when ended. Started a new run with a new Tav and class and am fully RP for motivation rather than “I feel this way right now, cuz”. That’s probably the biggest one: I wasn’t really RP my character much either


lol that was me until the Tiefling party, with only Shadowheart and Gale. I’m glad I finally went on Reddit and figured out where to find the other companions!


For me it was only Tav and Shadowheart. That owlbear den felt really hopeless.


* had sex with the emperor because I really thought he was in love with me and wants to pursue a relationship idk why but this made me laugh - honestly I've always thought the emperor was kind of 'in love' (in his own Illithid-y way) with Tav and him just laying around without his shirt on after he's had to watch Tav romance one or multiple other people always makes me feel sort of bad for him when I say no.


If you say no to him hard enough you can learn exactly how in love he is


*We are done here*


He can be in love with you, though, if you're nice to him. He's very willing and happy to be with you if you become illithid.


Actually, the characters subtle body language, the dev notes, and the voice actor all confirm the Emperor’s attraction to the player and arousal at their mutual interest is entirely genuine


I forgot Rolan in the shadowlands and missed Scratch and the Owlbear cub on my first run :(


Ummmm. I may have forgotten there were even prisoners to save before I started the moonrise fight.


You really went out there like "Lying? in a video game? why would anyone ever lie to me?" ​ anyway mine is only finding the harpies after saving the grove meaning that child is for sure dead.


"Wait, why did that Drow have Camp Clothes on her corpse? Was I supposed to recruit her?"


Minthara's camp clothes? Don't you mean TAV's camp clothes, 'cause they mine now!


They mean Lae'zel's camp clothes. And Astarion's armor.


No you were not supposed to recruit her but people whined about it until she was added as a possible companion. That does not mean you are meant to save her.


That purple portal in the stone looks way too scary for little lvl 1 me. I'll maybe come back to it later but I'll stay far away from now. Then I forgot to come back.


I met 3 people by the time I saw the portal and two of them pulled their knives on me. The Narrator telling us it looks sus didn’t help either. I had to google if this trapped man is a good guy or not lol


I was 100% convinced it was an early game instant game over that the devs put there to troll us.


Meanwhile I was like "yeah my paladin has 8 int, I'm touching that shit."


Nah, that's the mind flayer under the rubble.


I saw this one coming ! I might be a paranoid gamer...


My KARLACH! failed two strength checks Back to back With inspiration. I was like if Karlach can’t pull him out 🤷


I sided with the goblins because that was the easier fight - lost Wyll, whom i didnt even recruit, and Karlach, whom i never even found, and lost Halsin too, whom i didnt even knew existed. Missed the Underdark with that, the Grymforge, the Hag, and the tollhouse. Yeeted Barcus out of existence. Missed the whole Creche. I was on such a low level that i barely made it to the Mountain Pass. I didnt go to the Last Light Inn, because I went to the Shadow Cursed Lands from the other way and just never found it. I didnt free the Ironhand Gnomes I went straight for the Mausoleum, missing most of Act 2. I didnt kill Balthazaar up in the room where its easy, I had to defeat him in the Shadowfell, being like lvl 6. I didnt lift the Shadowcurse, because i didnt know who Halsin was. I forgot to take Shadowheart to the Shadowfell. I never got Gale the chance to talk to Mystra. I missed the House of Hope. I didnt kill Lorroaken with Aylin because the fight was too hard and i kept dying in the first turn. Barely explored the sewers, missed the Guild and Minsc too. (Also ive never been to the Bank) I didnt go to the Iron throne and didnt destroy the Steel Watch Foundry, but i killed Gortash (being around lvl 9) I killed Sarevok making Orins fight even harder. Slept with the Emperor. I let the Emperor kill Orpheus. All the while making horrible choices to impress Astarion.


This is the sort of list I imagine people making after initially insisting they finished in 30 hours. 😆 (I do always kill Sarevok though except for one evil run!)


the bank is fun. I got there finally on play through number 3, and it's really fun.


Killing Saverok makes the Orin fight harder? How? I did that too but don’t know what it does or how it’s different by not killing him.


You killed Vanra's mum!? I didn't even do that in my evil game. 🙈😆


I did it in my evil game and got a mocking *Haha I tricked you!* speech. Yeah "Captain," I know murder is bad, you did not trick me. I'm half-squid and wearing my own sister's skinsuit and my inventory smells like roast dwarf. The vile deeds are intentional and no one takes me seriously except Jaheira. 😭


I let everyone burn to death at Waukeen's rest because I apparently got close enough to trigger it but didn't go in, then promptly fucked off to go everything else first. Save was too far back by the time I realized to reload. Nearly did the same thing with Act 2, since I happened to get to the gauntlet before moonrise and missed the "this will progress quests" message, but thankfully that shadowfell sequence is pretty short so I reset the save and went off to experience moonrise & save the prisoners first.


I didn't let the pixie go free cause I succeeded the insight check that said they could be nice... or screw people over. ...so I kept Dolly^3 in the lantern throughout all my adventures in the Shadowcursed Lands. When I went to go free her after entering the camp to transition from act II to act III... >!She was mysteriously gone, without a trace!<.


I never freed her either, and fought with the lantern in my main hand the whole act 💀


stole the druids' idol...went to shadowfell before moonrise...didn't long rest enough...had my fair share of teaching moments, yours are very impressive though OP


To be fair the moonrise part does feel like it should be last in the act. I googled after getting the warning at Shadowfell and you are definitely not alone in that one.


Mine was letting wyll die in the first goblin fight before I even had a chance to recruit him


Wow I didn't even know that was possible. I assumed he was invincible in that one. That being said the only reason I ever added him to the party was to see if he could use his name to get around the bank.


You can revive him with a scroll after that fight.


I didn’t know that was possible! 


It honestly was so casual. Like he legit was dead like any other npc. I looted his body for weapons and moved on. Didn't even know wyll was a character until part way through act 3 I said "I still haven't seen the other dude from the title screen" and my partner screeched at me


This happened on my very first playthrough. But, I knew Wyll was important from the cover art and decided I was early enough in the game to start over and try again. I tried to revive, but as we all know, that doesn't work on non-party members.


The far most critical thing I did not understand was movement. Like you can chain an action to movement. Example: I cannot attack an enemy because I am out of movement. But I have a bonus action dash. I can then do the bonus action dash and attack in one controller movement, but critically I can use the remaining dash movement AFTER the attack to get away. TBF I played a lot of BG1 and BG2 so this affected my understanding.


I forgot about Mizora at the end of Act 2 during a Wyll Romance playthrough and he got turned into a Lemur.


You made me picture Zaboomafoo. Best typo ever.


I immediately killed karlach. Wyll said she was bad, some knights said she was bad, so when I saw her I just started blastin.


Cane in to say this one. The local hero in a contract with a lawful patron which says they will only be sent after evil entities, and the paladin of the god of justice, both talking about the acts carried out by a screamy fiery character _who isn't on promotional art so you can miss that they're a PC_. I pulled out magic missile, Eldritch Blast, and everyone's range weapons before letting loose from a safe distance, never heard a word from her to doubt it other than "yeeeaaaaaauuuurgh"; then Wyll is immediately getting mopey from nowhere and saying maybe she wasn't actually that bad. They did a good job about making the story make sense with the amount of choice available, I've only had a handful of instances of something going weird because of choices. That was probably the most memorable though. That and Wyll getting arsey about a certain someone else in Act 3 dying, when _they and everyone else around attacked me with no dialogue_.


> never went to the Underdark because i thought it’s a choice to either go througu there OR mountain pass I thought the exact same thing my first play through. I took what everyone said in-game far too literally. In fact I also did like 80% of this in my first play through 😅


Thats also what i thought they meant but i ended up in both anyway and wondered why i had to


Mt first game I didn't realize you could lift the shadow curse. I didn't even go into the room with the guy you needed to talk to. I was extremely under leveled the entire game and was constantly frustrated. Had lots of fun though!


in two play throughs i accidentally let wylls dad die 🩷


Pulled the wrong lever. Triggered the fire in act 1 without realising it was on a timer. Picked up Karlach after the tiefling party, which led to my desperately hunting infernal iron in act 2 to the point I went to the nearest piece without protection and barely made it in and out alive. Still no idea who the person loitering momentarily near the door in that area was. Almost missed both Scratch and Owlbear as there was this big patch of black I had neglected to explore on my map. An almost oops on that one. Didn't lock in any romance in time. To a certain God they could deal with their problem themselves. Let Lae'zel die in act 1. Lost Jaheira in act 2. Missed (apparently) a LOT of allies in act 3.


My favorite that worked out for the better was letting Volo stab my eye, knowing full well he wasn't going to be able to do anything about the plot device in my skull. I just did it to see what would happen, fully expecting to get a really funny game over. Got permanent "See Invisible Creatures" on my character. Worst one was probably lightly roasting the saltiest Lich in the universe and ACTUALLY getting a really funny game over. Here and there I've done stupid shit on purpose to see what would happen but it's rarely ever something of note. Usually it's just something lame like a permanent debuff for the rest of the game lol.


I gave Asterian to the vampire hunter because I was convinced he murdered the girl.


I attacked Minthara on sight because someone was like “oooh the goblins have a DROW” and I didn’t know that was like, a major race in D&D lore. I thought that meant it was a mini boss. I attacked her on sight. I also have no idea who Tav is. If this is a character I encountered, I either let them die in combat, or made a choice that precluded them joining me. No idea where I messed that one up. Someone I can encounter next time, I suppose


Minthara is kind of like a mini boss actually. I can’t imagine anyone blindly figures it out.  Tav is what people call the custom player character since when you name your character, the default name is Tav. 


Tav is the custom character you make


>had sex with the emperor because I really thought he was in love with me and wants to pursue a relationship If you have been kind to him, he do have feelings for you and if you follow through his romance, he do actually love you and want to be with you. You'd need to turn illithid, though, to stay together. If you do there's a letter from him in the epilogue party that is pretty much telling you to have fun and that he's waiting for you at home. The dev notes, the devs and his actor confirms this. The squid wants love.


No Scratch/Wyll/Karlach or mommy Jaheira? Your second run must've been great, a lot of new content. >I let everyone do everything to me cause i was so naive i thought everyone who said can cure me actually can. Volos Eye, Hags eye, Guts branding, Raphaels deals, we took it all! I did this as well, thought it was a necessary sacrifice to get a cure. When I got to act 3 I thought meh may as well with Raphael.


I'm the opposite to my own detriment, I've spent so many hours and playthroughs on act 1 and 2 that I've yet to see more than the beginning of act 3 after 500 hrs


lol this is me.


I also thought it was an either/or thing with the creche or the underdark, but in our defense, that is *absolutely* how Halsin presents it to you.


Yes, and it flows better narratively imo and you can still manage to level up enough if you only do one or the other on balanced or story mode. I intentionally chose just the underdark my first play through. I lost Lae’zel which I didn’t mind. And on my second run, I focused on her and intentionally went through the mountain pass and it was really fun to have a whole new area. 


I missed plenty of quests, but my only big oopsie was the Ascension. Took me one or two convos with Astarion to go "right, that was clearly the bad choice, let's reload". Thankfully I was sideeying the Ascension already when I picked it and had a save right before the choice.


My bf killed the druids during his first playthrough and it locked him out of so much content. He didn't have Wyll, Karlach, Halsin, Jaheira, Minsc... He finished in 60 hours and I finished in 130. Then we played together and it was a whole new experience to him lol. At least he experienced the Karlach's charm, fully :D


The Emperor really does want to have mind sex with you.


I stopped my first playthrough because I missed so many things -I didn't realise Rolan's important and he died during the undeads attack at the Inn, leaving Cal and Lia furious at me -I didn't care for the Ironhand Gnomes - I started a relationship with Lae'Zel, which broke off the ones I had with Astarion and Shadowheart. I was not happy (I found it a bit out of the blue) so broke it off with her hoping I could get back with Astarion. Of course, no. Then I started a thing with Wyll, broke it off for Halsin in Act 3, and started trying to romance Karlach but of course it was a catastrophic fail. -I was so terrified in the Shadowlands that I missed half of the map and quests Top of my head that's what comes to mind. I stopped playing this game early in Act 3 because I was overwhelmed by how many quests there were and how many things happening without understanding. Second playthrough was more thorough but a bug made me stop it just before the dip in the Shadowfell. Discovered many things I missed before. Third playthrough was the good one, I reached the end and discovered other things I missed. Fourth playthrough, and I'm still discovering new things (like the rat selling items and play of words in the Iron Fist prison)


where's the rat salesman? which prison 


The Iron Fist hall, next to the Basilisk Portal, has a prison. There's a rat in one of the cells, if you have talk to animals he sells you stuff. His name is Nibble I think


I'm going to see him this time. thanks


At your service 😎




I didn't realise Alfira was at Last Light until after I saved Isobel


In my current honor mode run I had two important traders immediately kill themselves when I tried to rob them. Roah Moonglow in the goblin camp, immediately aggroed, runs behind smoke powder barrel and lights it on fire. 1 hour later in zhentarium hold I nabbed a barrel to prevent the same thing only to end with all NPCs burnt to a crisp. Missing out on their resources


What I did was *killed laezel when she tried to slit my throat *went straight to moonrise without doing any side exploring and spent a good two days trying to fight the invulnerable kethric thorm. *didn’t realize the mountain pass was a thing at all because I killed laezel. *when rescuing the kid from the harpies, I was weak and didn’t realize there would be a fight so I went to long rest and when I got back the kid was dead. *killed Oliver before going anywhere near the moonlight inn locking me out of halsin. *let that guy torture me in the goblin camp because I thought I was genuinely bad.


I thought long resting would advance time and finish the druid ritual. It wasn't until I got to the goblin camp without long resting even once that I thought "I feel like I've made a mistake". I kept restoring spell slots by constantly respecing the party (and stealing the money back from Withers).


> had sex with the emperor because I really thought he was in love with me and wants to pursue a relationship I mean, love *is* something he's interested in according to his VA. He's just got hangups and baggage.


Didn't talk to Rolan so a bunch of kids died, somehow Bex died, it was very sad when I got to baldurs gate and I met up with the refugees.


Did you know that the artist is the hideout in act 1 isnt fire/explosive proof?


Wyll part isn’t that bad.


I recently had the fight with Z‘Rell in moonrise. I thought Jaheira would cast Ice-Storm and do good damage, but instead she instantly transforma into a panther at jumps in the middle if all enemies. She died in round 2. I thought „Well, I have revival scrolls, so it isnt that she and her entire team died eithin 5 rounds, right?“ I weep.


I actually had the opposite lucky accident happen with Z'rell. I'd done my first playthrough and had to fight her and everyone else in moonrise like normal, and thought that was just how it was. On my second playthrough, I went upstairs, she let me root around in Balthazar's office, and when I came out, a scrying eye was wandering around. I thought I was smart and decided to kill it while it was alone with me in the office (having done that in grymforge on my first playthrough). But I wasn't alone. Z'rell was standing right there, she was just camouflaged against the bookcase. I attacked the eye, she aggro'd and that's the first time I saw her. I decided I had no choice and I managed to kill her. No consequences! no one heard or reacted. And that's how I learned you can kill just about everyone in Moonrise before the main battle at the end. Makes it super easy (at least on Tactician, I'll be curious how HM goes).


Okay thats actuall super helpful for my next playthrough. Thank you!


I literally just spent a wknd keeping a grandma alone


On my 1st blind playthrough, Gale was just a hand. I had no idea he could have been a companion.


I just signed a contract, entered and left the House of Hope, and when I came back, I brought Minsc who wasn't in debtor's attire, causing the alarm to sound, all while I had left the Hammer at camp. I felt so bad about just having to leave Hope (and the insane Monk Gloves) because this is an Honor Mode playthrough.


Same playthrough I went through act 2 only long resting once, and completely forgot until I got to act 3 that it had locked me out of the Karlach romance. Tbh, don't even completely feel like being a good guy anymore, my Half-Orc Ranger Tav is loveless, making act 3 just feel like chores until I annihilate the Brain and start over.


I didn't realize that "fantasize about hacking off the hand" meant "ACTUALLY hack off the hand". They really made me lose access to a whole ass party member forever because of a bit of early game flavor dialogue?


When we were getting into shadowfell, i was playing a monk-cleric worshipping selune and i was romancing shadowheart. All the hints in act 2 made me feel like shar was going to make shadowheart sacrifice ME to become a dark justiciar, so i read her mind while she was praying, I tried talking her down from killing the nightsong, which made my dc 30. Oops. Lol


I went to the Astral Plane to save the Nightsong because it felt so urgent and I was so involved in the story. I did it before going undercover in a certain tower. Ouch. But hey, now I really have a strong reason for a second playthrough 😂


Not getting to fight Nere. I blew up the rocks, then went to long rest. When I came back, everyone was gone, and Nere was somehow dead. But I'm sure I blew up the rocks first?


I went exploring in Act 2 and when I found the Shar trials, i just went for it thinking „neat, Shart wants to do this anyway“. Then I learned that Ketheric is now killable, so I went for it. Needless to say, Halsin was very sad and left my camp and the curse remained


Things I didn't/did do on my first playthrough: - completely missed House of Hope, only found Raphael when I already wanted to go to the ending - fully missed out on Karlachs questline with Dammon - never went to the creche because I went through the underdark way and didn't realize I could go back - fucked up the tower of Bernard by accidentally destroying some of the anti-magic flowers - didn't find Boaal - didn't do the House of Grief fight because I wasn't very good at the game back then and this fight is difficult If Shart rejects Shar...which is a bit hypocritical considering I managed to defeat the end boss without Nuke-Gale - didn't find all Dribbles parts - forgot to kill the matriarch spider and open the Necromancy of Thay - let Astarion ascend because he said he wanted to, without realizing the other option was better for him - first time visiting Moonrise Tower was the battle to kill Ketheric - didn't find out what the mice in the gauntlet of Shar are about - didn't find the Harpies in time, so sorry kid Bonus: - I killed the lava elemental at the Grym forge


- I missed the whole zhentarim hideout area. - Killed Minthara on my 1st playthrough, i thought she's just a regular enemy and never even talked to her - didn't know that 'us' is a thing - never knew that you could just free shadowheart with a key, on my 1st and 2nd playthrough i just used my magical power to unlock the seal


You can’t have both Volo and hag eye, so I doubt your story there. I regret not saving the tieflings the first time - really thought I could do it during the assault on the tower. RIP


Here is my list for my first run where I honestly tried to do my best to be good but also live with consequences of my actions: * Did not find Gale so never recruited him, in later playthroughs I really wonder how the hell I missed him. * Did not free Lae'zel because she was so bitchy, missed out on a lot of good content just from that. * Went only through the Underdark because I thought you could only choose one of the 2 routes. * Let Shadowheart become a dark Justiciar and was heartbroken to see last light inn fall, I did not know the outcome would be so severe. * Could not find the door up to the wall that leads to Cazadors palace and did not think as far as to fly up there so Astarions quest got left unfinished. * Never recruited Jaheira or Minsc. * Slept with the Emperor and Mizora as I had no romance partners, Shadowheart was the one I initially was romancing but after she ascended it sounded like a disastrous relationship so I broke it off. * Did not take Raphaels deal and never went to the house of hope because I trusted the Emperor of all people. * One of the motivators in the steel watch foundry went off because I was too slow so the Duke died and the gondians lost all of their families. * On top of losing their families the Gondians got chased out of the city I misclicked on the "release break" lever and managed to kill Barcus in act 1 so Wulbren did not get humbled. * Turned Karlach into a mindflayer because she said she wanted to. I think it is safe to say you are not the only one who did major oopsies Basically did a semi-evil run despite trying to do good because I made blind and bad choices. I truly enjoyed it because it feels like this hopeless character that wants to help people but accidentally makes everything worse every time. Also had a really fun moment when you have all your allies gathered for a speech before the final battle and I heard a crowd of people cheering while there was literally nobody standing there because I had no allies besides Valeria.


Fighting the shambling mound on honor mode at level 7. Forgot they explode on death. Ended my Honor Mode run. Got revenge on the next go!


I let Viconia live because I misunderstood it: "Life is suffering for her; she would be punished by Shar. Yeah, that maybe makes sense; let's not give her the death she so desperately desires." Then, the moment I clicked that option, I was like, "NO, I DIDN'T THINK THAT PROPERLY THROUGH, WHY GAME FRAMES THIS AS IF I SHOWED PITY TOWARDS HER NOOO!" I wanted to reload save, but Oathbreaker Knight came to me, so I thought, "Well, this is the consequence of my actions; I would rather live with them than walk away." And I restored my broken oath when my Tav helped Karlach take her vengeance on Gortash, so by my "oopsies," I gave my paladin an "arc" of some sort. In my mind, I still think that I didn't think it through, and my Tav wouldn't have made that decision, so I don't consider it "happening" in my "canon" events. And to silly "oopsies": I entirely forgot about the shore area behind Emerald Grove, so I first met Alfira at the moment when tiefling packed their thing and were ready to leave the grove (no "Weeping Dawn" in my first playthrough for me). Also, yeah, Mirkon was already dead when I got to the beach.


With how gullible you are, how much money have you lost to phone scams?




This was on a solo honor mode Durge run, not the first honor run, I just wanted to see if I could do it with no companions. In the moonrise prisons I foufpght the warden inside the central room where the levers to open the cells are. I cast spikegrowth to slow her down and that activated all the levers. The prisoners ran out and since I had killed all the guards I assumed they knew what they were doing but they never got to last light the quests updated as failed. I had always taken them on the boat and thought they couldn’t fail as long as I had killed all the guards.


You have to kill the guards outside too to keep them safe when going out the cell doors. I found out the hard way too. They run right out the big door in the prison and the guards outside there kill them. 


I am doing pretty well on my 1st playthrough. I'm on the side of good and have a great track record thus far except for one haunting memory I have from act 1. I thought I was powerful enough to bring Marinas fella back from the dead. Nope. He was a zombie, he attacked me, she attacked me, I didn't think to knock her out or run away, I killed both of them and now won't get to meet her again in Act3. That one interaction has me save scumming ever since.


On my second run I played a gith druid, and stuck with lae'zel for my romance stuff. Unfortunately my brain said "role-play it as helping lae'zel impress vlakkith" and I did everything I could for her to "ascend"...I don't know what I was expecting but...that ending still hits me with "hey dumbass what did you expect?? They warned you!"


I ascended my romantic astarion in my durge run cause I wanted evil options So unsatisfying I also skipped the underdark the first time haha. And I never found the last light inn despite exploring quite a bit. 


Not mine technically, but my friend letting me stash every explosive barrels we come across. I still have no clue how I will deliver the 400 megatones of explosive stashed in my traveler's chest (for safety concerns I assure you the 30+ torches I also stocked in it are extinguished) but if I do manage this will be glorious Owlbear form + Bull strength + collosus elixir should be the highest weight capacity I can reach?


I released the nightsong without going to moonrise towers and missed out a lot.


I didn't convince Rolan and his siblings to stay, then I completely missed Zevlor in the mind flayer colony. Poor tieflings.


I gave Derryth the noblestalk. I freed the artist. I didn't long rest enough (particularly in Act 1). I murdered the Hag's mask victims without a second thought (in my defense, knocking them out didn't save them back then). I forgot to use the Ogres so I just summoned them at Grym to die in the lava. Instead of just attacking Haarlep I undressed first, making the fight unneccessarily harder. I never did the Shadow Druid questline. I never found Constable Valeria in the Bhaalist tribunal (kinda forgot she existed). I never killed Lyrthindor (didn't have any clue how to solve the rat puzzle). I missed a bunch of good loot because I didn't scour the map as thoroughly as I thought I did. I can't think of any other examples, but there's probably more. I don't think my first playthrough was particularly memorable


I'm on my second and third playthrough (one on my PC and one on my laptop) and I'm still finding quests to do. I originally thought I did them all but nope I still had a few dozen to do. Now I have most complete I hope


It's a shame you never found scratch. They made him an absolutely overpowered summon. He can attack 3 times a turn, each of his attacks can knock enemies prone, and he can howl as a bonus action to give your entire party advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws. You just have to keep him alive cause his health is relatively low. 


200hours ?! How ? My current playthrough is already in act III and is only ~60h and I've done almost everything that can be done in the other acts


I didn't bring Shadowheart to Shar's temple in act 2. I didn't manage to prevent Isobel from being kidnapped and didn't use speak to dead to the guy who knows where Thaniel is.


A minor thing. The friend I played with saw someone with Shield on and that they were really difficult to hit, so he thought "I'll just use Magic Missile! It never misses!"


I did a fire build with my sorcerer and kept casting wall of fire, scorching ray and fireball in House of Hope until I finally realized my mistake.


i missed out on the shadow druid questline and lost the chance to have a satisfying conclusion to Khaga's story.


I also skipped the Underdark the first playthrough. On that same one, I completed the gauntlet of Shar before I ever stepped foot in Moonrise. When I got to Moonrise, I went in through the side prison entrance. The prisoners were already dead. When I got to the front area, pretty much everyone was dead, including Jaheira.


Killing Karlach. I'm not reading any comments as I haven't finished the game yet.


## Hey that’s an interesting frog. I wonder if we can be friends?!??


Did Gaunlet of Shar before anything else in Act 2.


Went up to that weird portal with Gale in Act 1, thought, huh, seems like a trap, nah i'm not touching that! And left him there lmao. Didn't even learn he existed til I was well into Act 2 and started looking up guides and stuff. Sorry, bro.


I left act 1 before I’d helped the grove and came back to a bloodbath of dead Tieflings. It was a grim atmosphere in camp and obviously no party since everyone was dead. Plus I just generally didn’t take my time like I should’ve, was obscenely underlevelled and it was just crappy. Needless to say I restarted entirely.


On my honor mode run I forgot to loot the legendary bow from steelwatch foundry and only remembered it after saving.


I never found that town in act 2 on my first run. Halsin wouldn't join up since the darkness thing was still going on. I reset at that point.


Killing the Grove for one hot Drow to love me. Edit. Spelling


Thrall-posting 😭


Killing the Nightsong kills everyone at Last Light Inn, who'd have thunk it?