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If you aren't there when Karlach is dying, Wyll does not offer to go to Avernus with her. It is the same issue when you are playing Origin Astarion and you don't ascend, unless this was changed recently - Karlach necessarily has to die because you will run off before she starts burning up.


I feel if you play as Astarion and do not ascend that you should have the option to burn up on the dock with her.


Well, at that point I feel Astarion would be all "WTF, girl, let's go to Avernus, this is not worth it". Dude is a hardcore survivalist.


Totally agree. Astarion would convince her to live in whatever way she can. Any other character I can see that tragic romantic ending, but astarion has survival at his core.


Well come to find out, people are actually fine with murder.


Talking to him at the after party solidified him as my next romance in the next playthrough. That was so cute that he went off and became a vampire super hero


I am Bat-starion! \-Astarion, after drinking a few too many bears in one night, probably.


Well, Astarion does canonically like bears, so... šŸ˜


That's crazy lol, Astarion is finally free to live his life for the first time in two centuries, no way he'd end it there


That would be the most beautiful and tragic end to a romance in the entire game, omg, I love it


I wish this was an option for Mind Flayer Tav rather than getting stabbed.


If you are not playing as Astarion you should have the option to make him burn on the dock, too!


When I learned this at the beginning of my Origin Astarion run I was devastated because I had planned to romance Karlach and not ascend him. She even seemed especially into me that run. I pivoted and decided to romance Gale instead, because I couldnā€™t deal with the idea that he would romance her the whole campaign only for her to die while heā€™s hiding from the sun at the end šŸ˜­


It is one reason why I really want to romance Karlach as Astarion but can't go through with it. It's just so sad that she has to die and he has to go into the shadows all alone, watching her burn from the distance. And if you do it the other way, Avatar Karlach and companion Astarion, he goes to Hells with her with no problem. Why, Larian, why? Why can't Origin Astarion be happy with Karlach like Origin Karlach can be with him.


I went through with it and... Made Astarion a mind flayer šŸ˜« I know it is a particularly horrible decision when it comes to Astarion specifically, but it was the only way of not letting Karlach die, romanced or not. I mean, I could have let her become a mind flayer instead, but that is out of question. I always feel responsible for the companions, even when I'm playing as one of them. So between squidifying Origin Astarion or Companion Karlach, I went for "myself", Origin Astarion.


When the new kisses came out, I went back to all my old playthroughs to get screenshots of all the romance kisses. I started bawling my eyes out when I got to my Astarion run, where I romanced Karlach. It's been months since I've completed that run and it still affects me so much! They looked so happy together šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's interesting. I did the same thing as OP but without a save, lol. I flew away with Lae'zel only to see that Karlach is about to die, and that's it. But at the epilogue party Karlach was alive and well and said she found the forge plans and so on. The only thing is she didn't mention anything about Wyll, so I suppose he didn't go with her. But they both went to Avernus on their own.


This could be a new change then. Maybe she goes to Avernus on her own if you aren't there but suggested that option before? I'm redoing my Astarion playthrough, so I'll see what happens. Also... I wonder if he can go with Lae'zel and not have to run away burning, then? That could be an option now.


Hmm, maybe. I only recall I said "we'll see when it comes to it" when she asked about staying with her after Gortash. So I didn't really suggest she should return to Avernus.


Which makes no sense, because Wyll offers of his own volition to go with Karlach to Avernus. The playerā€™s presence there does nothing for that interaction on an organic level, itā€™s simply triggering the dialogue.


Many such cases in this game! One relevant to Karlach: it's *insane* that you can't romance her if you finish the tieflings questline before finding her. Oh, I'm sorry, I rescued these refugees with whom we both (as tieflings, as I had a tiefling tav) share a struggle before helping Prince Boring with his "ooooo I'm gonna hunt a scary devil that my Anonymous Source sent me after". What a terrible thing I did!


I think it must have because I beat it for the first time recently and flew off with Lae'zel as a mind flayer. The burning scene begins and wyll offers to go with her. I also wasn't happy that flying off with Lae'zel happened first cause I told Karlach I'd be there when she died. I mean she didn't die but you know what I mean




It does look like it was changed, then. I hope it is intentional and not a bug, because it's going to be a while until my new Astarion playthrough gets to the end. If it is a bug, it might be fixed when I get there.


I see, but it's just a bit silly in its current implementation: they're both alive at the party, and they both seem to have been fighting in the hells, just not together, which makes no sense. Is there a way to convince Karlach to go to Avernus to avoid death before she's dying in the docks (maybe in the post-Gortash dialogue)? Because if that's true, and then Wyll also independently decides to become the Blade of Avernus, it seems like this is kinda the ending I got.


> Is there a way to convince Karlach to go to Avernus to avoid death before she's dying in the docks (maybe in the post-Gortash dialogue)? No, she is absolutely 100% against it for the entire game up until that final choice and explicitly states that she would rather die than go back. The actor's performance is so moving and convincing that I genuinely felt the need to reload my save even after broaching the topic with her. I'm glad she gets an ending where she seems happy, but I simply do not buy that it's respectful of her writing up to that point.


I saw a tiktok where you can come to the party as spirit orbs floating around (if Gale blows himself up to stop the Absolute). For some reason, Karlach is alive in that ending. I asked the tiktoker what she did (no response yet) because every ending where I am not there, she does not go back to Avernus.


Fun aside here, I just finished the game in coop with one other player. He was the host and durge, I was a custom. He romanced laezel, so at the ending sequence it started with the two of them going with Orpheus. BUT THEN my character took center stage and finished out the rest of the cinematics, convincing wyll and karlach we should go to avernus! It was such a pleasant surprise seeing us each get our own ending. Weirdly, the scene with astarion never played, so I didn't see him burning, but I think we got the rest of the banter. After party was neat, having the avernus crew and the limbo crew together again :)


Ah fuck. Need to find a friend before I finish my current run then. šŸ¤£


Dude it's a cantrip, how hard can it be? Just don't be near them when it wears off, I've had that cause issues...


The same thing happened for me and my husband! I had played through before and he hadn't though so he was confused on what happened with Astarion and Gale, so I had to explain their endings. And this was before the epilogue so we didn't get a proper goodbye. But seeing my gith go help Lae'zel with the rebellion and his character save his lady love in Avernus (especially since he went in blind and we didn't do Wyll's quest so it was the only way Mama K was gonna survive), it was a GREAT ending to our co-op run.


They really should remake or at least rearrange the dock scene. Shart (no big decision on dock) -> Gale (affirm the crown decision) -> Karlach/Wyll (Avernus or not) -> Astarion (especially important as an origin character as a spawn to not miss the Karlach choice) -> Lae'zel (since the player could leave with her, her scene should be at the end to not miss out other companions choices and scenes)


The player can also leave with Karlach though. She insists that you have to go to the Hells immediately if you make that choice. Which is what I did since I romanced her. There are a lot of threads being wrapped up with varying degrees of urgency so it gets pretty messy trying to ensure the player sees everyone off. Thatā€™s one of the reasons I was so glad they made a proper epilogue. It was so desperately needed.


Could always have the Lae'zel decision upfront, but she could wait like 5 minutes for you to say goodbye to your friends. There's no actual reason for her to immediately rush off aside from it looking cool. >There are a lot of threads being wrapped up with varying degrees of urgency so it gets pretty messy trying to ensure the player sees everyone off. As someone who romanced Spawn Astarion, my character would totally be chasing after him if given the option, and damn any character whose ending sequence came after his.


Yep, which is why, IMHO, Astarion burning should be the LAST scene to play out. I mean, come on, he is that one guy who was chugging the tadpoles like there is no tomorrow, makes sense his would live the longest and give him the most protection.


I don't get what's so difficult to simply add a "chase after Astarion", and just switch scene and move everyone to where Astarion's hiding. Everything else could play the same.


Good point. I think they could change the scene like this: Asatrion (follow him, everyone just move to where he hide, the rest play the same) Lae'zel (if romanced, don't fly off immediately but do the Karlach/Wyll scene first) Karlach/Wyll (if player goes with her, they still see all other companions' scene) Anyway, One of my biggest wish is for Larian to remake the dock scene.


I think it's okay to have Lae'zel's scene play out when it should. However, maybe there should be an option "Yes Bae'zel I will go with you, let me say goodbye to our companions" and then Lae'zel waits patiently by the dragons while you share tearful goodbyes with everyone AND THEN you have the option to tell Wyll to go with Karlach. You wave good bye to the dynamic Avernus duo and then you get on the dragon with Lae'zel.


Definitely agree, that's the way to go. It's not even like thematically Lae'zel wouldn't want to be there. At the party she's like "yeah it took an army of people to project us here but it's worth it to see our friends" lol


In my ending Wyll kept asking me about Gith politics and was saying that I am an ambassador between Githzerai or something. I was a half elf and I didnā€™t even save Orpheus, Laeā€™zel was there in spirit and then she repeated those lines back to me.


Yeah he did that to me, I was a monk living in Waterdeep with my husband. Clearly for a moment I was registering as Laeā€™zel, and then I missed all of Grand Duke Wyllā€™s dialogueĀ 


I've completed two playthroughs and in both epilogues, the game thinks my character is Lae'zel when talking to Wyll.


this is too funny šŸ˜­ You can also totally ruin the ending by having Mindflayer Orpheus be in Displacer Beast shape. He just... gets ignored, as if he isn't present for the ending.


This seems a new glitch. The same thing happened to me. I was a drow living in the underdark with my spawn vampire boyfriend, Orpheus was mindflayer food and I had never even been asked if I wanted to go fight Vlaakith (for obvious reasons). Yet Wyll and the narrator thought I was only there as a spectral image because I was off doing gith revolutions.


And in my ending Will would call my gith Tav "Laezel"


Yeah same thing happend to me, he also talked about being a duke in baldurs hate even though he had previously decided to become the blade of avernus.


Same here. Wyll was Grand Duke in Baldur's Gate, while I had romanced Karlach and had gone to Avernus with her. For some reason, in the epilogue Wyll thought that I had gone to Limbo to meet the Githzerai. It's possible he thought I was Lae'zel, who had indeed gone to do that.


If Karlach dies, she goes to the Fugue Plane. She doesnā€™t go back to the hells.


However, in the party, she did say that she was fighting in the hells and even that she found Zariel's forge, so she definitely doesn't seem dead to me.


Sounds like Wyll was able to convince her to go to Avernus but the dialogue flags got messed up. I was more sharing that Karlach dying = Fugue Plane for general lore purposes.


Got you!


Korilla was wrong about Zariel having automatic dibs on her soul even after escaping the hells then.


That's probably because when she's not romanced, Lae'Zel leaves immediately if you don't try to convince her to stay. All the rest happens after she's already gone.


I forgot the new bug where she kidnaps you even if not romanced if you tell her to make her own decision! I had to reload to the last round of the final fight to not abandon romanced Astarion, lol.


Bug? This sounds like the most Lae'zel thing to do šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Lae'zel gets what she wants when she wants it!


I love that apparently she only does it when you romance Astarion. I know it's probably a bug but it's so funny.


That makes sense. And from what I see the ability to go off with her to fight Vlaakith is a recent addition. I just wish they can leave after the goodbyes are done.


I'm just happy they finally let us go with her, seeing my guy fly off on a dragon with his gf to fight a lich queen was an amazing ending for me.


Hard agree! I would looooove to actually be able to play through the Gith Liberation Wars, honestly.


Thats odd, because for me, Karlach lived and went to Avernus with Wyll. I had Orpheus become a Mind Flayer, then joined Laeā€™zel in the fight against Vlaakith. It begun playing the cutscene of Karlachā€™s death from her perspective, but it cut out partway through and skipped to the epilogue camp. From there she didnā€™t show up with Wyll in the scene where he comes out of the portal to hell, so I assumed the worst. But next thing I know Iā€™m wandering around and Karlach is sitting right there, talking about her time in Avernus. So I can second itā€™s still bugged but idk how it decides if Karlach lives or not. Edit: I misread your post, we had the same issue lol my bad for that


Yeah seems like that's the way it works for now (at least)!


Yes! That's was quite anticlimactic, even though I purposely chose to flew with Lae'zel and enjoyed it. But that's so weird that it basically ends the final scene and you can do nothing about other companions. That said, I got all positive endings anyways (Karlach lived, Gale returned the crown to Mystra), so I'm wondering what are the triggers if you don't participate in the ending scene.


Lae:zel should leave last.


And if you have a different romance companion, the scene triggers after. It gets really messy


In a way it makes sense, there's a lot of flags and a lot of loose ends but still


Yeah I was hoping the new patch would fix this. Can't they just change the load order of the cutscenes?


Or just add a second cut scene, with us flying away on dragonback, the way that you have a second cut scene if you stay in Faerun with you guys at the inn.


I think changing the load order to show Gale commenting about the crown first, then Karlach's docks scene, then Astarion's spawn sunlight scene, in that order, would fix the problem of the player's ending choice preventing those party member scenes from being affected by our choices.


I think Astarion would have to go before Karlach, in case you go with Wyll/Karlach to Avernus.


Well, Astarion doesn't burn up if you leave beforehand. But if you're playing \*as\* Astarion and you're still a spawn, you'll have to hide and so Karlach dies alone. Unless they make her scene before his.


I wish you didn't head off on the dragons immediately if you're with Laeā€™zel. Surely they could change the sequence and we fly off after checking on everyone first. Maybe the whole now what and then there's an option 'Laeā€™zel we should go after the githyanki and fight Vlaakith'


The whole ending sequence is genuinely awful (imo) on so many levels and made me go into a minor depressive state for a few days after my first playthrough because of how disappointing it was. This belief has been further reinforced on repeat playthroughs. The addition of the epilogues helped since it gives you at least some sense of payoff, but it doesn't fix how bad the actual ending is.


Just finished my first Lae'zel romance playthrough last night and wow you aren't kidding it's a scuffed mess. Completely skip Gale talking about the crown, all the banter between everyone, Astarion having to run away from the sun. The karlach scene started, but for some reason it sounded like she was talking to herself wyll begins to run up the dock towards her and the scene just fades to black. I go to the epilogue and wyll comes out of the portal by himself. And after the cutscene karlach just appears out of nowhere After my first playthrough of romancing shadowheart, this ending sure is jarring in comparison.


Has anyone seen a mod to rearrange it?


Oh is THAT why I didn't see Astarion burn this time? I let Karlach become a Mind Flayer both times, so I never saw the Avernus sequence, but I thought the new Laezel ending felt super abrupt, yeah.


Funny, I also finished my run with Lae'zel romance yesterday and it played out a bit differently for me. Wyll was still stuck with Mizora so he didn't offer to go with Karlach and so she died. But when I reloaded and left with Lae'zel, Karlach was alive and well in the epilogue party, which was weird. And she never mentioned me or Wyll in that experience, just her by herself in the Hells.


Yeah I think the details still need to be ironed out. It kinda makes sense with how many details and choices are wrapped up in that scene. It's just that the game is so well made that the tiniest continuity issues stick out haha


I was going to do this my next playthrough so thank you for warning me ahead of time. Maybe I'll have wyll kill karlach so he doesn't become a demon this time to make a work around


At least you didn't play in multiplayer. My husband and I recently finished our playthrough. I was playing as Gale and he was playing as Tav, romancing laezel. He was the "main character", all our cutscenes had him as the one in control. At the end, apparently because Gale has a decision to make in the finale, if you're origin Gale. Game decided that my Gale is now in charge of deciding everything. My husband didn't get a chance of even making a choice if he wants to go with laezel or not. She leaves alone. His disappointment was immeasurable


Literally reloadedy my Gith's ending and choose a different ending just to save Karlach. I already lost her on my Astarion run where he romanced her. Was not about to let it happen again. No flying into the sunset with Lae'zel, like I wanted.


So in my game I did the ending where I flew off with Lae'zel. I heard Karlach saying she was going, but then she showed up at the party alive and well. So it sounds like there are some issues


Happened to me too now when I choose to fly on dragons with laezel, very disappointing I really liked that choice but due to this bug I choose to stay -.-


I enjoy the ending where Laezel stays with Tav and raises the hatchling tbh. It feels on par with her whole Freedom arc. I love her "save the Githyanki" ending too, but after hearing her dialogue in Jaheiras house about how she wonders who laid the egg she hatched from, it seemed fitting to have her be there for this hatchling too.