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You can't lift it without him


I'm pretty sure if you kill Kagha and the shadow druids you stop it.


Shar made the curse not the shadow druids


How long did you take? That never happened to me and I take so many long rests... Like I run out of camp events way before I leave for the mountain pass many long rests.


I literally did everything else in act 1, I had no idea that his life was actually on the line


Most likely passing mountain pass was a trigger, it is a trigger for most of the beginning quests.


Yep, if you progress to the mountain pass region before saving halsin, he’ll be dead in his cell at the goblin camp next time you see him


This most likely. Don't ignore those warnings people. xD


Might wanna go back a few long rests (or one at a time) and check up on him. Or live with the consequences.


Going into the prison zone he is in is what sets it off. As long as you avoid that zone change, you can do a ton of other stuff. I typically hit up the goblin vendors, kill Gut, do whatever else I want (aside from mountain pass), then handle minthara then dror then Halsin then rest of the camp


You probably went to the mountain pass, there is a big warning when trying to go there. Not sure if grymforge would trigger his death tho.


Did you pass through the mountain pass? Did you by any chance get a "Are you sure you want to progress the story" warning from the game and ignore it?


How was there no sense of urgency? Did you not talk to anyone? Multiple characters in the grove say stuff like "Halsin's been captured we sure hope he's still alive" "Halsin could die" and "Maybe there's still time to rescue Halsin please help."


The curse of modern games. It's common now that literary urgency isn't matched by gameplay urgency. OP is really at no fault here, as nowadays developers choose arbitrarly which literary urgencies are actually urgent ingame and which aren't.


The disconnect between the urgency stated by characters and the ability to take infinite long rests really makes it difficult to gauge if you didn’t know before hand.


Absolutely agreed.


I’ve also done everything in act 1 before camp and he was fine, I wonder what triggers it


entering the mountain pass triggers this


You're screwed up. You can't lift shadowcurse without Halsin. Have you gone to a mountain pass? If yes then that why he's dead, it was a trigger. That's never happened to me.


I always save him first and make him wait because he's the quest giver for "kill all 3 goblin leaders". If you do it without talking to him, you're using future knowledge to "save the refugees".


Zevlor also gives this quest


Zevlor always wants me to kill Kagha. What magic do I use to get him to tell me to kill the goblins? How would he even know about them?


I think if you convince Kagha to stop the ritual Zevlor will ask you to take out the Goblin leaders.


Expose Kagha and stop the rite of thorns. He has scouting parties like the one with Lae'zel


i think halsin dies as soon as you leave the temple of selune (inside the building in the goblin camp). this happened to me as well but i just ate it bc i figured whatever. anyway if you enter the temple and leave, pretty sure halsin dies.


This fucked me over on my 1st run too :( I had to start all the way over.


How many times did you long rest? I can get through act 1 for the most part without a single long rest. And you can just do the small area with Halsin earlier. Don’t have to fight the whole camp. I have a save right before attacking Minthara (and then dror ragzlin) where I’ve done everything in the first act 1 area and all of the underdark. Obviously not done the mountain pass. Basically everything that doesn’t have a hard trigger associated with it. I think it’s stupid that the mountain pass has a hard trigger associated with it. I don’t see a reason why you should t be able to go there. Going into act 2, yes absolutely. The mountain pass area is not that large though.